2011年5月14日 星期六

美國眾議員要求 "台灣" 以正式會員資格參加WHO





世界衛生組織大會下週將在日內瓦展開。紐澤西州共和黨眾議員蓋瑞特(Rep. Scott Garrett)及紐約州民主黨眾議員唐斯(Rep. Edolphus Towns)在開幕之夜,將在美國國會紀錄中發表延伸發言,要求台灣擁有「正式會員」資格,而不是「有意義的參與」。






他的結論為: 「與其支持『有意義的參與』,我相信美國應該要支持台灣在國際組織,如世衛組織中的完整會員資格。因此,我呼籲我的同僚與我一齊支持台灣在聯合國、世衛組織及其他國際組織中,完整且平等的會員資格。」








US Congressmen Lament Treatment of Taiwan by China and the W.H.O.


Call for "Full Membership" Instead of "Meaningful Participation"


On the eve of the opening of the annual World Health Organization assembly in Geneva next week, US Congressmen Scott Garrett (R-NJ) and Edolphus Towns (D-NY) inserted an extension of remarks in the Congressional Record calling for full membership for Taiwan in international organizations instead of "meaningful participation."


Rep. Garrett stated: "I believe that a sovereign state such as Taiwan, with a population of 23 million people, deserves full representation in United Nations and its affiliated organizations.  As such, Taiwan should be recognized as a full voting member of the WHO."


He continued: "Taiwan is participating again this year as Chinese-Taipei'.  I would prefer to see Taiwan recognized under its name "Taiwan" rather than as a subsidiary of China."


The Congressman concluded: "Rather than supporting "meaningful participation," I believe the U.S. should promote Taiwan's full membership in international organizations such as the WHO. I therefore urge my colleagues to join me in supporting Taiwan's full and equal membership in the United Nations, the WHO, and other international organizations."


FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD says in a reaction: "Earlier this week we found that in an internal memo on International Health Regulations, the WHO now refers to Taiwan as a "Province of China." This is clearly a result of the Faustian bargain that Taiwan's government made with China in 2009. It is unacceptable that the people of Taiwan become the victims today of irresponsible and naive deals the Ma Ying-jeou government made with China two years ago."

Dr. Yang continues: "I am concerned that Taiwan attends international meetings only because Taiwan gets the nod from China will become a trend and an accepted norm. It will mark a slippery slope for Taiwan and for Taiwan's supporters who want to see Taiwan receive greater international recognition."


Dr. Yang concludes: "The Chinese leadership cannot be trusted. It is high time that Taiwan's leadership recognize this as well."


