2009年7月17日 星期五

I miss Hualien 懷念花蓮

Arkansas House Speaker Robbie Wills was invited to attend the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung , Taiwan . He reported in his website that he experienced 6.5 scale earth quake and visited scenic Taroko Gorge[http://www.robbiewills.com/ 2009/07/15 /wednesday-in-taiwan/comment-page-1/#comment-1345]


Their photos made me reminisce:



Oh, I miss Hualien. The Gorge, the ocean and the quake.

I lived there 12 of my 18 years in Taiwan till I retired.


Taroko Gorge was like a dream garden in my backyard.

I would drive on weekends deep into the Gorge,

tilt my head way back to watch the peaks that stood next to me,

and guessed how high they could be.


White clouds flew by in between.


I would visit the rest area at the entrance of the Gorge

and order some snacks and coffee,

sit back and enjoy the baked sweet potato, the surrounding mountains and the river below.


How the families enjoyed their holiday on the green lawn.


The Ocean used to be part of my front yard.

I would go to the harbor during the typhoon days,

to watch the huge waves rushing ashore,

to feel the force of the nature.


I used to walk to the beach on calm days,

and whisper into the wind:







Inside the Taroko or facing the Pacific,

There were beauty, purity, and serenity that no one could miss.

Everyone would be struck with awe.

For short moments, I could forget the corruptions and hypocrisy,

And find the peace in my heart, that is so healing.



And, ah, yes, those earthquakes.

From underneath they would rock and roar.

They would wake me up in the middle of the night.

There were commotions in the street, but I never panicked.

I knew the world would never crumble.

Like my spirit that will always stand tall.












6 則留言:

  1. 教授..

  2. 我目前預定九月返台,看嘉基醫院是否有預算邀我去上課。可能回去兩週,或十天。一個人大概不會去日本。至於花蓮嘛,很想去,但是不知可以找何人。有時故地重遊,不一定是有很愉快的結果。

  3. HI, Dear Dr.Hsu :
    It's me. Mr. Liu , your friend, at Tainan. Remember.
    You write the essay and the Chinese poem that describe the Gorge . That was so amazing.
    You did a great work.
    Chang An

  4. Hi, Chang-an!  I am glad that you like my essay, or poem.
    I plan to go back to Taiwan in August and meet with print companies. May see you then.  

  5. 親愛的許爸:7/24.25我將隨著台北縣護理師護士公會旅遊團一同再次造訪花蓮.想必會與您見到相同的美景.真是期待!!恩主公醫院雅雯

  6. Hi, 雅雯: 花蓮是我看過全世界最美麗可居的幾個小都市之一。如果有一部車子及時間,能夠到處觀賞,該是多好! 高山深谷,岩石綠樹流水! 又到濱海公路觀賞大海,好寫意! 又有那些颱風時駭人的巨浪,偶而有鬆弛筋骨的地震!晚上到街上散步,買條烤香腸,買幾張DVD電影,坐下喝咖啡。唉!好想秋冬間再回去住個一兩個月。
    我是九月會再返台兩週,但可能不會去花蓮。看辦事之餘,是否還有時間。妳的工作似乎是很順利哦? 祝你更順利!
