2008年10月17日 星期五

Photos of Paris-Provence Part-5 of 8

[ Last : Photos of Paris-Provence, Part-4 of 8 ]

Photographs from Paris-Provence tour--2008-10

(Part-5: Avignon, Palais des Papes, TVG, Gare de Lyon,)


2008-10-07, Avignon

A city where popes and antipopes resided during the 14th century.  The Palace of Popes has been turned into a museum. 


Bridge on River Rhone

Bridge of Saint Bénézet.  (Bénézet = little Benedict)  Its legacy?  In 1178, A shepherd boy Bénézet said, God told him to build the bridge on the River Rhone, and proved his divine ability by throwing a huge rock into the river. People were impressed and started to build the bridge altogether. Before that time, there were no bridges on the river from Lyon down to the Mediterranean.  The 900 meter bridge with 22 arches collapsed many times over the centuries, and after a flooding in 1668, people gave up and left it there.  Obviously the river was much wider centuries ago.


Town rampart


Papal Palace.


Palais des Papes

The Papal Palace, UNESCO's World Heritage Site, is built like a fortress.  Although inside the walled city of Avignon, with all those wars, they needed to fortify the palace.

Entrance to the Papal Palace


Mr. and Mrs Daus, Mrs. Chang. The church for the popes, Notre Dame des Doms, in the background.  The Palace is to its right.

Chidren visiting the Palace

Palace Court Yard

Exit door of the Palace.  Photography is forbidden inside the museum.


Fred and Norma with George and Hwei Chang, and my wife Yui-li.


Onion soup was very good here!

In the Palace court yard



TVG, Gare (train station) de Lyon

TGV = train à grande vitesse = high-speed train

Avignon Train station.

The first class seat in TVG.  The ride was pretty quiet and fast. 139 Km/hour.  I can tell you that the high speed train in Taiwan is quieter and faster, up to 250-270 Km/hour.


Inside the Gare de Lyon, one of the 6 train stations in Paris.


A pretty expensive restaurant, le Train Bleu, in the Station, since 1901.


Gare de Lyon, built in 1900 for the World Exposition.


The clock tower is similar in style to the Big Ben on the UK Houses of Parliament.


Hotel du Louvre in Paris

A Hotel du Louvre, a land mark 5-story hotel.  Napoleon III inaugurated it in 1855.

Opera House facing the Hotel du Louvre, about 1 KM away.


The other side of the hotel.



Restaurant of the Hotel


Started to feel tired.  We ate rather quietly.  Did not forget to take photos though.  Watch me in the mirror.


( continued to :  Photos of Paris-Provence, Part-6 of 8   )


1 則留言:

  1. 您真的笑的很開心..ㄆㄆ..
    晚點在用slide show..
    PS: 這次因為您很少貼您和夫人的..所以感受...不知道怎寫.
    完全照您blog上面的圖檔附加日期和 註解這是第幾張照片而已..
    無法寫很好的附註~I'm sorry~
