2011年5月27日 星期五


以前讀過: 維他命D可以增強身體的免疫力、抵抗力。這裡報導維他命D還可以對慢性肺疾病有好的效果。


我在偶而的機會,二十年前開始每天服用膠囊型魚肝油 (以為可以預防大腸癌),結果半年後,注意到 以前一年三、四次的重感冒,消失了!!    偶而 "感冒",症狀也非常輕。 魚肝油內有維他命A及D。當時查過文獻,只查到魚油可能會增強免疫力。




魚肝油是我可以感受到明顯好效果的維他命。維他命C是另一個;可能會促進傷口快速癒合。 據說也可以防止白內障的發生。 其他維他命,應該各自有其效果,不過可能平時攝取量足夠,多服用也感覺不出好效果。


Vitamin D Supplementation Boosts COPD Rehabilitation

Nancy A. Melville

May 27, 2011 (Denver, Colorado) — Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who received high doses of vitamin D supplementation during rehabilitation show significant improvements in respiratory muscle strength and exercise capacity, according to research presented here at the American Thoracic Society 2011 International Conference.

The study was also published in the May issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

The improvement in respiratory muscle weakness is a key focus of respiratory rehabilitation for COPD patients, and because low circulating vitamin D levels are commonly associated with muscle weakness, researchers in Belgium theorized that vitamin D supplementation would help with COPD rehabilitation.

"Since muscle weakness, the major target for respiratory rehabilitation, is a common phenomenon in COPD, we explored the additional effect of vitamin D supplementation on rehabilitation," said Miek Hornikx, physiotherapist and doctoral student in the Department of Pneumology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in Belgium.

For the study, 50 COPD patients with a history of exacerbations who were referred for rehabilitation were randomly assigned to receive either a monthly dose of 100,000 IU of vitamin D or placebo.

All subjects participated in a 3-month pulmonary rehabilitation program. At the end of the program, vitamin D levels in the treatment group had increased significantly, compared with the placebo group — from 22.8 ± 15.3 ng/mL at baseline to 53.8 ± 15.6 ng/mL at 3 months.

Patients receiving vitamin D had significant improvements in nearly all measures of COPD. Compared with patients in the placebo group, those receiving vitamin D showed a larger improvement in maximal oxygen consumption (+0.11 ± 0.21 vs –0.02 ± 0.19 L/min; = .029).

The vitamin D group also showed improvements in maximal workload (P = .060); 6-minute walking distance (36 ± 55 vs 11 ± 74 m; P = .179); quadriceps force (15 ± 16 vs 6.8 ± 19 Nm; P = .121); inspiratory muscle force (–11 ± 12 vs 0 ± 14 cm H2O; P = .06), expiratory muscle force (P = .376); and Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire score for dyspnea (P = .337).

A small increase in forced expiratory volume in 1 s was similar in both groups (4.70% ± 17.1% vs 2.61 ± 23.8%; P = .727).

The findings offer promising evidence that a nonpharmaceutical therapy might help to improve outcomes in pulmonary rehabilitation, noted Richard Casaburi, PhD, MD, director of Clinical Respiratory Physiology Laboratories at Harbor–University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center, in Torrance, California.

"We have been seeking pharmacologic options to boost the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation for some time," said Dr. Casaburi, who is also associate chief for research and professor of medicine in Harbor–UCLA Medical Center's division of respiratory and critical care physiology and medicine.

"So far, no drugs have been shown to amplify the effects of rehabilitation on exercise endurance," he said. "The trends shown here indicate that vitamin D supplementation is worth pursuing in this context."

"Although the results are encouraging, the largely nonstatistically significant trends cannot be considered definitive. A larger, adequately powered study would be of great interest," Dr. Casaburi noted.

Mr. Hornikx and Dr. Casaburi have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2011 International Conference: Abstract A2533. Presented May 16, 2011.

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183:A2533.

Medscape Medical News © 2011 WebMD, LLC
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4 則留言:

  1. 你好,關於維他命D,有一些不錯的補充,提供給你參考,資料來源出於

    1.維生素D結構類似類固醇,被稱之為 secosteroid,steroid就是類固醇,seco是解開的環,也就是類固醇的一些環狀結構被解開,讓我們參考相關圖示:


  2. nih.gov/factsheets/vitamind/" rel="nofollow">"Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin D". Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS). National Institutes of Health (NIH). http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitamind/. Retrieved 2010-04-11.
    3.要知道自己體內維生素D是否充足,可以透過實驗室檢測25-hydroxyvitamin D的濃度是否有達到 20 ng/mL 。
    4.根據2010的權威機構Institute of Medicine建議:
    71歲以上 每天 800 IU

    0–6 個月: 1,000 IU
    6–12 個月大: 1,500 IU
    1–3 歲: 2,500 IU
    4–8 歲: 3,000 IU

  3. 歲: 4,000 IU
    孕婦及哺乳: 4,000 IU

     Institute of Medicine (2011) Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D Washington, DC: The National Academies Press

  4. 鄭醫師:  謝謝你的詳細說明。
    我每天服一顆魚肝油,1250 IU vitamin A and 130 IU vitamin D,相當於每天需求量的 25% 及 32%。 不是很多,可是我對感冒的抵抗力是很明顯的增強了。
    Vitamin B12 似乎也是年紀大了,吸收量就會減少。
    以前有些學者以為不必服用維他命 (說: "只是使你的尿價錢貴了一點"),平時的攝取量就夠,不過我還是每天服高單位多種維他命以及其他我缺乏的。  等到幾年後有人報告哪種 維他命原來可以很有效的防止 癡呆症, 可能已經太遲了!!
