2013年7月27日 星期六


Formosan Association for Public Affairs  
552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA
Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

For Immediate Release
Washington D C -  July 27, 2013
Contact: 202-547-3686


On June 23, James Miller, Under Secretary of Defense at DOD, responded to Congressman Andrews' letter of June 4 in which Andrews wrote: "I would like to know how the U.S. can support Taiwan's acquisition of diesel electric submarines, including export control considerations for technical assistance and other export licensing in a support of a Taiwan submarine program." 

In 2001, then President George W. Bush authorized the sale of eight diesel submarines to Taiwan. Taiwan reviewed this proposal for seven years then submitted a request for a diesel submarine design and feasibility study in January 2008.

The letter states that “this request is still under review and no decision has been made.”

Taiwan’s navy currently has four submarines, but only two of them could be deployed in the event of war. Two of them were built by the United States in the 1940s.

Over the years, multiple members of the U.S. Congress have called for the sale of submarines to Taiwan. In January 2013, a US congressional delegation led by current chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce, paid a visit to a Taiwan naval base adding momentum to the Congressional push for the sale of submarines.

The letter concludes: “The Department of Defense will continue to consider carefully any Taiwan requests for defense articles and services.  To date, Taiwan has not submitted any requests for technical assistance or export licensing support pertaining to a submarine program.  All requests, if submitted, will be considered by the Transfer Security Assistance Review Board.”

FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. reacts: “If anything, the urgency to transfer modern diesel-electric submarines to Taiwan has intensified since President Bush first approved the transfer in 2001. As the United States requested, Taiwan’s government approved full funding of an American diesel submarine feasibility study in January 2008.  But in over five years since then, the Pentagon still has not yet made a decision whether even to conduct the study.”

Dr. Kao adds: “At a time when the United States needs to make tough defense decisions, Pentagon approval for this feasibility study, funded by Taiwan, certainly would help keep America’s vital naval engineering infrastructure healthy. FAPA, representing Taiwanese Americans, believes it is in America’s own direct interest for Taiwan, as a reliable security partner, to help ease the pressures on the U.S. Navy to balance China's rapid naval modernization and its growing aggressiveness in the Taiwan Strait.”

Dr. Kao concludes: “In the meantime, we request that our friends in the Legislative Yuan inquire immediately with the government about current plans for the acquisition of a modern defensive submarine fleet, and urge them to sit down with the U.S. to work out an arrangement.”

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美國國防部副部長米勒(James Miller)於623日回函紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrews),答覆其於64日寫給國防部的信中所道:「我想知道的是,美國可以如何支持台灣取得柴電潛艇,包括出口台灣潛艇計畫的相關技術控管和支援?」
多年來,許多位美國國會議員都曾公開呼籲潛艇售台。現任眾院外交事務委員會主席洛伊斯(Ed Royce)於20131月率領美國國會代表團訪問台灣海軍基地,更加強化了美國國會對台出售潛艇的推動


June 23, 2013

The Honorable Robert E. Andrews
2265 Rayburn House Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative Andrews:

    Thank you for your June 4 letter to Secretary of Defense Hagel.  I am responding on behalf of the Secretary.

    As you noted in your letter, the Taiwan Relations Act states that "the United Sates will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense service in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability."  The Department of Defense takes this obligation seriously and continues to work with Taiwan's Military of Defense to determine what defense articles best support its ability to deter aggression from the People's Republic of China.

    President George W. Bush authorized the sale of eight diesel submarines to Taiwan in 2001.  Taiwan reviewed this proposal for seven years then submitted a request for a diesel submarine design and feasibility study in January 2008; this request is still under review and no decision has been made.

    The Department of Defense will continue to consider carefully any Taiwan requests for defense articles and services.  To date, Taiwan has not submitted any requests for technical assistance or export licensing support pertaining to a submarine program.  All requests, if submitted, will be considered by the Transfer Security Assistance Review Board.

    I am committed to consulting with Congress on these issues, as well as on our overall strategy for assisting Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability, and would like to offer that my staff provide a briefing to you on the details.

    Again, thank you for your correspondence concerning this important matter.


                                James N. Miller

