2008年10月17日 星期五

Photos of Paris-Provence Part-8

[ Last : Photos of Paris-Provence, Part-7 of 8 ]

Photographs from Paris-Provence tour--2008-10

(Part-8: River Seine cruise, farewell party)


The dinner cruise on the River Seine started from near the Musee d'Orsay and we should have passed those sites along the river.  Photos were taken from all of the tour members.  Although faces are so familiar, I do not know the names of a some members.

Susanna, Robert and Elizabeth Lee, Chang-hwei Chang 

Jennifer Lim and John Park

Peter and Sylvia Ciolino, Fred and Norma Bradassare.

Robert and Elizabeth Lee, Hwei and George (Chang-shee) Chang.

Elizabeth Fischer and Shirley Brennan

Ronnie and Janis Badley, Gary and Lynn Jarrett from Scottsdale, Arizona.

Ted Hiatt, and our guide Susanna Stevens

They are either Georgia Jones and Lorraine Cochran. Or Renee Buchmyr.  I feel bad that I did not ask then. 

Peter and Sylvia Ciolino

James and Susan Daus

Fred and Norma Bradassare.  They like photography also.

Beth and Shirley

Bob and Elizabeth

I did not ask the name of this couple and I guess, they are Allen and May Stubberud from Irvine, California.

James Terry Apple and Martha Goodwin

Eugene and Jill Pfeifer

Beth Cipriani from Stanford, CT.

Clement and Yui-li Hsu

Susanna, Beth, and a lady from another Tauck tour group on the same cruise boat.  



Statue of Liberty

Birthday of Clement!  This became the most unforgettable birthday for me.  Thanks again!  Fred's and Peter's birthdays are both on 10/19.  We should have celebrated our birthdays together then.



Photos of Paris-Provence Part-7 of 8

[ Last : Photos of Paris-Provence, Part-6 of 8 ]

Photographs from Paris-Provence tour--2008-10

(Part-7: Louvre museum)


2008-10-09 Le Musee du Louvre

Louvre Palace started in 12th century by Philip II.  In 1682, Louis XIV chose Versaille as his residence.  Under the Louis XV in 1750's, the idea of turning Louvre into a royal museum became a policy.  The Musée du Louvre now contains more than 380,000 objects and displays 35,000 works of art in eight curatorial departments: Egyptian antiquities; Near Eastern antiquities; Greek, Etruscan, and Roman; Islamic art; Sculpture; Decorative art; Paintings; and Prints and drawings.  It is the most visited museum in the world, with average of 15,000 visitors daily.


Venus of Milo

I thought I should be able to find out the artist and the name of these works from books I purchased.  However, I could not!  There are 35,000 objects being exhibited.  Books usually chose only 300 considered "masterpieces".   They all look masterpieces to me.


One of the 135 bronze disks that form the Arago Rose Line, simply called the Rose Line in "The da Vinci Code". The Arago Rose Line is better known as the Paris Meridian, the once challenger to Greenwich as the zero-longitude line.The Arago Rose Line is named after the French astronomer Francois Arago. His recalculation of the Paris Meridian in the early 19th resulted in greater accuracy. 

Louvre is half a mile long, and 5 miles of exhibit halls in total!


The room with "Mona Lisa", in the far right.


Coronation of Napoleon


A Nap in Louvre


The best art class room in the world


Pei Glass pyramids

Le Brun's painting

Champaigne's paintings



(  continued to :  Photos of Paris-Provence, Part-8 of 8  )