2010年1月3日 星期日

A. Photos before 1965--family and friends


These are the first batch of old pictures taken before I came to the USA. They are chosen from my father's 120 photo albums and then digitized (by my computer-expert friend Mrs. Ma, 陳美玲老師, and her mother), and saved in my laptops. As I watched and reminisced the people around me when I was young, I wanted to print out all of them in this "A Life's Record of Clement Hsu, MD" VCD. But I could not, as there are 30-40 thousands of them!

I will try to type legends to all pictures in English so that my children and grandchildren, and .... can view them and understand who those people were.  They will be uploaded to my blog and then copied to the word file.  This way it is easier to choose and upload them. Also when the pictures in the blog are copied to the word file, they all look large and clear.

This is the earliest photo of my father, in 1912. He was standing in the front row, second from the right, with left hand near the mouth. He was 2 years old.

1925-12-06, at middle school in Tai-chong. He later went to Akasaka Middle School in Japan.

1927. my mother, at the Chang-hwa Girls' High School, the highest educational institute for girls at that time.

1926. The second oldes town in Taiwan, Luh-gang, was famous for the parade.  

1934-01-31. Father's first Lunar year birthday after wedding. He was studying at the Waseda University in Tokyo.

My parents' wedding photo, with mother's family, in front of the mother's house (默園, Moh-yuan). Moh-yuan was built in 1929 in the middle of rice paddies in Central Taiwan. Type or copy these two characters in Hanji in google search, and you will find all you want to know about it, with pictures.  We lived there toward the end of WWII when there were bombings of Taipei by US air force.

My grandmother at age 50. She passed away the year when I entered the middle school, from renal failure, at age 63.

I was only 33 days old.

Three months old.

2 years 6 moths old.

3 years old. The toys in the back, made of metals, were all taken away by Japanese government toward the end of the World War II, to make weapons!

Father liked to maintain beautiful gardens in the old house in Lin-yih Street or the new house in Shin-shen S. Rd, Taipei. This is a picture taken in the backyard of our first house in Taipei, Lin-yih Street.  When we were little, we did not realize how lucky we were to live in a house with this beautiful garden with Korean lawn.

The kindergarten picture. I was sitting in the front row, 4th from the right.

The picture taken before elder brother's departure to study abroad.

Grammar schoolmates reunion.  Too bad that I have forgotten the names of many of them.

Chen Gong High School in Taipei. (成功中學高中時攝)  I seemed to be the second from the left in the upper row.

Bicycle was our only vehicle for transportation.

The day I passed entrance exam of the National Taiwan University, College of Medicine. 1956-09-01.  In Taiwan, only one exam determined the future of youngmen!  Without connection to those Chinese KMT, medicine is the only promising career we could choose.  Actually those KMT were bilking from Taiwanese to build up their massive political party assets then.

Middle School friends still alive.  The one on the right, Scott Wang, an engineer, was living next to us in Fairlawn.  They have 3 children and we still call each other now.

The one on the left, is from a big Yen family in Taiwan, business is still doing well, and we met just last year.  The one on the right was a professor in botany at U of I.  We two and 3 others organized the first Taiwanese Biological Society in Chicago in 1978?.  It lasted for 3 years.  This is another story that I should write about when I find out the documents I kept somewhere.

Entertaining the high school classmates in the backyard of the Lin-yih Street house.

22nd. birthday.

My father was a pretty well-known collector (Chinese paintings and calligraphies of contemporary artists, coins, newspaper clips, etc., and even liquer bottles.) and liked to maintain the lawn-covered back yard. In the Spring, the whole backyard could be covered by beautiful azalea flowers in pink, red, and white.  You can see how he notated all those photos, to the dates.  A very meticulous, law-abiding, and discreet person.

Parents' Silver Wedding Anniversary.

Parents on Lunar New Years Day, 1958-02-08, in front of our house.

1961-09-06 With my maternal grandfather Chen Shu-Gu (陳滿盈, a.k.a. 陳虛谷) at Moh-yuan. He was a poet and prominent social acitvist at that time, advocating women's right and Taiwanese identity, etc. He was voted as one of the 88 prominent Taiwanese contributed significantly to the Country by Taiwanese Historical Society. He was already suffering from the stroke at that time.

My maternal grandfather. She was from a prominent Ding family in Lu-gang.  Before I left Taiwan for the US , I went to  Chang-hwa to visit her. She arranged a banquette for me and there was a tortoise soup, a rare delicacy. She saw me off at the station and cried that she would never see me again. She was right. She passed away in 1969.

1962-02-05, in the backyard of our new house located at Shin-shen South Road.

Lab class, teaming with my good friend, Chang Chang-Shee (張長喜).

Anatomy class with Ho Zheng4-Kun (何鎮坤) and Chu Ling2 (屈玲)

1963-01-20, the last year of the 7-year medical school, at the dormitory of the National Taiwan University Hospital.

Having shabu-shabu at teacher, Dr. Zhen4 tsong-ming2's house.  He was the most friendly, memorable teacher; taught anatomy.  Passed away fron brain tumor.

Eight roommates in the dorm #410. From left: 路修光,我,顏文雄,甘以昌,李治學,林芳仁,張長喜。

from left: 林金池,林芳仁,李治學,蔡猷文

from left: 連瑤東,朱迺欣,劉文彬,我,??

Won a snooker award. Although I was the weakest of the 3 teammates, I won two key matches against stronger opponents (one was nicknamed, a "pro"!), and that led to our championship in med school. Therefore, the other two gave me the honor to accept the award for the team.

Practiced Kendo (Japanese swordsmanship) for nearly one year.  NTU MC was very strong in this sport during the Japanese rule.  Several of us organized the Kendo Team.  Our trainers were our senior MDs, all 4th degree blackbelts.  It stopped functioning because, during the internship, we were really too busy to get into this.

Tour of Taiwan at the end of the 6th grade of Medical School, with the graduating class of the Nursing Depertment (13 members).  

I was leading the group that was making counter clock-wise direction of the Island tour.  Mom (Yui-Li) was standing at the far left.  Public Health Professor Ko was standing to my left.

1963-06-15, the night before the graduation.

Classmates, CSC (a prominent vascular and chest surgeon, now reitred, in Portland, Oregon) and Donald Chu (had passed away).

I was at the far left.

I was in the the front row, 4th from right.

I was the representative of the graduating class. Received the certificates for the whole 1963 class of medical department.

1963-09-14, serving 11 months as the naval medical officer on board a ship after the graduation.

My grammar school teacher, Wang Shien4-deh2 汪憲德老師. We have kept our connection till many years after I came to the USA. He had heart disease with marked cardiac enlargement and loud murmur in 1971. I never found out when he passed away.

The one on the right was my cousin, Yang2 Dah2-Fu (Tatsuo)


Mom (Yui-Li, Ah-ma) visited Moh-yuan.

Taipei West Rotary Club Tenth Anniverasry dinner.


With Mom's (Yui-Li's, Ah-ma's) parents.

M0m's (Ah-ma's) early family photo. She was at the far left.


Friends came to send me off to the US, on 1965-5-20. Destination: Jersey City Medical Center. Mom (Ah-ma) had left for New Jersey one month earlier.

The one on the far right, Dr. Lee Chih4-shueh2 (李治學), Professor of surgery, had passed away more than 10 years ago from recurrent rupture of abdominal aortic dissecting aneurysm. Chang SC (張長喜) couple still lives in Portland, Oregon. CSC also had aortic aneurysm operated in 2009.

from left: 蘇士民,李治學,傅彥真,我,連瑤東,郭鑑泗,王正雄。Except for Dr. Lee, who passed away, all are now in the US.





Classmates visited my parents after I have left for the US!

6 則留言:

  1. 好多珍貴照片、許醫師家世淵源、讓我回朔早期台灣、實在是難得的貴重資料。許醫師過去真是豐功偉業呢!

  2. 我還有不少舊相片,因為我不是很清楚誰是誰,所以沒有登上去。我電腦內的父親相簿有一百多冊!起碼在我部落格的我想印出來給子孫過年過節初一十五拿出來拜拜,不過很貴,使我還猶豫。

  3. 我再看一下照片、沒仔細看、鄭醫師是teacher、那時北醫的基礎醫學全部是由台大來的。

  4. 您好:敝姓曾名曼意.很抱歉打擾您.因為我要找郭鑑泗先生.利用google找到您好像認識郭先生.是有關於郭先生在台灣的中山區榮星道路用地.麻煩您若是有跟郭先生連絡.請將我的連絡方式交給郭先生.請他跟我聯絡.曾曼意 mani tseng E-mail是t200114@yahoo.com.tw  手機:0958-937-958
    祝福您 萬事如意
                                                   曾曼意mani tseng 敬上2012/10/31

  5. 曾曼意先生:

  6. 清曉先生:真的很感謝您.若真的成交.我也會請您吃飯.感恩
                                  Mani Tseng
