2009年3月28日 星期六


景福醫訊, 2009年12月:26(12);pp.5-8 (再修短過的版本)

老友江漢塗邀我參加 三月五日 開始的北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診,到加勒比海的多明尼加共和國。以前聽過美國的台灣醫師有國際義診活動,但不知其詳。只知道漢塗是義診的老手,組織過好幾次國際義診。我剛退休無事、又好奇,一口答應。

這義診是由北美洲台灣人醫師協會(North American Taiwanese Medical Association, NATMA)所推行一年一次的活動,從 三月五日 開始,到多明尼加共和國,「義診」幾天,之後,十日開始在當地觀光,十四日離開,看了團員的部分名單,有內科、小兒科、婦產科、外科、泌尿科、骨科、耳鼻喉科、整型外科、牙科、藥劑師、針灸師等專業人員,得知多半是夫妻檔。共有六十一名,醫師就有四十一人,應該有很多是每年參加的已退休人士。

行前寄出旅遊觀光部分的費用,由當地旅行社負責安排(來回的機票及義診時的旅館費及飲食是自付);再找出醫師證件,寄給台灣駐多明尼加大使館的韓秘書。五日清晨離開DFW機場,當天中午到Miami轉機,三點到Dominica Republic (D.R.)首都Santo Domingo由當地台灣技術團員許文苑、林世欽兩位,等候從美國各地到Miami,再坐這班機來的義診人員十多名,送往當地一流的旅館 Hotel Occidental El Embajador,是外國總統來訪時住宿的。


當晚,內科系、婦產科、牙科及藥劑科的二十多名到一房間集合,討論如何作病歷記錄、如何給藥。當地台灣商會會長 張崇斌 醫師,及台灣大使館的韓秘書也來臨,介紹其他主要當地工作人員。還注意我們,該地官民工作的「節奏」和我們的不盡相同。



當晚就遇到畢業之後就沒見過面的 葉思雅 醫師,他是成功中學及醫學院高我一班畢業;又初次遇到實習醫師時期指導過我的許登龍醫師(高我兩屆)的弟弟,許左龍牙醫師;遇到早我約五期的已過世 陳秋江 醫師的弟弟, 陳明恭 醫師。問來問去,每個人似乎都比我年輕,後來才漸漸清楚,這一群中,江漢塗最年長(早我一年),葉思雅次之(半年),我是老三!不過現代人都不以為chronological age有什麼意義,mental and physiological age才重要。You are as old as you feel.



我遇到人就攝影半身加上名牌 (mug shot!),相片輸入電腦內,放大就能清楚地看出名字,如此,這麼多新面孔,和名字都不會脫節,是數位相機給生活帶來的方便。

第二天七點三十分,除外科醫師到當地一流的軍醫院(Hospital Centralis de las Fuerzas Armadas, HCFA)之外,其餘的坐巴士出發。九點到達Manoguayabo。搬運牙科及檢查用桌椅,又全體照相。技術團的 許文苑先生替我翻譯,深覺語言不通,無法行醫。只學會幾句問話,被對方劈哩啪啦回答一堆,只能趕緊向翻譯官求救。在美國如果再學習一種外文,西班牙文應該是第一個要考慮。

經許文苑一句一句翻譯,上午看了二十一人,中午便當之後,約十五、六人。晚上七點半到麗晶飯店蔡孟宏大使餐宴。在會場,一位較年輕的團員 蕭錫惠 先生表演高水準的魔術。又有現在的社交宴會必有的活動--karaoke唱歌。原來許正雄之外號Paul Anka唱起來如同歌星再生,學生時期是唱歌為兼職。大使館的陳公使用西班牙文唱得熱情十足。回到旅館已是近十點。

翌日是到首都東方一百三十公里遠的El Seibo,一早六點半,天還沒亮就坐巴士。地點是一所學校。 許文苑 先生又替我翻譯。今天已知病人多半是來拿藥,看看訴什麼,全身痛,grippe,和許文苑兩人相對一眼點頭會意,就發Tylenol、咳嗽糖漿,又多給維他命之類,他們也高興。上午二十九人,下午也有二十三、四人。和昨天的三十六人相較,是快多。下午發現廁所無水,可想像每個馬桶沒沖水的樣子,又有蒼蠅,比五、六十年前台灣鄉下的茅坑還可怕。更想到學校的廁所無水,怎麼能談到衛生教育?手的清潔,幸虧邱俊杰團長太太有攜帶用的酒精洗手液給我使用。看到這種情景,對第一次參加義診的我,是一種提醒,其實義診本來就是對弱勢族群、落後地區的援助活動,這些景象應該是常態。如果到更落後的地區,可能還得用三張雨傘代替廁所呢。

D.R.是在迦勒比海中古巴東方,Hispaniola島上的民主國(一黨獨霸是在1996年才在其他國家壓力下終止),哥倫布在1492年第一個發現登陸的美洲地區。鄰國Haiti佔了島的左邊三分之一的面積。D.R.全國人口九百五十萬,移民到美國的人數達一百二十萬人,他們寄回國的金錢達全國GDP的十分之一。從海地這個最窮的國家逃到D.R.的人口有八十萬,成為主要的社會問題之一。國民義務教育十二年。HIV感染率是全國民的1.1% (2007年底估計。美國華府人口的3.3%有HIV感染!)。細菌性胃腸病、typhoidA型肝炎、Dengueleptospirosis,等是常見的傳染病。瘧疾仍然存在。


D.R.觀光業在這地區幾個國家中最發達,有很好的高爾夫球場,工作人口七分之一的是在觀光業,全國人民收入的65%是來自服務業。市內casino很多,但是看來蕭條無人。糖、咖啡是主要產品;稻米技術由台灣導入,年可收穫三次。心想,它的土地面積是台灣的兩倍,是一片熱帶平地,不像台灣四分之三是山地;又是三面海洋,應該農產品、海產品豐富,又沒經過戰亂,可是為什麼鄉下地方這麼窮又落後?都市內電力供應不穩是共知的,魚類還從中國輸入。看到鄉下貧窮,每人平均年收入GDP還有美金八千五百元 (2008年通膨率達12%!),應該是貧富差異很大。幾天後坐巴士觀光市內,看到高級公寓的月租費是美金一百元,較窮的國民住宅月租費是美金十元,這差異其實不大,可能是導遊給我們看些比較可供外人參觀的。

第四天早上又是六點半就坐巴士。在當地創業十多年,開麵廠的 陳威良 先生隨車同行,扮演地主角色,給我們介紹D.R.,談笑話。這次是要到首都西方一百八十公里遠的Vincente Noble。將近三小時的公路車程。途中在Azua下車,看一家台灣人出錢建立的「台灣醫院」,照個相。它看來很新,應該可以容納一、兩百床,可惜不能入內,不知內容設備如何、人員素質如何、維護如何。雖然是星期日,看到整個醫院似乎沒有人在工作的樣子,又想到學校的衛生狀況,不禁擔心。

今天要看診的地點是一家高級中學的教室。廁所又是沒有水,可想像一切。原來四名內科醫師看診,但是一位 王政卿 醫師提早回紐約,又多了泌尿科 蔡長宗 醫師及漢塗兩人加入(因為只有三個病人要開刀,他們不必去醫院)。今天病人數似乎少了一點,老搭檔翻譯官許文苑說可能是星期日上教堂之故。和其他中南美國家一樣,九成左右人民篤信天主教。


下午三點後就看完內科病人,等牙科工作完畢。四點過後才開車,車上大使館張皓鈞先生說明此地華人兩萬,台灣人才只一千,但華語學校是台灣辦理的比較優質,中國人的小孩現在也逐漸到台灣的華語學校上課,他們自己的學校只剩二、三十名學生。台灣雖比中國小很多,但各方面仍可以品質取勝。張 先生又說近年來美國的經濟不景氣,到美國求發展想當教父的多明尼加黑道流氓紛紛回流,以致治安敗壞,去年華人被謀殺二十人,今年已五人,晚上最好不要外出。中南美的治安不如日本歐洲。好像菲律賓馬尼拉富人住宅一樣,觀光旅館的警衛都是帶槍的,taxi也不敢坐,我當然沒有夜間逛街的念頭。

晚上八點巴士直接開到華青會要宴請的餐廳Villa Elite。吃的是道地當地菜。炸香蕉,吃來像地瓜,特別好吃。發現有方禎鋒及施麗媛夫妻是台灣長庚醫院的重症及骨科醫師,請一年長假,乘機加入義診的。紅酒可以隨意喝,大家到後段是又唱又跳,十一點才回到旅館。

三月九日已經沒有義診的安排,上午只有十幾位到軍醫院的醫學演講。其餘的在旅館休息,到中午大家坐巴士到兒童醫院,門口有彪悍眼銳的官方保全人員把關,應該是有該國第一夫人蒞臨,要主持「義診閉幕典禮」。可是到達之後才被告知,已經完畢了。很好奇,義診醫師們不在,是怎麼開完典禮的? 有可能是為他們自己上百名這次義診的志工閉幕;也可能是聯繫出了問題;也有可能這是某種外交語言。只好在醫院吃他們餐廳的沙拉小buffet。結果這頓中餐也出了毛病,吃完之後一天內有十二位團員腹瀉,不知道別人如何,我是瀉了兩天,服用Imodium, Cipro才停止。以後連高級旅館內看來好吃的料理,不是煮熟就不太敢吃,飲料不是罐裝、瓶裝的不喝,有冰塊的也不喝。


翌日開始,到十三日夜為止是我們到兩個風景區,La RamonaSamanaresort hotels觀光的節目。只剩四十多位要旅遊,因為已經有十多位離開D.R.,回美國去了,他們是純粹來義診的。這次義診的總病人數有兩千四百人,從NATMA雜誌編輯黃哲暘醫師給我的2008年刊看來,是比以前到Panama的五千人少些,但有外科手術病人,應該可以有更大的宣傳效果。

義診結束時,正發生在台灣生長的駐加拿大外交官,被揭發有挑逗族群意識及辱台叛國的違法言論,竟然有政府官員稱為「言論自由」;之後,更有黑道份子公然出現保護這種畸形病態人物,令人駭然。憂心的是,國內法律警察哪裡去了? 以後如何向小孩推行法治精神、是非觀念、以及國家認同的教育?國家有內憂外患,處境的確是困難,只幾個貧窮小國有正式交往,看到這些為台灣努力的外交人員,更是令人敬佩。在逆境仍能堅持理念,忠於職守,才值得尊敬。


(旅遊部分另文記載:   2009年多明尼加之行(二)回顧哥倫布的西航)





2009年3月20日 星期五

Paresthesia-dysesthesia caused by chocolate in polycythemia vera.

Paresthesia-dysesthesia caused by chocolate

in polycythemia vera.



Pruritus or paresthesia without skin lesions is known to occur in approximately 40-50% of patients with polycythemia vera (PV) [1,2]. It is more likely to happen after the hot bath, triggered by sudden decrease in body temperature, and could be alleviated by aspirin, or by anti-histamines in other instances. Here is a case of PV in whom paresthesia-dysesthesia developed 7 years after the diagnosis of PV and during the first year of retirement, and could be relieved by gabapentin but not by anti-histamines. After months of observations, exclusions of possibilities, and repeated challenges, the inciting agent of the symptoms was confirmed to be chocolate. The circumstance leading to this symptom and the process of confirmation is described below.

Case history

A 71 years old physician was diagnosed to have polycythemia 8 years ago in January 2001 upon a routine CBC exam.  Hgb = 17; Hct = 52.5; RBC = 6.16k; Platelet = 606k; WBC = 9.5k.  Besides very mild vertigo for 2-3 weeks, he was totally asymptomatic.

He managed the PV initially by phlebotomy, to keep Hgb around 14, and daily intake of aspirin (81-100 mg per day). By June of 2004, the platelet count crept up to 860k. He started seeing hematologist (Dr. Shih, L.Y. at CGMC-Linkow, in Taiwan ) and a bone marrow study was done. Endogenic erythroid colony (EEC) assay was positive, confirming the diagnosis of PV.

Hydroxyurea therapy was started because of the high platelet count. The dosage was two capsules (500 mg/cap) per day for 2 weeks, and then reduced to nine capsules per week after repeated adjustment of the dosage over an 8 months period. Hgb/Hct has been around 15/45, and platelet count around 380k since.

In July, 2007, the presence of mutated gene JAK2 V617F, the molecular marker of the PV, in the marrow cells was confirmed.

The patient retired from 25 years of the medical profession in the US , 18 years of infectious disease consultation work in Taiwan , and returned to the US in October, 2007. For several months, he had trouble in adjusting to the retired life, totally away from the medical community he had worked with. He suffered from a severe bout of vertigo, a few attacks of unexplained paroxysmal swelling of lips, insomnia, and mild depression that lasted for several months.

Since June of 2008, he noted occasional mild generalized prickling sensation without visible skin lesions. The “pins-and-needles” gradually worsened. It tended to be mild during the day, and severer at night, more on the back than on the extremities. During journeys to Taiwan-Japan and France in September and October, he had not noted any. However, the pins-and-needles, or paresthesia, became worse since mid-October, and muscles would twitch from pain and that interfered with sleep. Blood pressure rose because of it.

He has had allergies to beta-lactam antibiotics for more than 25 years, and an episode of allergic rashes after eating king crabs in March, 2007. Therefore, he suspected that he might have developed new allergic reaction to one of the anti-hypertensives or atorvastatin that he had been taking for more than 10 years. However, anti-histamines, such as Periactin (cyproheptadine) or Claritin (loratidine), did not help to relieve the paresthesia. In addition, there was no paresthesia while touring, when he was taking the medications continuously.

Because of the slight elevation in the serum LDH and slight enlargement of previously palpable epitrochlear lymph-node on the right arm, the possibility of early lymphoma was entertained and MRI was performed (ordered by hematologist-oncologist Dr. Charles White, III in Dallas, which only revealed inhomogeneity of marrow in the pelvis, lumbar spines, and femurs that could be seen in patients with PV). Rubbing the skin did help to relieve the prickling for nearly one hour. Towards the end of November, due to the skin irritation, he had to rely on the Stilnox (zolpidem) for sleep.

One interesting incidence in a restless night (due to paresthesia-dysesthesia), he was awakened by a very loud noise and felt the entire body hair rose stiff. Then the paresthsia-dysesthesia suddenly disappeared. This phenomenon might be related to the secretion of epinephrine in a “fight-or-flight reaction”. A later trial of pseudo-ephedrine 60 mg did not lessen the paresthesia.

In January of 2009, he visited an internist (Dr. Lau, S.K. in Dallas ) and gabapentin (calcium channel blocker of neurons, used for treatment of neuropathic pain, epilepsy, etc.) was prescribed for the paresthesia. With mere 100 mg dose, the symptom started to improve in half an hour. (The usual adult dosage for epilepsy is 900 to 1800 mg per day. The serum half life is 5-7 hours.)

Due to the intermittent nature of the symptom, and the availability of gabapentin that could suppress the irritating symptom once it started, he began searching for possible inciting cause(s) of paresthesia in his daily activities. There could be more than one causative agents (possibly having either additive or antagonistic effect), he had to rely on keen observation of circumstances that led to the onset of the paresthesia.

After ruling out environmental factors, physical activities, and various foods and drinks over several weeks, he focused on chocolate, which was his favorite for decades. After many trials with chocolate milk, chocolate bars, and snack that contained chocolate, now it has been confirmed to be the cause of paresthesia-dysesthenia in him. The symptoms would appear in 1.5 hours the earliest on one instance, to several hours after the intake of various brands of chocolate. The long incubation between the chocolate intake and the onset of the symptom delayed this identification. After oral gabapentin 100 mg, the symptoms would improve in 1 hour. As to what brand of chocolate incited the paresthesia faster or stronger has not been determined yet. And thus far no other factors in his daily life appear to be related to the paresthesia.


Paresthesia is defined as abnormal sensation of the skin that is described as burning, prickling, pins and needles, crawling, or itching without visible lesions. When that is severe enough to cause pain, it is called dysesthesia. Pruritus is a form of paresthesia, characterized by the desire of scratching that is almost a reflex, and is symptomatic of most dermatoses. Both serotonin and prostaglandins, in addition to histamine [3], have been shown to be the possible causes of pruritus.

The pruritus has been described in PV as one of the symptoms that could be very disturbing. Aspirin [4], antihistamines [1], ultraviolet lights [5], interferon-alpha [6], and paroxetine (a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) [7, 8] were used effectively in some reports. In these patients, serotonin, prostaglandins, histamine might be involved in the pathogenesis of the pruritus.

In the current case, serotonin inhibitor and ultraviolet light were not tried. However, the lack of response to anti-histamines should have ruled out the histamine and the immune responses as the cause of paresthesia. An immune response should be mediated by immunoglobulins or immunocytes, and should have an element of “memory” during the process of repeated challenge. With the immunologic memory, the second encounter with the antigen would produce faster and more vigorous reaction. This patient’s paresthesia after chocolate intake should be considered a food intolerance rather than allergy. [9]. Gabapentin that works on the neuropathic pain, such as post-herpetic neuralgia, was effective. It is not clear whether the pruritus in previously reported cases were in fact paresthesias. It might be worth to try gabapentin in those patients.

Gabapentin therapy is the treatment of the symptoms, and the use of aspirin, serotonin inhibitors, and antihistamines is a targeted therapy at the exact mediator of paresthesia. Therefore, the response to gabapentin should probably not rule out serotonin, prostaglandins, or histamine as the causes of “pruritus” in PV.

Platelet stores 2% of serotonin in the body, and is also rich in other factors that are involved in the inflammatory process. Chocolate consists of more than 380 different chemical components, among them are serotonin and tryptophan (the serotonin precursor).[10]

It seems that the paresthesia in the present case is in some way related to the serotonin in the chocolate and the abnormal platelets in PV. In one report of chocolate-induced pruritus, a patient who was given fluoxetine, a selective serotonin receptor inhibitor, developed chocolate “allergy” with intense itching of the scalp whenever he ate chocolate. [11].

However, what is puzzling in this case is that there has not been any noticeable change in the platelet counts in recent years, and the amount or the brand of chocolate he took has remained the same as before.

What changed? Could it be that the course of the PV has turned to the worse by carrying more serotonin or other neurotransmitters or mediators of inflammation in each platelet? Or, is it possible that there has been some kind of changes in the cellular sensitivity to serotonin or other chemical agents in chocolate in this patient due to the psychological impact of retirement? [12]

To the best of this author’s knowledge from the web search, there has not been any report of pruritus or paresthesia in PV that has been shown to be caused by chocolate, and effectively treated with gabapentin.

[Abstract in Chinese: 七十一歲男性醫師,在罹患真性多血症七年、退休八個月後開始發生皮膚刺癢。症狀逐漸惡化到會影響睡眠、血壓,但是時有時無。口服gabapentin 100 mg可以在一小時內抑制此症狀。經仔細觀察,發現巧克力吃完數小時後(1.5到約8小時)會開始刺癢。因為anti-histamine藥類不會改善症狀,同時,也沒有immunologic memory(就是再度使用抗原刺激時,反應會加速、加強)的現象,所以判斷是食物不良反應(food intolerance),而不是食物過敏(allergy)。幾年來多血症控制並無異常,巧克力吃量及種類也沒有變化,因此引發刺癢之原因不明。]

By Clement C.S. Hsu, MD, FACP, FIDSA. (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ccshsu-clement)


1. Besa EC, Woermann U. Polycythemia vera. E-medicine, 2009; http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/205114-overview

2. Diehn F, Tefferi A.: Pruritus in polycythaemia vera: prevalence, laboratory correlates and management. Br J Haematol. 2001, 115(3):619-21.

3. Steinman HK, Kobza-Black A, Lotti TM, Brunetti L, Panconesi E, Greaves MW.: Polycythaemia rubra vera and water-induced pruritus: blood histamine levels and cutaneous fibrinolytic activity before and after water challenge. Br J Dermatol. 1987, 116(3):329-33

4. Fjellner B, Hägermark O.: Pruritus in polycythemia vera: treatment with aspirin and possibility of platelet involvement. Acta Derm Venereol. 1979;59(6):505-12

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Paresthesia-Dysesthesia in Polycythemia vera

Follow-up observations


A 71 year-old. man with polycythemia vera (PV) developed paresthsia-dysesthesia 7 years after the diagnosis of the disease. (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ccshsu-clement/article?mid=5982&prev=6160&next=5902&l=f&fid=7) (Paresthesia= pins-and-needles sensation of the skin, dysesthesia= severe paresthesia that causes pain.)  It was found to be due to the food intolerance to chocolate and could be relieved by gabapentin. (In food intolerance, the amount of food taken is proportional to the degree of the symptom; and in food allergy, even a small amount of the allergen can precipitate serious reactions through immunologic response.) In the beginning, only chocolate was found to induce the symptom. However, 5-6 months later, peanut-butter or peanut was also noted to cause paresthesia-dysesthesia, and gabapentin (100 mg, one dose) relieved it. Further, in about one month, the paresthesia was also noted after hot shower or bath, akin to the classic description of “pruritus” in PV.  It occurred within 30 minutes after bath and lasted for about one hour. Because of the short duration of the paresthesia after the bath, no medication, such as aspirin or antihistamine, has been tested for the symptom. In addition to the hot bath, there appears to be some other unidentified factor(s) that causes milder paresthesia that could be alleviated by gabapentin.

The common element in the development of paresthesia in response to multiple factors (i.e. foods and hot temperature) several years after the diagnosis of PV appears to be the progress in the PV. There could be changes for the worse in the components in the abnormal platelet or other factors from the marrow cells. Further observation in other patients and laboratory research is needed to elucidate the phenomenon of the skin manifestation in PV.

A point that needs to be clarified is that paresthesia is apart from pruritus. Pruritus is relieved by repeated scratching, and perhaps by antihistamins; whereas paresthesia could be improved by gentle rubbing over the skin and by gabapentin, a medicine for the neuropathic pain and seizure. This distinction suggests that different mechanisms are involved in the production of “pruritus” and “paresthesia”. In prior reports of skin manifestation of PV, it was described as “pruritus after hot bath”. In this case, “paresthesia” was noted after hot bath. It has been customary for many to include “paresthesia” in the category of “itching” or “pruritus”. It makes one wonder whether previous description of “pruritus in PV” was indeed “paresthesia”. A more precise observation and description is needed in the future.