2011年11月30日 星期三

給 "台灣的女兒" 解謎;對美國商會說明的經濟政策

「台灣的女兒」和非典型的「政治人」 小英後援會現場







《林保華專欄》 小英解謎 12/1/2011






































蔡英文出席美國商會 2011年度會員大會

TWIMI | 獨立媒體 http://www.twimi.net

民進黨主席暨總統參選人今(11/22)日出席「美國商會 2011年度會員大會」並發表演說,蔡英文致詞時表示,過去 60年來,台灣得到美國多方的協助,台美合作不只是台灣國家安全和經濟發展的重要基礎,也是美國政府和企業全球戰略的重要支柱及最佳夥伴。

蔡英文說,台灣將在明年 1月進行總統大選,雖然我的競爭對手馬總統和我一樣,都強調高度重視台美關係,也重視台、美、中國三者間的平衡關係,但我必須指出,自 2008年台灣 2次政黨輪替迄今,台灣和中國關係的發展速度遠超過台美關係,這種不平衡的發展必須有力及有效地調整,這也是若我當選總統首要的對外工作目標。







月進一步和中國簽署 ECFA,但是,過去三年來,台灣和美國的經貿關係卻相對停滯不前。

我也很感慨,台灣貿易最大的競爭對手國韓國,與歐盟及美國的 FTA已陸續生效,但台灣和美國及主要國家的 FTA卻毫無進展。我充分認同美國商會不斷強調台灣「平衡發展經貿關係」的重要性,因此,台美間的經貿合作協定,不應該、也不能再停滯不前。

民進黨多年前透過多種管道,希望美國推動以 APEC為基礎的亞太自由貿易區協定,並將台灣包含在內,所以,我們很高興看到美國正在積極推動 TPP。我





台人2011/10/16 (鯨魚網站)























2011年11月28日 星期一


[KMT中常委陳明義議員在電視節目上竟信口開河,無人性! 原來他也不守誠信,和馬先生如出一轍! 難怪他能當上國民黨中常委! ]


國民黨籍的議員陳明義在年代新聞面對面節目中說:蔡英文在登記參選記者會上所講述探望花蓮年輕的彌留黨員一事是假的杜撰的,是在講故事,陳明義還用品德教育來污衊蔡英文是-在捏造故事。民進黨議員劉曉玫隨即在臉書上公布一段影片,請大家看看蔡英文主席前往探望這位黨員的畫面。 http://www.taiwanus.net/news/press/2011/201111281100291877.htm





蔡探視彌留黨員 陳明義影射捏造?

家屬哭訴抗議 促靈前道歉


陳稱被扭曲 將向家屬致意









林龍成家屬 苦等道歉/陳明義未到靈前上香 綠斥戲弄家屬



口出「不寒而慄」 很沒人性








2011-12-1 自由電子報


2011年11月25日 星期五

漢語考「 季姬擊雞記」

[四聲是北京漢語很重要的一部分。漢文的羅馬字拼音應該顯示漢語四聲,例如: "fei-chang2-hau3-kan4",有四聲的顯示,就可知道(起碼猜得出) 其漢字應該是 "非常好看"。

漢語四聲會因為中國地區鄉音而不同;下列的例子如果用羅馬字拼音,就算有四聲也無法猜出原來的字句。可是,標準中文羅馬字拼音不顯示四聲,是很大的錯誤。參看: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/ccshsu-clement/article?mid=2932&next=2928&l=f&fid=55 ]








机极疾,鸡饥极,鸡冀己技击及鲫。機極疾,雞飢極,雞冀己技擊及鯽。 机既济蓟畿,鸡计疾机激几鲫。機既濟薊畿,雞計疾機激幾鯽。 机疾极,鲫极悸,急急挤集矶级际。機疾極,鯽極悸,急急擠集磯級際。 继即鲫迹极寂寂,继即几鸡既饥,即唧唧

译文: 叫着的鸡,鸡不停的叫,几只鸡在拥挤的笼里找吃的,运鸡的车子走得极快,鸡也饿极了,它们的翅膀已经如同拼死一搏般坚硬如鱼鳞。终于,运鸡的车子到达了蓟。終於,運雞的車子到達了薊。 突然,有几只鸡撞开了笼子,所有的鸡都极快地想要冲下车来。突然,有幾隻雞撞開了籠子,所有的雞都極快地想要衝下車來。 可是车子还在极快的走着,那几只翅膀已经硬朗的鸡看见飞驰的轮子便害怕了,赶忙退了回去,也不顾笼子里有多么拥挤。可是車子還在極快的走著,那幾隻翅膀已經硬朗的雞看見飛馳的輪子便害怕了,趕忙退了回去,也不顧籠子裡有多麼擁擠。 最后,笼子里安静了下来,鸡即使再饿,也只敢唧唧的叫。最後,籠子里安靜了下來,雞即使再餓,也只敢唧唧的叫。



譯文: 阿芝有個年幼的侄子叫大郅,人很聰明,會造紙,會織布。 有一天,阿芝长了痔疮,用火燎烧了一下,结果反而越来越严重了,大郅到阿芝家里去,知道了这件事情,大郅知道芷的汁液可以治痔疮,就到长着芷的地方去采摘。有一天,阿芝長了痔瘡,用火燎燒了一下,結果反而越來越嚴重了,大郅到阿芝家裡去,知道了這件事情,大郅知道芷的汁液可以治痔瘡,就到長著芷的地方去採摘。 突然来了一只疯狗,疯狗绕着大郅来回走,大郅拿起一根笔直的枝条扔了过去,砸到了疯狗的脚,疯狗停住不敢上前。突然來了一隻瘋狗,瘋狗繞著大郅來回走,大郅拿起一根筆直的枝條扔了過去,砸到了瘋狗的腳,瘋狗停住不敢上前。 大郅拿着芷的枝条给阿芝,阿芝用芷的汁液治好了痔疮。大郅拿著芷的枝條給阿芝,阿芝用芷的汁液治好了痔瘡。 阿芝为了感谢大郅,给了他肥肥的烧鸡腿。阿芝為了感謝大郅,給了他肥肥的燒雞腿。

《易姨醫胰》 --江濤 [曾任都柏林天文臺副台長的華人天文學]




《施氏食獅史》 趙元任








他的姨媽過世, 留下億元財產. 他曾通告全城,
希望能醫治他姨媽的病, 於是有一位醫師前來醫治他姨媽. 第二天,
億元財產竟不翼而飛, 他懷疑是那醫師幹的, 並以此非議醫師.
醫師由於他的懷疑, 竟上吊自殺來去除他的懷疑. 他倚靠在椅子上來回想此事,
想到自己因億元財產失蹤而非議他的醫師, 竟也想不開而上吊身亡了. ,


席熙夕夕携犀徙,席熙细细习洗犀。席熙夕夕攜犀徙,席熙細細習洗犀。 犀吸溪,戏袭熙。犀吸溪,戲襲熙。 席熙嘻嘻希息戏。席熙嘻嘻希息戲。 惜犀嘶嘶喜袭熙。惜犀嘶嘶喜襲熙。

譯文: 西溪的犀牛,喜歡玩耍,席熙每天帶犀出去,席熙忙著細心幫犀牛洗澡,犀牛吸著溪水噴向席熙逗他,席熙笑嘻嘻讓犀牛不要鬧,可是犀牛樂此不疲,就愛嬉戲。


语余:余欲渔于渝淤,与余渔渝欤?余语于瑜:余欲鬻玉,俞禹欲玉,余欲遇俞于俞寓。余与于瑜遇俞禹于俞寓,逾俞隅,欲鬻玉与俞,遇雨,雨逾俞宇。語餘:餘欲漁於渝淤,與餘漁渝歟?餘語於瑜:餘欲鬻玉,俞禹欲玉,餘欲遇俞於俞寓。餘與於瑜遇俞禹於俞寓,逾俞隅,欲鬻玉與俞,遇雨,雨逾俞宇。 余语于瑜:余欲渔于渝淤,遇雨俞寓,雨逾俞宇,欲渔欤?鬻玉欤?于瑜与余御雨于俞寓,余鬻玉与俞禹,雨愈,余与于瑜踽踽逾俞宇,渔于渝淤。餘語於瑜:餘欲漁於渝淤,遇雨俞寓,雨逾俞宇,欲漁歟?鬻玉歟?於瑜與餘禦雨於俞寓,餘鬻玉與俞禹,雨愈,餘與於瑜踽踽逾俞宇,漁於渝淤。

譯文: 於瑜想打漁,在我住處見到我,對我說:我想到那個叫''的大水塘里打魚,您願和我一起去麼?我對他說: 我想賣掉一塊玉,有個叫俞禹的想要,我想到他的寓所去找他。說著我就和於瑜一起到俞禹的住所去拜訪他,剛走過俞禹住處的牆角,想賣玉給俞禹,正巧天下雨了,這雨水很快漫過了俞禹的住所。 我就对于瑜说:我也想到渝淤去打鱼,不巧在俞禹这里遇到雨,而雨水又漫过了俞禹的家,你看我是去打鱼呢,还是去卖玉?于瑜同意先在这儿避雨。我就對於瑜說:我也想到渝淤去打魚,不巧在俞禹這裡遇到雨,而雨水又漫過了俞禹的家,你看我是去打魚呢,還是去賣玉?於瑜同意先在這兒避雨。 接着我把玉卖给了俞禹,这时雨停了,我和于瑜慢慢地走过俞禹的住处,到渝淤去打鱼了。接著我把玉賣給了俞禹,這時雨停了,我和於瑜慢慢地走過俞禹的住處,到渝淤去打魚了。


2011年11月24日 星期四

在美中國人客觀的觀察: "海外台灣人" 的藍與綠

[有個小故事: "有一群人佔了你的家、用鐵鍊鎖住你的手腳、從你的口袋拿走你的錢、天天侮辱你是次等人、你出聲就賞耳光、割你一刀。有一天,這群人的首腦決定這個家要改建,又決定不打了,放開限制你手腳的鐵鍊。你好高興! 向他跪下去,立他的銅像,稱他為偉人"。

這個小故事,聽來很怪吧? 被欺侮的人是否還無法擺脫奴才心態? 這不就是目前台灣人對蔣經國的評語嗎? 每次聽到台灣人稱讚蔣經國多偉大,我心中哀嘆!!








































2011年11月23日 星期三

1988年新發現的致病菌Coagulase negative Staphylococcus lugdunensis

[http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/751649?src=mp&spon=3 ]


Staphylococcus lugdunensis1988年才被報導的細菌,以它原先被發現的法國都市Lyon的拉丁名字命名。它和Coagulase negative (CoN) Staphylococcus epidermidis一樣,是皮膚表面的正常菌之一,在腋下、會陰部、腳趾頭常見到。它不像Staph. aureus,沒有enterotoxinexfoliatintoxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST)等毒素,它不會產生coagulaseoxidase,但會產生catalase,有幾種抑制宿主免疫功能的機制,而會引起各種嚴重感染症。它的抗藥性不大,對oxacillinpenicillin等都有藥敏性。


同樣CoNStaph. epidermidis致病性不大,但是S. lugdunensis卻常常引起心內膜炎、骨關節、人工關節、皮膚、眼睛、中樞神經系統、血液等嚴重感染,也會引起septic shockTSS。這種致病的毒性來自下述細菌特性。(使用TEE= trans-esophageal echocardiogrpahy診斷心內膜炎vegetation的存在,精準性達96%,而普通TTE= transthoracic echocardiography只有30%)(人工關節的感染可以手術後六星期到四年之間發生)

此細菌有和S. aureus相似的heat-stable delta-toxin,是一種hemolysin,可以使此菌避免吞噬細胞的消化;它有稱為OatA (O-acetyltransferase)peptidoglycan在細菌表面,可以避免吞噬細胞內lysozyme的附著,逃避lysozyme的破壞。它又有adhesin (黏著素)而可以和宿主組織的蛋白質附著。它能夠分泌von Willebrand factor-binding protein (此蛋白質在有血管傷害、有血小板附著時,會黏附在這些蛋白質),而這被認為是引起心內膜炎的原因。這些特性使這個細菌能引起人工關節等合成物質表面的感染。它又會產生biofilm (一種glycocalyx,會刺激prostaglandin E2的分泌,此PG E2可以抑制性T細胞的產生),在其內繁殖,避免吞噬細胞免疫細胞的攻擊。

此細菌有bound coagulase (又稱為clumping factor),因而常被誤認為S. aureus在自動辨認儀器沒有特殊認出此菌的ornithine decarboxylase之類的功能時,常會被誤認;最常被誤認為是 S. haemolyticus。如果用ribotypingPCR就可以很快辨識。

此菌會有hemolysis,會有positive catalase, pyrrolidonyl arylamidases ornithine decarboxylase tests。在培養劑表面,它會有smooth and glossy, rough and dull等不同型態,稱為colony variation;這會使人誤解為有contamination。血液中培養出只一次的這種CoNS,也要當做是可能有嚴重感染治療。

治療用batalactam應該可以,不過,已經知道有高達24-40%(US)mecA gene,產生betalactamases而會有這些藥物的抗藥性。最近也發現有mecA-negative而有對betalactams都有抗藥性者。Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute建議分離出此菌時,要用PCR檢查mecA-gene,以及用latex agglutination檢查penicillin-binding protein 2A (PBP2a)2005年規定此菌oxacillin 藥敏性的MICs 2 µg/mL 為藥敏;MICs 4 µg/mL為有抗藥性。Vancomycin抗藥性迄今還未有過。最新的glycopeptidetelavancin,是很有效。使用cipro + rifampin治療人工關節失敗,可用linezolid

 [回想起來,以前似乎有過幾次血液培養出 "Staph. epidermidis"、應該是"汙染菌",卻似有感染症狀,可能就是S. lugdunensis感染。不過可能因為對各種抗生素有藥敏性,所以投藥後都沒導致嚴重的問題。] 


Staphylococcus lugdunensis: The Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus You Don't Want to Ignore

Elizabeth Babu; John Oropello

Department of Surgery, Division of Critical Care Medicine, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA.

† Author for correspondence

Posted: 11/14/2011; Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2011;9(10):901-907. © 2011 Expert Reviews Ltd.

Abstract and Introduction


Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a virulent coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS) that behaves like Staphylococcus aureus. Toxic shock syndrome, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis and postoperative endopthalmitis have been observed. Endocarditis complicated by heart failure, periannular abscess formation and embolic phenomenon have brought particular attention to this CoNS. Mortality rates for endocarditis appear higher when compared with other CoNS. Owing to the laboratory methods used, identification may be misleading. β-lactam antimicrobials are recommended pending sensitivities. Evaluation for endocarditis should be pursued in bacteremic patients due to its pathogenic potential.


According to the most recent SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program,[1] which monitors predominant pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in the USA, Canada, Latin America and Europe, Staphylococcus lugdunensis was the seventh most common coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS) species isolated in bloodstream infections during the 12-month study period in 1997.

To date, the frequency of isolation of S. lugdunensis among CoNS from clinical specimens has been reported in a few isolated studies. Rates range from less than 1% in Denmark[2] and Korea,[3,4] approximately 3% in Japan,[5] 6% in Argentina[6] and from 3 to as high as 7% in the USA.[7,8]

S. lugdunensis is normally found as part of human skin flora and has been identified in cultures from the entire body.[9] Studies carried out to look into specific areas of colonization have not been very thorough. The most comprehensive study obtained 525 cultures from eight sites in 75 healthy subjects.[10] Swabs from the groin, toes and axilla yielded S. lugdunensis most frequently. Further studies need to be performed to clarify if the organism has a preferred site of colonization, if the site is different in hospitalized patients and if these sites are a permanent or transient habitat.


In 1988, the first description of two new species of Staphylococcus, S. lugdunensis and Staphlococcus schleiferi, was published by Freney et al..[11] These two species were obtained from a collection of unidentified Staphylococcal strains at The French National Reference Center for Staphylococci. In total, 11 strains were identified as the new genomic species described formally as Staphylococcus lugdunensis. It assumed the Latin name of Lyon, the French city where the organism was first identified. Of the 11 strains, five were obtained from blood, and one each from an intrauterine device, thoracic drain, umbilicus, axillary lymph node, abscess drain and an unknown site. The 11 strains studied were variable depending on the culture medium and the time of incubation. All strains were Gram-positive cocci, 0.8–1.0 µm in diameter, occurring singly, in pairs, small clusters or chains. All strains produced catalase and did not produce coagulase or oxidase. Enterotoxins A, B and C, toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST) and exfoliative toxin production were not described with this pathogen. All strains were susceptible to oxacillin and penicillin.

Clinical Features

S. lugdunensis has been associated with a wide variety of infections, including cardiovascular infections, osteomyelitis and prosthetic joint infections, bloodstream infections, skin and soft-tissue infections, central nervous infections, peritonitis, endopthalmitis and urinary tract infections.

S. lugdunensis has been described as the etiology of cardiovascular infections including severe native and prosthetic valve endocarditis, device-related endocarditis, myocarditis[12] and infected cardiac myxoma.[13] In general, CoNS are unusual causes of native valve endocarditis but are one of the leading causes of prosthetic material-associated endocarditis. The clinical course is subtle, subacute or even chronic without fulminant signs of infection.[14] Infections with CoNS are typically not associated with abscess formation, heart failure or embolic phenomenon. Furthermore, compared with Staphylococcus aureus, CoNS are more amendable to medical and/or surgical therapy and typically have shorter courses with better clinical outcomes.[15] The reports of S. lugdunensis are quite different. S. lugdunensis has been reported as the cause of endocarditis in 67 cases since 1988.[16] Reported cases have been mostly community acquired but not associated with injection drug use. This reporting may represent a significant bias since cases with complicated courses and poor outcomes tend to be published. However, the cases provide a spectrum of complications including acute onset, heart failure,[17] periannular abscess formation,[18] peripheral embolism[19] and shock, which typically is not described in CoNS. In addition, clinical outcomes mimic cases involving S. aureus native and prosthetic valve endocarditis.

A prospective cohort study of two centers described their experience with ten cases of S. lugdunensis endocarditis and, in addition, performed a combined analysis of 59 cases in a literature review.[20] Their findings noted that in native valve endocarditis the mitral valve is involved the majority of the time, surgery was required in 51% of the cases and the mortality rate reached as high as 42%. In prosthetic valve endocarditis the aortic valve was most frequently affected, also required surgical intervention, and the mortality rate was 78%.

Pacemaker/defibrillator lead endocarditis caused by S. lugdunensis was associated with better prognosis when antibiotic treatment was combined with a surgical removal of the device. Therefore, lead extraction should be performed without delay as recommended by the American Heart Association scientific statement on nonvalvular cardiovascular device-related infections.[21]

Native valve endocarditis has been a consequence of infection originating at other sites, including skin and soft-tissue infections,[9] hemodialysis,[22] vascular catheters,[23,24] coronary angioplasty, vasectomy,[25] kidney transplantation[26] and prosthetic joint infections.[27]

Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) is the gold standard for identification of intracardiac vegetations with a sensitivity of 96% compared with transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) of only 30%.[28] TTE can lead to false-negative results and a delay in appropriate therapy. TEE should be considered as the initial imaging modality in endocarditis.[21] Although uncommon, S. lugdunensis is very destructive and plays a major role in infective endocarditis. Echocardiographic evaluation can change medical and surgical management and may improve clinical outcome in individuals with S. lugdunensis endocarditis. Therefore, evaluation with echocardiography should be pursued.

The next most common serious infections are bone and joint infections, both native and prosthetic. Reports have included vertebral osteomyelitis,[29] disk space infection,[30] spondylodiscitis[31] and septic arthritis.[32] Following surgical procedures, both temporal bone osteomyelitis[33] and septic arthritis[34] have been described. Prosthetic joint infections[35,36] have been reported to manifest as early as 6 weeks to as late as 4 years after implantation.

In a study looking at S. lugdunensis bacteremia in 63 patients, 15 (23.8%) had clinically significant bacteremia defined as positive blood cultures and systemic inflammatory response syndrome without an alternative explanation.[4] Of those with clinically significant bacteremia, the source was unknown in eight (53%) and associated with central venous catheters in five (33%) patients. In addition, in this subset of patients, endocarditis was seen in four (26%) patients, two of whom had underlying valvular heart disease.

Among the reports of S. lugdunensis, sepsis,[37] septic shock[38] and toxic shock syndrome have been described. A report described septic shock in a 71-year-old man after receiving platelet[39] and red cell transfusions for pancytopenia secondary to myelodysplasia. Blood cultures and cultures of the platelets yielded S. lugdunensis. The transfused blood was sterile and there was no evidence of allergic reaction to the blood products or any other source of infection.

Toxic shock syndrome was described in a 33-year-old healthy woman 48 h after a tooth extraction with Gelfoam packing.[40] Blood and purulent maxillary sinus cultures were identified as S. lugdunensis. Tests for coagulase, TSST-1, staphylococcal enterotoxins A–E and exfoliatin toxin A were negative. Neither S. aureus nor S. pyogenes were isolated from any samples of blood, urine, sputum, sinus or vaginal specimens from this patient.

Fadel et al. examined the outcomes of 29 patients with a single S. lugdunensis positive blood culture.[41] From the chart review, the primary treating physician considered nine (31%) cases clinically significant, did not acknowledge the culture in 14 (48%), and disregarded the culture as a contaminant in six (21%) cases. Fadel et al. reclassified the cases based on defined criteria and found that 13 (45%) patients with a single positive blood culture had clinically significant bacteremia. Therefore, they concluded that all blood cultures for CoNS should be screened for S. lugdunensis and isolation of this organism from one blood culture should not be assumed to be contamination.

Skin and soft-tissue infection account for the majority of infections caused by S. lugdunensis. When isolated from a superficial infection it is more likely to be significant compared with S. epidermidis.[42] S. lugdunensis is well known to cause suppurative skin and soft-tissue infections including furuncles, cellulitis and abscesses.[43] Abscesses have mostly been reported to affect the perineal and inguinal area[44,45] and have usually been associated with surgical procedures. However, abscesses have also been described in nonlactating women.[46,47] One case of a severe acute necrotizing sinusitis complicated by periorbital cellulitis and ulceration through the maxillary sinus through the hard palate has been reported.[48] Pyomyoma after a cesarean section[49] and endometritis[50] has also been described.

Infections of the CNS have included abscesses from dental infections, septic emboli from native valve endocarditis, multiple mycotic cerebral aneurysms[51] and meningitis from ventriculostomy and ventriculoperitoneal shunt infections.[52] The ventriculoperitoneal shunt infections occur both with an early and late onset.[53,54]

Peritonitis has been described in a patient after cesarean section[55] and in a patient undergoing continuous peritoneal dialysis.[56]

In a 4-year multicenter study looking at the species distribution of CoNS in patients with endopthalmitis, S. lugdunensis was the second most common CoNS after S. epidermidis.[57] In a series of postoperative endopthalmitis caused by S. lugdunensis, endopthalmitis was characterized by severe visual loss (hand motion or less) that occurred a mean 7.6 days after cataract surgery and necessitated pars plana viterectomy in three of the five cases.[58] The authors stated that compared with other CoNS, patients infected with S. lugdunensis were characterized by a worse final functional prognosis at 6 months and a higher frequency of viterectomy retinal detachment (60 vs 3%).


The toxins produced by S. aureus such as enterotoxins, exfoliatin and TSST have not been identified in any S. lugdunensis isolates despite the syndrome of toxic shock that has been reported. However, various virulence factors have been identified that may explain the similar pathogenic potential to S. aureus. Regions of homology to the S. aureus accessory gene regulator (agr) locus, the regulator of virulence factors, have been identified. This includes heat-stable δ-like hemolysin, which is similar to δ toxin in S. aureus. δ toxin enables the staphylococci to escape killing and digestion by the phagosomes.[59] Another similarity to S. aureus is S. lugdunensis' resistance to lysozyme. Lysozymes, abundant in the cytoplasmic granules of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, are enzymes created by the immune system that damage cell walls. S. lugdunensis possesses in its genome a homologous region to S. aureus that functions in lysozyme resistance. Known as OatA (O-acetyltransferase), this membrane-bound peptidoglycan prevents the binding of lysozyme to the cell wall, thereby averting the immune system.[60]

In addition to averting the immune system, S. lugdunensis has been found to have properties that promote tissue interaction. These properties include adhesins that promote binding to proteins found in host tissue. An investigation to identify these cell surface factors revealed that S. lugdunensis binds to collagen type I found primarily in scar tissue and collagen type IV found on the basal lamina – the extracellular matrix on which the epithelial cell sits.[61] Binding to fibronectin, fibrinogen, laminin, vitronectin and plasminogen, key factors in cell adhesion and wound healing, has also been described. The production of von Willebrand factor-binding protein by this organism has been thought to be a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of endocarditis. This protein primarily functions to bind other proteins particularly involved in platelet adhesion following vascular injury.[62] These various adherence factors enable attachment to, and infection of, host tissue as well as synthetic surfaces.

S. lugdunensis is also able to protect itself from the immune system via the production of biofilm.[63] Even though organisms may demonstrate susceptibility to an array of antimicrobials, infections can be very difficult to treat if organisms form and proliferate within biofilms. A biofilm is a polymeric matrix of cells, adherence proteins and polysaccharides in which microorganisms can replicate and thrive. This extracellular slime embeds onto host tissues or indwelling medical devices and is difficult to eradicate due to the high level of resistance to antimicrobial therapies as well as the production of factors that interfere with innate immune defenses. One mechanism of this glycocalyx is the ability to stimulate monocyte prostaglandin E2. Prostaglandin E2 modulates the immune system by inhibiting T-cell proliferation.[64]


In contrast to S. aureus, S. lugdunensis is coagulase negative. Caution should be taken with the latex agglutination test since around 58% of strains of S. lugdunensis produce a bound coagulase.[11,61] Also known as clumping factor, on slide it can suggest that the organism produces coagulase and the technician can falsely identify the organism as S. aureus. S. lugdunensis does not produce coagulase and therefore in the test tube will always be coagulase negative. In addition, some automated identification systems fail to identify S. lugdunensis if the database lacks insufficient discriminatory biochemical reactions, such as ornithine decarboxylase.[65,66] Mateo et al. studied 17 isolates and S. lugdunensis was misidentified most frequently as S. haemolyticus.[67] Species misidentification rates were 5.9, 23.5 and 29.4% with the Crystal (Becton Dickinson, MD, USA), Vitek 2 (bioMérieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France) and Wider (Soria Melguizo SA, Madrid, Spain) systems, respectively. The ATB32-Staph system (bioMérieux) correctly identified all isolates. The Manual of Clinical Microbiology provides the list of systems that have S. lugdunensis in their database.[68] Molecular identification with ribotyping[69] and PCR amplification[70,71] is a rapid and effective alternative to conventional identification strategies.

Morphologically, S. aureus and S. lugdunensis have a slight yellow pigmentation and on blood agar plates demonstrate hemolysis. Manual identification demonstrates positive catalase, pyrrolidonyl arylamidases and ornithine decarboxylase tests. Another feature of this organism is that it demonstrates colony variation.[72] Colony variation essentially means that isolates demonstrate mixed morphotypes. Strains can appear both smooth and glossy or rough and dull. In the laboratory this feature may suggest that there exists a mixed population of organisms such as you find in a contamination.

Coagulase-negative staphylococci are among the most frequently isolated bacteria in the clinical microbiology laboratory. These bacteria are normal inhabitants of human skin and mucous membranes and therefore one of the major challenges of daily diagnostic work is to distinguish clinically significant CoNS from contaminant strains. One should have a high degree of suspicion if the clinical course does not correlate with a CoNS organism on culture, especially from a sterile site. Fadel et al. found that 45% of cases with a single positive blood culture for S. lugdunensis were clinically significant.[41] This was defined as having prolonged fever, hypotension, leukocytosis, neutropenia or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.[2] Many laboratories do not routinely identify CoNS to the species level and presume contamination unless requested. Being aware of these characteristics, including the increased probability of laboratory misidentification, is helpful in earlier recognition and appropriate management of S. lugdunensis infection.


Most isolates of S. lugdunensis described have been sensitive to an array of antimicrobial therapy. However, there have been isolated case reports of resistance to erythromycin,[73] streptomycin,[73] tetracycline,[4] penicillin,[74,75] gentamicin,[55] ceftazidime,[55] aminoglycosides[20] and macrolides.[27] Development of resistance to ciprofloxacin[67] and rifampin in a patient on chronic treatment for septic arthritis, vertebral osteomyelitis and aortic and mitral valve endocarditis has been described.[76] β-lactamase, the enzyme that confers resistance to β-lactam antimicrobials such as penicillin, has been reported in the USA as well as in Europe.[55,77] The frequency of β-lactamase in S. lugdunensis is between 7 and 24% in France,[78] 12% in Spain,[9] 15% in Sweden[79] and 24–40% in the USA.[80,81] The mecA gene is part of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome that confers resistance to oxacillin and generally all β-lactams. The mecA gene has been reported in several reports to date;[82–84] the first in a neonate[80] with S. lugdunensis bacteremia associated with an intravascular catheter and the second isolate from a nasal swab.[81] Currently, the Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute has recommended that S. lugdunensis isolates should be screened for the mecA gene by PCR or penicillin-binding protein 2A (PBP2a) by latex agglutination. Recently, a mecA-negative S. lugdunensis isolate resistant to all β-lactams has been described.[85] In 2005, the breakpoints for oxacillin sensitivity were revised to follow the breakpoints for S. aureus: MICs of 2 µg/ml are considered susceptible and MICs 4 µg/ml are classified resistant.[86] Reports of vancomycin (a glycopeptide antimicrobial agent) resistance have not been documented to date. In a recent in vitro study based on MIC50/90 values, the newest glycopeptide telavancin demonstrated potent activity against S. lugdunensis.[87] The successful eradication of S. lugdunensis prosthetic joint infection with linezolid after failure of ciprofloxacin and rifampin has been reported.[88]

In their prospective study of ten patients with S. lugdunensis endocarditis, Anguera et al. observed no difference in mortality between monotherapy (β-lactam or vancomycin) and combination therapy (β-lactam with an aminoglycoside or rifampin or cephalosporin and vancomycin with an aminoglycoside or rifampin or cephalosporin or carbapenem).[20]

There is a lack of randomized controlled data on the efficacy of antimicrobial agents for S. lugdunensis infections. The Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines for endocarditis recommends treatment based on in vitro susceptibility profiles and follow-up monitoring of the development of periannular extension or extracardiac spread of infection.[89] Empiric treatment with a β-lactam agent should be appropriate. For patients with penicillin allergies, vancomycin is an alternative. Source control with drainage of abscesses, early surgical intervention for valvular compromise and removal of intravascular catheters and pacemaker leads should be pursued. In addition, transesophageal echocardiograms to assess valvular involvement and CT scans to evaluate for embolic phenomena should be strongly considered.


S. lugdunensis, unlike other CoNS, is associated with a high rate of complications.

Expert Commentary & Five-year View

S. lugdunensis is a Gram-positive CoNS species normally found as part of human skin flora. Owing to an increased effort to identify all staphylococcus isolates, the number of S. lugdunensis isolates has increased. Depending on methods used, the laboratory can incorrectly identify S. lugdunensis as S. aureus or more problematic, simply not further speciate a CoNS isolate, assuming contamination.

Unlike other CoNS species, S. lugdunensis is unusually virulent and capable of the spectrum of infection as that of S. aureus. This includes skin and soft tissue, bone, joint, cardiovascular and CNS infections. The toxins typically associated with S. aureus have not been identified; however, various virulence factors are shared that may explain the similar pathogenic potential to S. aureus.

S. lugdunensis is more aggressive than other CoNS and despite being sensitive to many antibiotics, carries a high mortality rate in patients with endocarditis compared with other CoNS.[16,20,25] If the clinical situation does not correlate with CoNS, prompt identification to the species level should be performed for identification of S. lugdunensis. Treatment with a β-lactam and removal of any infected foreign material should be pursued. For penicillin-allergic patients, vancomycin is an alternative. Based on the virulence of this organism, if S. lugdunensis is isolated, a TEE to evaluate for infective endocarditis should be pursued.


Key Issues

  • Staphylococcus lugdunensisbehaves likes Staphylococcus aureusand should not be considered a typical coagulase-negative staphylococcus.
  • Infections may be underdiagnosed owing to identification methods.
  • Cardiovascular infections including native and prosthetic valve endocarditis, pacemaker-related endocarditis and myocarditis have been described.
  • Endocarditis, secondary to other coagulase-negative staphylococci, tends to be indolent. However, the spectrum of infective endocarditis including valve dehiscence, abscess formation and vegetation with embolic phenomenon is seen with S. lugdunensis.
  • In the CNS, brain abscess, meningitis and ventriculoperitoneal shunt infections have been observed.
  • Skin and soft-tissue infection, bacteremia, septic shock, toxic shock syndrome, peritonitis, osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infections and ocular infections have been reported.
  • Infective endocarditis should be ruled out in patients with S. lugdunensisbacteremia.
  • Obtaining a S. lugdunensisisolate from clinical specimens should prompt an approach similar to the approach considered for etiology, management and treatment of S. aureus.



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