2012年4月10日 星期二

FAPA台灣人公共事務協會發表聲明,台美人強烈反對 "一國兩區"

Support Democracy, Support Taiwan


Taiwanese-Americans voice strong opposition to “one country, two areas”

WASHINGTON (April 10th 2012) -- Today, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, a Taiwanese-American grassroots organization based in Washington DC, issued the following statement.

  WASHINGTON (April 10th 2012) -- As an organization of Taiwanese-Americans we express our strong opposition to a statement by former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Wu Poh-hsiung, who suggested in a meeting with PRC president Hu Jin-tao on March 22nd 2012 that relations between Taiwan and the PRC would be dealt with under the “one country, two areas” heading. It was later confirmed that this proposal was authorized by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou.

 The concept of “one country, two areas” puts Taiwan on a slippery slope towards the “one country, two systems” concept of the PRC. This severely undermines Taiwan’s sovereignty and freedom to choose its own future. We, together with our friends and relatives in Taiwan, have worked hard for a free and democratic Taiwan, and do not want to see those achievements swept away by an authoritarian China.

 “One country, two areas” also stands in stark contrast with reality: to the international community, “China” is synonymous with the People’s Republic of China. If the Ma government now agrees that Taiwan is an area under “one country” then it is implicitly saying that Taiwan is part of the PRC.

 We firmly believe that Taiwan is a free and democratic country unto itself – an independent and autonomous nation with its own democratically elected government. Wu’s actions in Beijing dangerously undermine Taiwan’s already-shrinking international space.

 The subsequent defense by the Ma government that “one country, two areas” is consistent with the “ROC constitution” is simply outlandish. Under that formulation the People’s Republic of China is considered an “area” of the Chinese Nationalist Party’s anachronistic “Republic of China.” No one believes that, least of all the government in Beijing.

  The Ma government’s new formulation is also inconsistent with the views held by the vast majority of Taiwanese: A poll in early April 2012 by TVBS in Taiwan showed that only 19% of those polled agree with the “one country two areas” concept. Scholars and policy makers have long emphasized that the “one country, two systems” formula that is applied to Hong Kong is a complete non-starter when it comes to Taiwan.

  As citizens who deeply value democracy, we also believe that the way the idea was raised was a basic violation of democratic principles. This occurred in a party-to-party forum between the CCP-KMT, two parties that are known for their disregard of democracy. Such a mechanism lacks any transparency, accountability or legislative oversight, and is thus contrary to the basic values for which we stand.

  The future of Taiwan should be determined by the Taiwanese people themselves through democratic mechanisms, and not negotiated away over their heads in shady backroom deals.

  Mark Kao PhD

President, Formosan Association for Public Affairs






 「一國兩區」同時也背離現實: 對於國際社會來說,中國等同於中華人民共和國。如果馬政府現在承認台灣是「一國」之下的一個區域,就等於暗喻台灣是中華人民共和國的一部分。


 對於吳的說法,馬政府辯稱,「一國兩區」與中華民國憲法相符,此說更是離譜。根據此一論述,中華人民共和國即是中國國民黨時空錯亂的「中華民國」之下的一個 「區域」。除了馬總統之外沒人相信這樣的說法,北京就更不用說了。

 馬政府的新論述也不符合台灣的多數民意: TVBS20124月初所作的民調顯示,僅有19%的受訪者同意「一國兩區」的概念。而學者及立法委員長久以來皆強調在香港實施的「一國兩制」,對台灣來說完全不適用。






