2013年2月25日 星期一

Life of Pi ,李安再度獲最佳導演獎

奧斯卡》李安擒小金人 感謝家鄉台灣 【2013/2/25 12:57】

[參看李安自記、李安妻子自白: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ccshsu-clement/article?mid=10642&prev=-1&next=10641]

〔本報訊〕睽違7年,台灣導演李安再度以《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)奪下奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演,宣布獲獎瞬間李安露出燦爛笑容,全場也起立向他致意,李安笑稱感謝「電影之神」的幫助,並特別提到感謝家鄉台灣的幫助,再感謝跨越多國的工作團隊,最後以中文、印度語的「謝謝」向團隊致意,誠摯感言博得滿堂彩。

 李安感性表示,電影《少年Pi》有賴橫跨美、台、印的3000多名工作人員才能完成,儘管無法一一列舉,仍視這些工作人員為他的小天使,感謝他們陪自己一起走過神奇旅程;並特別感謝編劇和男主角蘇瑞吉沙瑪(Suraj Sharma)。



奧斯卡》實至名歸 李安再奪最佳導演 【2013/2/25 12:34】

〔本報訊〕第85屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演由台灣導演李安獲得,這也是他繼《斷背山》(Brokeback Mountain)後,第二度拿下小金人。他上台領獎時分別用中文、印度文和英文說謝謝,並將獎獻給所有工作人員。


 入圍本屆奧斯卡最佳導演的有,《林肯》(Lincoln)的史蒂芬史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)、《愛.慕》(Amour)導演麥可漢內克(Michael Haneke)、《派特的幸福劇本》(Silver Linings Playbook)導演大衛歐羅素(David O. Russell)和《南方野獸樂園》(Beasts of the Southern Wild)導演班謝特林(Benh Zeitlin)。

奧斯卡》少年Pi再奪最佳視覺效果 技術獎項連下兩城 【2013/2/25 10:09】

〔本報訊〕第85屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳視覺效果獎,由電影《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)團隊拿下,李安與工作團隊激動鼓掌,這也是《少年Pi》目前拿下的第二個獎項。

 本屆奧斯卡最佳視覺效果獎其他入圍者有:《哈比人:意外旅程》(The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)、《普羅米修斯》(Prometheus)、《復仇者聯盟》(Marvel's The Avengers)、《公主與狩獵者》(Snow White and the Huntsman)。

[我個人的感想:  As I was watching the Oscar ceremony last night, I was struck with two facts profoundly:
1. How well Lee spoke English! He was from Pintong, his father was a middle school principle, and came to the US when he was 23. Although he has been workinng with Americans and international personalities all these years, the way he spoke English was amazing! Just compare with others from Taiwan or other countries in Asia!
2. Nowadays, the movie, at least many of the movies, have changed, in my perception. Movie used to be played by real persons in actual environment. We watch movies and know that we are seeing the real, spectacular, and fascinating sceneries around the world, and deal with personal interactions that might happen to us one day. We immerse in it and feel that by watching what those characters do, we may learn how to handle those difficult situations that we might one day encounter. We fantasize that we can be the hero in those scenarios one of these days, maybe, just maybe, one of these days. 
However, the visual effects incorporated into current movies changed all those fantasies in our minds with another kind that can occur in the mind of children. Of those series of James Bond movies, I liked "From Russia with love" the most. That was because every scenario in it could happen in our real world. There was no space ship of bad guys, no huge missile base in a far away place unknown to CIA, no gadgets that cannot be made by one of our technologies. 
Incorporation of computer skills in film-making changed all of these. One person jumped from one building to another, falling from a second floor to the ground, are all fakes. Samson (in "Samson and Delila") struggled with real lion. But this will never happen in movies now. Animals that we see in movies could be all created in the movie studios! 
With the visual effects, to me at least, the real fun of old movies have been lost.]


奧斯卡》李安謝「台灣」 中國媒體統統刪 2013/2/25 21:14

[ Civilized ??.]
台灣導演李安再度以《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)奪下奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演。(路透社)
〔本報訊〕台灣導演李安再度以《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)奪下奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演,宣布獲獎瞬間李安露出燦爛笑容,更特別提到感謝家鄉台灣的幫助,李安在台上說「謝謝台灣,特別是台中,謝謝我的妻子。」不料這段提到謝「台灣」的謝辭,在中國媒體上幾乎都被自動省略,僅剩「謝謝妻子」。



 不過,其實這也不是中 國第一次,刻意避開李安在奧斯卡提到「台灣」,李安2006年奪下奧斯卡最佳導演時,也曾在台上謝謝台灣,央視轉播時,就將李安一席「謝謝所有在台灣、香港及中國的人關心」全部剪掉


奧斯卡》少年Pi奪最佳攝影獎 激動感言謝李安 【2013/2/25 10:07】

〔本報訊〕第85屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳攝影獎由台灣導演李安執導的《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》(Life of PI)奪得,這也是該片入圍11獎中所獲得的首獎。《少年Pi》的攝影克勞帝歐·莫藍達(Claudio Miranda)上台激動地語無倫次,也讓大家感受到得獎的喜悅。


 其他入圍最佳攝影獎的還有《安娜•卡列尼娜》(Anna Karenina)、《007:空降危機》(Skyfall)、《決殺令》(Django Unchained)和《林肯》(Lincoln)。

‘Life of Pi’ surprise — five essential facts about Ang Lee’s Oscar-leading film

Call it the office-pool buster. Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" surprised many by scoring a leading four Oscars on Sunday night, including a jaw-dropper for est Director.

The movie, considered unfilmable before Lee brought it to theaters, also took home Best Cinematography, Visual Effects, and Original Score.

But despite its strong box office ($113 million in the United States, $470 million internationally), "Life of Pi" seemed a long shot to outscore favorites like "Argo" and "Lincoln" heading into tonight.

[ Photos: Red carpet report card ]

With that in mind, here are five things you need to know about the adventure of an Indian boy and a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, lost together at sea.

1. Fox 2000 executive Elizabeth Gabler acquired the rights to Yann Martel's 2001 best-seller in 2003. Several A-list directors were attached to the project at one point or another, including M. Night Shyamalan ("The Sixth Sense"), Alfonso Cuaron ("Children of Men") and Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie").

2. More than 3,000 actors auditioned for the lead role of Pi. The part went to Suraj Sharma, a 17-year-old student and acting newcomer who had never auditioned for anything before in his life.

3. It's certainly appropriate that "Life of Pi" has become a huge international hit, as the film is a creative collaboration among representatives from many different countries. Sharma and Irrfan Khan, who plays a middle-aged Pi, are Indian actors. Gerard Depardieu, who has a cameo as a combative cook, is French, and Rafe Spall, who plays the Writer, is British. Cinematographer Claudio Miranda is from Chile, and composer Mychael Danna is Canadian. Oh, and screenwriter David Magee was born in Flint, Michigan.

4. The Oscar-winning special effects -- including the astonishing technology that brought Richard Parker to life -- were developed and created by Rhythm & Hues Studios, which had previously won Oscars for "Babe" (1995) and "The Golden Compass" (2008). The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Feb. 13 after a deal to be bought by India-based visual effects company Prime Focus fell through.

5. Director Lee felt that 3D was the key in making what could've been an art film with limited appeal into a rollicking action adventure for mainstream audiences -- one that still stayed true to the story's strong sense of spirituality.

"I thought this was a pretty impossible movie to make technically," said Lee in an interview with Roger Ebert for the Chicago Sun-Times. "It's so expensive for what it is. You sort of have to disguise a philosophical book as an adventure story. I thought of 3D half a year before 'Avatar' was on the screen. I thought water, with its transparency and reflection, the way it comes out to you in 3D, would create a new theatrical experience, and maybe the audience or the studio would open up their minds a little bit to accept something different."

"Life of Pi" is currently available for digital download and will hit Blu-ray and DVD on March 12.


Oscars 2013 rewind: ‘Argo,’ ‘Life Of Pi’ top this year’s Academy Awards

Oscar host Seth MacFarlane and Kristin Chenoweth

The 85th Annual Academy Awards -- better known as The Oscars -- took over Hollywood on Sunday night. First-time host Seth MacFarlane was just as divisive and outrageous as expected, and the show was filled with awkward moments, flat jokes, surprising wins, and a few genuinely touching moments.

Here is our blow-by-blow breakdown of the highs and lows of Sunday night's broadcast.

[Related: See the full list of 2013 Oscar winners]

5:44pm PST: Oscar host Seth MacFarlane attempts to add some glamor to the opening by bringing out Channing Tatum and Charlize Theron to dance as he sang "The Way You Look Tonight," but when he followed it up with sock puppets re-enacting scenes from "Flight," the class went out the window.

5:47pm PST: MacFarlane has gone into the third musical number so far in the evening as Daniel Radcliffe and Joseph Gordon-Levitt sing "High Hopes" with the host singing. While none are especially good dancers, it's better than watching him confront Sally Field while dressed as The Flying Nun.

5:49pm PST: Seth MacFarlane has just added "Be Our Guest" to his repertoire as the show actually gets under way at last, after only 17 minutes.

5:50pm PST: Octavia Spencer arrives on stage to present Best Supporting Actor, mentioning that she was honored to win last year.

5:51pm PST: Christoph Waltz wins Best Supporting Actor.

5:53pm PST: Waltz wins Best Supporting Actor, his second time winning the award, and the second time winning for a role in a Quentin Tarantino film. Waltz praises his director, his cast, the film's producers, and describes the process as "a hero's journey."

5:58pm PST: Paul Rudd and Melissa McCarthy are on stage to present an award for Best Animated Short. They decide to have fun with the microphone. It's hard to imagine these people are regarded as gifted comic actors, though they seem comfortable at least.

6:00pm PST: "Paperman" wins for Best Animated Short. John Kahrs mentions that this year, all the nominated films were available to the voters, a big revelation.

6:01pm PST: "Brave" wins Best Animated Feature, continuing Pixar's domination of the category. Mark Andrews wore a very handsome kilt for the occasion.

6:03pm PST: Reese Witherspoon, in a striking blue gown, arrives on stage to present clips from "Les Miserables," "Beasts of the Southern Wild," and "Life Of Pi."

6:05pm PST: Quvenzhane Wallis looks adorable as the camera finds her after showing clips from "Beasts Of The Southern Wild." This prompts MacFarlane making jokes about her being too young for George Clooney.

6:08pm PST: The stars of "The Avengers" -- sadly not in costume -- arrive to hand out the Best Cinematography award, and begin by cracking jokes about who looks oldest.

6:09pm PST: Claudio Miranda wins for "Life of Pi," who describes the film as "a beast to make," and reveals he has hair like Helen Mirren.

6:12pm PST: "The Avengers," who either planned to stumble over one another's words or didn't quite mesh, next present for Best Visual Effects. As expected, "Life of Pi" has won, with Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan De Boer and Donald R. Elliott taking the stage. While the orchestra tries to play them off, they give a shout out to Rhythm & Hues, the effects company they worked with that recently went bankrupt.

6:17pm PST: Channing Tatum and Jennifer Aniston are up next to deliver the awards for costuming and make-up. Tatum mentions that George Clooney can roll out of bed camera ready. Aniston jokes about waxing.

6:19pm PST: "Anna Karenina" wins for Best Costume design. Jacqueline Durran thanks her children, who are fast asleep in England as he wins the award.

6:21pm PST: The Make-Up and Hairstyling trophy goes to "Les Miserables." Lisa Westcott and Julie Dartnell call the award "an incredible honor," and seem genuinely overwhelmed by the experience.

6:24pm PST: Halle Berry introduces the James Bond tribute, paying tribute to "the sights, sounds, and music of the past fifty years." The clip montage is heavy on beautiful women, elaborate stunts, and stylish visuals, just as it should be.

6:26pm PST: Shirley Bassey, a legend in the U.K., comes onstage in a strapless gold lame grown to sing "Goldfinger." For a woman of 76, she looks and sounds marvelous.

6:28pm PST: A BIG ovation ovation for Shirley Bassey!

6:35pm PST: Kerry Washington and Jamie Foxx are up to present Best Short Live Action Film. Shawn Christensen wins for "Curfew," offers "a big thank you" to the Academy for supporting short films. Christensen literally has to catch his breath as he thanks everyone.

6:38pm PST: Washington and Foxx next present the Best Short Documentary award to Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine for "Inocente," the story of a young, homeless artist, with the artist on stage with the filmmakers.

6:41pm PST: Liam Neeson takes the stage to present highlights the next trio of Best Picture nominees. The clips from "Lincoln" remind us of the greatness of one of our most powerful presidents, the clips from "Zero Dark Thirty" reminds us of the danger and bravery that went into the mission to capture bin Laden, and the clips from "Argo" remind us that Ben Affleck was able to license Led Zeppelin tunes for the movie.

6:42pm PST: "The last actor who really got inside Lincoln's head was John Wilkes Booth … 150 years later, too soon?" -- Seth MacFarlane.

6:46pm PST: Ben Affleck, after being kidded about "Gigli" by MacFarlane, comes forward to present the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. "Searching For Sugar Man," about the brilliant and reclusive musician Rodriguez, win the prize. Director Malik Bendjelloul thanks Sony Classic Pictures for being "the best studio on the planet," while producer Simon Chinn says the fact the musician didn't want to take the spotlight away from the filmmakers by appearing on stage says everything you need to know about him.

6:51 pm PST: Jennifer Garner and Jessica Chastain looks pretty amazing as they present for Best Foreign Language Film. "Amour," as expected, wins the award, and director Michael Haneke thanks his wife for supporting him for thirty years, as well as his leading actors, Emmanuelle Riva and Jean-Louis Trintignant.

6:55pm PST: John Travolta introduces a tribute to great screen musicals of the past decade, with members of the casts of "Chicago," "Les Miserables," and others performing hit songs from the films.

6:57pm PST: Catherine Zeta-Jones, who was very pregnant when she performed on the Oscars the year "Chicago" was nominated, is better able to flaunt her sexiness tonight. Her voice is in good shape, too.

6:59pm PST: Jennifer Hudson is next, performing "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" from "Dreamgirls." She may look slinkier than she did when she made the film, but she sounds as good as ever, and the crowd is clearly with her.

7:05pm PST: The members of the cast of "Les Miserables" next take the stage, significantly the only film from the medley that is nominated tonight. Hugh Jackman seems most comfortable singing in character, while Russell Crowe looks like he did this on a dare.

7:11pm PST: Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana from "Star Trek" are fittingly on hand to summarize the technical awards that were handed out several days earlier, including honoring digital animation technology, lenses, and motion control cameras.

7:14pm PST: Mark Wahlberg arrives on stage with Ted, the foul-mouthed teddy bear from host MacFarlane's film, to hand out the sound mixing award. The bear's animation is more impressive than his jokes. Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson and Simon Hayes take the prize for "Les Miserables," Nelson mentions it's a special honor to get the award on the night Oscar honors musicals.

7:18pm PST: Wahlberg and Ted announce a very rare tie in the category of Sound Editing. First Paul N.J. Ottoson gets an award for "Zero Dark Thirty" (he previously won for "The Hurt Locker"), and then Per Hallberg and Karen Baker Landers are called to the stage for "Skyfall."

7:21pm PST: Christopher Plummer praises the Best Supporting Actress nominees for their experience and bravery, and jokes he'd be happy to work with any of them in one of his next thirty films.

7:24pm PST: "It came true!" said Anne Hathaway after winning Best Supporting Actress for "Les Miserables." Given the lukewarm reception she received last year as Oscar co-host, this is real vindication for Ms. Hathaway.

7:31pm PST: Hawk Koch, head of AMPAS, talks up the Academy's upcoming Motion Picture Museum and presents a handful of student filmmakers who will hand out awards.

7:35pm PST: Sandra Bullock discusses the fine and sometimes cruel art of film editing as she gears up to hand out the Oscar in the field. After struggling to open the envelope, she announces that William Goldenberg has won for "Argo." He describes the screenplay as "an editor's dream."

7:36pm PST: Jennifer Lawrence describes Adele's "Skyfall" as "as irresistible as 007 himself."

7:38pm PST: Adele, wearing a sequined but otherwise simple black dress, doesn't offer a splashy or choreographed performance of her nominated Bond theme "Skyfall." She just sings it with force and emotional honesty, and sounds superb.

7:46pmPST: Nicole Kidman presents the third and last set of nominees for Best Picture. Kidman describes "Silver Linings Playbook" as an "instant classic," calls "Django Unchained" "a wicked thrill," and declares that "Amour" "asks us to reflect on the true meaning of love." Either Kidman or her writers know how to sum up movies pretty well.

7:50pm PST: Daniel Radcliffe and Kristin Stewart (the latter clearly nursing a bad leg) are on stage to hand out the award for Best Production Design. "Lincoln" wins the award; designer Rick Carter accepts the award, thanking set decorator Jim Erickson and his wife Adele (presumably not the singer).

7:54pm PST: Salma Hayek is up next to cite the winners of special prizes handed out at the Governor's Awards. Hal Needham, D.A. Pennebaker, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and George Stevens, Jr. are praised for their accomplishments, are are shown in attendance at the ceremony, hoisting their Oscars.

8:02pm PST: George Clooney introduces the annual "In Memorium" montage of artists who passed since last year's awards. Ernest Borgnine, Adam Yauch, and Richard D. Zanuck earn passing applause, but for the most part the audience is respectful in their silence.

8:04pm PST: At the end of the memorial montage, Barbra Streisand arrives to sing "The Way We Were" in tribute to the song's co-author, Marvin Hamlisch. Her performance is fittingly emotional and heartfelt.

8:11pm PST: As MacFarlane introduces Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger, Queen Latifa and Catherine Zeta Jones to present Best Original Score, he insists "we're concerned this show isn't gay enough yet."

8:12pm PST: Best Score goes to "Life of Pi," to great enthusiasm from Richard Gere. Composer Alexandre Desplat thanks Ang Lee profusely.

8:17pm PST: Two nominated songs -- "Before My Time" from "Chasing Ice," "Pi's Lullaby" from "Life of Pi" -- are represented only by clips from the films, despite the many production numbers in this year's show. Norah Jones does appear to perform Everybody Needs A Best Friend" from "Ted" with the orchestra.

8:18pm PST: Best Song goes to "Skyfall," as was predicted. Adele, who has been picking up plenty of awards in recent years, hardly looks or sounds jaded by the experience, and seems to be fighting back tears at the end of her speech.

8:23pm PST: Dustin Hoffman congratulates Charlize Theron, saying "You're a good dancer."

8:26pm PST: Hoffman and Theron present the award for Best Adapted Screenplay, with Chris Terrio winning for "Argo." Terrio cites "brilliant, brilliant Tony Kushner," the screenwriter for "Lincoln," and the real-life heroes of "Argo."

8:29pm PST: The Best Original Screenplay Oscar goes to Quentin Tarantino, who declares it's cool to be getting the trophy from Theron, his neighbor. Tarantino refuses to be played off by the orchestra, and says it was an honor to win in what he considers "the writer's year."

8:31pm PST: As the Oscars return from commercial break, the show is now officially over schedule.

8:34pm PST: "The children of screen legends who became screen legends themselves," Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas, come to center stage to present the award for Best Director, often the preview of Best Picture.

8:36pm PST: In a genuine upset, Ang Lee wins for "Life Of Pi," the second win for the director. Lee begins by jokingly thanking "Movie God," and seems honestly surprised to have won.

8:42pm PST: Jean Dujardin is on deck to present Best Actress, and shows that despite being silent in "The Artist," he can talk, and be rather witty.

8:45pm PST: Jennifer Lawrence wins the Best Actress award for "Silver Linings Playbook." She trips on the way to the stage, but seems delighted if nervous to be on stage. Bradley Cooper beams as she gives her speech, and she graciously wishes a happy birthday to fellow nominee Emmanuelle Riva.

8:47pm PST: Meryl Streep, who needs no introduction, strides on stage without one. She describes nominees for Best Actor as "the finest among equals."

8:51pm PST: Daniel Day-Lewis wins Best Actor for "Lincoln," making him the first actor to win in the category three times. "I really don't know how any of this happened," he says as he begins a speech in which he jokes he and Meryl Streep actually switched roles when he was cast as Margaret Thatcher and she was committed to play Abe Lincoln. He also makes fun of his well-documented immersion in his roles by thanking his wife, "who has had to live with some very strange men."

8:54pm PST: Jack Nicholson comes aboard to hand out the Best Picture honor, with Michelle Obama assisting via satellite from the White House. The First Lady looks nearly as glamorous as any of the actresses who've appeared before the podium tonight.

8:57pm PST: And Best Picture goes to "Argo," a Best Picture/Best Director split that occurred since Ben Affleck was curiously not nominated for the award. Given that the State Department was rooting for the film, it's fitting that Michelle Obama announced the winner from the White House.

