2011年4月24日 星期日


要經濟成長還是要國民幸福? (自由時報社論 2011-4-25)



事實上,只追求經濟成長,往往會帶來許多嚴重副作用。首先是自然資源逐漸耗竭,環境品質惡化,自然災變的發生愈頻繁。例如日本經濟高度成長,為滿足電力需求,在狹小的島嶼上密集興建核電廠,終於導致此次日本強震帶來核災危機。這是自然的大反撲。其次,經濟成長創造巨大財富,卻集中在少數人手中,分配問題愈來愈大,引發許多的動盪與革命,共產主義的崛起,造成人類的浩劫,即是此種經濟成長至上思維所釀成的禍端。於是人類開始省思,不丹王國國王提出國民幸福指數(Gross National Happiness),認為「政策應該關注幸福,並應以實現幸福為目標」,雖然只是供參考的一項指標,並非全球化的今天所能達成的烏托邦,但值得執政者思考如何在經濟增長、文化發展和環境保護上取得平衡發展。





彭明敏︰併選更有利買票 全民必須嚴厲監督





執政黨就是怕輸 才無所不用其極




中選會理應獨立 卻成了傀儡單位











國民黨一旦敗選 恐不願交出政權









促朝野和諧溝通 馬從未做過努力






2011年4月20日 星期三

台灣七成民眾 反對終極統一


〔記者黃宣弼/台北報導〕根據遠見雜誌最近民調,目前台灣民眾對兩岸的統獨立場,維持現狀佔五十三.五%、獨立佔二十七%、統一佔七.五%;至於民眾的「終極統獨觀」, 贊成台灣終極獨立的高達四十九.三%,不贊成的佔三十四.七%,贊成兩岸終極統一的佔十五.七%,不贊成的高達六十九.六%。





2011年4月18日 星期一

Treatment guidelines offered for painful diabetic neuropathy

New expert guidelines on treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy have evaluated the evidence base and identified some recommended medications.

The guidelines were developed by a panel representing the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and were published online by Neurology on April 11.

The strongest evidence (Level A) was found to support offering pregabalin for relief of painful diabetic neuropathy. The guidelines also listed a number of treatments that are supported by Level B recommendations, and are probably effective so should be considered, including gabapentin, sodium valproate, amitriptyline, venlafaxine, duloxetine, dextromethorphan, morphine sulfate, tramadol, oxycodone, capsaicin and isosorbide dinitrate spray. The guideline writers noted that there was not sufficient evidence to prefer any of the listed antidepressants or opioids over another. Level C recommendations were made for adding venlafaxine to gabapentin and considering the Lidoderm patch.

A review of nonpharmacologic treatments was also conducted, and the experts made a Level B recommendation in favor of considering percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. There was insufficient evidence on amitriptyline plus electrotherapy, and the other studied treatments (electromagnetic field treatment, low-intensity lasers, and Reiki therapy) should probably not be considered, the guidelines said.

Insufficient evidence was also found for topiramate, desipramine, imipramine, fluoxetine, vitamins, α-lipoic acid and the combination of nortriptyline and fluphenazine. Drugs that should probably not be considered for treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy include oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, lacosamide, clonidine, pentoxifylline and mexiletine, according to the guidelines. In their recommendations for future research, the guideline authors called for longer, head-to-head trials of treatments with greater focus on quality of life, physical function and cost-effectiveness. A formalized process for rating pain scales is also needed, they said.

Genital herpes: Asymptomatic herpes patients can spread virus

People with asymptomatic herpes simplex virus (HSV) shed the virus less often than those with symptomatic disease, but they still pose significant risk of transmission, according to a new study.

The study included 498 patients who were seropositive for HSV-2. The participants collected swabs of their genital secretions for at least 30 days. In the 410 patients who had symptomatic disease, the virus was detected in 20% of samples. In the 88 people with asymptomatic cases, virus was found in 10% of samples. Although patients with symptoms had more subclinical shedding of virus, the amount of virus detected during these episodes was similar in people with and without symptoms. The study authors concluded that asymptomatic patients shed virus less frequently, but that the difference is attributable to their having less frequent genital lesions.

The study highlights the risk of disease transmission by people with unrecognized infections, the researchers noted. Although this study categorized patients as symptomatic or asymptomatic, disease manifestations actually vary along a broad continuum. The majority of people found to be seropositive do not have a history of genital herpes, but a substantial proportion of apparently asymptomatic patients will recognize recurrences after they've been diagnosed and educated, the authors said. The results were published in the April 13 Journal of the American Medical Association.

One of the purposes of this study was to address uncertainty about proper management of asymptomatic patients. The authors concluded that best practices should include anticipatory guidance with regard to genital symptoms and education about transmission risk. Proven methods of reducing transmission include condom use, daily valacyclovir therapy and disclosure of positive status. However, the strategies are only effective in diagnosed patients, who are a minority of the HSV-2 positive population, noted the authors, who called for a rethinking of current testing and control programs.

2011年4月17日 星期日

名聲功績被抑壓的英國 Leonardo,Robert Hooke



Robert Hooke (1635-1703) (英國哲學家、建築家、科學家;發現有關彈性力學的Hooke’s law1666年倫敦大火之後重建都市致富;寫了顯微鏡觀察的Micrographia一書;發現細胞“cell” 可能是英國當時最有成就的polymath,被譽為是英國的Leonardo”;他的成績有實驗的,有理論的,在科學革命中扮演很主要的角色。只因和當時很多學者為了誰先發現的問題交惡,而死後他的名聲功績都被壓抑,連肖像都沒有被保留 (),到二十世紀才再被人發現) [1562004年的畫像。沒有人知道他真正長相!]

Robert Hooke生於Isle of Wight (英國南岸最大的島,風景優美,詩人Alfred Lord Tennyson也是生於此處,Queen Victoria也建立她的居處於此;1979年被愛爾蘭共和軍 IRA刺殺的Lord Mountbatten就是此處的Governor)。父親是牧師並負責一所學校,有一個哥哥、兩個姊姊。自幼身體虛弱,有時由父親在家教他。他從小就觀察仔細,喜歡機械、繪圖。父親於他十五歲時死亡。他到倫敦,不久入學Westminster School (The Royal College of St. Peter in Westminster,私立的學校,Oxford-Cambridge大學錄取率最高)。他很快學會拉丁文、希臘文、幾何學。

英國當時因為內戰註一,而國內人士分為兩派。Westminster校長Richard Busby是保王派 (Royalist),堅持科學精神 (攝政派是遵從聖經的)


Hooke在英國Cromwell攝政時期 (Protectorate1653-1659),在Oxford大學的Wadham College 讀書,因而成為很忠誠的保王派成員,其中心人物就是John Wilkins註二Hooke擔任Thomas Willis註三Robert Boyle註四之助手。1655年他開始研究天文學,他改善鐘擺 (pendulum),進而學習重力,以及時鐘。他又想出計算經度 (longitude) 之方法;也設計出時鐘的anchor escapement [157],應用這種裝置才能有現在的口袋型鐘錶。       

1660Royal Society成立,四年後被委任Mechanick Lecture1665年被任命為執行並審議實驗的curator終身職。這職位使他可以看到所有呈上來審查的發明發現。


1664年他接任Gresham Professor of Geometry1691年他接受 “Doctor of physics”頭銜。 [當時要取得Doctor = 博士頭銜好不容易!!]

他在物理天文、醫學、生理各方面都有很重要的發明或發現:為氣體定律實驗 (Boyle’s law) 做了vacuum pumps;發現毛細管作用;製造早期的Gregorian telescope (利用光反射的望遠鏡),看到Mars (火星) Jupiter (木星) 會自轉;又觀察化石,而成為生物演化論的早期支持者;研究光折射,而最早演繹出光波的理論;提出:物質加熱就會膨脹,空氣是由微小物質所組成,其間的距離很大;又率先做出土地測量用的地圖。他差一點演繹出物理學之重力 (gravity) 是遵照inverse square law (量和距離的兩次方成正比),而這種定律控制宇宙間星球的運行 (這個理論後來由牛頓Isaac Newton提出)。他做的實驗有:地心引力、物體的墜落、在不同高度不同氣壓下的物體重量、兩百英尺長的鐘擺等等。製造出來的器具有測量炸藥威力的儀器、雕切鐘錶齒輪用的引擎。這些科學成果都是在當Boyle助手時以及Royal Society評審員 (1662年起) 時期完成的。他的很多新構想,都用anagram變成密碼隱藏,不讓人偷竊,又可以證明他已經在當時發現了。anagram也是HuygensGalileo等人常用的方法。






1665年他將顯微鏡下的觀察結果寫成一本Micrographia。這本刺激了Leewenhoek製造自己的高效能顯微鏡,導致微生物的發現。他也從顯微鏡觀察。看到木拴 (cork) 有很多洞室,最先使用Cell一字描寫 (僧侶靜坐冥思的一個個房間,稱為 “cell”。圖159)



1666倫敦大火之後,他和好友、當時最有名的建築家Christopher Wren (1632-1723,建築了五十一座教堂,包括有名的St. Paul’s Cathedral) 重建倫敦,也因此致富。他設計了Monument to the fire, the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Montagu House in Bloomsbury, Bethlem Royal Hospital (Bedlam),及The Royal College of Physicians (1679) , Buckinghamshire等。Christopher Wren 建築的St Paul's Cathedral圓頂是依照Hooke的建議方法蓋起來的。 [162是由Hooke設計,在Willen, Milton Keynes的教堂]

天文學方面,他發現月球上的火山口、土星的圓環、double-star systems (雙星binary stars,是環繞共同重心的多數星球) 等。


他從小身體虛弱,一生忙著工作,擁有很多專利,沒有結婚。年老時性格變得很暴躁易怒、驕傲,和工作上有競爭關係的人常常爭執。為了鐘錶的anchor escape是誰先發明,和Christiaan Huygens (1629 – 1695FRS,荷蘭物理學家,製作計時器具) 爭執多年,不過以後別人的記載是Hooke早了十五年發明。尤其和當時任Royal Society主席的Isaac Newton 註五,兩人為了有關重力、inverse square law的觀念是誰先發表一直爭執,而受Newton的多方抑壓,以致在Hooke死後他的論文被收藏,到最近才被發現;據說Hooke唯一的畫像也被銷毀,結果迄今都不知道他長得像什麼!有人猜測他面長瘡皰,或是駝背 (!!) [這種學界廝殺未免是太過分了!]

1705Richard Waller寫第一篇Hooke的傳記The Posthumous Works of Robert Hooke, M.D. S.R.S.,描寫他的性格卑劣、多疑、嫉妒等等 (" but despicable""melancholy mistrustfuland jealous."),以致以後兩百年有關他的性格脾氣都非常地負面,如:自私、不講道德、復仇心重,孤獨不和人來往;最友善的描寫也是說他「易怒、多疑、不易相處」。

其實他有不少同樣保王派的好朋友,例如Christopher Wren、古董商John Aubry、製造鐘錶的Thomas Tompion (1639–1713)。到死後一百三十多年,1935年他的自傳被發表,Robert GuntherMargaret Espinosse等才開始糾正對他的一片負面的評語。Hooke的日記更記載他常常和Robert Boyle到咖啡店;會帶研究助理Harry Hunt去喝茶;也會帶姪女表弟們來家裡教她們數學。

Hooke死後有一行星命名為3514 Hooke (1971 UJ) ;月球及金星上的火山口有他名字命名的;有Robert Hooke Science center在倫敦Westminster SchoolSt. John Smith Square;也有The Hooke Medal



16421651之間英國王室Charles一世與二世,和議會之間有三次內戰,1642-1646, 1648-1649, 1649-1651;結果議會軍隊在1651年九月三日Battle of Worcester戰勝,Charles 一世被判死刑,二世放逐,王室改為共和國Commonwealth of England,由議會掌權 (1651-1653),後來由軍人出身的Oliver Cromwell攝政 (1653-1659)Cromwell攝政時堅固新教的勢力,殺害蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭天主教徒 (導致迄今英國與愛爾蘭之間不斷的衝突)1658年他因瘧疾以及尿路感染敗血症死亡,葬於Westminster Abbey1658-1659年由Cromwell之子Richard Cromwell執政,但1660年五月二十九日Charles二世又被請回來主政,Cromwell之屍體被挖出來斬首。

註二:John Wilkins (1614-1672)

是牧師、哲學家,當過Oxford, Cambridge兩大學校長,創立Royal Society,也是博學。

註三:Thomas Willis (1621-1675)

英國醫師,解剖、神經科、精神科,Royal Society創始會員,腦部循環circle of Willis是以他命名。

註四:Robert Boyle (1627-1691)

學通哲學、神學、物理化學,又是發明家,被認為創始現代化化學這一門學問,發現Boyle’s law,就是氣體的體積和壓力成反比。

註五:Isaac Newton:牛頓 (1643-1727)


英國物理學家、數學家、天文學家、哲學家,1687年發表Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"; 簡稱Principia),可能是史上最重要的科學書籍,是古典力學的基礎;描寫地心引力及三個運動定律。 [163]

2011年4月12日 星期二

Prophylactic Antibiotics Lower Bacterial Resistance in ICU


News Author: Laurie Barclay, MD
CME Author: Charles P. Vega, MD

CME/CE Released: 03/29/2011 ; Valid for credit through 03/29/2012

March 29, 2011 — Preventive antibiotic use significantly lowers the risk for infection with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), according to the results of an open-label, clustered group-randomized, crossover study reported online first March 21 in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

"Previously, we assessed selective digestive tract decontamination (SDD) and selective oropharyngeal decontamination (SOD) on survival and prevention of bacteraemia in patients in intensive-care units," write Anne Marie G. A. de Smet, MD, from University Medical Center in Utrecht , the Netherlands , and colleagues. "In this analysis, we aimed to assess effectiveness of these interventions for prevention of respiratory tract colonisation and bacteraemia with highly resistant microorganisms acquired in intensive-care units."

Between May 2004 and July 2006, participants admitted to 13 ICUs in the Netherlands with an expected duration of mechanical ventilation of more than 48 hours or an expected duration of stay of more than 72 hours were randomly assigned to receive SOD, SDD, or standard care. SOD consisted of topical tobramycin, colistin, and amphotericin B in the oropharynx, and SDD consisted of SOD antibiotics in the oropharynx and stomach plus 4 days of intravenous cefotaxime.

An independent clinical pharmacist blinded to ICU identity applied the computer-randomized order of study regimens. To assess acquired infection among patients with ICU stay of more than 3 days, the investigators calculated crude odds ratios (ORs) for rates of bacteremia or respiratory tract colonization with highly resistant microorganisms.

Of 5939 eligible patients, 5927 (> 99%) had available data, and 5463 (92%) were in the ICU for more than 3 days. Bacteremia developed after 3 days in 239 (13%) of 1837 patients in standard care, 158 (9%) of 1758 patients in SOD (OR, 0.66; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53 - 0.82), and 124 (7%) of 1868 patients in SDD (OR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.38 - 0.60). Bacteremia with highly resistant microorganisms developed in 8 patients during SDD vs 18 patients (with 19 episodes) during standard care (OR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.18 - 0.94; rate reduction [RR], 59%; absolute risk reduction [ARR], 0.6%) and 20 patients during SOD (OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.16 - 0.85; RR, 63%; ARR, 0.7%).

Endotracheal aspirate cultures were obtained in approximately half of the patients staying in ICUs for more than 3 days: 881 (49%) receiving standard care, 886 (50%) receiving SOD, and 828 (44%) receiving SDD.

Respiratory tract colonization with highly resistant microorganisms occurred in 128 (15%) of patients during standard care, in 74 (8%) during SDD (OR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.43 - 0.78; RR, 38%; ARR, 5.5%), and in 88 (10%) during SOD (OR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.49 - 0.87; RR, 32%; ARR, 4.6%). The lowest rates of acquired respiratory tract colonization with gram-negative bacteria or cefotaxime-resistant and colistin-resistant pathogens occurred during SDD.

"The beneficial effects of SDD and SOD on outcomes, together with the favourable results for infection and colonisation with antibiotic-resistant pathogens reported in this study, justify the extended use of these interventions in settings with low rates of antibiotic resistance," the study authors write.

Study Limitations

Limitations of this study include slight differences in the baseline characteristics among the study groups, suggesting that patients receiving SDD or SOD were more severely ill than were those receiving standard care. In addition, surveillance of digestive tract colonization was done only in the SDD group, and respiratory tract samples were obtained twice every week during SDD and SOD but not during standard care.

"The benefits of prophylactic antibiotic use need to be balanced against the inevitable risks of selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria," the study authors conclude. "As such, widespread use of topical antimicrobial prophylaxis in patients in intensive-care units has been the subject of debate for years."

In an accompanying comment, Jean-Louis Vincent and Frédérique Jacobs, from Erasme Hospital in Brussels , Belgium , further discuss the study limitations.

"In summary, the interesting findings are mitigated by a lack of effect on problematic organisms, the study setting, and the length of observation," Drs. Vincent and Jacobs write. "We believe that the data provided by our Dutch colleagues will not convince the world to use SDD or SOD."

This study received no external funding. Two of the study authors have disclosed various financial relationships with 3M, Destiny Pharma, Cepheid, Phico Therapeutics, Pfizer, Aventis, Novartis, and/or Kimberly Clark. The other study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Drs. Vincent and Jacobs have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Lancet Infect Dis. Published online March 21, 2011. Abstract

The Infectious Diseases Society of America provides a number of guidelines for the prevention of infection in the acute care setting on its Web site.

Clinical Context

SDD and SOD can improve mortality outcomes among patients in the ICU, according to a previous study by the authors of the current research. This study, which was published in the January 1, 2009, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, did not demonstrate a significant difference in the gross mortality rates in comparing participants receiving usual care, SDD, or SOD. However, on adjusted analyses, the ORs for death associated with the use of both SDD and SOD were significantly reduced vs usual care (0.83 and 0.86, respectively).

An important concern regarding the use of SDD and SOD is the emergence of resistant organisms. The current study addresses this issue.

Study Highlights

  • The study used an open-label, clustered group-randomized controlled crossover design. It was conducted in 13 ICUs between 2004 and 2006.

  • Patients eligible for study participation were expected to require mechanical ventilation for at least 48 hours or have an expected ICU stay of at least 72 hours.

  • Participants were randomly selected to receive SDD, SOD, or usual care. SDD consisted of 4 days of intravenous cefotaxime plus topical application of an oral paste of tobramycin, colistin, and amphotericin B in the oropharynx and stomach. SOD consisted of application of the oral paste only.

  • Patients receiving SDD and SOD were tested with oropharyngeal swabs to analyze bacterial colonization and antimicrobial resistance on admission and twice per week. Patients receiving SDD also had surveillance cultures of endotracheal aspirates performed twice weekly. All participants received blood cultures as part of the study protocol.

  • The main study outcome was the effect of SDD and SOD vs usual care on rates of bacterial colonization of endotracheal aspirates, antimicrobial resistance, and rates of bacteremia.

  • 5927 patients had data for study analysis. Patients receiving SDD and SOD were more seriously ill vs patients receiving usual care.

  • The rates of bacteremia were 13%, 9%, and 7% in the usual care, SOD, and SDD groups, respectively. These differences yielded ORs of 0.66 (95% CI, 0.53 - 0.82) for SOD and 0.48 (95% CI, 0.38 - 0.60) for SDD.

  • Researchers obtained 19,404 microbiological cultures from endotracheal aspirates. The rate of cultures was approximately 30% lower in the usual care group vs the SOD and SDD groups.

  • Rates of endotracheal colonization with nonfermenting gram-negative rods, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp, were similar in the SOD and SDD groups. However, colonization with Enterobacteriaceae was more common with SOD vs SDD.

  • Colonization with enterococci occurred more frequently among participants receiving SDD vs SOD and usual care.

  • Overall, the rates of respiratory tract colonization with highly resistant organisms were 15%, 10%, and 8% in the usual care, SOD, and SDD groups, respectively. These differences yielded ORs of 0.65 (95% CI, 0.49 - 0.87) for SOD and 0.58 (95% CI, 0.43 - 0.78) for SDD. Gram-negative bacteria accounted for 98% of all highly resistant microorganisms.

  • Rates of resistance to the specific antibiotics used in SOD and SDD did not exceed 3%.

Clinical Implications

  • Both SDD and SOD were associated with significant decreases in the risk for death vs usual care in a previous study of patients in ICU.

  • In the current study, SOD and SDD among patients in ICU reduced the risk for bacteremia and also the risk for acquisition of highly resistant microorganisms on endotracheal aspirates.


2011年4月11日 星期一


只能說真可怕。 可能是世界級的醜聞! 都是KMT在搞鬼!  無恥無品到極點。



◎ 林德正

昨天在網路上看到一篇「搞垮捐款信心 欺善 紅十字會憂讒畏譏」的報導,新聞中提到立委潘孟安的質疑。他表示,台灣紅十字會說撥給日本一千五百萬美元是「慣例」,因為其他國家也採相同作法,例如美國紅十字會至今也只提供一千萬美元。但潘立委查證到美國已撥款六千萬美元給日本的紅十字會支部。如果潘立委資料確實,那麼就是台灣紅十字會說謊!這還了得?這比「零時差」的謊言更嚴重,陳長文是否該出面澄清?






◎ 林碧珠










◎ 郭川珍





◎ 李文凱






零時差?日本的「赤十字」VS. 陳長文的「紅十字」





先前王偉忠處理一雙中田英壽的義賣球鞋不當,被網友罵「幹鞋哥」而頻為自己抱屈,沒錯,場子正是紅十字會的。那場名為「相信希望Fight & Smile賑災募款晚會」官方網站上清楚寫著:「將台灣民眾的愛心,透過中華民國紅十字會總會零時差地轉達到日本災民手中送到日本。」「零時差」這三個字,似乎是自取其辱般地相映陳長文近日辯駁的:「紅十字會如果只是把募來的錢『順手』捐出,實在沒有存在必要。」




這篇文章寫得正中標靶,讀來真暢快!!! 好文章,留存在部落格內。


當權三年,以耍賴皮見長,把 「我不知道」、「我看報才知道」當口頭禪的人,根本不配當總統;要用「苦肉計」轉移注意力,換取同情;用「置入行銷」騙自己的人,早就該下台。


這種異象只反映馬英九個人德行與才具不足,和國民黨在台灣,坐轎與抬轎階級分明的文化 。










Gabapentin (Neurontin)是用於治療seizure disorder (癲癇)、神經病變引起的疼痛(neuropathic pain、post-herpetic pain)major depressive disorder (憂鬱症)等的藥物。劑量通常是300 mg,一天四次左右。它是GABA之類,抑制腦細胞間聯繫(synaptic impulse)的化合物質。(下面引用的文章是討論長效型藥物,新批准使用於restless leg syndrome=RLS,服用法不一樣)

Gabapentin還有改善皮膚刺癢(paresthesia-dysesthesia,俗稱pins-and-needles)症狀的作用。劑量不必要高,100-200 mg,一天兩三次就可能有效。這是少有人討論的藥效,不過,對有此症狀的病患是很重要。

皮膚刺癢是真性多血症(polycythemia veraPV)病患常見(40%)的症狀。因為這是非致命的症狀,很少研究。但是症狀非常惱人,可以使病人極為難受,無法工作、無法入眠。因為PV病人不知道 "刺癢" "" 不一樣,常常稱為是皮膚癢(pruritus),而使用antihistamine治療(無效) [我相信教科書上描寫PV的皮膚症狀為 pruritus是錯誤,應該是paresthesia-dysesthesia。兩者發生機轉不一樣: Paresthesia-dysesthesianeuropathic pain的一種,撫擦皮膚就會舒服。Pruritus的機轉尚不明,有可能是和pain不同的神經傳導,會引起反射性搔抓,一般使用antihistamine可以抑制pruritus]

真性多血症的皮膚刺癢一般典型的是熱水澡之後出現,不過很有可能開始時是由某些食物刺激引起(food intolerance: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ccshsu-clement/article?mid=5982),以後PV病情可能有某些變化,而成為常態性症狀。[這是筆者的疾病自身觀察的結果,因此會有後續情報。]


April 11, 2011 — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved gabapentin enacarbil extended-release tablets (Horizant; GlaxoSmithKline and XenoPort Inc) for the treatment of moderate-to-severe primary restless legs syndrome (RLS) in adults.

Gabapentin is the first medication in its class to be approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe primary RLS, a statement from the companies notes. The drug's efficacy in the treatment of moderate-to-severe primary RLS was confirmed in two 12-week clinical trials in adults.

"Our experience has shown that patients with moderate-to-severe primary RLS can suffer from a range of disruptive symptoms and may benefit from a new treatment option," said Richard K. Bogan, MD, chairman and chief medical officer of SleepMed of South Carolina in Columbia, a clinical trial investigator, in the company release.

Gabapentin enacarbil extended-release tablets are absorbed via the body's nutrient transport mechanisms. The drug is then converted into gabapentin, which binds to a specific type of calcium channel receptor, with no known affinity for other receptors. However, the exact mechanism of action of this agent in treating RLS is unknown.

Gabapentin enacarbil extended-release tablets are not interchangeable with other forms of gabapentin because of differing pharmacokinetics. The same doses of this and other gabapentin products result in different plasma concentrations of gabapentin.

The newly approved drug may cause significant driving impairment, the statement notes. In three 12-week clinical trials, the 2 most commonly observed adverse reactions for the 600 mg per day (n = 163) and 1200 mg per day (n = 269) doses were lethargy (20%, 27%) and dizziness (13%, 22%), compared with 6% and 4%, respectively, with placebo (n = 245).

The recommended dosage is 600 mg once daily taken with food at about 5:00 pm. In addition, the new formulation is contraindicated for patients who need to sleep during the day and remain awake at night.

Gabapentin is an antiepileptic drug. This class of drugs has been associated with an increased risk for suicidal thoughts, depression, and mood changes.

The prevalence for RLS in adults with medically significant symptoms ranges from 1.5% to 2.7% in the United States and/or Western Europe. Diagnostic criteria for RLS include an urge to move the legs usually accompanied or caused by uncomfortable leg sensations, symptoms begin or worsen during periods of inactivity and are partially or totally relieved by movement at least as long as the activity continues, and symptoms are worse or occur only in the evening or night. Potential genetic variants of RLS may exist.

Full prescribing information is available on the GlaxoSmithKline Web site.


2011年4月10日 星期日


April 5, 2011 — Enhanced intensive care unit (ICU) cleaning involving disinfectant-saturated cleaning cloths, an educational campaign, and targeted feedback may reduce methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) transmission. The risk for MRSA acquisition may also be eliminated from an MRSA-positive room occupant, according to the findings of a recent cohort study.

Rupak Datta, MPH, with the University of California Irvine School of Medicine and colleagues reported their findings in the March 28, 2011, issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

According to the researchers, contamination with multidrug-resistant bacteria is particularly important in ICUs, as patients are at high risk for infection from comorbidities, wounds, and the use of medical devices.

Previous studies have shown that an intervention including repeated immersion of cleaning cloths into disinfectant-filled containers, cleaning efficiency feedback, and an educational campaign reduced MRSA and VRE room contamination. The current retrospective cohort study was designed to assess the effect of this cleaning intervention on the risk for MRSA and VRE acquisition from prior room occupants.

A total of 9449 patients admitted to 10 ICUs at a 750-bed academic medical center from September 1, 2006, through April 30, 2008, during the enhanced cleaning intervention, were compared vs a baseline of 8203 patients admitted from September 1, 2003, through April 30, 2005.

The enhanced cleaning intervention resulted in a reduction in MRSA and VRE vs baseline. MRSA was reduced from 3.0% to 1.5% (P < .001), and VRE was reduced from 3.0% to 2.2% (P < .001). Patients in rooms previously occupied by carriers showed increased contamination in the baseline group (3.9% vs 2.9%; = .03) but not in the intervention group (1.5% vs 1.5%; P = .79) for MRSA. However, for VRE, an increased risk was seen at baseline (4.5% vs 2.8%; P = .001) and during intervention (3.5% vs 2.0%; P < .001).

Additional studies to evaluate the differential effect of enhanced cleaning on MRSA and VRE are needed. This may be especially applicable to healthcare settings with a high prevalence of VRE where rigorous cleaning methods may be indicated.

The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health. The study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Arch Intern Med. 2011;171:491-494. Abstract


治療 C. difficile: 使用Fidaxomycin 比 vancomycin 好!

April 5, 2011 — The experimental antibiotic fidaxomicin (Optimer Pharmaceuticals Inc) has won a hearty endorsement from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee for the treatment of life-threatening Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea.

The committee unanimously agreed that fidaxomicin was safe and effective, although a few panel members voiced concerns about safety in pregnant women, the elderly, and people with a compromised immune system in the discussion that followed the vote. Some of the panel were also concerned about gastrointestinal bleeding, which occurred more often with fidaxomicin than with vancomycin.

The positive reception was forecast last week when FDA reviewers released documents stating that fidaxomicin worked as well as its comparator, the older antibiotic vancomycin, in fighting C difficile infections.

According to FDA documents, fidaxomicin, which Optimer plans to market as Dificid, is a macrolide antibacterial with an 18-membered ring that is microbiologically active against C difficile. It has a narrow-spectrum antibacterial profile, has bactericidal activity against C difficile, is poorly absorbed, and exerts its activity in the gastrointestinal tract.

The panel thought the 2 studies presented by Optimer were very well done.

"I voted yes because the trials were rigorously done," said Yu Shyr, PhD, from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, who was one of the statisticians on the panel.

William Hasler, MD, professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, said the data were strong. "In fact," he said, "I think the data suggests this drug is superior to vancomycin." He added that he had some minor concerns about the risks of gastrointestinal bleeding and leukopenia, "but I believe these are relatively minor and can be followed postmarketing."

The acting chair of the committee, Matthew Goetz, MD, professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, added that he too was concerned about leukopenia. Although this concern did not prevent him from voting for approval, leukopenia is something that warrants further observation, he said.

Several panel members were pleased that Optimer had considered the pediatric age group. "Undoubtedly it will be used in that population, and I applaud the company for having a plan in place for looking at pediatric patients," said Sheldon L. Kaplan, MD, professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

Archana Chatterjee, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics at Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska, noted that C difficile–associated diarrhea, although clearly a significant problem in adults (especially the elderly), is increasingly becoming a concern in children.

"These are the patients I care for," she said. "For the first time I have come to this committee meeting and I do not have to plead for a plan for a formulation for children, so I congratulate that company for having a plan for them."

FDA Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee; Hilton Washington, DC; Silver Spring, Maryland; April 5, 2011.