2009年10月8日 星期四




2000年涂醒哲醫師(台大醫學院晚我十三期的秀才)被任命疾病管制局局長,他任職後邀請我這個感染科醫師兼任疾管局顧問。不過我當時在署立花蓮醫院工作,因此只能給我一個學員之類的名稱,我還是每週參加主管會報,有機會就到疾管局參加各種實質上是顧問的工作。2002年三月疾管局收集過去兩年內因為腦膜炎球菌(Neisseria meningitidis)感染死亡的十一個病例檢討。其中六例由我審查。結果讓我很憂心台灣醫師感染症學的臨床能力。這六例中,兩例是醫師在病患生前沒有想到腦膜炎的可能,死後血液培養長出此細菌;三例是想到了這個診斷,做了腦脊髓液(CSF)的培養,可是給的抗生素卻是對腦膜炎無效的第一代抗生素(不能進入CSF);只有一例是選藥正確(ceftriaxone),卻是劑量偏低,又延誤了三小時才給藥。病患都是一、兩天內死亡


之後不久,有一位醫學中心的醫師寫電郵到疾管局抗議,說腦膜炎時ceftriaxone劑量他們是一率每十二小時給2 gm,單張中所建議使用的是1.5 gm,太輕。(在一般感染,約七十到八十公斤體重病患,ceftriaxone的劑量是每12小時注射1 gm,但CSF內不容易穿透進去,因此腦膜炎劑量是要比較高。此藥的製造商並沒有提供成人每公斤應該給幾毫克的建議)。疾管局很客氣地回覆,其中一段如下:



「該單張係給醫師作參考,建議對於體重60公斤的病患以1.5gm, q12h注射投予,您所引用的文獻是何國家的研究結果,是否提及劑量與體重的關係?使用抗生素,不考慮體重,只建議劑量,不一定是大錯,但很不恰當。」』

後來該工作人員告訴我說,疾管局發出七千份單張到七個醫學中心,請他們分發給醫師們。結果這位醫師服務的單位就是不發出去! 這種反應,聽了只能說,令人惋惜。不過這一家沒發出去,對醫師全面教育的影響應該不大。

不論如何,重點是懷疑腦膜炎就一定要馬上做脊髓穿刺(lumbar puncture)。看到抽出的CSF有混濁時,應該30分鐘以內就要給第一劑抗生素。腦膜炎的第一線藥是要選用可以進入腦內的ceftriaxonecefotaxime,劑量要比平常高,且都要以maintenance dose 之一點五至兩倍量作為首劑 (所謂loading dose)



2009年10月5日 星期一

The best management for heat stroke is ice water enema

I wrote a full article in Chinese about an experience while I was a first year resident at Montefiore Hospital in Bronx , NY .   This is an abstract.


There were 5 elderly (in 60's) obese women from a nursing home who went into coma from heat stroke in a hot summer evening in July, 1966. Their air con was not working. Three patients were sent to Montefiore and 2 to Morrisania Municipal Hospital where residents from Montefiore rotated. All 3 in the Montefiore survived and those 2 sent to Morrisania died. The difference apparently was, the junior resident on call (i.e. I), ordered ice water enema immediately on the phone. Those in Morrisania were treated with ice packing of the body surface only. The body surface ice packing will constrict blood vessels in the skin and makes dissipation of body heat slower!  By ice water enema and frequent exchange of the ice water, the body temperature of those elderly women lowered significantly to the safety level within one hour!!


The chief of medicine came to the morning meeting the next day and lectured to us the difference in the death rate of those 5 patients. The 50-60 residents listened quietly. He did not mention my name. Everyone knew who was the guy.  


This article was published in Jing-fu NTU Alumni Bulletin and Pacific Times (Chinese language Weekly Newspaper) in the US a few months ago, 2009.


Nobody wants to talk about feces or handle feces. Perhaps that is why the effectiveness of ice water enema for heat stroke has not been emphasized more frequently. The nurses will have to work for hours in stinking room with feces all over their gowns, gloved hands and even faces and hairs. The credit of saving those 3 patients belonged to the nurses who dutifully carried out the doctor's order.


Ice water enema is most crucial in the management of the heat stroke. I hope people will spread the words around to save more lives.