2008年10月14日 星期二

Photos of Paris-Provence Part-3 -8

last  : [ Photos of Paris-Provence, Part-2 of 8 ]


Arles, with population of only 50,000, is at the northern tip of Camargue delta formed by River Rhone.  Marshes in the delta became the habitat for many wild lives, including wild horses and bulls.  Thus the pictures of "cowboys" in the Hotel Jules Cesar, not that they admire cowboys in Texas.

Photographs from Paris-Provence tour--2008-10


(Part 3: Aix, Mirabeau flea market, Hotel Jules Cesar, Arles, van Gogh)


2004-10-05: Aix-en-Provence, city of art.




The cathedral of Saint-Sauveur was built on the site of first century Roman forum of Aix and has been re-built repeatedly from 12th to 19th century.  Therefore it contains Roman, Early Christian, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance Styles of architecture.  It is now a National Monument of France. 

Inside the cathedral

Interior of the cathedral must be of great interest to the architects or historians.  However, being a total layperson, I could only glance over very briefly at those paintings and sculptures.


Books are all in French of course.

Mirabeau flea market

The pediment of the Corn Exchange represents farming prosperity in Provence provided by the Rhone and Durance rivers

The seductive leg hanging out, hinting that she was actually a prostitute.  The revenge of the sculptor who was not paid adequately!


The Cours Mirabeau in Aix-en-Provenc.  A 440 meter long and 42 meter wide thoroughfare has been famous for brasserie "les deux Garcon", frequented by the post-impressionist painter (pioneer of Cubism) Paul Cezanne (1839-1906), influential writer Emile Zola (1840-1902),  Albert Camus (1913-1960), author, philosopher, and the Nobel laureate for literature in 1957 ("I do not believe in God and I am not an atheist!"), and American writer Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961. Did not attend college and won Nobel prize in 1954). 


The statue of Good King Rene (Rene of Anjou), 1408-1480.  He wrote poems and formed a school of fine art in sculpture, painting, goldsmith's work, and tapestry.


Fountain la Rotonde on Cours Mirabeau.  Sitting in these roadside cafe, chatting with friends, sipping coffee looking at people and also be looked at in turn.   These constitute parts of our personal interactions needed to keep us mentally healthy.  


George and Huei joined us for "personal interactions" at the cafe near the fountain to keep us healthy.


Hotel Jules Cesar (in Arles Cedex,  Cote d'Azure France) where we stayed 2 nights 


Hotel Jules Cesar, a charming small luxury hotel in the Roman town, Arles.  It was originally Camelite Convent erected in 17th century.

Dinner at the Hotel Jules Cesar, with Drs. Chang and Yoo couples.  Good food, but none of the medical mysteries were solved.


Susanna’s guided tour of Arles .

The town of Arles dates back to the 7th century BC, and was a major Gallo-Roman city.  It was taken by Roman in 123 B.C. and was the headquarter of the Roman Emperor Constantin during 4th and 5th century. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The major Roman structures, such as the Arena and the Theater, are unique in that they are integrated into the houses and buildings of the town, rather than sitting apart.


Roman Arena, or Roman Amphitheater,  for 30,000 built by Roman.  Bull fighting still takes place here. 


Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) came to Arles in February, 1888, and painted more than 200 canvases in 15 months while suffering from hallucinations and depression.  It was the most prolific period of his life.


The statue of Frederic Mistral, who shared the Nobel prize for literature with Spanish writer, Jose Echegaray y Eizaguirre, in 1904.


The cafe at the Place du Forum was painted yellow as in the Vincent van Gogh's painting, Cafe Terrace at night.   Yellow color dominated his paintings while in Arles. 


Church of Saint Trophime, built in 11th-12th century, is an important example of Romanesque architecture.  Saint Trophimus is the first bishop of Arles


City Hall of Arles


Entrance to the Hotel Dieu in Arles where van Gogh was hospitalized after arguement with Gaugin, "the cut off ear" incidence.  Gaugin left, because he was worried that he might get killed by van Gogh.  Wow, that was violent!!



Van Gogh painted here, Garden of the hospital in Arles, April, 1889.

Keyboard of many computers in France. See where A, Q, M, W, @, are located.  It was quite confusing that I gave up on checking my e-mails while in Arles and Paris.

(Continued to : Photos of Paris-Provence, Part-4 of 8  )



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