2009年1月22日 星期四

Jerome Cohen (孔傑榮)



Jerome Alan Cohen教授是紐約大學法律學教授,向來關心中國及台灣的政治、法律,曾經於1970年代從中國牢獄,營救出韓戰後被關閉二十年的飛行員John T. Downey而有名。馬英九就是他在哈佛大學任職時的學生。

Cohen教授最近透過Associated Press的記者PETER ENAV,嚴厲批評台灣法界行徑,在法務部長王清峰領頭的「法律日」,由法官、檢察官、及其他法界高階人士一起聚會中,用諷刺喜劇嘲弄正在被調查、尚未定罪的陳水扁。這種在文明國家不可能見到的、毫無法學修養的行為,他說好像是馬戲團上演,不可思議(unthinkable);只在七、八個月內,有人意欲將台灣政治過去十五年來的進步一掃而光。他還指出只有馬英九才能糾正這種風氣。(這正指出台灣法治精神的大幅退步,是馬本人的所為!) 台灣的法界人士的守法觀念已經淪落到令外國人關心、投書,法務部、總統府還不願承認錯誤、改進,才是我們該痛心、警戒的重點。












TAIWAN: US-based Taiwan experts add names to open letter

Among the judicial concerns from international academics and writers is leaks to the media regarding ongoing cases

Taipei Times
Saturday, January 24, 2009

By William Lowther

WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Two important Taiwan experts based in Washington have added their names to the open letter published in the Taipei Times earlier this week expressing concern about what they see as an erosion of justice in Taiwan.

The new signatories are former deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Randall Schriver and George Washington University academic Michael Yahuda.

In the original letter a group of international academics and writers urged President Ma Ying-jeou to order an independent inquiry into the way police squashed protests during the visit of Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin.

The letter said: "The establishment of a scrupulously neutral commission is essential if there is to be a fair and objective conclusion on the disturbances that occurred during the Chen Yunlin visit."

Freedom House, Amnesty International and US professor Jerome Cohen have also strongly recommended an independent inquiry.

At the same time, the group has expressed concern about the legal proceedings in the case of former president Chen Shui-bian and political pressure from KMT members of the Legislative Yuan that preceded a switch from a three-judge panel that had released the former president on his own cognizance to a court that subsequently detained him again.

The letter said there had been a "widespread pattern of leaks to the media regarding ongoing cases -- leaks, which because of their content and nature can only have come from the prosecutors' offices."

It mentioned a recent skit in which some prosecutors involved in Chen's case poked fun at the former president.

"This pattern of behavior displays a distinct bias in the judicial system and a disregard for fair and impartial processes," it said.

It concluded by again urging Ma "to ensure that your government and its judiciary and parliamentary institutions safeguard the full democracy, human rights and freedom of expression."

In an article published this week in its Taiwan Communique, the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs said the last few months had seen a further erosion of human rights and democracy in Taiwan .

It said the downward slide started in mid-October with the arrest and detention of former and present officials of the Democratic Progressive Party administration and worsened with aggressive police behavior during the Chen Yunlin visit in early November.

"Both developments were reminiscent of Taiwan 's police state under the Kuomintang's [KMT] martial law, which lasted from 1947 until 1987," the article said.

It quoted Cohen, who was Ma's law professor at Harvard, as saying that the recent court proceedings against Chen Shui-bian "mocked the promise" of fairness.

"At what point does the presumption of innocence become meaningless and the pre-conviction detention morph into punishment for a crime not finally proved?" Cohen asked.

Date Posted: 1/24/2009


Mentor urges Taiwan 's Ma to ensure trial fairness

By PETER ENAV,Associated Press Writer AP - Saturday, January 17

TAIPEI, Taiwan - The Harvard Law School mentor of Taiwan 's President Ma Ying-jeou said Saturday that his former student needs to urgently act to prevent an "increasingly disturbing circus atmosphere" from prejudicing his predecessor's right to a fair trial.

Jerome Cohen's comments to The Associated Press follow last week's biting skit that mocked former President Chen Shui-bian, performed by prosecutors at a Taiwan "Law Day" dinner attended by Justice Minister Wang Ching-feng, judges, and other leading lights of the island's legal community.

The skit made fun of Chen at the time of his arrest on graft charges in November, with a woman depicting him waving his manacled hands in the air and complaining about police brutality and judicial persecution.

At least one of the prosecutors appearing in the skit is involved in the continuing investigation of Chen.

Chen goes on trial Monday on charges of money laundering, bribery and looting a special presidential fund. While admitting his family wired more than $20 million to overseas bank accounts under its control, he says the money was unused campaign contributions that under Taiwanese law are his to deal with freely.

Cohen, now a law professor at New York University , is one of the world's foremost experts on legal systems in Taiwan and China . He mentored Ma three decades ago at Harvard and they remain close. They last met in the presidential office in Taipei on Dec. 16.

In a telephone interview with the AP, Cohen called performing the skit "unthinkable."

"It is as if there are people trying to repudiate all the progress that Taiwan has made over the past 15 years," he said, referring to the island's gradual transition from dictatorship to multiparty democracy.

Cohen said Ma should move swiftly to force Justice Minister Wang to clarify remarks she made in defense of the skit, including her characterization that it was, "just a little performance reflecting on current affairs."

"If he doesn't get this, who in Taiwan can get it?" he said.

Presidential spokesman Wang Yu-chi said Ma would not intervene with the justice minister on Chen's trial.

"President Ma Ying-jeou's stand is that he respects the judiciary and he does not interfere with individual cases," he said. "At the same time he hopes that the judiciary will behave in a way that does not induce improper political reactions on the part of the public."

There is "an increasingly disturbing circus atmosphere" surrounding the Chen trial, Cohen said, that includes not only the mounting of the skit, but also a decision by a Taipei court to reverse itself and order Chen jailed pending his trial.

Chen was originally locked up for 32 days to allow prosecutors to build their case against him, then ordered freed on his own recognizance by the court. However, he was returned to jail on Dec. 29 after a new panel of judges heard the prosecutors' second appeal against him.

Cohen said Ma's handling of the Chen case revealed an apparent choice to placate the extremist wing of his ruling Nationalist Party rather than reaching out to Taiwan 's broad political middle.

"He's acting like (President George W.) Bush in catering to the most right wing conservative elements," he said.

Presidential spokesman Wang rejected that characterization.

"(Ma's) hands-off policy has irritated some party members who hoped he could deal with the Chen case more aggressively," he said. "So it is incorrect to say that President Ma is trying to placate some party members with the way he is treating the Chen case."






去年 十一月十三日 ,「孔傑榮的專欄」痛斥馬政府,在北京兩岸首腦陳雲林訪台時,「逾越了自由社會的界限」,並且質疑司法沒有嚴守「政治中立」以及違反「無罪推論」的基本原則,甚而指控「喚醒『戒嚴黑暗時期』不義程序的幽靈」。作者的題目非常明顯〈為了兩岸關係不惜犧牲台灣公民自由〉,譯文卻胡謅成〈陳雲林旋風颳人權問題〉,完全取消強有力的批判性。這種扭曲同樣見於內文,比如作者用描述性文字說:「台灣警方無法保護 陳 先生副手」,譯文卻成為「張銘清的『攻擊』事件」;這與陷人於罪的「官方」說法完全一致!














1 則留言:

  1. 埃..
    再怎樣氣, 台灣人如果不能自己挺台灣人.
    不多說了! 寫功課去, 轉檔後寄給您!
