2009年11月30日 星期一

Paresthesia-Dysesthesia in Polycythemia vera—Follow-up observations

Paresthesia-Dysesthesia in Polycythemia vera

Follow-up observations

A 71 year-old. man with polycythemia vera (PV) developed paresthsia-dysesthesia 7 years after the diagnosis of the disease. (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ccshsu-clement/article?mid=5982&prev=6160&next=5902&l=f&fid=7) (Paresthesia= pins-and-needles sensation of the skin, dysesthesia= severe paresthesia that causes pain.)  It was found to be due to the food intolerance to chocolate and could be relieved by gabapentin. (In food intolerance, the amount of food taken is proportional to the degree of the symptom; and in food allergy, even a small amount of the allergen can precipitate serious reactions through immunologic response.) In the beginning, only chocolate was found to induce the symptom. However, 5-6 months later, peanut-butter or peanut was also noted to cause paresthesia-dysesthesia, and gabapentin (100 mg, one dose) relieved it. Further, in about one month, the paresthesia was also noted after hot shower or bath, akin to the classic description of “pruritus” in PV. It occurred within 30 minutes after the bath and lasted for about one hour. Because of the short duration of the paresthesia after the bath, no medication, such as aspirin or antihistamine, has been tested for the symptom. In addition to the hot bath, there appears to be some other unidentified factor(s) that causes milder paresthesia that could be alleviated by gabapentin.

The common element in the development of paresthesia in response to multiple factors (i.e. foods and hot temperature) several years after the diagnosis of PV appears to be the progress in the PV. There could be changes for the worse in the components in the abnormal platelet or other factors from the marrow cells. Further observation in other patients and laboratory research is needed to elucidate the phenomenon of the skin manifestation in PV.

A point that needs to be clarified is that paresthesia is apart from pruritus. Pruritus is relieved by repeated scratching, and perhaps by antihistamins; whereas paresthesia could be improved by gentle rubbing or touching over the skin and by gabapentin, a medicine for the neuropathic pain and seizure. This distinction suggests that different mechanisms are involved in the production of “pruritus” and “paresthesia”. In prior reports of skin manifestation of PV, it was described as “pruritus after hot bath”. In this case, “paresthesia” was noted after hot bath. It has been customary for many to include “paresthesia” in the category of “itching” or “pruritus”. It makes one wonder whether previous description of “pruritus in PV” was indeed “paresthesia”. A more precise observation and description is needed in the future.


4 則留言:

  1. 教授:

  2. 刺癢症還好。睡覺前如果刺癢厲害,我就服一顆gabapentin。這個藥不僅使刺癢消失,又會有安眠作用,還可以好睡。我還是看這腎臟機能不全為我的隱憂。

  3. 您說到逃避國際語言..

  4. 差不多十天兩週前有兩個監察院委員投書到自由時報,又說病歷要用中文,也是為的配合中國是的吧! 噁心!!!  宗教客、政客都已為醫學可以由外行人管制,以為病例是寫給家屬看的。對醫學知識之快速進步毫無所悉。這些進步都是英文寫的。
    妳想如果開始用中文寫病歷,妳仍會晉修英文嗎? 可能準備要出國的人會努力。
