2012年12月31日 星期一

抗藥性結核菌的新藥 bedaquiline

FDA Approves Bedaquiline for Resistant TB Treatment

Miriam E. Tucker

Dec 31, 2012

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved bedaquiline today as part of the treatment regimen for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) when other agents are unavailable.

Bedaquiline, to be sold under the brand name Sirturo by Janssen Therapeutics, a division of Janssen Products LP, was approved under the FDA's accelerated approval program on the basis of phase 2 efficacy and safety data that used the surrogate study endpoint of sputum culture conversion rather than clinical cure. The FDA had allowed the company to move forward with the phase 2 data to support its new drug application for accelerated approval because of the unmet need. However, as a condition of submission under accelerated approval, the company is obligated to conduct a confirmatory phase 3 trial.

Bedaquiline is the first new TB drug since the introduction of rifampin in 1970.

"Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis poses a serious health threat throughout the world, and Sirturo provides much-needed treatment for patients who...don't have other therapeutic options available," Edward Cox, MD, MPH, director of the Office of Antimicrobial Products in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in an FDA news release. "However, because the drug also carries some significant risks, doctors should make sure they use it appropriately and only in patients who don't have other treatment options."

Bedaquiline works via a novel mechanism of action — inhibition of a mycobacterial enzyme that is essential to the bacteria's action — and will be indicated as part of combination therapy for the treatment of pulmonary TB caused by MDR Mycobacterium tuberculosis in adults, to be administered under directly observed therapy.

The approval comes after an FDA advisory panel endorsed the efficacy of the drug at a hearing on November 28, 2012, although many panel members had expressed safety concerns. The vote was unanimous (18 to 0) in supporting bedaquiline's efficacy, but the panel had split 11 to 7 on safety in support of accelerated approval.

Janssen had presented data from 2 studies involving a total of 440 patients with MDR-TB, defined as TB that is resistant to at least rifampin and isoniazid. In a study that was placebo-controlled, bedaquiline resulted in a significant 33% faster culture conversion within 24 weeks, with approximately 79% of those taking bedaquiline converting at 24 weeks in both the placebo-controlled and an open-label trial.

Safety concerns reported by both Janssen and the FDA included signals for increased risks for QT interval prolongation, hepatotoxicity, and a greater number of deaths in the bedaquiline group compared with in the placebo group. The number of deaths was small, and at least half were deemed to be related to the TB itself, but the difference between bedaquiline and placebo (12.7% vs 2.5%) was statistically significant.

The drug will carry a boxed warning alerting patients and healthcare professionals that it can affect QT prolongation. The warning also notes deaths in patients treated with bedaquiline.

At the advisory committee hearing, Fred Gordin, MD, chief of infectious diseases at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC, who voted yes on the efficacy but no on the safety of bedaquiline, had said he still supported the drug's approval "with the caveat that we need much more safety data.... There's clearly a role for this drug, but in many patients who have other options, I think it has to be very clear to providers that there are long-term safety issues."

Janssen's phase 3 trial is planned for 2013. It is designed as a double-blind study comparing 9 months of treatment with bedaquiline with treatment with placebo, both with a background regimen.

 Medscape Medical News © WebMD, LLC

8 則留言:

  1. 清曉先生:祝福您2013年身體健康 萬事如意     曾曼意mani敬賀

  2. 曾曼意先生:
    郭鑑泗有沒有和你連絡?   他還是隱士,都沒有和同學通訊。 小小一個班,卻包含很多不同個性的人物。
    我剛從台灣回來。因為在十個工作天內要東奔西跑,推銷我剛出版的書,微生物學史,是 250人以上的傳記集,又加許多有趣的故事。太忙,沒能和你聯絡。 還得了重感冒!
    祝你新的 一年會更好!!

  3. 清曉先生:真的太感激您了.雖然郭先生一直未回覆我.但能認識您.我很開心.也有關注您寫的文章.雖然很多都是英文或又是醫學名詞我看不太懂....但我還是努力的把它看完

  4. 曾曼意先生:
    郭鑑泗在台北的土地不知是多大?  可能埋有大量祖傳金塊或珠寶!!  我這次是連少量的自己股票都賣了,以免老了還得長途飛行返台,或是留給子孫麻煩。

  5. 清曉先生:感謝您百忙中還抽空回覆我這魏曾謀面的人,郭先生地雖然是馬路.但剛好有客戶需要因此曼意才急需找郭先生,因為機會難得,若不麻煩的話,可否請清曉先生在幫我跟郭先生提一下,亦可請他直接寫Mail給我,我們也曾遇到地主往生了後代子女也不知去向,只好捐給政府實在可惜,像清曉先生這樣的人還真不多.也請您可以的話勸郭先生。
    我的fb:t200114@yahoo.com.tw帳號名字是mani tseng不知清曉先生是否有fb 若有的話可以加我嗎?)

  6. 曾先生:
    抱歉,未能給你好消息。 說不定你買一本我的 "微生物學史" 瀏覽瀏覽,內容易懂、有趣。多了解一下醫學歷史,或許可以改變手氣!? 

  7. 清曉先生您好:
    祝福您 平安順心

  8. 曼意:
    我下次返台不知道將是何時。不過我把妳電話記下來了。我的手機是0937-975-930。  對我有好消息就會返台。 我也不知道甚麼是好消媳!!
    目前一個筆電甩下地上,要修理,是壞消息。感冒逐漸好轉中,算是好消息。書的銷路將會如何還不明。這是最關心的事。 現在是已經盡了人事,只能聽天由命。
