2011年5月27日 星期五


以前讀過: 維他命D可以增強身體的免疫力、抵抗力。這裡報導維他命D還可以對慢性肺疾病有好的效果。


我在偶而的機會,二十年前開始每天服用膠囊型魚肝油 (以為可以預防大腸癌),結果半年後,注意到 以前一年三、四次的重感冒,消失了!!    偶而 "感冒",症狀也非常輕。 魚肝油內有維他命A及D。當時查過文獻,只查到魚油可能會增強免疫力。




魚肝油是我可以感受到明顯好效果的維他命。維他命C是另一個;可能會促進傷口快速癒合。 據說也可以防止白內障的發生。 其他維他命,應該各自有其效果,不過可能平時攝取量足夠,多服用也感覺不出好效果。


Vitamin D Supplementation Boosts COPD Rehabilitation

Nancy A. Melville

May 27, 2011 (Denver, Colorado) — Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who received high doses of vitamin D supplementation during rehabilitation show significant improvements in respiratory muscle strength and exercise capacity, according to research presented here at the American Thoracic Society 2011 International Conference.

The study was also published in the May issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

The improvement in respiratory muscle weakness is a key focus of respiratory rehabilitation for COPD patients, and because low circulating vitamin D levels are commonly associated with muscle weakness, researchers in Belgium theorized that vitamin D supplementation would help with COPD rehabilitation.

"Since muscle weakness, the major target for respiratory rehabilitation, is a common phenomenon in COPD, we explored the additional effect of vitamin D supplementation on rehabilitation," said Miek Hornikx, physiotherapist and doctoral student in the Department of Pneumology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in Belgium.

For the study, 50 COPD patients with a history of exacerbations who were referred for rehabilitation were randomly assigned to receive either a monthly dose of 100,000 IU of vitamin D or placebo.

All subjects participated in a 3-month pulmonary rehabilitation program. At the end of the program, vitamin D levels in the treatment group had increased significantly, compared with the placebo group — from 22.8 ± 15.3 ng/mL at baseline to 53.8 ± 15.6 ng/mL at 3 months.

Patients receiving vitamin D had significant improvements in nearly all measures of COPD. Compared with patients in the placebo group, those receiving vitamin D showed a larger improvement in maximal oxygen consumption (+0.11 ± 0.21 vs –0.02 ± 0.19 L/min; = .029).

The vitamin D group also showed improvements in maximal workload (P = .060); 6-minute walking distance (36 ± 55 vs 11 ± 74 m; P = .179); quadriceps force (15 ± 16 vs 6.8 ± 19 Nm; P = .121); inspiratory muscle force (–11 ± 12 vs 0 ± 14 cm H2O; P = .06), expiratory muscle force (P = .376); and Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire score for dyspnea (P = .337).

A small increase in forced expiratory volume in 1 s was similar in both groups (4.70% ± 17.1% vs 2.61 ± 23.8%; P = .727).

The findings offer promising evidence that a nonpharmaceutical therapy might help to improve outcomes in pulmonary rehabilitation, noted Richard Casaburi, PhD, MD, director of Clinical Respiratory Physiology Laboratories at Harbor–University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center, in Torrance, California.

"We have been seeking pharmacologic options to boost the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation for some time," said Dr. Casaburi, who is also associate chief for research and professor of medicine in Harbor–UCLA Medical Center's division of respiratory and critical care physiology and medicine.

"So far, no drugs have been shown to amplify the effects of rehabilitation on exercise endurance," he said. "The trends shown here indicate that vitamin D supplementation is worth pursuing in this context."

"Although the results are encouraging, the largely nonstatistically significant trends cannot be considered definitive. A larger, adequately powered study would be of great interest," Dr. Casaburi noted.

Mr. Hornikx and Dr. Casaburi have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2011 International Conference: Abstract A2533. Presented May 16, 2011.

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183:A2533.

Medscape Medical News © 2011 WebMD, LLC
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2011年5月25日 星期三

2010十大新物種 一個比一個怪


2010十大新物種 一個比一個怪


暴君水蛭下顎長鋸齒 吸吮能力驚人

美國亞利桑納州立大學國際物種勘測協會公布的這10大物種,第一個是在一名秘魯小女孩鼻子內發現的水蛭。這種身長不到5公分的水蛭,因牙齒異常巨大被命名為「暴君水蛭」(Tyrannobdella rex)。「暴君水蛭」的下顎長了鋸齒,吸吮能力驚人,一旦鑽入人類鼻孔裡吸吮,會讓人前額感到頭痛。

鐵達尼鹽單胞菌 能噬光廢沉船油井

加拿大達爾豪斯大學與西班牙塞維爾大學團隊,在鐵達尼號船身的柱狀鐵鏽上發現一種吞噬氧化鐵為生的細菌,他們將之命名為「鐵達尼鹽單胞菌」(Halomonas titanicae)。科學家認為,這種最終將把鐵達尼號殘骸吞噬殆盡的細菌,可用於處理深海沉船與廢棄油井。

2010年墨西哥灣漏油事件前不久發現的一種新種魚類「Halieutichthys intermedius」,身體扁圓、形似煎餅,能用身體下半部類似手臂的鰭,在海底彈跳前進。

舊金山大學科學家在巴西聖保羅附近森林發現的新種蘑菇「發光蘑菇」(Mycena luxaeterna),乍看與一般蘑菇沒啥兩樣,不過一到夜晚,這種蘑菇就會散發明亮的黃綠光。科學家發現它根莖部有種黏液,能讓根莖在炎熱溫度下也能保持潮濕,其在夜晚釋放的螢光也能吸引夜間活動的昆蟲,不知情的昆蟲很容易黏著在根莖部,有助傳播蘑菇的孢子。

另一種入榜的奇特蘑菇,則是在奧勒岡州羅格河上游清澈河水中發現的「水生小脆柄菇」(Psathyrella aquatic)。科學家觀察這種蘑菇長達11週之後,發現這是唯一一種在水裡繁殖的蘑菇。

在南非發現的有腳蟑螂Saltoblattella montistabularis跳躍能力媲美蚱蜢,其半球型的眼睛突出、長長的觸角有助跳躍時保持穩定。在牠被發現之前,有腳蟑螂僅存在於侏羅紀時期末期。

碧塔塔瓦巨蜥大而輕 華特小羚羊僅存標本

新發現的物種多半體型偏小,唯有在菲律賓呂宋島發現的果食蜥蜴「碧塔塔瓦巨蜥」(Varanus bitatawa)異常龐大。其體色鮮豔,藍黑色的皮膚上有著黃綠斑點,身長雖達198公分,不過體重相對輕盈,僅9.9公斤。

在非洲市集發現的羚羊「華特小羚羊」(philantomba walteri),可惜這種羚羊已經不存在,僅存標本。

馬斯克林群島上的蟋蟀glomeremus orchidophilus,因為是留尼旺群島珍貴蘭花Angraecum的唯一授粉昆蟲,因而榜上有名。

最後一種是在馬達加斯加發現的「達爾文吠蛛」(Caerostris darwini)。這種蜘蛛會結超大的網,科學家曾發現牠們在一條河面上結了近25公尺大的網,上頭掛了30隻蜘蛛,而且牠們結的蜘蛛絲比其他已知蜘蛛結的網還堅固兩倍,更比同樣大小的合成纖維克維拉(Kevlar)堅固10倍。



Chinese views on Taiwan’s elections

By Gerrit Van der wees

A few days ago I was a guest on the Voice of America television program Issues and Opinions to discuss the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan. The program was broadcast to China and aside from a lively discussion about various issues in the elections, it was made very interesting by many calls from listeners and viewers from all over China.

Here is a brief summary of some of those calls, with the aim of giving some insight into what people in China say and think about relations with Taiwan. Of course, these views are never mentioned by the rulers in Beijing and are also quite at odds with what the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) administration presents as being the position of the Chinese people.

One questioner from Hubei Province said: “The Taiwanese election is the right of the 23 million people of Taiwan. Right now, we don’t have that right here.

A second caller from Shanghai said: “I have a suggestion. I think the ROC [Republic of China] should be changed into the People’s Republic of Taiwan.

A caller from Yunnan Province: “Taiwan is working toward mature democracy. I personally prefer President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), but that doesn’t matter, because it is the choice of the 23 million people of Taiwan.”

Another caller from Hubei: “The DPP [Democratic Progressive Party] in the past gave us the impression that they want to go for independence while Ma wants to unify with China. But for Taiwan’s future, you need to find a balance between those two positions. A critical point in finding this balance is keeping a strong democracy. As for the ‘one China’ policy, they will have to change it, because the people in Taiwan and China don’t like it. And the WHO/WHA [World Health Association] incident treating Taiwan as a ‘province of China’ shows that Ma has been very weak and inconsistent in his policies.

A gentleman from Tianjin was rather clear in stating his preference for the Taiwanese presidential election: “Ms Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) should become the next president of Taiwan, period.”

A Mr Chang from Hunan Province: “I am going to Taiwan in January, but I will not interfere in the elections. That is for the people in Taiwan to decide.

A Mr Liu from Hubei: “I support Ma, but in support of him, I do not have the right to decide — that is the right of the 23 million people of Taiwan. If Tsai and the DPP win, they should really know what they are doing, because it is very hard to deal with the [Chinese] Communist Party [CCP].”

A gentleman from Zhejiang Province: “I don’t think we can let President Ma stay in power because if he stays, Taiwan will be swallowed up by China and there will be no more Taiwan. That will be the end of Taiwan.

This is just a small selection of calls received from China, but it shows that a significant majority of them feel that it is up to the 23 million people of Taiwan to decide their own president. They may have different views on who to support, but several mentioned that this didn’t matter: It is up to the people in Taiwan to decide.

Several viewers from China also felt that Ma had been a weak president, one giving the example of the WHO/WHA episode where the WHO instructed its institutions to refer to Taiwan as a “province of China.” Many of them urged Taiwan to be strong on its democracy and indicated it needs to be firm in resisting pressure from the CCP, otherwise it would be swallowed up by Beijing.

So these are the real voices of China. Is Taiwan listening to them?

Gerrit van der Wees is editor of Taiwan Communique, a publication based in Washington.


這篇社論有錯誤。 馬統是國共合作欺騙台灣人,執行其父遺志哪!










(自由時報 2011-05-24 社論)

2011年5月19日 星期四

美國CDC對 預防靜脈導管感染的 新指引

CDC Updates IV Catheter Infection Prevention Guidelines

Laurie Barclay, MD

April 4, 2011 — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) have updated intravascular catheter infection prevention guidelines. The new recommendations and review of underlying supporting evidence, entitled "Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections," will also appear in a special supplement of the American Journal of Infection Control and are published online in the March 30 Advance Access issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases. The American Journal of Infection Control will also present a video roundtable highlighting the viewpoints of healthcare professionals on the anticipated effects of this new guideline on infection prevention practices.

"The updated CDC guidelines are rich with new recommendations that are based on additional scientific research that has emerged since the prior version was published," said Russell N. Olmsted, MPH, CIC, 2011 president of the Association of Professionals of Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), in a news release. "This is an important resource to support efforts toward the elimination of catheter-related bloodstream infections [CRBSIs].... The timing for this updated guideline is perfect because, starting this year, hospitals that accept Medicare patients are required to report their central line–associated bloodstream infections to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or risk losing 2 percent of their Medicare payments."

Collaborative Project

The updated recommendations replace previous guidelines published in 2002 by the CDC and were formulated by a working group led by the Society of Critical Care Medicine. In addition to the CDC and HICPAC, also collaborating on this project were the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, Surgical Infection Society, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists, APIC, Infusion Nurses Society, Oncology Nursing Society, American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Society of Interventional Radiology, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.

Goals of New Recommendations

"The goal of an effective prevention program should be the elimination of CRBSI from all patient-care areas," write Naomi P. O'Grady, MD, from the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and colleagues from HICPAC. "Although this is challenging, programs have demonstrated success, but sustained elimination requires continued effort. The goal of the measures discussed in this document is to reduce the rate to as low as feasible given the specific patient population being served, the universal presence of microorganisms in the human environment, and the limitations of current strategies and technologies."

The new recommendations are addressed to healthcare personnel responsible for intravascular catheter insertion as well as those involved in surveillance and containment of infections in hospital, outpatient, and home healthcare settings.

Multidisciplinary strategies and topics addressed in the updated guidelines include education, training, and staffing; selection of catheters and sites; peripheral catheters and midline catheters; central venous catheters (CVCs); hand hygiene and aseptic technique; maximal sterile barrier precautions; skin preparation; catheter site dressing regimens; patient cleansing; catheter securement devices; antimicrobial/antiseptic impregnated catheters and cuffs; systemic antibiotic prophylaxis; antibiotic/antiseptic ointments; antibiotic lock prophylaxis, antimicrobial catheter flush and catheter lock prophylaxis; anticoagulants; replacement of peripheral and midline catheters; replacement of CVCs, including peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) and hemodialysis catheters; umbilical catheters; peripheral arterial catheters and pressure-monitoring devices for adult and pediatric patients; replacement of administration sets; needleless intravascular catheter systems; and performance improvement.


Some of the specific recommendations include the following:

  • For peripheral and midline catheters, an upper-extremity site is preferred in adults. In pediatric patients, the upper or lower extremities or the scalp (in neonates or young infants) can be used.

  • Steel needles should be avoided when administering fluids and medications that might cause tissue necrosis if extravasation occurs.

  • When the duration of intravascular therapy is likely to be more than 6 days, a midline catheter or PICC is preferred to a short peripheral catheter.

  • The catheter insertion site should be evaluated daily, and peripheral venous catheters should be removed if signs of phlebitis develop.

  • Risks and benefits of a central venous device to reduce infectious complications should be weighed against the risk for mechanical complications.

  • In adult patients, use of the femoral vein for central venous access should be avoided. For nontunneled CVC placement, a subclavian site is preferred to a jugular or a femoral site. To avoid subclavian vein stenosis, the subclavian site should be avoided in hemodialysis patients and patients with advanced kidney disease.

  • For patients with chronic renal failure, a fistula or graft instead of a CVC for permanent access for dialysis should be used.

  • Ultrasound guidance by those fully trained in its technique should be used to place CVCs.

  • A CVC should have the minimal number of ports or lumens essential for patient treatment.

  • Any intravascular catheter that is no longer essential should be promptly removed.

  • When adherence to aseptic technique cannot be ensured, such as for catheters inserted during a medical emergency, the catheter should be replaced as soon as possible (within 48 hours).

  • Systemic antimicrobial prophylaxis before insertion or during use of an intravascular catheter is not routinely recommended to prevent catheter colonization or CRBSI.

More information on the guidelines is available on this particular CDC Web site.

Some of the study authors have disclosed various financial relationships with the ABIM Subspecialty Board for Critical Care Medicine, Infusion Nurses Society, 3M, Becton Dickinson, Smiths Medical, Institute of Healthcare Improvement, Theradoc, Medline, APIC, Clorox, Merck, Baxter, Ortho-McNeil, Targanta, Schering-Plough, Optimer, Cadence, Cardinal, BDGeneOhm, WebEx, Cerebrio, Tyco, Medscape, ASHP, IDSA, ASM, American College of Surgeons, NQF, SHEA/CDC, HHS, Trauma Shock Inflammation and Sepsis Meeting, University of Minnesota, Ethicon, Angiotech, Astellas, Theravance, Pfizer, Ash Access, CorMedix, Catheter Connections, Carefusion, Sage, Bard, Teleflex, Cubist, Enzon, Basilea, Great Lakes Pharmaceuticals, Inventive Protocol, Cook, Inc, American Medical Systems, Cook Urological, TyRx, Medtronic, Biomet, Eisai Pharmaceuticals, Discovery Laboratories, Molnlycke, Cardinal Healthcare Foundation, Sanofi-Pasteur, Semprus, and/or Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.

Clin Infect Dis. Published online March 30, 2011. Extract

Medscape Medical News © 2011 WebMD, LLC
Send comments and news tips to


2011年5月16日 星期一


台灣民眾要如何反應? 自由、法治、民主、主權、人權重要到甚麼程度? 其實民智水準就是看這一點吧?! 可以看看下一段youtube: http://www.taiwanus.net/news/press/2011/201105161730111947.htm


馬桶是否已經賣台了? 還有百分之四十幾的婦女票支持呢! 不知道她們是否真的不想當台灣人了?










2011年5月14日 星期六

美國眾議員要求 "台灣" 以正式會員資格參加WHO





世界衛生組織大會下週將在日內瓦展開。紐澤西州共和黨眾議員蓋瑞特(Rep. Scott Garrett)及紐約州民主黨眾議員唐斯(Rep. Edolphus Towns)在開幕之夜,將在美國國會紀錄中發表延伸發言,要求台灣擁有「正式會員」資格,而不是「有意義的參與」。






他的結論為: 「與其支持『有意義的參與』,我相信美國應該要支持台灣在國際組織,如世衛組織中的完整會員資格。因此,我呼籲我的同僚與我一齊支持台灣在聯合國、世衛組織及其他國際組織中,完整且平等的會員資格。」








US Congressmen Lament Treatment of Taiwan by China and the W.H.O.


Call for "Full Membership" Instead of "Meaningful Participation"


On the eve of the opening of the annual World Health Organization assembly in Geneva next week, US Congressmen Scott Garrett (R-NJ) and Edolphus Towns (D-NY) inserted an extension of remarks in the Congressional Record calling for full membership for Taiwan in international organizations instead of "meaningful participation."


Rep. Garrett stated: "I believe that a sovereign state such as Taiwan, with a population of 23 million people, deserves full representation in United Nations and its affiliated organizations.  As such, Taiwan should be recognized as a full voting member of the WHO."


He continued: "Taiwan is participating again this year as Chinese-Taipei'.  I would prefer to see Taiwan recognized under its name "Taiwan" rather than as a subsidiary of China."


The Congressman concluded: "Rather than supporting "meaningful participation," I believe the U.S. should promote Taiwan's full membership in international organizations such as the WHO. I therefore urge my colleagues to join me in supporting Taiwan's full and equal membership in the United Nations, the WHO, and other international organizations."


FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD says in a reaction: "Earlier this week we found that in an internal memo on International Health Regulations, the WHO now refers to Taiwan as a "Province of China." This is clearly a result of the Faustian bargain that Taiwan's government made with China in 2009. It is unacceptable that the people of Taiwan become the victims today of irresponsible and naive deals the Ma Ying-jeou government made with China two years ago."

Dr. Yang continues: "I am concerned that Taiwan attends international meetings only because Taiwan gets the nod from China will become a trend and an accepted norm. It will mark a slippery slope for Taiwan and for Taiwan's supporters who want to see Taiwan receive greater international recognition."


Dr. Yang concludes: "The Chinese leadership cannot be trusted. It is high time that Taiwan's leadership recognize this as well."


2011年5月9日 星期一

千秋大業??? 原來台灣是已經被這些 maggots 出賣了啦!

[看到這個 "總統",自己秘密簽訂出賣自己國家的契約,又在電視上握拳說是 "要嚴厲抗議",做憤怒要抗議狀,實在全身起毛!!! 這是比那次恐龍法官的提名更要惡劣千萬倍的欺騙行為,台灣有這種動物被選來執政,好可怕!!!  還是他真的以為台灣人這麼笨???]

秘密賣國的集團,在其他國家會被如何處置? 如果秘密賣國的人是一國總統,國人該如何處置他?? (不是叛國罪,是甚麼???)

有人說,這是台灣人自己選的政府嘛! 這個集團那麼有錢! 你看他那麼無辜! 妳(你)說呢??


有人說,受中國專制政權管制,只要不出聲,權貴出現就跪下去,"喳!" ,有甚麼不好? 妳(你)說呢??

這種 "人"、這個台奸集團,暗中出賣國家主權,可是選舉時機一到,又是口口 "捍衛台灣",用 "無恥"、"無品"等字眼的最低級語氣也無法形容這種人樣動物的 "格"!!! 恐怕連中國中南海人士都驚訝於這干集團的這種騙術!! 這種沒有誠信的動物,以後誰能相信啊?? 

這個 maggot可能是把台灣人當作是好欺騙、好安撫的傻瓜吧。這些人恐怕不知道自己才是 "郭冠英般"白癡低能兒。




















民進黨立委管碧玲爆料,世衛組織把台灣在國際條約上定位為「中國的一省」,外交部五月九日反駁,認為我們是以Chinese Taipei(中國的台北)名義參加,我們的主權未被矮化、國格未受辱云云。

真的以Chinese Taipei的名義參加,對台灣是一件光彩的事嗎?國際社會認知的Chinese Taipei,是「中國的台北」,光彩何在?現在曝光的密件,更顯示台灣參加世衛必須經過中國的賜准。如此一來,國際社會當然越來越相信,台灣是中華人民共和國(中國)的一省。這是馬政府上台快三年以來的「最大成就」嗎?

































對此,外交部次長沈呂巡在面對媒體詢問時表示,自從一九七一年中華民國退出聯合國開始就是這樣子,現在我們真正能用Chinese Taipei進去,並在世衛大會中發言,反而要謝謝馬政府。而過去民進黨政府時期,兩度在申請參與世衛大會的問題上做正面對抗,獲得國際間支持的程度卻越來越低。







民進黨立委蔡煌瑯質疑馬政府另外拿Chinese Taipei來騙台灣,外交部政務次長沈呂巡則堅持說,名稱是Chinese Taipei,還說,現在能在世衛大會中發言,反而要謝謝馬政府。





2011年5月4日 星期三

hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis: 骨的biopsy前是否給抗生素?

The impact of prebiopsy antibiotics on pathogen recovery in hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis.

Clin Infect Dis.  2011; 52(7):867-72 (ISSN: 1537-6591)

Marschall J; Bhavan KP; Olsen MA; Fraser VJ; Wright NM; Warren DK
Division of Infectious Diseases.

Background. Biopsy specimens are often obtained in the evaluation of hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis. The effect of prebiopsy antibiotic exposure on pathogen recovery is unknown. Methods. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of adult inpatients with hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis at a tertiary care hospital from 1 January 2003 through 31 July 2007. Antibiotic exposure within 14 days before biopsy was evaluated. Results. Of 150 patients with hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis, 92 (61%) underwent a biopsy (60 [65%] needle and 32 [35%] open biopsies). The median time from admission to biopsy was 3 days (range, 0-69 days). Patients who underwent biopsy were more likely to have weakness (53 [58%] biopsy vs 15 [26%] no biopsy; P < .001) and sensory loss (27 [29%] vs 6 [10%]; P = .006), but were less likely to have a positive blood culture result (28 [30%] vs 30 [52%]; P = .01). Pathogens were recovered in 61 patients (66%). Open biopsy had a higher yield than needle biopsy (29 [91%] of 32 vs 32 [53%] of 60; P < .001). Sixty patients (65%) who had biopsies performed received antibiotics ≤14 days before the procedure (median duration, 4 days; range, 1-37 days). Open biopsy predicted positive biopsy culture results (adjusted odds ratio, 8.4; 95% confidence interval, 2.2-31.8), but there was no association of prebiopsy antibiotics with culture results (adjusted odds ratio, 2.3; 95% confidence interval, 0.8-6.2). Conclusions. A pathogen was recovered from 61 (66%) of 92 patients who had biopsies performed in this cohort of hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis. Open biopsies had a higher microbiological yield than did needle biopsies. Antibiotic exposure before biopsy did not negatively impact pathogen recovery and should not be the sole reason for foregoing biopsies.

·        PreMedline Identifier: 21427393

From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine


GB Syndrome following Primary CMV Infection

Guillain-Barre Syndrome following Primary Cytomegalovirus Infection: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Clin Infect Dis.  2011; 52(7):837-44 (ISSN: 1537-6591)

Orlikowski D; Porcher R; Sivadon-Tardy V; Quincampoix JC; Raphaël JC; Durand MC; Sharshar T; Roussi J; Caudie C; Annane D; Rozenberg F; Leruez-Ville M; Gaillard JL; Gault E
Service de Réanimation.

Background. Little is known about the epidemiology and the prognostic factors of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) following primary infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV-GBS). Methods. We prospectively followed up 506 patients with cases of GBS who were admitted to our center from 1996 through 2006. We diagnosed 63 (12.4%) CMV-GBS cases by immunoglobulin (Ig) M detection and IgG avidity. Plasma CMV DNA was detected at hospital admission. Patient subgroups were compared using Fisher's exact test and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Temporal variations were analyzed with time series methods. Results. Patients with CMV-GBS were mostly young (median age, 32 years; sex ratio, 0.85), but we also identified a subpopulation of patients consisting of women aged >50 years. Sensory defects (in 72% of cases) and facial palsy (49%) were frequent, and test results positive for CMV DNA in plasma at hospital admission (found in 62% of cases) tended to be associated with objective sensory defect (P = .052). The main factors associated with long-term neurological sequelae (21%) were older age (P < .001) and assisted ventilation during hospitalization (P = .005). The number of CMV-GBS cases decreased between 1996 and 2006 (P = .019) and displayed an annual periodicity between the months of July and October. The incidence of CMV-GBS was estimated to be between 0.6 and 2.2 cases per 1000 cases of primary CMV infection (versus 0.25 to 0.65 cases per 1000 cases of Campylobacter jejuni infection). Conclusions. This study provides new insights about the epidemiology of CMV-GBS and shows that the risk of developing GBS is similar following primary CMV infection or C. jejuni infection. Our results also suggest a direct or indirect involvement of viral replication in the neuropathological processes of CMV-GBS.

·        PreMedline Identifier: 21427390

From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.