2013年7月1日 星期一

2013 Hsu family's Disney Fantasy cruise--part 3 of 4

On 6/19, the ship was at the port of St. Joseph.  Rainy day, saw Kyle Knight and Mistie magic show, Hanh's birthday.

Again we did not walk around a lot.  Just followed Ben et al to a jewlery store.

Flower arrangement at the shop where Ben bought nacklace, the gift for Hanh's birthday.

After coming back to the ship, Ben and Hunter played shuffle board.

Our ship was leaving St. Thomas.

Kyle Knight and Mistie, amazing magicians!!  The most puzzling act is that he cut his wife who is lying in a box into half with metal blades.  And he showed us the cut surfaces of the torso.  Of course we only saw the metal blades.  But the twist they made is that in contrast to other shows of the same trick, in which others used large boxes to hide the ladies (there were enough space to hide another lady in the box that contained lower end of the lady's body), Kyle's box is so narrow that there is no space for another to hide in the box that contain the lower part of the body body !!  My guess is that Mistie is so incredibly flexible that she could bend the lower part of the body to fit in that very narrow box that covered her upper torso.  And of course, there must be another very tiny lady hiding in the box for the lower torso.  BUT THE BOXES WERE SO SMALL!!

Before the supper at the Enchanting Garden, we chat with the retired couple from Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw

The servers lead the singing of Happy Birthday song for Hanh!!

Golf leaf neck lace!!

Carly registering to be a detective.

6/20 was at sea.  Dow had a major drop in a long time, dropped 560 in 2 days!  The Disney show at 6:15PM was a Fantasy Dans and Songs.  After dinner there was a NBA final decisive game between Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs.  I did not go to see the game in the large screen on 12th deck.  I watched in the stateroom.  Ben found out that the reason cruise ship cabin is called stateroom.  When the first cruise ship in Mississippi river was running, each room on it was named after the state in the US, such as Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio,... etc.  So, since then, all cruise ship cabin is called "Stateroom"!

Sitting in the lobby and watching people is also fun.

The Cove area where they serve pizza, burgers, etc.  They are delicious!! It is one of the pleasures of taking a cruise.

The stock market suddenly dipped, or dived.

One night, near midnight, we suddenly heard the public announcement to all ship, I believe, that there is "Bright Red, stateroom 7xxx".  It was announced twice.  I knew it must be equivalent to public announcement of "Code Blue" or "Code Red" in a hospital.  We asked Jelena, the assistant server, at the dinner time.  She would not say what it meant.  But at least she did not deny that it is related to some emergency situation in that stateroom and required anyone near by to rush to the room.  It could have been some medical situation, or fire, or fight, etc.  Glad that it was not a fire alarm.

Sulcuk showing a stance of wrestling or some sports when I was taking a picture of him.  Wrestling, I believe, is popular in the middle eastern countries, especially Turkey.

The singer at the lobby.

Felix and Renee did not appear at the supper.  So we went to see them in their stateroom.

Dillon showing his muscle power!?

[ Continued to : 2013 Hsu family's Disney Fantasy cruise--part 4 of 4  ]


