2010年1月31日 星期日

B. Photos from 1965 to 1990--wedding, Felix and Ben, in the US.

This part of life is mostly from 1965 till 1990, about Felix and Ben.  There are so many more and had to be added later in "addendum".

In 1965, I went to this huge medical center and worked as a Straight Medical Intern.  Your mom was working at Overlook hospital in Summit, NJ, 40 miles away.  We got married Nov. 20 that year, but lived together only after July, 1966 in Bronx, NY, when I worked at Montefiore Hospital Medical Center as a Junior Resident.

Uncle Charles came from Europe in 1965, after finishing International Relations at Paris University, lived in NYC, looking for work.  He landed in a government job later.  He was proficient in 5 languages.  Uncle Chris was still pursuing his PhD in North Carolina at that time.

We took this picture the night before marriage inside mom's apartment.

Mom was very pretty!! No one doubted it!!

The young lady sitting next to me was Martha Griffin, the bride's maid.  She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin (standing right behind her).  The couple standing at the far left were Mr. and Mrs. Kimble.  They took Mom in like their daughter!  Mom did not have any relatives from Taiwan to attend the wedding then.  The tall couple standing in the certer were Mr. and Mrs. Louden.  These 3 couples helped and paid for our wedding and treated us as their family members.  They were angels from heaven. 

Grandpa wrote down the address of the Kimble's where the wedding took place.

Since mom was all alone, Mr. Kimble acted as the giveaway.  The tall young couple behind mom were Dr. and Mrs. Bill Mroczek, the medical student working with me at JCMC at that time.  A senior resident, Dr. Oliver Lawless (far left) from Ireland also came.  Dr. Bob Sidel could not attend.  Dr. Steven White couple (also medical student), Dr. Ma (馬作忠), Dr. Shih (施哲三), my fellow interns from Taiwan, and Uncle Chris' friend Peter Pan (潘英世) also attended.

The three angel families asked the Mayor of Summit, Mr. David E. Trucksess, to preside the wedding. We exchanged Xmas cards till several years later.   The scrolls in the back were gift to us from my uncles.

My first automobile, a stick shift.

Our first apartment in Bronx, NYC.  On my 29th birthday.

It was a furnished apartment.

Travel to North Carolina to visit Uncle Chris.  This was in Duke Univ.

This is the only group photo taken during my working years in the US. The Second row, 3rd. from the right.

You can imagine how happy grandpa and grandma were when they saw their first grand child!

The day of discharge.  Mom was hospitalized for the delivery for 5 days without my visit!  I had to take 5 days off to take care of Felix at home.  He seemed to understand how nervous I was taking care of him alone, and never cried once.  When mom was coming home, I had to ask an aunt Shu-lih in NYC to come with me to the hospital lobby. She had to take care of Felix in the lobby while I entered.  I  still remember how he watched me disappearing into the elevator, and how he looked relieved when I and mom came out!!

We went back to Taiwan for the first time after staying abroad for 6 years.  The plane tickets were extremely expensive, $1600 one way, per person!!

Felix was bitten by a mosquito on the right eye lid!

Grandpa liked those flowers.  Our house was full of them in our back yard.  This pic was taken in National Taiwan University campus, near Ching-Tien Condo.

1970-09-03 (above)  My classmates Chang CS and Khan YC visited us in Fairlawn, NJ apartment.  Their wifes are sisters.

Grammar Schoolmates and Medical Schoolmates, Drs. Chan TS and Lu WH.

1973. the first class reunion in Chicago.  Grandma has passed away, and grandpa was in the US then. 

When we revisited NYC, in ?? year, we went to the hospital where Ben was born.

Both practiced Tae-Kwon-Do early.  Second degree blackbelts before the college years.

Piano lessons stopped when mom's hearing was lost.

Mom graduated from the College of Engineering, Northwestern University, despite her total hearing loss!!

Felix graduated from the College of Engineering, Northwestern University.  Kai-lin and Kai-wei came with Aunt Mia and Uncle Chris!

Hey, Ben, you look very handsome!

Blackbelts in the Mr. Hong-Sup Kim's TKD class.  I was working in Taiwan already.  I returned home 2-3 times a year for the first several years, then every two months, for 2 weeks each, till 2007.  I was third degree blackbelt by then.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim.  TKD is the only activity that I never regretted participating.

We three were all blackbelt then.

After Ben's graduation from the 7-year course of the Medical School, NU.

Invited participant in 1983 National Developement Seminar in Taiwan.  Many invitees were actually KMT party workers given free trip back from the US to Taiwan.  Whole family could return to Taiwan at government expense.  Felix and Ben also came along.

Premier Sun Yun-shuen was the most respectable person in the KMT government.

1983 National Development Seminar. Evening Party at Taipei Bin-Guan(台北賓館).


This picture was taken just before attending an award dinner from the Leukemia Research Foundation, Inc.  in Chicago, 1977.  There were hundreds of people attending the dinner meeting.  Twenty some awardees had the dinner on the podium.  It was my third award from the Foundation.  By their rule, one researcher could be awarded only twice, but I had minimum award the first time.  So they did not count it, I guess.  I did not go with mom the first two times (1974, 1975).

Nissan Maxima was our car.  This picture was probably taken in 1990's.

Grandpa was elected the president of the Taipei West Rotary Club at age 75!  I heard him deliver a great speech that every one was so impressed.  He was a champion in speeches when he was in school.  The following is a brief biography of his. I do not remember who wrote this piece.

許媽瞈先生傳 (1911-1999)





許先生夫婦之長子清秋,留學法國巴黎大學,獲得國際關係畢業文憑,精通日、英、中、法、義等國語言,服務美國中央情報局,退休後居住美國,著有一書 “NOCCIA見えざる情報官,於2005年去世。二子清曉,台灣大學醫學院醫科畢業,赴美接受內科臨床訓練及淋巴球免疫學研究之後,進入芝加哥西北大學感染科,獲終身職,二十五年後隻身返台服務,多為台灣衛生署、疾病管制局、醫院評鑑出力,批評台灣醫師數十年來怯用抗生素以致病人枉死,導致政策的改變;又率先指導醫院病歷書寫的改善;並協助建立感染控制制度;擔任衛生署發行之感染控制雜誌總編輯十六年,2007年退休,居住美國,著書微生物學史。三子清陽,畢業於台灣大學心理系後赴美,在北卡州獲得哲學博士學位,先進入通用汽車公司,後就職美國國防部,到退休年限,之後翻譯資料,現居美國。






2 則留言:

  1. 您翻譯成英文版怎會這麼快呢??

  2. 我是上午先把像片登上去,到晚上再加上註解。再看還有哪些相片絕對該燈而未登。所以相片類是會逐漸增加。要從數千張好的選一兩百張不容易。
