2011年12月9日 星期五


網路駭客、特種部隊(Navy SEAL 之類)、以及其他利用高科技的精確性攻擊,將是以後戰爭的最主要方式。免去過去WWI、WWII 、韓戰、越戰般,成千上萬人無情血腥殘忍的戰鬥殺戮,是好事。



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戰略重點轉向中東亞洲 亞太軍力不減反增








sparks massive federal response — and debate over dealing with threats

By Ellen Nakashima, Published: December 8

The first sign of trouble was a
mysterious signal emanating from deep within the U.S. military’s classified
computer network. Like a human spy, a piece of covert software in the
supposedly secure system was “beaconing” — trying to send coded messages back to
its creator.

An elite team working in a
windowless room at the National Security Agency soon determined that a rogue
program had infected a classified network, kept separate from the public
Internet, that harbored some of the military’s most important secrets,
including battle plans used by commanders in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The government’s top cyberwarriors
couldn’t immediately tell who created the program or why, although they would
come to suspect the Russian intelligence service. Nor could they tell how long
it had been there, but they soon deduced the ingeniously simple means of
transmission, according to several current and former U.S. officials. The
malicious software, or malware, caught a ride on an everyday thumb drive that
allowed it to enter the secret system and begin looking for documents to steal.
Then it spread by copying itself onto other thumb drives.

Pentagon officials consider the
incident, discovered in October 2008, to be the most serious breach of the U.S.
military’s classified computer systems. The response, over the past three
years, transformed the government’s approach to cybersecurity, galvanizing the
creation of a new military command charged with bolstering the military’s
computer defenses and preparing for eventual offensive operations. The efforts
to neutralize the malware, through an operation code-named
Buckshot Yankee, also demonstrated the importance
of computer espionage in devising effective responses to cyber­threats.

But the breach and its aftermath
also have opened a rare window into the
legal concerns and bureaucratic tensions that
affect military operations in an arena where the United States faces
increasingly sophisticated threats. Like the running debates over the use of
drones and other evolving military technologies, rapid advances in computing capability
are forcing complex deliberations over the
appropriate use of new tools and weapons.

This article, which contains
previously undisclosed information on the extent of the infection, the nature
of the response and the fractious policy debate it inspired, is based on
interviews with two dozen current and former U.S. officials and others with knowledge
of the operation. Many of them assert that while the military has a growing
technical capacity to operate in cyberspace, it lacks authority to defend
civilian networks effectively.

“The danger is not so much that
cyber capabilities will be used without warning by some crazy general,” said
Stewart A. Baker, a former NSA general counsel. “The real worry is they won’t
be used at all because the generals don’t know what the rules are.”

A furious investigation

The malware that provoked Buckshot
Yankee had circulated on the Internet for months without causing alarm, as just
one threat among many. Then it showed up on the military computers of a NATO
government in June 2008, according to
Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer of a
Finnish firm that analyzed the intruder.

He dubbed it “Agent.btz,” the next
name in a sequence used at his company, F-Secure. “Agent.bty” was taken.

Four months later, in October 2008,
NSA analysts discovered the malware on the Secret Internet Protocol Router
Network, which the Defense and State departments use to transmit classified
material but not the nation’s most sensitive information. Agent.btz also
infected the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System, which carries
top-secret information to U.S. officials throughout the world.

Such networks are typically
“air-gapped” — physically separated from the free-for-all of the Internet, with
its countless varieties of malicious code, such as viruses and worms, created
to steal information or damage systems. Officials had long been concerned with
the unauthorized removal of classified material from secure networks; now
malware had gotten in and was attempting to communicate to the broader

One likely scenario is that an American
soldier, official or contractor in Afghanistan — where the largest number of
infections occurred — went to an Internet cafe, used a thumb drive in an
infected computer and then inserted the drive in a classified machine. “We knew
fairly confidently that the mechanism had been somebody going to a kiosk and
doing something they shouldn’t have as opposed to somebody who had been able to
get inside the network,” one former official said.

Once a computer became infected, any
thumb drive used on the machine acquired a copy of Agent.btz, ready for
propagation to other computers, like bees carrying pollen from flower to
flower. But to steal content, the malware had to communicate with a master
computer for instructions on what files to remove and how to transmit them.

These signals, or beacons, were
first spotted by a young analyst in the NSA’s Advanced Networks Operations
(ANO) team, a group of mostly 20- and 30-something computing experts assembled
in 2006 to hunt for suspicious activity on the government’s secure networks.
Their office was a nondescript windowless room in Ops1, a boxy, low-rise
building on the 660-acre campus of the NSA.

ANO’s operators are among 30,000
civilian and military personnel at NSA, whose main mission is to collect
foreign communications intelligence on enemies abroad. The agency is forbidden
to gather intelligence on Americans or on U.S. soil without special
authorization from a court whose proceedings are largely secret.

NSA, whose employees hold 800 PhDs
in mathematics, science and engineering, is based at Fort Meade, an Army base
between Baltimore and Washington that has the world’s largest collection of
supercomputers as well as its own police force and silicon-chip plant.

The ANO operators determined that
the breach was serious after a few days of furious investigation. On the
afternoon of Friday, Oct. 24,
Richard C. Schaeffer Jr., then the NSA’s top
computer systems protection officer, was in an agency briefing with President
George W. Bush, who was making his last visit to the NSA before leaving office.
An aide handed Schaeffer a note alerting him to the breach.

At 4:30 p.m., Schaeffer entered the
office of Gen. Keith Alexander, the NSA director and a veteran military
intelligence officer.

Alexander recalled that Schaeffer
minced no words. “We’ve got a problem,” he said.

Permanent slumber

That evening, NSA officials briefed
top levels of the U.S. government: the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
the deputy defense secretary and senior congressional leaders, telling them
about the incident.

Working through the night, the ANO
operators pursued a potential fix. Since Agent.btz was beaconing out in search
of instructions, perhaps they could devise a way to order the malware to shut
itself down. The next morning, in a room strewn with empty pizza boxes and soda
cans, they sketched out their plan on a white board. But before it could be put
into action, the NSA team had to make sure it would not affect the performance
of other software, including the programs that battlefield commanders use for
intelligence and communications. They needed to run a test.

“Our objective,” recalled Schaef­fer,
“was first, do no harm.”

That afternoon, the team members
loaded a computer server into a truck and drove it to a nearby office of the
Defense Information Systems Agency, which operates the department’s long-haul
telecommunications and satellite networks.

At 2:30 p.m. they activated a
program designed to recognize the beaconing of Agent.btz and respond. Soon
after, the malware on the test server fell into permanent slumber.

Devising the technical remedy was
only the first step. Defeating the threat required neutralizing Agent.btz
everywhere it had spread on government networks, a grueling process that
involved isolating individual computers, taking them offline, cleaning them,
and reformatting hard drives.

A key player in Buckshot Yankee was
NSA’s Tailored Access Operations (TAO), a secretive unit dating to the early
1990s that specialized in intelligence operations overseas focused on gathering
sensitive technical information. These specialists ventured outside the
military’s networks to look for Agent.btz in a process called “exploitation” or
electronic spying.

The TAO identified new variants of
the malware and helped network defenders prepare to neutralize them before they
infected military computers.

“It’s the ability to look outside
our wire,” said one military official.

Officials debated whether to use
offensive tools to neutralize the malware on non-military networks, including
those in other countries. The military’s offensive cyber unit, Joint Functional
Component Command — Network Warfare, proposed some options for doing so.

Senior officials rejected them on
the grounds that Agent.btz appeared to be an act of espionage, not an outright
attack, and didn’t justify such an aggressive response, according to those
familiar with the conversations.

As the NSA worked to neutralize
Agent.btz on its government computers, Strategic Command, which oversees
deterrence strategy for nuclear weapons, space and cyberspace, raised the
military’s information security threat level. A few weeks later, in November,
an order went out banning the use of thumb drives across the Defense Department
worldwide. It was the most controversial order of the operation.

Agent.btz had spread widely among
military computers around the world, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan,
creating the potential for major losses of intelligence. Yet the ban generated
backlash among officers in the field, many of whom relied on the drives to
download combat imagery or share after-action reports.

The NSA and the military
investigated for months how the infection occurred. They retrieved thousands of
thumb drives, many of which were infected. Much energy was spent trying to find
“Patient Zero,” officials said. “It turned out to be too complicated,” said
one. “We could never bring it down to as clear as . . . ‘that’s the thumb
drive.’ ”

The rate of new infections finally
subsided in early 2009. Officials say no evidence emerged that Agent.btz
succeeded in communicating with a master computer or in putting secret
documents in enemy hands. The ban on thumb drives has been partially lifted
because other security measures have been put in place.

‘A great catalyst’

Buckshot Yankee bolstered the
argument for creating Cyber Command, a new unit designed to
protect the military’s computer and
communications systems. It gave NSA Director Alexander the platform to press
the case, advocated by others, that the new command should be able to use the
NSA’s capabilities to obtain foreign intelligence to defend the military’s

“It was a great catalyst,” said
Alexander, although the effort later
faced questions about whether the head of the
largest and most secretive intelligence agency should also lead the new

The new organization, which has a
staff of 750 and a budget of $155 million, brings together the Joint Task
Force-Global Network Operations, which carried out the bulk of the cleanup work
under Buckshot Yankee, and the Network Warfare unit, the military’s offensive
cyber arm.
It began full operations on Oct. 31, 2010, with Alexander as
its head.

But the creation of Cyber Command
did not resolve several key debates over the national response to cyberthreats.
Agent.btz provoked renewed discussion among senior officials at the White House
and key departments about how to best protect critical private-sector networks.

Some officials argued that the
military was better equipped than the Department of Homeland Security to
respond to a major destructive attack on a power grid or other critical system,
but others disagreed.

“Cyber Command and [Strategic
Command] were asking for way too much authority” by seeking permission to take
“unilateral action . . . inside the United States,” said Gen.
James E. Cartwright Jr., who retired as vice
chairman of the Joint Chiefs in August.

Officials also debated how
aggressive military commanders can be in defending their computer systems.

“You have the right of self-defense,
but you don’t know how far you can carry it and under what circumstances, and
in what places,” Cartwright said. “So for a commander who’s out there in a very
ambiguous world looking for guidance, if somebody attacks them, are they
supposed to run? Can they respond?”

Questions over the role of offense
in cybersecurity deterrence began in the 1990s, if not earlier, said
Martin Libicki, a Rand Corp. cyberwarfare expert.
One reason it is so difficult to craft rules, he said, is the tendency to cast
cyberwar as “good, old-fashioned war in yet another domain.” Unlike
conventional and nuclear warfare, cyberattacks generally are enabled only by
flaws in the target system, he said.

Another reason it is so difficult,
James A. Lewis, a senior fellow at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies, is the overlap between cybersecurity
operations and the classified world of intelligence.

“The link to espionage is where the
nuclear precedent breaks down and makes cyber closer to covert operations,”
Lewis said.

By the summer of 2009, Pentagon
officials had begun work on a set of rules of engagement, part of a broader
cyberdefense effort called Operation Gladiator Phoenix. They drafted an
“execute order” under which the Strategic and Cyber commands could direct the
operations and defense of military networks anywhere in the world. Initially,
the directive applied to critical privately owned computer systems in the
United States.

Several conditions had to be met,
according to a military official familiar with the draft order. The provocation
had to be hostile and directed at the United States, its critical
infrastructure or citizens. It had to present the imminent likelihood of death,
serious injury or damage that threatened national or economic security. The
response had to be coordinated with affected government agencies and combatant
commanders. And it had to be limited to actions necessary to stop the attack,
while minimizing impacts on non-military computers.

“Say someone launched an attack on
the U.S. from a known Chinese army computer — a known hostile computer,” the
official said. “You could maybe disable the computer, but you’re not talking
about making it explode and killing somebody.”

Turf battles

But the effort to create such
comprehensive rules of engagement foundered, said current and former officials
with direct knowledge of the policy debate.

The Justice Department feared
setting a legal precedent for military action in domestic networks. The CIA
resisted letting the military infringe on its foreign turf. The State
Department worried the military would accidentally disrupt a server in a
friendly country without seeking consent, undermining future cooperation. The
Department of Homeland Security, meanwhile, worked to keep its lead role in
securing the nation against cyberthreats.

The debate bogged down over how far
the military could go to parry attacks, which can be routed from server to
server, sometimes in multiple countries. “Could you go only to the first
[server] you trace back to? Could you go all the way to the first point at
which the attack emanated from? Those were the questions that were still being
negotiated,” said a former U.S. official.

The questions were even more vexing
when it came to potentially combating an attack launched from servers within
the United States. The military has no authority to act in cyberspace when the
networks are domestic — unless the operation is on its own systems.

In October 2010, Pentagon officials
signed an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security pledging to work
to enhance the nation’s cybersecurity. But in speeches, Alexander, the head of
Cyber Command, has suggested that more needs to be done.

“Right now, my mission as commander
of U.S. Cyber Command is to defend the military networks,” he said in an April
speech in Rhode Island. “I do not have the authority to look at what’s going on
in other government sectors, nor what would happen in critical infrastructure.
That right now falls to DHS. It also means that I can’t stop it, or at network
speed . . . see what’s happening to it. What we do believe, though, is that
that needs to be accounted for. We have to have a way to protect our critical

Homeland Security Secretary Janet
in a speech in California that same month, made
her preference clear. “At DHS, we believe cyberspace is fundamentally a
civilian space.”

The execute order was signed in
February. The standing rules of engagement limit the military to the defense of
its own networks and do not allow it to go outside them without special
permission from the president.

The next vulnerability?

Almost from the beginning, U.S.
officials suspected that Russia’s spy service created Agent.btz to steal
military secrets. In late 2008, Russia issued a denunciation of the allegation,
calling it “groundless” and “irresponsible.”

Former officials say there is
evidence of a Russian role in developing the malware, but some doubt whether
the spy service created Agent.btz to infiltrate U.S. military computers.

Some say it could have been a
product of Russia’s sophisticated mafia, with its extensive computer expertise,
to collect all sorts of protected records worth stealing — or selling to the
highest bidder. Or there could have been Russian involvement in one phase of
the malware’s development before it was adapted by others. Others say they have
no doubt that it was intentionally aimed at the Defense Department. New
versions of Agent.btz continue to appear, years after it was discovered.

What is clear is that Agent.btz
revealed weaknesses in crucial U.S. government computer networks —
vulnerabilities based on the weakest link in the security chain: human beings.
The development of new defenses did not prevent the transfer of massive amounts
of information from one classified network to the anti-

secrecy group WikiLeaks, an act that the government charges was carried out by
an Army intelligence analyst.

NSA analysts know how to neutralize
Agent.btz and its variants, but no one knows when the next vulnerability will
be discovered or what kind of intrusion might ensue.

Richard “Dickie” George, who was the
NSA information assurance technical director until his retirement this year,
said that in the early days of Operation Buckshot Yankee, a four-star general
asked when the danger from Agent.btz would pass and heightened security
measures could end.

“We had to break the news to him,”
George recalled, “that this is never going to be over.”

Staff researcher Julie Tate
contributed to this report.


