2011年3月25日 星期五



自由時報自由時報 2011-03-25








台灣人民應發聲 對抗華府親中主張


2011年3月23日 星期三


在福島核災釋放出來的放射線物質,主要是iodine-131 (131I,碘)以及cesium-137 (137Cs,銫),其他還會有cesium-134strontium-90 (90Sr,鍶)。這些放射性物質可以經由空氣呼吸、食物、以及飲料水,進入人體。之後,會破壞細胞染色體,經過一段潛伏期,幾年後引起癌症。對四十歲以下的人,小孩、孕婦為害最大。

I-131是最多的放射線物質,不過半生期只有八天,在人體內會集中在甲狀腺,最容易引起甲狀腺癌。預防方法是受到輻射之前,先服用碘化鉀(potassium iodideKI),使甲狀腺充滿碘,而不必再吸收放射性碘。服用碘的時期,最好是受輻射前一、二小時,到三、四小時之後;它可以保護甲狀腺24小時左右[: Nemhauser, MD, captain in the US Public Health Service and a medical officer in the CDC's Radiation Studies Branch]



l  成人130 mg (一顆有130 mg65 mg兩種。液體的碘一CC65 mg)

l  餵奶的婦女要服用130 mg.

l  3 18 歲者服用 65 mg (one 65 mg tablet OR 1 mL of solution)。體型如成人的小孩幅服用成人劑量

l  1 個月到 3 歲者服用 32 mg

l  新生兒到一個月者給16 mg

l  有對碘過敏者不可以服用!

l  multinodular goiter, Graves’ disease, or autoimmune thyroiditis者還是可以服用,但需要醫師嚴密觀察。

l  一次劑量可以保護一天,是否需要每天服用,必須問醫師。

l  四十歲以上者可能不必服用。副作用的可能性可能大於KI帶來的好處

服用碘化鉀最常見的副作用是: 面皰、腹瀉、食慾不振、噁心、嘔吐。其他已知的副作用有: 嚴重過敏(皮膚疹dermatitis herpetiformis or urticaria vasculitis;呼吸困難;胸部感覺緊束;口腔、面、唇、舌腫); 黑血便;神智混亂;發燒;心律不整;口腔內潰爛;口內有金屬味;手足麻痺;皮膚疹;胃痛;喉部頸部腫;異常疲勞無力,等等。

Cesium-137會經過食物進入體內。它的半生期長達三十年,不過像鉀離子一樣,吸收入體內後終究會被排泄出去。可以引起很多不同種類的癌症。Cesium-137可以用Prussian blue治療。Prussian blue是結晶,口服後很少被吸收;它可以將被排出到腸管內的cesium結合一起排出體外。原本cesium從尿和糞便排出體外的比例是4:1,可是口服Prussian blue後這比例變為1:4






2011年3月19日 星期六











橫批: 無鹽以對


2 提問: 中國歷史上首次搶鹽風潮出現於哪一年?
答:公元前202年。 那一年,項羽因為 「無鹽見江東父老」自刎而死了!










女:有房嗎? 男:沒有。
女:有存款嗎? 男:沒有。


日本核泄漏了,太平洋沿岸都惊悚了,但是我們中國人怕啥,這麼多年來,我們吃地溝油、化學火鍋、三聚氰胺奶粉、毒大米、皮革奶是為了什麼呀?就是在下一場生化戰爭中活下來。我們贏在了起跑線上 ,小小的輻射,只是淡定的笑笑而已,現在嘴裡叼著的雙匯牌火腿腸都要比這輻射來得猛


14、【如何使用碘鹽防輻射】 碘鹽500克,脫衣,用刀在身上每隔2 -5cm斜著划一刀,將鹽均勻抹在身体表面,特別要注意腋窩和大腿內側。接著將自己懸挂在通風、干燥的地方,七日后即可達到輻射不侵的地步。小貼士:如能加香葉、胡椒、八角若干,防輻射效果更佳。




















2011年3月18日 星期五


過去日本平民沒有學歷,在明治維新後,全國設立大、中、小學制度,全國民以武士道精神做為其基本道德教育,因此日本社會就是有此: 負責、堅忍、有禮、守信、知恥的特質。












2011年3月15日 星期二

Radiation Risks of Reactor Meltdown Both Short and Long Term

Robert Lowes

March 14, 2011 — The distribution of potassium iodide tablets in northern Japan underlines the fear of a catastrophic meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and the massive dispersion of deadly radioactive materials, with health implications for not only that country but also its neighbors.

Earlier in the crisis, radiation emitted by the plant's 3 overheating reactors was said to be at low, nonhazardous levels. However, radiation levels would skyrocket if the nuclear fuel in any of the reactors manages to escape its thick steel container. That possibility further worried Japanese authorities Monday evening EDT (Tuesday morning in Japan) when an explosion rocked reactor 2, the last of the units to blow. Kyodo News of Japan reported a spike in radiation, raising suspicions of a container breach.

"Each reactor has the radioactivity of 1000 Hiroshima bombs," said Ira Helfand, MD, an expert on radiation exposure in Leeds, Massachusetts, and a board member of the group Physicians for Social Responsibility, referring to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II.

The potassium iodide tablets were given out as protection against iodine-131, a radioisotope of iodine that can cause thyroid cancer. Iodine normally accumulates in the thyroid, so saturating the organ with a safe version by means of the tablets blocks the uptake of the radioactive version.

However, a busted nuclear reactor can throw off other dangerous particles, each with its own adverse effects on the body, Dr. Helfand told Medscape Medical News. "Strontium-90 is absorbed by bone, which leads to bone cancer and leukemia," he said. "Cesium-137 spreads throughout the body but favors muscle tissue. Plutonium is primarily toxic when inhaled and causes lung cancer."

Each particle’s half-life also calibrates risk. For iodine-131, it is a mercifully short 8 days; for strontium-90, it is an agonizingly long 29 years.

Symptoms of Acute Radiation Syndrome Subside, Return

In addition to long-term risks such as cancer, radioactivity can pose short-term risks. When most or all of the human body is exposed to a massive dose of radiation in a matter of minutes — a possibility with a nuclear reactor meltdown — the result is acute radiation syndrome (ARS).

The first symptoms of ARS — typically nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea — hit immediately, subside, and then come back strong, accompanied by loss of appetite, fatigue, fever, and possibly seizures and coma. Most people who do not recover die within several months, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In most cases, death results from the destruction of bone marrow, which leads to infections and internal bleeding.

A corollary to ARS is acute radiation damage to the skin, or cutaneous radiation injury (CRI). Symptoms such as transient itching, tingling, erythema, or edema can emerge within hours, days, or week. As with ARS, people with CRI usually experience a latent period of weeks to months. When skin lesions return, they can be debilitating or even life-threatening.

Shifting Winds a Factor

As a precaution, Japanese authorities have evacuated roughly 180,000 people from towns near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, even though radiation levels outside it as of Monday afternoon EDT were thousands of times below those considered dangerous. Japan also has benefited from westerly winds that have blown the small amounts of radioactive material east toward the Pacific Ocean. That drifting contamination does not pose a health threat to Hawaii, Alaska, or the West Coast, given the thousands of miles between Japan and the United States, according to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Rick Morin, PhD, chair of the safety committee of the American College of Radiology, explained that airborne radioactive material from the Japanese reactors is like smoke from a smokestack, diffusing and becoming less harmful the farther it travels. Traveling eastward, much of it would fall into the sea.

However, weather forecasts predict that winds in northern Japan will reverse direction tomorrow, which means any radioactive material from the reactors would be blown inland.

If a reactor meltdown spewed enormous quantities of radioactive particles in that weather scenario, Japan would have to worry about it coming down to earth and poisoning the food chain. Dr. Morin said thyroid cancer broke out among children after the meltdown of the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl, Ukraine, because they drank milk from cows that had eaten grass contaminated with iodine-131.

Medscape Medical News © 2011 WebMD, LLC
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地震時「救命的三角」-- "life-saving triangles" in earthquakes




我叫道格庫普(Doug Copp)。是世界上最有經驗的救援小組美國國際救援小組(ARTI)的首席救援者,也是災難部經理。











Trujillo消防部門的救援總負責人是Trujillo大學教授。他陪伴我同行,他說:「我叫Roberto Rosales,我是Trujillo的首席救援者。我11歲時,我被陷在一幢倒塌的建築物裡。就是發生在1972年的那場地震中,當時有7萬人死亡。我利用我哥哥摩托車旁的『生命三角』保住了生命。我的朋友們,躲在床下,桌子下的人都死了,我可以稱作是『生命三角』活生生的例子,而我那些朋友是「蹲下和掩護」的例子。」










地震時,在車內的人會被路邊墜落的物體砸傷,這正是Nimitz Freeway路上所發生的事情。San Francisco地震無辜受害者都是待在車內。其實,他們可簡單地離開車輛,靠近車輛坐下,或躺在車邊就可以了。所有被壓垮的車輛旁邊都有一個3英呎高的空間,除非車輛是被物體垂直落下。



一、有關地震發生時究竟是躲桌子下還是桌子旁好呢? 本署曾就此一議題在製作防震應變手冊及教材時召集專家學者討論並參考國外相關防災資訊均認為,目前國內發生劇震尚屬罕見,而一般地震發生時,在教室內最大的危害是電燈、吊扇、電視、窗戶玻璃等所造成的傷害,因此,在教室內最好還是先躲在桌下。




)  防災知識網
)  防救災數位學習網的有關防震宣導課程。

2011年3月12日 星期六





lack Rain 2011/03/13


新台灣人文教基金會是 1999 年由馬英九單獨捐款成立,根據新台灣新聞週刊的報導:「馬英九勝選後,台北市選舉委員會撥款兩千兩百餘萬元作為選舉補貼,馬英九趁『新台灣人』熱潮,將一半的款項成立『新台灣人文教基金會』,定期舉辦一些名為超族群、超黨派,實為不痛不癢的活動。如捐款給本土歌仔戲,也捐款給京劇;舉行國統綱領研討會,並且出版《統一與統合︱︱國統綱領十週年座談會論文集》;討論聯合政府與政黨重組問題;出專書《現代性與中國社會文化》等等,既看不出和台北市民有何直接關係,更嗅不出『台灣本土』的味道」



如果用現任總統府發言人羅智強的名字,在 Google 輸入「羅智強 蔡英文 道歉」,就會發現羅智強這個油嘴滑舌的總統府發言人只有一套發言的法寶:「蔡英文縱容 XXX!蔡英文應該為 XXX 道歉!蔡英文應該為 XXX 負起責任!」。換句話說,這個總統府發言人只要經常把這三種句型中的 XXX  替換成任何泛綠有關的議題或人物,就算完成代言任務。


Black Rain 2011/03/13


新台灣人文教基金會是 1999 年由馬英九單獨捐款成立,根據新台灣新聞週刊的報導:「馬英九勝選後,台北市選舉委員會撥款兩千兩百餘萬元作為選舉補貼,馬英九趁『新台灣人』熱潮,將一半的款項成立『新台灣人文教基金會』,定期舉辦一些名為超族群、超黨派,實為不痛不癢的活動。如捐款給本土歌仔戲,也捐款給京劇;舉行國統綱領研討會,並且出版《統一與統合︱︱國統綱領十週年座談會論文集》;討論聯合政府與政黨重組問題;出專書《現代性與中國社會文化》等等,既看不出和台北市民有何直接關係,更嗅不出『台灣本土』的味道」



如果用現任總統府發言人羅智強的名字,在 Google 輸入「羅智強 蔡英文 道歉」,就會發現羅智強這個油嘴滑舌的總統府發言人只有一套發言的法寶:「蔡英文縱容 XXX!蔡英文應該為 XXX 道歉!蔡英文應該為 XXX 負起責任!」。換句話說,這個總統府發言人只要經常把這三種句型中的 XXX  替換成任何泛綠有關的議題或人物,就算完成代言任務。


New Guideline for Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome

March 3, 2011 — A greater understanding of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) has led to the development of the first-ever clinical guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of the condition.

The full text of the evidence-based guideline, issued by American Urological Association, is available on the association's Web site. An executive summary will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Urology.

"IC/BPS affects a significant number of patients whose quality of life is severely diminished by this complicated, frustrating condition," Philip Hanno, MD, who chaired the multidisciplinary panel that developed the guideline, said in a statement from the American Urological Association.

"This population has historically been both under-recognized and under-served, and it is our hope that this guideline provides physicians with a much-needed road map to help treat these patients," he noted.

Evolving Science Behind ICS/BPS

In an interview with Medscape Medical News, Dr. Hanno noted that an attempt was made back in 1999 to develop a guideline for IC/BPS, "but after doing a literature search, we realized we didn't have enough data to put a guideline together." That has changed.

"Over time," Dr. Hanno explained, "interest in the disorder exploded, and the prevalence seemed to be increasing because of better epidemiology studies, and we felt that there was a lot of mismanagement of the symptom complex and failure to recognize it. We felt it was really important to put together a guideline for clinicians, and luckily at this time there was enough data to do it."

However, in terms of diagnosis, the panel says "insufficient evidence" was retrieved; therefore, this portion of the guideline is based on clinical principles and expert opinion. The key recommendations are as follows:

  • The basic assessment should include a careful history, physical examination, and laboratory examination to rule in characteristic IC/BPS symptoms (including sensations of pain, pressure and discomfort perceived by the patient to be related to the bladder, and absence of infection, as well as marked urinary urgency and frequency), and rule out easily mistakable disorders (such as overactive bladder or, specifically in men, chronic prostatitis).

  • Baseline voiding symptoms and pain levels should be obtained to measure subsequent treatment efficacy.

  • Cystoscopy and/or urodynamic studies should be considered as an aid to diagnosis only for complex presentations; these tests are not necessary for making the diagnosis in uncomplicated presentations. Although there are no existing cystoscopic or urodynamic findings specific for IC/BPS, the guideline states that these tests can be valuable in identifying lesions or alterations (Hunner's lesions) in the bladder in patients with symptoms, and in ruling out other entities such as bladder cancer or urethral diverticula.

Dr. Hanno made the point that IC/BPS is often misdiagnosed as overactive bladder or prostatitis in men, and that therefore the diagnosis is delayed. "Some patients are treated as if they have recurrent urinary tract infections, and they will be on antibiotics for months or years without proper diagnosis, or on anticholinergics for years if it is diagnosed as overactive bladder and they don't get better. Identifying IC/BPS early and treating it early can certainly impact a patient's quality of life," Dr. Hanno said.

Best Treatment Unclear

At this time, there is no cure for IC/BPS, and for most patients, no single treatment works well over time, the panel notes. Their review yielded an evidence base of 86 treatment articles. When sufficient evidence existed, the body of evidence for a particular treatment was given a strength rating of A (high), B (moderate), or C (low). As with diagnosis, when the evidence for a particular treatment was insufficient, the information was provided as clinical principles and expert opinion. Guidance for overall management of IC/BPS includes the following:

  • Strategies should start with the most conservative treatments first before moving to less conservative therapies.

  • Initial treatment type and level should be related to symptom severity, clinical judgment, and patient preferences. Patients should be counseled with regard to reasonable expectations for treatment outcomes.

  • Some patients may benefit from multiple, concurrent treatments; baseline symptom measurement and regular assessment are critical to document the efficacy of combined vs single treatments.

  • Ineffective treatments should be stopped once a clinically meaningful interval has elapsed.

  • Pain management and its effect on a patient's quality of life should be regularly assessed and considered. If pain management is inadequate, then consideration should be given to a multidisciplinary approach, and the patient referred appropriately.

  • If no improvement in symptoms occurs after multiple treatment approaches, the diagnosis of IC/BPS should be reconsidered.

First-Line Treatment: Education

The guideline states that the following first-line treatments "should be performed on all patients."

  • ”Patients should be educated about normal bladder function, what is known and unknown about IC/BPS, the benefits vs risks/burdens of available treatment alternatives, the fact that no single treatment has been found effective for most patients, and the fact that acceptable symptom control may require trials of multiple therapeutic options (including combination therapy) before it is achieved,” the authors write.

  • Patients should be counseled on how certain self-care practices, behavioral modifications, and coping techniques such as stress management may help manage their IC/BPS symptoms.

  • The guideline also outlines second-, third-, fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-line treatment options and includes an algorithm outlining a hierarchy of physical and medical therapies, as well as surgical options for IC/BPS. "There is a lot of leeway in the guidelines, so people have the ability to do what they think is right," Dr. Hanno said.

What Not to Do as Important as What to Do

However, according to the guideline, the following treatments should not be offered because of lack of efficacy and/or unacceptable adverse effects:

  • long-term oral antibiotics,

  • intravesical instillation of bacillus Calmette-Guerin outside of a study setting,

  • intravesical instillation of resiniferatoxin,

  • high-pressure, long-duration hydrodistension, and

  • systemic (oral) long-term glucocorticoid administration.

"This guideline will improve the ability of primary care physicians and specialty physicians (urologists, gynecologists) to diagnose IC/BPS, and then it will aid them in treatment options, as well as avoid certain treatments that have been proven to not be worthwhile," Dr. Hanno told Medscape Medical News.

"It's directed at all physicians," he emphasized, noting that "primary care physicians need to recognize this condition and then make the appropriate referrals to physicians who have some expertise in managing it."

The Interstitial Cystitis Panel was created in 2008 by the American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Funding of the panel and the Practice Guideline Committee was provided by the American Urological Association. Members of the Guideline Committee have disclosed financial relationships with Abby Moore Medical, Afferent Pharma, Allergan, AMS, Antreras, Astellas, Astra Zeneca, Bayer Corporation, Bioform, Eli Lilly, Ferring Inc, GlaxoSmith, Hollister, Johnson and Johnson, Lipella, Merck, NeurAxon, Pfizer, SCA Personal Products, Taris Biomedical, Trillium Therapeutics Inc, United Biosource Corporation, Verathon Medical, and Watson.

Medscape Medical News © 2011 

2011年3月10日 星期四

1955以來第一個FDA批准的紅斑性狼瘡的藥 Belimumab

Belimumab Earns FDA Approval for Lupus

Emma Hitt, PhD

March 10, 2011 — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of belimumab (Benlysta, Human Genome Sciences and GlaxoSmithKline) in combination with standard therapies to treat active autoantibody-positive systematic lupus erythematosus.

This is the first lupus drug to be approved since 1955, when the FDA approved hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and corticosteroids. In 1948, aspirin was approved to treat lupus.

Belimumab is a B-lymphocyte stimulator protein inhibitor that is thought to decrease the amount of abnormal B cells, which is hypothesized to be a mechanism of action in lupus.

The safety and effectiveness of belimumab was demonstrated in 2 clinical trials that randomized a total of 1684 patients to receive either belimumab or placebo in combination with standard therapy. Treatment with belimumab plus standard therapy reduced disease activity and possibly decreased the number of severe flares and steroid use.

Patients with active lupus that involved the kidneys or central nervous system and those who were previously treated with a B-cell-targeted therapy or intravenous cyclophosphamide were excluded from participating in the trials.

Study participants of African American or African descent did not significantly respond to belimumab. Additional studies will be conducted to definitively determine the safety and efficacy of belimumab in this population.

Common adverse effects reported with belimumab include nausea, diarrhea, fever, and infusion-site reactions. It is suggested that patients be treated with an antihistamine prior to a belimumab infusion.

A greater number of deaths and serious infections were reported in patients treated with belimumab than in those treated with placebo. Live vaccines should not be administered during treatment with belimumab.

It is estimated that lupus afflicts up to 1.5 million Americans, and it disproportionately affects black women.


Japan Panel Finds No Link to Vaccine Deaths: Kyodo

TOKYO (Reuters) Mar 08 - A panel of experts at Japan's health ministry found no direct link between vaccines made by Pfizer Inc and Sanofi-Aventis SA and the deaths of children, but said further checks were needed, Kyodo news agency reported on Tuesday.

Japan will keep its suspension on the use of the vaccines that prevent meningitis and pneumonia, a health ministry official said after the safety panel's meeting, but declined to comment further.

The ministry halted the use of Pfizer's Prevnar and Sanofi's ActHIB vaccines in response to the deaths of four children shortly after receiving the vaccines.

U.S. health officials have said they were aware of the deaths in Japan but have not seen any such safety concerns in the United States.

In February last year health authorities in the Netherlands said no relation was found between Prevnar and the deaths of three infants who had received the vaccine.

Three of the children who died in Japan received Prevnar together with ActHIB. In addition, three of the children also received a mixed vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus on the same day they received the other vaccines.

Three of the four children died a day after being immunized. The deaths happened between March 2 and March 4.

Representatives for Pfizer and Sanofi in Tokyo have said the companies were cooperating with the investigation.

A spokesman for Sanofi has said that the company has shipped more than three million doses of ActHIB in Japan since 2008 while a spokesman for Pfizer said the firm has distributed more than two million doses of Prevnar in Japan since last year.

Reuters Health Information © 2011 


2011年3月7日 星期一



Multilingualism May Protect Against Cognitive Decline

Kate Johnson

March 7, 2011 — Compared with bilingual seniors, those who speak more than 2 languages appear to be protected from cognitive impairment according to a longitudinal study.

The results were released February 22 and will be presented at the upcoming American Academy of Neurology 63rd Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.

The memory protection afforded by multilingualism appeared to occur regardless of whether the languages were currently or previously spoken, suggested lead study author Magali Perquin, PhD, with the Center for Health Studies from the Public Research Center for Health in Luxembourg.

Multilingual Population

The study included 230 subjects (57% female), with an average age of 73 years, who were invited randomly to participate in the Mémo Vie study, a longitudinal cohort study looking at cognition and risk factors in the elderly in Luxembourg.

After standardized neurogeriatric and neuropsychological evaluation, a total of 44 subjects (19%) were classified as having cognitive impairment, whereas the rest had normal cognition. People with dementia were excluded.

The number of languages spoken by the subjects ranged from 2 to 7, reflecting Luxembourg's multilingual population, the researchers note.

A generalized linear mixed model, which accounted for age and level of education, found a strong association between cognitive function and the number of languages fluently practiced — either currently or at any time of life.

Compared with bilingual subjects, those who spoke 3 languages were almost 4 times less likely to develop cognitive problems and those who spoke 4 or more languages were more than 5 times less likely to have cognitive impairment.

Table. Probability of Protection Against Cognitive Decline for Multi- vs Bilingualism

No. of Languages Odds Ratio (95% CI)
3 Languages3.58 (1.13 – 11.37)
4 Languages5.66 (1.48 – 21.59)
>4 Languages5.23 (1.11 – 24.53)

CI = confidence interval

"Further studies are needed to...determine whether the protection is limited to thinking skills related to language or if it also extends beyond that and benefits other areas of cognition," Dr. Perquin said in a press release from AAN.

Compensatory Mechanisms

Reached for comment on these preliminary data, Fergus Craik, PhD, confirmed that the benefits of multilingualism stretch beyond language-bound cognition.

"Laboratory tests have shown that the benefit is not just in language and memory but in other areas of executive control," said Dr. Craik, a senior scientist from the Department of Psychology at the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest and the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Dr. Craik and his colleagues have recently published work showing that among 211 consecutive Alzheimer's patients, those who were bilingual (n = 102) had their diagnosis delayed by roughly 4 years compared with those who were unilingual (n = 109) (Neurology. 2010;75:1726-1729).

Further work by his group, which is not yet published but was presented last month at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, shows that computed tomographic scans of Alzheimer's patients who are functioning at the same level show more advanced brain deterioration in the bilingual compared with the unilingual subjects.

"The language kind of pulls them back up to a higher level than they should have been on the basis of the amount of atrophy," said Dr. Craik in an interview.

Having a second language appears to give people cognitive reserve that somehow compensates for their brain atrophy, he explained. "So bilingualism doesn't simply protect the brain from deteriorating — the brain apparently does deteriorate but there are other factors that compensate."

"...there is actually a lot of evidence that both languages are always active in the brain at some level — and some kind of effort is needed — a kind of attentional control mechanism — to keep the unused language inhibited temporarily while you're using the first."

Dr. Craik says there are several theories about how multilingualism achieves this compensation. "There's a number of possibilities which we are currently trying to track down. It could be better blood supply, it could be more gray matter in other parts of the brain, or it could be more white matter — therefore better connectivity."

Whatever it is anatomically, he believes the benefit comes from having to "damp down the second language while you're using the first. A lot of studies show that although bilingual people feel, when they're speaking, that their other language is shut out, there is actually a lot of evidence that both languages are always active in the brain at some level — and some kind of effort is needed — a kind of attentional control mechanism to keep the unused language inhibited temporarily while you're using the first."

Dr. Perquin did not provide a disclosure statement. Her research was supported by the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg. Dr. Craik serves as a consultant for the Ontario Innovation Trust; serves on the editorial boards of Psychology and Aging, Neuropsychology, Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, and Memory; receives royalties from the publication of The Oxford Handbook of Memory (Oxford University Press, 2000) and Lifespan Cognition: Mechanisms of Change (Oxford University Press, 2006); and receives research support from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Alzheimer Society of Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 63rd Annual Meeting: Abstract 3397. Released February 22, 2011, ahead of presentation.