2009年5月31日 星期日

美國內專「末代口試」The last ABIM oral exam




這是我1972年參與美國內科專科醫師考試(American Board of Internal MedicineABIM Board Exam) 史上最後一次口試的經過。

ABIM Board Exam迄今已有七十年以上的歷史。ABIM是對醫業及民眾負責,維持醫師臨床學術水準的最高層級專業機構。它的證書代表這位醫師對內科學已經具有正確的臨床判斷力、技術、以及對醫業的態度,可以提供優秀的病人醫療照護。

1972年底之前,這個內專考試分為兩部分,第一部分是在接受完三年的實 習 醫師及住院醫師臨床訓練之後才能申請的筆試。如果筆試通過,再經過一年,可以申請第二部份的口試。筆試口試都通過之後,就能得到ABIM的專科醫師證書。如果口試三次不過,就得再接受筆試,通過,才能再度報考。



口試官的態度是否公正也成為問題。當時我在紐約認識一位極為聰明,臨床能力超強,受我高度尊敬的內科教授,卻聽他的一位 後輩 教授告訴我說,這位professor H考三次口試都沒過。以後經第三者探問一位主考官,為什麼他口試沒過,回答卻是 “He did not impress me.”。幸而美國當時學校只看能不能做事,不會只看這種證書,他的能力、表現還是讓他有機會做該做的職務。

現在ABIM筆試考試通過率都在百分之九十以上。以前的內專第一部分筆試,對於接受良好的教學醫院訓練的醫師,我猜測通過率也是很高才對。不過,口試卻不一定那麼容易,因為到接受口試時,已經是進入次專科訓練快經歷兩年,開始對一般內科有些生疏的時候,而所接的「試題」不知道會是哪一方面的。有一位已經接受極優秀醫學中心心臟專科fellowship訓練兩年的醫師,看他考前是滿以為受過好醫院的訓練,進去和考官聊聊談談大概就可以了。但分發給他的病例卻是個primary gonadal agenesis(原發性性腺未發育症)! 他可能連想都沒想到他的「試題」會是內分泌方面的這種冷門疾病,考完出來面色蒼白對我直搖頭。

1969年就通過第一階段的筆試,過兩年再申請口試,到1972年 五月二十四日 接到ABIM通知,要我準備 十月十一日 到十三日之間,到紐約接受口試。那時已經知道這是最後一次,是「末代口試」,這次不考,以後不知道是否要再經過一次筆試。當年我雖已經是做淋巴球研究第四年,一般內科的臨床能力經由晚上到小醫院工作賺收入的方式,還能維持一個水準。自從收到考試日期通知,又開始複習我抵美後一直訂閱的數種內科學雜誌,尤其兩年來Annals of Internal Medicine的每一篇摘要都讀,吸收一般內科學的新知。

當年七月我已經到芝加哥西北大學感染科就職,一方面要趕緊學習臨床感染科學,以便領導迴診;同時又要準備一份合乎主任Dr. Paterson要求的研究計畫書,申請研究經費,結果工作壓力極大。又在六月就接到在台灣的母親得到淋巴腺惡性腫瘤,被當作是結核病治療,正確診斷延誤了半年的消息,心情低沉的程度無法描寫。再被那位感染科主任無情的施壓,我在七月中旬就開始心律不整,給心臟科主任追蹤了半年,才逐漸好轉。

九月二十一日接到ABIM通知,口試確定是 十月十二日星期四上午 在紐約Bellevue Hospital。我提早兩天,十日就到紐約住在哥哥的宿舍,大嫂還燒牛排給我吃補強神。十一日到Bellevue勘查地理,十二日一早就到考試地點。

早上九點十五分,由該醫院內科總醫師帶我見第一位病人。他是六十幾歲,有急性心肌梗塞、肝硬化、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、又有營養不良、曾多次住院的男性病人,住單人房,因此也可能是要考慮有肺結核。可以想像問診需要花很多時間、廣泛詳細。他是從Minnesota或是Wisconsin專程來的副考官Dr. Forsythe的「試題」。我忘了和Dr. Forsythe的應答詳情,現在只記得他和我在病人旁,說到眼底鏡檢查,他看到我的眼底鏡是小口袋型的,他還拿起來自己看病人眼底,問我這光線不會太暗嗎。不過我是一直都用這支慣了,回答說我沒有問題。

到第二位病人,他也是六十幾歲男性,因為輕微中風第一次住院。見到我時是可以坐在病床上。他有輕度高血壓,神經學檢查也有一些中風相關的異常反射,但肌肉力量卻無明顯減低。我本來心想這個個案,是要我報告神經學檢查嗎? 心中開始感到不安。 可是到眼底檢查時,卻注意到他的網膜血管有很多的microaneurysms(微血管瘤)! 我警覺這應該就是這個病人的診斷關鍵! 他應該是糖尿病患,但必須先設法各方確認。我一再重複地察看眼底變化,再細心地問診。但問不出病人有過糖尿病症狀,也無家族史,他的過去病史是一片空白。又,這些病人顯然事前就被指示不要主動提供任何幫助診斷的訊息,看他的面孔,只有一臉無辜的表情! 因此我換個方式,看著他的上臂抽血部位,問他住院後是否飯前飯後都被抽血幾次檢查,他稍微遲疑一下,回答說,「有」! 啊哈! 顯然他住院後接受了血糖檢查glucose tolerance test,他有糖尿病無誤!

主考官是Bellevue Hospital 內科主任Dr. Saul Farber。我在他面前坐下,心情已經很穩定有信心。我陳述這個病人沒有任何重要的病史,也陳述他各種不正常的神經學檢查結果,再慎重的說出我在眼底看到microaneurysms,因此這個病人應該有糖尿病。他就問,那麼病人的身體會有哪些變化,如何治療,等等。我就說糖尿病應該除了網膜,還會有腎臟病變、神經病變,都是因為微血管變化引起。我又談到治療,還主動地討論,幾個月前有篇論文,報告一種常用的糖尿病口服藥可能會容易引起心臟疾病,不過這種報告只能參考,不該影響目前的口服治療方式(這是要表示我常讀文獻,又能夠判斷論文報告的可接受性)。記得我陳述這中風病人的一串神經學檢查,並沒能檢查出Hoffman’s sign。到和Dr. Farber一起看病人時,他卻可以引出Hoffman’s sign,對我看了一眼,使我心慌出了一身冷汗,但看他似乎並不很在意。

ㄧ個上午考完,心中總是輕鬆些,沒犯大錯,應該是沒有問題。中午還叫計程車司機載我到最好的紐約餐廳,他就帶我到四十四街Sardi’s Restaurant,說是名人出沒的地方。吃完中飯,下午就飛回到芝加哥。

翌日見到主任Dr. Paterson,告訴他Dr. Farber是考試官,我從眼底診斷出糖尿病,也提到腎病變。Dr. PatersonNew York University來的,一聽就說,啊,Dr. Farber是非常公正、受人尊敬的內科主任。糖尿病患有微血管瘤者,會100% 伴有Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome (diabetic nephropathy)就是他最喜歡出的題目,你如果不能看出眼底的微血管瘤、沒答對微血管瘤和腎病變的關聯,就別想過關。這位醫師從19662000擔任NYU內科主任,19871998又任醫學院長兼教務長(Provost),於2006年去世。NYU2001年特別提出對建設NYU最有貢獻的八位醫師,Dr. Farber是第一位,是研究腎臟的先鋒。八位中我曾有過接觸的,還有發現heavy chain disease、五十三歲就去世的免疫學家Dr. Edward Franklin(1969年差一點到他手下工作),及介紹我到西北大學感染科的Dr. Sherwood Lawrence





許清曉 醫師 (http://blog.xuite.net/ccshsu2003/ccshsu/)


2009年5月17日 星期日



想一想! 遊行、靜坐、嗆馬、高喊反傾中、高喊顧主權、高喊罷免馬統、、、,之後,再過七天、十天,會怎麼樣? 會有公投嗎?法治會上軌道嗎?KMT就會繳出黨產了嗎?台灣政府傾中趨勢會停止嗎? 臺灣主權就恢復了嗎? 在外國人眼中台灣就不算是「中國一地區、中國一省」了嗎?馬桶就會變聰明些誠實些或良心發現、懺悔改過,做真正全部台灣人的總統了嗎? 事關自己的民主、自由、人權,天真不得啊!五一七示威遊行過了,可是仔細預期以後幾步棋子,再想一想!



兩岸緊張局面緩和是好事,可絕不能以放棄自己主權,由重視人權的民主自由獨立國向獨裁專制國投降的方式換取! 這個二十一世紀無法置信的台灣政治倒退經驗,是迄今世界民主自由人權史上最可恥的一頁。


























2009年5月8日 星期五

Guidelines--Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Gynecologic Procedures.

Guidelines Issued on Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Gynecologic Procedures

News Author: Laurie Barclay, MD
CME Author: Charles P. Vega, MD, FAAFP

CME/CE Released: 04/30/2009 ; Valid for credit through 04/30/2010

April 30, 2009 — The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has issued a practice bulletin on antibiotic prophylaxis for gynecologic procedures. The new guidelines, which replace a previous practice bulletin, are published in the May issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology, with the aim of reviewing the evidence for surgical site infection prevention and appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis for gynecologic procedures.

"State-of-the-art aseptic technique has been associated with a dramatic decrease in surgical site infections, but bacterial contamination of the surgical site is inevitable," write David Soper, MD, and colleagues from ACOG. "The in vivo interaction between the inoculated bacteria and a prophylactically administered antibiotic is one of the most important determinants of the state of the surgical site. Systemic antibiotic prophylaxis is based on the belief that antibiotics in the host tissues can augment natural immune-defense mechanisms and help to kill bacteria that are inoculated into the wound."

The most common surgical complication continues to be surgical site infection, occurring in up to 5% of patients undergoing operative procedures. Consequences of surgical site infection include longer hospitalization and increased healthcare costs.

Although the selective use of antibiotic prophylaxis has been one of the major advances in infection control practices, indiscriminate use of antibiotics has promoted the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Individual patients as well as institutions experience negative effects when antibiotic resistance develops, mandating that clinicians understand when antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated and when it is not appropriate.

The choice of an appropriate antimicrobial agent for prophylaxis should take into account that the agent selected must be of low toxicity, have an established safety record, not be used routinely to treat serious infections, have a spectrum of activity including the microorganisms most likely to cause infection, achieve therapeutic concentration in relevant tissues during the procedure, be administered for a short time, and be administered in a manner that will ensure its presence in surgical sites at the time of the incision.

"The cephalosporins have emerged as the drugs of choice for most operative procedures because of their broad antimicrobial spectrum and the low incidence of allergic reactions and side effects," the guidelines authors write. "Cefazolin (1 g) is the most commonly used agent because of its reasonably long half-life (1.8 hours) and low cost. Most clinical studies indicate that it is equivalent to other cephalosporins that have improved in vitro activity against anaerobic bacteria in clean-contaminated procedures such as a hysterectomy."

After a review of the available literature and clinical studies, the ACOG panel made the following Level A recommendations and conclusions, based on good and consistent scientific evidence:

• Preoperative, single-dose antimicrobial prophylaxis is recommended for women undergoing hysterectomy.

• Antibiotic prophylaxis is not indicated at the time of intrauterine device insertion because pelvic inflammatory disease occurs uncommonly whether antibiotic prophylaxis is used.

• For elective suction curettage abortion, antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated.

• For patients undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy, antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended.

The ACOG made the following Level B recommendations and conclusions, based on limited or inconsistent scientific evidence:

• Hysterosalpingography can be performed without prophylactic antibiotics in patients with no history of pelvic infection. However, to reduce the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease after hysterosalpingography, antibiotic prophylaxis should be given if hysterosalpingography shows dilated fallopian tubes.

• In the general patient population, routine antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended for hysteroscopic surgery.

• In patients with a history of penicillin allergy not thought to be immunoglobulin E mediated (immediate hypersensitivity), cephalosporin prophylaxis is acceptable.

• Before undergoing hysterectomy, patients with preoperative bacterial vaginosis should be treated.

The ACOG made the following Level C recommendations and conclusions, based primarily on consensus and expert opinion:

• For patients undergoing exploratory laparotomy, antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended.

• For patients with a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or tubal damage noted at the time of the procedure, prophylaxis may be considered for transcervical procedures such as hysterosalpingography, chromotubation, and hysteroscopy.

• Cephalosporin antibiotics should not be given to patients with a history of an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to penicillin.

• Before undergoing urodynamic testing, women should have pretest screening for bacteriuria or urinary tract infection by urine culture or urinalysis, or both. Antibiotic treatment should be given to women with positive test results.

A performance measure proposed by the ACOG authors is the percentage of women undergoing hysterectomy who received preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis.

"Cephalosporin prophylaxis is acceptable in those patients with a history of penicillin allergy not believed to be immunoglobulin E mediated (immediate hypersensitivity)," the guidelines authors conclude. "Metronidazole or clindamycin alone have been shown to reduce infection after hysterectomy, but broadening coverage results in a further lowering of infection rates. For this reason, combination regimens are recommended for use in women with an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to penicillin."

Obstet Gynecol. 2009;113:1180-1189.

Clinical Context

Infection is a common complication after any surgery, but gynecologic procedures merit special consideration regarding prevention of postoperative infection. Procedures involving the vagina can expose wounds to both aerobes and anaerobes, and the presence of bacterial vaginosis can significantly increase the risk for posthysterectomy cuff cellulitis. Procedures that breach the endocervix can potentially distribute pathogens to the endometrium and fallopian tubes. However, in practice, infection after such procedures is rare and often occurs after previous pelvic inflammatory disease.

The current ACOG Practice Bulletin highlights the best practice of using prophylactic antibiotics for gynecologic procedures.

Study Highlights

  • Prophylactic antibiotics are recommended for the following procedures:

    • Hysterectomy

    • Urogynecology procedures involving mesh

    • Hysterosalpingogram or chromotubation

    • Induced abortion

    • Dilation and evacuation

  • Antibiotics are not required before the following procedures:

    • Diagnostic or operative laparoscopy

    • Laparoscopic tubal sterilization

    • Hysteroscopy

    • Intrauterine device insertion

    • Endometrial biopsy

  • When required, antibiotics should only be administered immediately before the procedure, and longer cases may require repeat dosing at 1 to 2 times the half-life of the drug. For cefazolin, this means that repeated dosing is necessary at 3 hours of operative time.

  • The dosage of the prophylactic antibiotic should be increased when the patient's body mass index exceeds 35 kg/m2. The standard 1-g dose of cefazolin should be doubled to 2 g for such patients.

  • Cefazolin is the most popular choice for antibiotic prophylaxis, but most trials demonstrate that no one antibiotic regimen is superior to another for the prevention of infection after hysterectomy.

  • Patients with bacterial vaginosis should be treated with metronidazole for at least 4 days, including both the preoperative and postoperative periods.

  • Because patients with dilated fallopian tubes have a higher risk for pelvic inflammatory disease after hysterosalpingography, women with this finding should receive doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 5 days after the procedure.

  • Research has demonstrated that even women without a history of pelvic inflammatory disease benefit from prophylactic antibiotics before suction curettage for elective abortion. Women undergoing suction curettage for a missed abortion should also receive antibiotic prophylaxis.

  • The most effective and least expensive prophylactic antibiotic regimen for abortion is doxycycline 100 mg at 1 hour before the procedure followed by 200 mg after the procedure.

  • Mechanical bowel preparation does not appear to be necessary before gynecologic procedures.

  • Bacteruria should be treated before urodynamic testing, and clinicians should also consider daily antibiotic prophylaxis in women discharged with an indwelling urinary catheter.

  • In women with penicillin allergy, cephalosporins should be avoided only in women with immediate hypersensitivity, which is the most severe immediate reaction. Metronidazole, clindamycin, and quinolone antibiotics may be used as alternative prophylactic agents in such patients.

Clinical Implications

  • Gynecologic procedures can carry special risks for postoperative infection. Procedures involving the vagina can expose wounds to aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, and bacterial vaginosis increases the risk for posthysterectomy infection. Infection is rare after endocervical procedures, but the risk for infection is increased in women with a history of pelvic inflammatory disease.

  • The current practice guideline states that prophylactic antibiotics should be used before hysterectomy, hysterosalpingogram, and induced abortion, but not before operative laparoscopy, routine hysteroscopy, or insertion of an intrauterine device.