2011年2月26日 星期六

廖東慶 作品 / 228大屠殺!


2011年2月16日 星期三





他用上法院控告這些名顯然是要「修理」這些人,讓敢批評我的人多跑跑法院、花掉雇用律師的錢。這是司法的誤用, abuse。民主社會中,官員是為民眾服務的。被批評,就不甘願,就要控告,署長的民主修養還不夠,他應該撤回控訴。





台灣的民主、自由、主權、公平的法治,要民眾用選票修整。不過執政者不能感受民意,又無能,不到三年,多次顯現不公平的法治,用司法打擊民主,我們只看到無能的總統、只會被利用來打擊民意的司法院、擺好看拿薪水的監察院。要等四年才能除掉這種政府,是太久了。以後再一年多的時間內,可能台灣輝煌的民主化紀錄,就被破壞殆盡!!! 民眾是需要更積極的表示不滿!!! 








◎ 楊斯棓







2011年2月11日 星期五

Aspergillus spp. (麴菌類) 引起的疾病



n  真菌(fungus)hypha(菌絲)是否分節﹑無性孢子產生的方式﹑及有性孢子的型式而可分類如下四綱(class)

1)  Phycomycetes (藻菌綱。菌絲不分節﹔有oospore=卵孢子及zygospore=接合孢子等有性孢子﹔有sporangiospore=孢子囊孢子)﹐是較低等原始的﹐如Rhizopus nigrans

2)  Ascomycetes (子囊菌綱。菌絲分節﹔能產生ascospore=子囊孢子﹔有外生性無性孢子)﹐如表皮絲狀真菌=dermatophyteTrichophyton (Arthroderma)Microsporum (Nannizzia)Blastomyces (Ajellomyces)(括弧內為有性生殖期時之名稱。)

3)  Basidiomycetes (擔子菌綱。菌絲分節﹔有外生性無性孢子﹔有擔子柄=basidia可產生擔孢子=basidiospore)﹐如較進化的食用菇類(mushroom)﹑Cryptococcus neoformans (Filobasidiella neoformans)

4)  Deuteromycetes Fungi imperfecti=不完全菌綱。僅有無性生殖者)﹐大部分致病性真菌屬此。如EpidermophytonSporothrixCandida spp.

n  但從臨床觀點﹐致病性真菌平常粗略地分類如下﹕

1)    可引起superficial mycoses之表皮黴菌﹐如Malassezia furfur會致pityriasis versicolor(斑點糠疹)。

2)    可引起疥癬類cutaneous mycoses之皮膚黴菌﹐包括TrichophytonEpidermophytonMicrosporumCandida albicans(也會成全身性伺機性感染)

3)    可引起subcutaneous mycoses之皮下黴菌﹐如Sporothrix schenkii

4)    可引起深部(全身性)感染者﹐如Blastomyces dermatidesCoccidioides immitisHistoplasma capsulatumParacoccidioides brasiliensis

5)    可引起伺機性深部(全身性)感染者﹐如 Aspergillus spp.Candida spp.Cryptococcus neoformans (正常人也可致病)﹑MucorRhizopus類。


l  Aspergillus spp.遍佈全世界,會引起過敏(allergy)、免疫不全病人的侵入性疾病、肺、及鼻、副鼻腔的感染,統稱aspergillosis。最常見的為Aspergillus fumigatusAspergillus flavus,其他還有A. niger(引起otomycosis=外耳黴菌症)A. sydowiA. terreusA. ustusA. versicolor等十餘種都曾感染人類。

l  可分泌毒素:aflatoxinochratoxinkojic acidclavacingliotoxinAsp fl等。

l  Aspergillus flavus分泌之毒素aflatoxin (黃麴黴毒素)可致癌。有12種以上,其中B1之毒性及致癌性最強。在英國Aspergillus flavus污染之火雞飼料曾使大量火雞昏迷、厭食、痙攣、死亡。

l  Aspergillus fumigatus可在45°C以上溫度生長,因此在堆肥中最多。遍佈世界各地。

l  感染途徑:孢子(conidiaspore2.5-3.0 mm大小,可進入肺氣泡=alveolus)飛到空中,經空氣呼吸道感染。不會人對人感染。

l  潛伏期:數日到數週。

l  引起感染的重要因素不是孢子的數目,而是宿主的免疫力。肺巨嗜細胞、嗜中性白血球(neutrophils)是最重要的。Neutropenia (嗜中性白血球缺少)、器官移植(1.5-5.6%感染率)、高劑量類固醇治療、或其他免疫抑制治療之病人、或小孩有慢性肉芽腫性疾病(chronic granulomatous disease)者都是感染對象。


l  侵入組織後菌絲(hyphaemycelia)延血管生長。在肺部感染時在上葉形成菌絲球(fungus ballaspergilloma),會導致咳血(hemoptysis)、氣胸(pneumothorax),可致命。此等病患常原本患有肺結核(pulmonary tuberculosis)、支氣管擴張(bronchiectasis)anthracosilicosishistoplasmosis、肺膿瘍(lung abscess)等。可用CT scanMRI等診斷。

l  原本有氣喘(asthma)之病患可能因為此黴菌感染而有血清IgE增加、黴菌阻塞支氣管(bronchial plugging)anti-aspergillus antibody增加,可使氣喘惡化,成慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD),稱為allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)。對aspergillus antigenimmediate type skin test reaction

l  正常小孩吸入大量孢子後可能24小時後有燒、呼吸困難、胸部X光有糜粒狀侵潤(miliary infiltrate)2-4週內會自癒。

l  被感染之免疫不全病患可能因黴菌阻塞而有腦血管梗塞(cerebral infarction)

l  可感染正常或人工心瓣膜,但血液培養不一定可長出黴菌。

l  消化道潰瘍、穿孔、四肢皮膚潰瘍、肋骨脊椎骨感染、腎及前列腺感染都會發生。

l  Aflatoxin是各種生物產生的毒素中最毒的,長期經口吸取,會引起肝硬化、肝癌。


l  組織之鏡檢、或黴菌培養最可靠。血液、腦脊髓液(CSF)、骨髓黴菌培養極少陽性。


l  ABPA要用類固醇治療。Itraconazole 200 mg, po, bid(可先用loading dose 300 mg, po, bid三天)可能有幫助。

l  Aspergilloma可試itraconazole,如上。也可考慮外科剔除以免合併症之發生。

l  侵入性疾病需用amphotericin B急增至1.0-1.5mg/kg/day, iv drip,總量為2.0-2.5 gm,反應佳者可檢量。Liposomal amphotericin B較少腎毒性。同時設法減少免疫不全現象。




2011年2月8日 星期二

IDSA Issues First Guidelines for Treatment of MRSA

January 5, 2011 — The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) has issued its first clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections in children and adults.

The guidelines, released today, will be published in the February 1 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases.

The 13-member MRSA guidelines panel was convened by the IDSA Standards and Practice Guidelines Committee in 2007 to develop evidence-based, consensus guidelines for clinicians managing patients with MRSA infections.

The guidelines have been endorsed by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, the American College of Emergency Physicians, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

"These guidelines for MRSA have been eagerly anticipated," Paul Auwaerter, MD, MBA, who was not involved in their development, noted in an interview with Medscape Medical News.

"The guidelines synthesize current information in one comprehensive piece, even though they aren't all as evidenced-based as we'd like; a couple are way down in the C-III world," said Dr. Auwaerter, clinical director of the Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.

"A lot of this is only expert opinion," he added, "but that's the best we have right now."

A "Living Document"

"MRSA is a major cause of both healthcare associated and community-associated infections," Catherine Liu, MD, lead author of the guidelines and assistant clinical professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, University of California–San Francisco, told Medscape Medical News.

"It is the predominant cause of skin infections among patients presenting to the emergency room, and can also cause more serious, invasive infections that account for about 18,000 deaths in the United States per year," she noted.

"MRSA clearly has an enormous clinical and economic impact, and clinicians often struggle with the management of these infections," Dr. Liu added. The guidelines provide a "framework" to help clinicians determine how best to evaluate and treat patients with both uncomplicated and invasive infections caused by MRSA.

"It's designed to be a living document, meaning the recommendations will evolve as new information and antibiotics become available," Dr. Liu emphasized.

The guidelines address the management of a variety of clinical syndromes associated with MRSA disease, including skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs), bacteremia and endocarditis, pneumonia, bone and joint infections, and central nervous system infections.

Some of the key recommendations, according to Dr. Liu, include the following:

  • The management of all MRSA infections should include identification, elimination, and/or debridement of the primary source and other sites of infection when possible (eg, drainage of abscesses, removal of central venous catheters, debridement of osteomyelitis, etc).

  • Education on personal hygiene and appropriate wound care is recommended for all patients with SSTIs. Patients should be instructed to keep draining wounds covered with clean, dry bandages; maintain good personal hygiene with regular bathing and cleaning of hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand gel, particularly after touching infected skin; and avoid reusing or sharing personal items that have contacted infected skin.

  • For most simple abscesses or boils, incision and drainage alone is likely adequate, and antibiotic therapy is not needed. Antibiotic therapy is recommended for abscesses associated with the following conditions: severe or extensive disease or rapid progression in presence of associated cellulitis, signs and symptoms of systemic illness, associated comorbidities or immunosuppression (diabetes, HIV), extremes of age, abscess in area difficult to drain completely (eg, face, hand, genitalia), associated septic phlebitis), and lack of response to incision and drainage alone.

  • In patients with MRSA bacteremia, follow-up blood cultures 2 to 4 days after initial positive cultures and as needed thereafter are recommended to document clearance of bacteremia.

  • To optimize serum trough concentrations in adult patients, vancomycin should be dosed according to actual body weight (15 - 20 mg/kg/dose every 8 - 12 hours), not to exceed 2 g/dose. Trough monitoring is recommended to achieve target concentrations of 15 to 20 µg/mL in patients with serious MRSA infections and to ensure target concentrations in those who are morbidly obese, have renal dysfunction, or have fluctuating volumes of distribution. The efficacy and safety of targeting higher trough concentrations in children requires further study but should be considered in those with severe sepsis or persistent bacteremia.

  • When an alternative to vancomycin is being considered for use, in vitro susceptibility should be confirmed and documented in the medical record.

  • For methicillin-sensitive S aureus infections, a beta-lactam antibiotic is the drug of choice in the absence of allergy.


ACIP Guidelines for Use of Antiviral Agents for Influenza


Most cases of influenza resolve spontaneously, with only a few days of physical distress and loss of productivity as the most significant consequences of illness. However, complications of influenza such as pneumonia and otitis media are common, and the current recommendations focus attention on patients at the highest risk for these complications. Such patients include children younger than 5 years (and, especially, < 2 years), adults 65 years or older, persons with severe chronic illness or immunosuppression, pregnant women, persons with morbid obesity, residents of chronic care facilities, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices provides guidelines for the treatment of these high-risk groups, along with normal-risk individuals, in its current recommendations. It also offers a review of the epidemiology, symptoms, and diagnosis of influenza

Study Highlights

  • The main method of transmission of influenza is most likely through person-to-person transmission of large-particle respiratory droplets, which generally travel less than 6 feet in a cough or sneeze.

  • Uncomplicated influenza illness usually lasts 3 to 7 days, although cough and malaise may persist for more than 2 weeks.

  • Children younger than 5 years with influenza are more likely to demonstrate nonspecific symptoms, such as poor oral intake and irritability, vs older children.

  • Influenza is difficult to diagnose on clinical grounds alone. Rapid influenza diagnostic tests offer a high specificity but a low sensitivity. Therefore, a positive rapid test result is usually a reliable indicator of infection with influenza, particularly when influenza activity is high in the community.

  • Patients in the high-risk categories described in the Clinical Context section should be treated with antiviral medications. If possible, treatment should be initiated within the first 48 hours of illness.

  • Antiviral treatment should also be offered immediately to hospitalized patients as well as to individuals with suspected influenza and severe, complicated, or progressive illness.

  • Patients at normal risk for complications may be offered antiviral treatment for known or suspected influenza, provided that treatment is initiated within 48 hours. Antiviral therapy has been demonstrated to reduce influenza symptom duration by approximately 1 day among normal-risk adults.

  • Oseltamivir and zanamivir are the preferred antiviral agents for influenza, based on evidence that more than 99% of circulating influenza strains are sensitive to these medications. Amantadine and rimantadine should not be used because of a lack of efficacy against influenza B and high levels of treatment resistance among strains of influenza A.

  • Oseltamivir may be used for the treatment of children younger than 1 year.

  • Oseltamivir and zanamivir may be used as postexposure chemoprophylaxis for unvaccinated household contacts of patients with influenza. Chemoprophylaxis should only be initiated within 48 hours of the most recent exposure.

  • Annual influenza vaccination remains the most effective means to prevent influenza infection and its complications.

Clinical Implications

  • The clinical diagnosis of influenza is difficult, and rapid influenza diagnostic tests offer high specificity but low sensitivity. Uncomplicated influenza illness usually lasts 3 to 7 days, although cough and malaise may persist for more than 2 weeks.

  • Patients at high risk for complications of influenza should receive treatment with oseltamivir or zanamivir within 48 hours of symptom onset. Treatment with these antivirals is more elective among normal-risk adults, and neither amantadine nor rimantadine should be used to treat influenza.

January 28, 2011 — The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has issued updated guidelines regarding the use of antiviral agents for the treatment and chemoprophylaxis of influenza, according to a report in the January 21 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The new recommendations, which include a summary of the effectiveness and safety of antiviral treatment medications, update those issued by the committee in 2008.

"Antiviral medications are effective for the prevention of influenza, and, when used for treatment, can reduce the duration and severity of illness," write Anthony E. Fiore, MD, from the Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, and colleagues.

"However, the emergence of resistance to one or more of the four licensed antiviral agents (oseltamivir, zanamivir, amantadine, and rimantadine) among some circulating influenza virus strains during the past 5 years has complicated antiviral treatment and chemoprophylaxis recommendations. The selection of antiviral medications should be considered in the context of any available information about surveillance data on influenza antiviral resistance patterns among circulating influenza viruses, local, state, and national influenza surveillance information on influenza virus type or influenza A virus subtype, the characteristics of the person who is ill, and results of influenza testing if testing is done."

Principal changes or updates from the 2008 guidelines for use of antiviral agents for the prevention and control of influenza include the following:

  • Antiviral treatment should be started as soon as possible in patients with confirmed or suspected influenza that is severe, complicated, or progressive, or that necessitates hospitalization. Rapid influenza diagnostic test, immunofluorescence, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, or viral culture can be used to confirm influenza virus infection.

  • Antiviral treatment should be started in outpatients with confirmed or suspected influenza who are at greater risk for complications of influenza based on age (<5 years, and especially <2 years, or ≥65 years) or underlying medical conditions. These include chronic pulmonary disease (including asthma); cardiovascular disease (except hypertension alone); renal, hepatic, hematologic (including sickle cell disease), and metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus); neurologic and neurodevelopmental conditions (including disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve, and muscle such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, stroke, intellectual disability, moderate to severe developmental delay, muscular dystrophy, or spinal cord injury); immunosuppression; pregnancy or being up to 2 weeks postpartum; and morbid obesity. Other high-risk groups are persons 18 years of age or younger treated with long-term aspirin, American Indians/Alaska Natives, and residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities. The guidelines authors note that clinical judgment should be an important component of outpatient treatment decisions.

  • Oseltamivir and zanamivir are the recommended antiviral medications because recent viral surveillance and resistance data show that more than 99% of currently circulating influenza virus strains are sensitive to these drugs. The recommended duration of treatment is 5 days, but longer treatment regimens may be needed in severely ill hospitalized patients or in immunosuppressed persons. Choice of antiviral drug, dosage, and duration of therapy should be based on the patient's age, weight, and renal function; presence of other medical conditions; indications for use (ie, chemoprophylaxis or therapy); and potential for interaction with other medications.

Either oseltamivir or zanamivir can be used to treat persons with influenza caused by 2009 H1N1 virus, influenza A (H3N2) virus, or influenza B virus, or when the influenza virus type or influenza A virus subtype is unknown. High levels of resistance to amantadine and rimantadine among circulating influenza A viruses suggests that these drugs should not be used at present. However, the guidelines include information about these drugs in case current recommendations change because adamantane-susceptible strains emerge again:

  • For treatment or chemoprophylaxis of influenza among infants younger than 1 year, oseltamivir may be used when indicated.

  • Based on clinical judgment, antiviral treatment may also be considered for any outpatient with confirmed or suspected influenza without known risk factors for severe illness, as long as treatment can be started within 48 hours of symptom onset.

  • Clinicians should monitor local antiviral resistance surveillance data because antiviral resistance patterns can change over time.

"If an emerging public health threat is identified for which no licensed or approved product exists, the Project BioShield Act of 2004 authorizes the [US Food and Drug Administration] Commissioner to issue an [emergency use authorization (EUA)] so appropriate countermeasures (e.g., distribution of unlicensed antiviral medications) can be taken quickly to protect the safety of the U.S. population," the guidelines authors conclude.

"Specifically, these countermeasures can facilitate the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of serious or life-threatening diseases, or for conditions caused by chemical, biologic, or radiologic agents for which no adequate, approved, or available alternatives exist. [The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,] in conjunction with [the National Institutes of Health] provides expert consultation to the [US Food and Drug Administration] Commissioner regarding the appropriateness of EUA requests and supports the distribution of products stored in the Strategic National Stockpile...formulary. EUAs in effect during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic have expired because there is no longer a declared emergency."

Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2011;60:1-24.  

使用Calcium Channel blocker者同時用macrolides容易休克

使用 verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine, amlodipine, or felodipine 等降血壓劑者,再使用 erythromycin 或 clarithromycin 治療感染時很容易休克,住院!!


January 27, 2011 Physicians need to be careful when prescribing macrolide antibiotics to patients on calcium-channel blockers (CCBs) because of an underappreciated drug-drug interaction that can lead to hypotension and shock, new research shows [1]. The findings are important because millions of people take CCBs and many are prescribed antibiotics every year, say Dr Alissa J Wright (University of Toronto, ON) and colleagues in a study published online January 17, 2011 in CMAJ.

This paper attaches a risk estimate to how dangerous this drug combination is.

Although the interaction "is perfectly predictable based upon the pharmacology of the drugs, it has been previously documented in only about five case reports," senior author Dr David Juurlink (University of Toronto, ON) explained to heartwire . He says that this study is the first rigorous attempt to describe the clinical consequences of this interaction: "In a sense, this paper attaches a risk estimate to how dangerous this drug combination is."

It's not wrong to use a macrolide, but it's probably more sensible if you are going to use one to use azithromycin.

The research also shows that there is a safe choice if doctors do need to use a macrolidelike antibiotic, he adds. The study found that macrolides such as erythromycin or clarithromycin increase the risk of hypotension if used in combination with a CCB, but a related antibiotic, azithromycin, does not.

Juurlink observes that "it's not wrong to use a macrolide [in a patient taking a CCB], but it's probably more sensible if you are going to use one to use azithromycin. If, for some reason, you had to use clarithromycin or erythromycin, it might be reasonable just to edge back a little bit on the dose of the CCB."

Biggest Risk With Erythromycin

In their population-based, nested, case-crossover study, Wright and colleagues analyzed the healthcare records of around a million individuals over the age of 65 who were receiving a single CCB between 1994 and 2009. Of these patients, 7100 were admitted to hospital for hypotension or shock, and 176 had received a macrolide antibiotic (36 received erythromycin, 100 received clarithromycin, and 40 received azithromycin) in a seven-day interval immediately before admission to the hospital or in a seven-day control interval one month earlier. For each antibiotic, the researchers estimated the risk of hypotension or shock associated with the use of a CCB.

They found a strong association between erythromycin use and hospital admission for hypotension, with an almost sixfold increased risk

of low BP (odds ratio 5.8), and a lower but still significant risk associated with the use of clarithromycin (OR 3.7). In contrast, there was no such link with azithromycin use (OR 1.5).

Juurlink explains that, pharmacologically, macrolide antibiotics inhibit a cytochrome P450 enzyme, which metabolizes all CCBs, so their use can lead to the accumulation of the CCB and potential toxicity. But azithromycin does not inhibit this cytochrome P450 enzyme. The use of combination CCBs and macrolide antibiotics "isn't exactly uncommon, but no one has actually ever attached a measure of how dangerous the combination is, and that's what this study does," he notes.

The findings, says Juurlink, apply to all CCBs, because they are all metabolized by the same pathway, although it may be a bigger problem with some than others, he says, adding that his team could not examine the risks for separate CCBs because of a lack of statistical power.

Nevertheless, the results "have considerable clinical relevance, highlighting the consequences of an underappreciated yet avoidable drug interaction involving medications used by millions of people every year. Clinicians should be aware of the potential interaction between these drugs," he and his colleagues state.

Juurlink adds that although the use of erythromycin is declining, clarithromycin is still used frequently. "But I don't think clarithromycin and azithromycin are that different in price, quite frankly, so the latter represents a good choice if macrolide antibiotic therapy is required."

Juurlink declares no conflicts. Disclosures for the coauthors are listed in the paper.


1.    Wright AJ, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, et al. The risk of hypotension following co-prescription of macrolide antibiotics and calcium-channel blockers. CMAJ 2011; DOI:10.1503/cmaj.100702. Available at www.cmaj.ca.

Clinical Context

Macrolides are the most commonly prescribed antibiotics, according to IMS Health. In the October 2000 issue of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Westphal reported that cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4 is inhibited by clarithromycin and erythromycin, but not azithromycin. CCBs are substrates for cytochrome P450 3A4, as noted by Dorne and colleagues in the February 2003 issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology, and, therefore, might be potentiated by the use of macrolide antibiotics.

This population-based, nested, case-crossover study assesses the risk for hospitalization because of hypotension or shock in older patients who use CCBs and macrolide antibiotics.

Study Highlights

  • 999,234 adults 66 years or older (median age, 71 years) taking a single CCB during a 5-year period were identified.

  • Exclusion criteria were first year of eligibility for coverage of prescription medication and prescriptions for more than 1 macrolide in the 30 days before hospitalization.

  • 7100 patients were admitted to the hospital for treatment of hypotension.

  • Hospitalized patients had a median age of 77 years, and 47.2% were men.

  • Types of CCBs used were diltiazem in 40%, amlodipine in 29.6%, nifedipine in 19.4%, verapamil in 8%, and felodipine in 3%.

  • Prescription drug data were obtained from the Ontario Drug Benefit Claims Database.

  • Demographic records were obtained from the Registered Persons Database.

  • CCBs included verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine, amlodipine, or felodipine.

  • Continuous use of CCBs was defined as refill within 180 days of the date of the previous prescription.

  • The endpoint was admission to the hospital for treatment of hypotension or shock, death, discontinuation of treatment, or switch to a different CCB.

  • Exposure to each macrolide in a 7-day risk period immediately before hospitalization was compared vs a 7-day control period 1 month prior.

  • 176 patients received a macrolide during the risk or control periods.

  • Erythromycin use had the strongest association with an increased risk for hospitalization for hypotension (OR, 5.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.3 - 15.0; P < .001).

  • Clarithromycin use was also associated with an increased risk for hospitalization (OR, 3.7; 95% CI, 2.3 - 6.1; P < .001).

  • However, azithromycin use was not associated with an increased risk for hospitalization (OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 0.8 - 2.8; P = .21).

  • Results were similar for patients taking a dihydropyridine CCB (nifedipine, amlodipine, or felodipine).

  • Study limitations were inability to quantify medication adherence, type and severity of infection, and accuracy of diagnostic codes for hypotension; insufficient power to assess bradycardia; and inability to assess the magnitude of interaction for each CCB.

Clinical Implications

  • In adults taking CCBs, erythromycin, followed by clarithromycin, is related to an increased risk for hospitalization for hypotension or shock.

  • In adults taking CCBs, azithromycin use is not related to an increased risk for hospitalization for hypotension or shock


維基揭秘 扯下中南海驚天黑幕




























2011年2月7日 星期一

治療頭蝨的外用新藥--spinosad (Natroba)

FDA Approves New Topical Drug for Head Lice

January 28, 2011 — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved spinosad (Natroba Topical Suspension 0.9%, ParaPRO) for the treatment of head lice infestation in people aged 4 years and older.

Head lice (Pediculus capitis) are spread most often by close person-to-person contact. They are very common among schoolchildren in the United States — second only to the common cold among communicable diseases affecting schoolchildren, according to the Mayo Clinic.

A variety of topical over-the-counter medications and prescription medications are currently available to treat head lice.

"Natroba provides another option for the topical treatment of head lice infestations, which are especially prevalent in the pediatric population," said Julie Beitz, MD, director of the Office of Drug Evaluation III in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, in an FDA statement.

Unlike other medications for head lice, spinosad does not require combing through the hair, according to the manufacturer. A fine-tooth comb may be used to remove dead lice and nits from the hair and scalp, but is not required, according to the company's Web site. The pediculicide spinosad should be used as part of an overall lice management program, with other adjunctive measures including hot-water washing or dry-cleaning of all recently worn clothing, hats, used bedding, and towels; and hot-water washing of personal care items such as combs, brushes, and hair clips.

Spinosad is for topical use only and is not recommended for oral, ophthalmic, or intravaginal use. After shaking the bottle well, the patient or caregiver should apply the product to dry scalp and hair, using the minimal amount needed to cover both. After waiting 10 minutes, the patient or caregiver should thoroughly rinse the head and hair with warm water, being careful to avoid contact with the eyes. If live lice are seen 7 days after the first treatment, topical application of spinosad should be repeated.

Clinical Studies

The FDA's approval was based on the safety and effectiveness of spinosad established in 2 multicenter, randomized, active-controlled studies. The active control was permethrin 1%.

A total of 552 patients received a 10-minute treatment with spinosad. If live lice were seen a week later, a second treatment was applied. The proportion of participants who were lice-free 14 days after the final treatment of spinosad was approximately 86% compared with 44% of the active control group.

In testing, the most common adverse events were application site redness (3%), redness and irritation to the eyes (2%), or application site irritation (1%). These events compared favorably with those seen with permethrin 1%, which was associated with erythema at the application site in 7%, ocular erythema in 3%, and irritation at the application site in 2% of participants.

Use in Special Populations

The safety of spinosad in children younger than 4 years old has not been established, the FDA notes.

The agency adds that it is particularly important not to use the product in infants because it contains benzyl alcohol, which has been associated with serious adverse reactions, including death, when applied topically to the skin of children younger than 6 months.

Although clinical studies did not enroll sufficient numbers of participants 65 years and older to examine whether they respond differently than younger participants, other reported clinical experience has not detected differences in responses between elderly and younger patients.

Spinosad is a pregnancy category B medication, with no adequate and well-controlled studies of spinosad topical suspension in pregnant women. Furthermore, human studies did not determine the absorption of benzyl alcohol contained in spinosad topical suspension. Although reproduction studies in rats and rabbits demonstrated no teratogenic effects, animal reproduction studies do not always predict human response, and this drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

Regarding nursing mothers, spinosad is not systemically absorbed and therefore is not present in human milk, but benzyl alcohol contained in the topical suspension may be systemically absorbed through the skin. Because the amount of benzyl alcohol excreted in human milk with use of spinosad topical suspension is unknown, caution should be used when a lactating woman is treated. To avoid infant ingestion of benzyl alcohol, a lactating woman may wish to pump and discard breast milk for 8 hours after use of spinosad topical suspension, which represents 5 half-lives of benzyl alcohol.

More information on this drug approval is available on the FDA Web site.

Laurie Barclay, MD, contributed to this news article.

Clinical Implications

  • Unlike other medications for head lice, spinosad does not require combing through the hair, but the 10-minute, topical treatment should be used as part of an overall lice management program. If live lice are seen 7 days after the first treatment, the treatment should be repeated.

  • The most commonly reported adverse events were application site redness in 3% of patients, eye redness and irritation in 2%, and application site irritation in 1%.

  • The safety of spinosad in children younger than 4 years has not been established, and it should especially not be used in infants. Spinosad is a pregnancy category B medication and should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed. Caution should be used in nursing mothers.