2013年3月29日 星期五


Formosan Association for Public Affairs

552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

For Immediate Release

Washington D C - March 29th 2013

Contact: (202) 547-3686

FAPA urges US government to protest China’s continued restriction of Taiwan’s international space

President Ma’s ‘diplomatic truce’ not working

(Washington, D.C. – March 29th 2013) -- Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) – a Washington-based Taiwanese-American grassroots advocacy organization – expressed its concern about two recent events showing that China is still attempting to deny Taiwan international space.

The two events were the Chinese reaction to President Ma’s trip to Rome to attend the inauguration of Pope Francis, and the decision by the Indonesian government in Jakarta to deny a delegation from Taiwan access to an international defense conference after objections from China.

In the case of Taiwan President Ma’s trip to Rome, the Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized both Taiwan and the Vatican over the visit. In a press briefing on March 18th 2013, PRC spokeswoman Hua Chun-ying urged the Vatican to “dissolve ties with Taiwan.”

In the case of the Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD), a four-person Taiwanese delegation was forced to withdraw from attending the conference, when the Indonesian authorities disinvited the delegation after China raised objections to Taiwan’s presence at the conference.

In response to the developments, FAPA President Mark Kao states: “China’s continued efforts to undermine Taiwan’s presence at such international events do clearly show that President Ma’s “diplomatic truce” is not working. Worse, it shows that promises of a “rapprochement” across the Taiwan Strait is leading to diminished international space for Taiwan.”

Dr. Kao adds: “China’s moves are also in clear contradiction to stated US policy, which says that the US supports meaningful participation by Taiwan in international organizations. We call on the US government to protest China’s attempts to restrict Taiwan’s international space. Taiwan should be a full and equal member in the international family of nations.”









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