2010年7月3日 星期六

2010 Hsu family's Alaska Cruise (part 2 of 2)

上接:   2010 Hsu family’s Alaska Cruise (part 1 of 2)


On 6/25, we arrived at Ketchikan, the salmon capital of the world.  Also claims to have the most collection of the totem poles.  Population 14,000.

There was a fleet of at least 10 planes for tourists. 

Jelly fish

The most fascinating flower I have ever seen!!

This Ketchikan Creek flows through the town. Salmons swim upstream every year to lay eggs, and then die.  It must be a spectacular scene to see them swimming up the Salmon Ladder.   


That evening, we went to a show on the ship called "Geisha something".  Some Chinese characters on the Curtain did not make sense.  But it was a very good show.  The young man in the upper center was an acrobat with awesome skill and power.  At the end of the show, major officials of the ship showed up. 

Carly's face was painted like a bear or a kitten.

Visited Butchart Gardens near the evening of 6/26.  Butchart Gardens were started by Robert (1856-1943) and Jennie Butchart (1866-1950), Portland cement manufacturer, in 1904, in Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada, near Victoria, on Vancouver Island. It was given to grandson Ian Ross (1918-1997) in 1939 for his 21st. birthday.  One million visitors  every year. 700 employees, 75 of them certified horticulturists.  


Sunken Garden.

Ever changing Ross Fountain.

30 foot totem poles were erected in 2004 in commemoration of 100th anniversary of the Garden.

From the Rose Garden. 

Sturgeon Fountain.  The 3 sturgeons were cast by Sirio Tofanari.

Italian Garden. 

Ben took this pic. Renee was in the gift shop nearby.

Wild boar, "Tacca", cast in Florence, a replica of 1620 bronze cast by Pietro Tacca.  Bought in 1973.

A donkey and a foal statutes by Sirio Tofanari. 

Before disembarkation.

At this moment, he was a tired old man. Needed rest, or something to cheer him up.

The cruise ended in Seattle the next day. We left the ship in the morning of 6/27, and flew back to Dallas the next day. 


7 則留言:

  1. 看這些照片、真想出去旅行呢!
    這樣的全家旅行可能還要5~6年吧! LKK?

  2. LKK,對啊!  每天服藥,藥粒一顆顆的減少,就是日子一天天飛逝,想來很【心細い】,也很沉重,只好不想太多,看眼前該做什麼,盡量不要浪費時間。幸而目前健康還好。
    剛看完大話新聞雲林縣蘇治芬縣長專訪,看完淚滿眼框。台灣選民選出這種腐敗無能、不顧百姓生命福利的中央官員,是台灣人的業障? 說是自作自受,對那些投對票,又得受苦的民眾是太殘酷了。這種無恥的官員,也是中國特產品吧。一批追隨KMT的台奸,想是受到KMT他們益處,已經沒有人性了。
    台灣的將來在年輕人手中。ECFA是要給財團好處、KMT官員及其關係人甜頭的。 看台灣人是否會拒絕被ECFA撫頭、拒絕KMT買票,在以後選舉趕走這批無恥人種。不過我還遇到一些台灣笨蛋,還在談論陳水扁的貪污! 這些人受KMT支援的電視台洗腦,腦筋就是無法向前走一步,不知道KMT、台奸的貪腐惡劣、無恥、無能、無骨節到什麼程度!! 眼前民眾受苦都看不到。新聞媒體被政黨收購,就是會如此!

  3. Thank you for your kindly reply.
    I left Hirosaki to Tokyo at Jul.30, Here is my daughter’s home, the computer is no chinese editionIit's very difficult for me to use English,May you know some Japanese?

  4. 周先生: 貴方は日本語で書いても結構です。僕の日本語はそれ程流暢では有りませんが,使い慣れていないせいだと思っております。
    貴方のお宅は青森だと思っておりましたが,ひこ島はその方角ですか?お嬢様が東京にお住まいでしたら,それまた便利ですね。しかし暑いでしょう?お孫様たちは居られますか? Dallasは毎日100度近くです!

  5. でしょうかねえ?その前に中国に統一されてしまうのかも知れません。毎日「大話新聞」オ見て,腸がが煮へくりかえる思いです。台湾の若い者たちの中にも,「台湾人意識」が相当に強いのが居るのがせめてもの慰めです。

  6. 許先生:
