2012年11月4日 星期日

Aspirin 還可以防止失智症 !!!

Aspirin May Reduce
Cognitive Decline

By Lisa Collier Cool

Nov 02, 2012

may be the ultimate wonder drug: a pain reliever that only helps prevent heart
attacks, strokes, and some forms of cancer, but may even help stave off
Alzheimer’s disease, researchers report.

low-dose aspirin millions of American pop daily to ward off heart attacks and
strokes may also protect memory and mental function in older adults, at a cost
of just two cents per pill, according to a new study published in BMJ Open.
The study adds to earlier research suggesting that taking baby aspirin
daily may cut risk for Alzheimer’s by up to 55 percent, reports the
Research & Prevention Foundation

cheap, over-the-counter medicine to guard against memory loss could be a
groundbreaking discovery, given that about 25 percent of Americans ages 70 and
older suffer from dementia (memory-robbing disorders like Alzheimer’s disease)
or cognitive impairment, the earliest sign of the disease, according to a recent Mayo
Clinic study
published in Neurology.

a closer look at the new research.

Good for the Heart—and the Brain

researchers tracked the brain health of 681 Swedish women ages 70 to 92. At
the start of study, none of the women suffered from dementia, but 95 percent
were at high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). All of the women were given
a battery of memory and cognitive tests known as the mini-mental state exam.

the exam was repeated five years later, scores fell, on average. However, women
who had consistently taken low-dose aspirin during the study actually increased
their scores, compared to never-users. The study didn’t find any brain
benefit in women who regularly took other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen.

there were no differences in dementia rates in the two groups, the strikingly
higher scores on the memory and cognitive tests among aspirin users lead the
researchers to report, “Our study suggests a neuroprotective effect of aspirin,
at least for elderly women at high cardiovascular risk. Longer follow-ups are
needed to evaluate the long-term effect of aspirin on cognitive function and

Unique Benefits of Aspirin

earlier studies have looked at the impact of NSAIDs on Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
risk, with contradictory results. Population-based observational studies have
generally found lower risk for AD among NSAID users, while randomized clinical
trials have mostly found no benefit.

few studies have looked specifically at aspirin, even though it’s the most
commonly used medication in the world, with more than 100 billion pills
swallowed annually. The BMJ study was the first to examine the effects
of low-doses (75 to 160 milligrams daily) on older women at high risk for
cardiovascular disease (CVD), even though aspirin is the leading therapy
prescribed to ward off heart attacks and strokes in at-risk patients.

new study is important because aspirin has a unique benefit not provided by
other NSAIDs: It thins the blood, thus reducing risk for clots that can trigger
a heart attack or ischemic stroke (those caused by blood clots—the most common
type of stroke). In addition, the little white pills combat chronic
inflammation, which has recently been shown to spark heart attacks, points out
Amy Doneen, ARNP, medical director of the Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention
Center in Spokane, Washington.

Combatting a Stealthy Memory Thief

idea behind aspirin-as-memory-booster is sound. For people with CVD, protecting
against blood clots with daily aspirin therapy is crucial, explains
Doneen.“Most people don’t know that heart attacks have the same cause as
ischemic strokes: Plaque inside the artery wall ruptures, which can lead to the
formation of a clot that obstructs the flow of blood.”

an ischemic stroke, loss of oxygen and nutrients to part of the brain causes
cells to die. That’s why strokes interfere with memory, speech and movement—and
rank as the leading cause of disability. But people who have never experienced
stroke symptoms can also suffer from memory problems, adds Doneen. “Even very
small clots that don’t cause any obvious symptoms can cause progressive
impairment and loss of memory.”

Harvard study revealed that that so-called “silent strokes,” or strokes that
occur without any symptoms, are related to cognitive decline. Other research
from Boston University found that 11 percent of middle-aged participants had
experienced a silent stroke and associated brain damage. Vascular dementia—an
Alzheimer’s-like disorder—frequently results from a series of small, frequently
silent strokes that gradually steal the person’s memory.

Talk to Your Healthcare Provider Before Taking

neurologists, including Dr. Richard Isaacson, an associate professor of
clinical neurology and director of the Alzheimer's division at the University
of Miami Miller School of Medicine, advise low-dose aspirin to reduce risk for
Alzheimer’s disease. "I have recommended 81 milligrams of baby aspirin for
my patients with any vascular risk factors who are either at risk for
developing cognitive decline or who currently have mild cognitive impairment or
mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease," Dr. Isaacson told US News and
World Report.

it’s important to realize that the OTC pills can have a downside. Risks include
GI bleeding, cautions Doneen. Your medical provider can help you decide if
daily low-dose aspirin makes sense for you, based on your risk factors and
medical conditions. There’s also a lot you can do on your own to keep your
brain sharp, including regular exercise, improving your diet, shunning tobacco
and secondhand smoke, and maintaining an active social life.

