2007年10月26日 星期五

跆拳黑帶新招式--TKD new Black Belt form


A Proposal for a new form of Tae-Kwon-Do


四十四歲時,為了健身,到一家韓國人六段教練 Mr. Hong S. Kim 的跆拳道場,和小孩們一起,從ABC開始練習。不怕酸痛,每週去數次,結果越練越起勁,到七年後需要做膝蓋關節鏡手術,也不畏縮,持續練習。因為我個子不大、腿不長、踢不高,兩人對打時自然想出手腳並用、聲東擊西的打法,以便應付身材高大的對手。練到三段的時候,將其整合設計成為一套新的招式,呈給教練。以後聽繼承道館的教練 Mr. Jim Hansen 告訴我說,他還繼續教這招式給黑帶初段的學生,說:"You have left a legacy!"。



Name of the Form:       "New Dawn" (Shin-Shiaw  新曉)


Proposed by :                 Clement C. S. Hsu, MD

                                        Third degree black belt


School:                           Hong Sup Kim Tae-Kwon-Do

                                        Arlington Heights , IL , USA

                                        Tel: 708-398-1560


Date:                               October, 1993


Special feature of this “New Dawn”:  This is a black belt form designed for those with shorter body height or shorter legs to improve their free fighting skills by using combinations of hands and legs.


Forty-four steps




West <--  --> East




Step 0:   Stand straight, face North, left hand hold right fist at the mid abdomen. (Ready stance B)


Step 1:   Face East in left back stance (body face North, right foot to the East), with fist fighting position.


Step 2:   Shift the left foot to the right foot, stand straight, face East; both fists at the left lateral side of the chest.


Step 3:   Give side-snap-back kick with the right leg to the opponent’s groin (to the East).


Step 4:   Without moving the left foot, return to the same left back-stance position as in step 1)


Step 5:   Shift the left foot to the right foot with both fists at the left lateral side of the chest. (Same as step 2)


Step 6:   Move right leg one full step to the East with the knee bent while throwing a right back-fist towards the East at the opponent’s nose.


Step 7:   Immediately step left foot to the East and stand in left front-stance while throwing a left middle punch.


Step 8:   Using the left foot as the pivot, lift right leg and turn the body 270 degrees clockwise to face the body North, and stand in horseback-riding-stance, while stumping the right foot onto the opponent’s foot and throwing a spinning right back-fist to the opponent’s face at the same time;’ face look towards East and move left arm to the left waist position.


Step 9:   Twist the right fist down to free from the opponent’s grab, face the body to the East, shift the right foot half step to the South to stand in the right front-stance and throw a left high-punch. (Move simultaneously)


Step 10:  Face the body North, the face look towards West, shift the right foot towards the left foot and stand straight; both fist at the right lateral side of the chest.


Step 11:  Step left foot to the West, face look to the West and stand in right back-stance, with both fists in fighting position. (The opposite direction of the step 1).


Step 12:  Shift the right foot to the left foot and stand straight; both fists at the right lateral side of the chest (as in step 10).


Step 13:  Give side-snap-back kick with left leg to the West at the opponent’s groin.


Step 14:  Without moving the right foot, return to the same right back-stance position (as in step 11).


Step 15:  Shift the right foot to the left foot with both fists moving to the right lateral side of the chest, and stand straight (as in step 12).


Step 16:  Move left leg one full step to the left with the knee bent while throwing a left back-fist to the West at the opponent’s nose.


Step 17:  Immediately step right foot to the West, stand in the right front-stance while throwing a right middle-punch.


Step 18:  Using the right foot as the pivot, lift the left leg, the body face North in the horseback-riding-stance, while stumping the left foot onto the opponent’s foot and throwing a spinning left back-fist to the opponent’s face at the same time; face look towards the West and move the right arm to the right waist position.


Step 19:  Twist the right wrist down to free from the opponent’s grab, face the body to the West, shift the left foot half step to the South to assume the left front-stance, and throw a right high-punch. (Move simultaneously).


Step 20:  Stand straight, body face the West, the face look towards the North; both fists at the left lateral side of the chest.


Step 21;  Step right foot to the North, face look to the North, and change to the left back-stance with double knife hands.


Step 22:  Give a left front snap-back kick, and…


Step 23:  Turn body to the East, assume the horseback-riding-stance, face look towards the North and throw a left lateral knife hand to the North.


Step 24:  Jump half a step back while turning the body to face the West, assume the left back-stance with a right hand blocking down.


Step 25:  Sink body down, jump sideways towards the North and jab the right knife hand to the opponent’s mid section.


Step 26:  Immediately throw a left high punch to the opponent’s nose.


Step 27:  Instantaneously following the left high punch, give a left round-house kick to the opponent’s solar plexus.


Step 28:  Assume the right back0stance, body face the East, face look

towards the North, with double knife hands.


Step 30:  Give a right side-snap-back kick and step a half step to the South.


Step 31:  Turn the body around counter clockwise 180 degrees, and then give a left side-snap-back kick to the South.


Step 32:  Assume the right back-stance, body face the West, face look towards the South, with double knife hands.


Step 33:  Give a right front snap-back kick and…


Step 34:  Turn body to the East, assume a horseback-riding-stance, face look towards South and throw a right lateral knife hand to the South.


Step 35:  Jump half a step back while turning the body to face the East, stand in right back-stance with a left knife hand blocking down.


Step 36:  Sink body down,, jump sideways towards South and jab the left knife hand to the opponent’s mid section.


Step 37:  Immediately throw a right high punch to the opponent’s nose.


Step 38:  Instantaneously following the right high punch, give a right round-house kick to the opponent’s solar plexus.


Step 39:  Assume the left back-stance, body face the West, face look towards the South with double knife hands.


Step 40:  Quickly look to the North, shift the left foot to the right foot, stand straight and use both hands to grab the arm of the opponent from the north and pull.


Step 41:  Give a left side-snap-back kick and step a half step towards the North.


Step 42:  Turn the body counter clockwise 180 degrees, and then give a right side-snap-back kick to the North.


Step 43: Assume a final left back-stance, looking towards the North.


Step 44:  Return to step 0. (Ready stance B)


8 則留言:

  1. 教授~
    有很多觀念, 理念, 或是您走過的地方, 讀過的書, 都是我不知道的阿~
    藉由您這麼棒的blog多一些知識, 和樂趣, 應該是我要感謝您才對~
    PS: 教授請您保重身體, 我發現您做事都很拼喔~連學跆拳道都這麼努力, 膝蓋受傷應該很痛吧~希望您要多多保重身體喔~

  2. 以前記錄這個新招式時,是自己用打字機打的,拷貝好幾份以防遺失。兩、三年前才有心情及時間把它用電腦打出來,存在筆電文字檔內。   最近上傳部落格時想到應該要貼相片。 剛剛設計好,呈給教練時我是有相片的,但是舊式一張張相片都遺失啦。 幾個月前想到要重拍,臨時找不到三段的黑帶,現在有黑帶又找不到制服!   不過還是想要再重拍一次。我同意該附帶相片!
    以前正在勤練時,雖然腿短,姿勢、威力還相當可觀哦。1995年在羅東敎小朋友時,有位醫院職員旁觀者看到我的一個直拳,事後據說他向人說, 哇! 許教授那一拳可以打死一頭牛! 當然牛是不行,大狼狗還可以。不過是十五年、二十年前的事了!! 
    附帶的相片是二段時拍攝的。那時怕以後要向人說「想當年,老子、、、」,口說無憑,應該留下相片作證,哈! 哈!   要拍這種快速動作,正好手腳伸張出去、又看得出力道的相片不好拍,不是太早拍,就事太慢! 只有兩、三張好看的。  男人是要有起碼的防身術。  醫學院六年級學生時,還從四、五段醫學院前輩醫師、教授練過劍道,組織五人的劍道隊參加大專組比賽,得冠軍。 不過只有兩隊比賽!  嗯! 
     但是跆拳這類武術還是要當健身用。對方可能有刀有槍,千萬別逞強。 以前聽說有一位日本柔道二段旅客遊紐約,被搶,抵抗,結果被強盜殺死。其實我認識的黑帶學生都很溫,段數越高的人越客氣、修養越好,不是裝假的。
    相片後方有白紙題字「民主回復,祖國統一」,是韓國後來被選上總統的李??(名字臨時想不出,是曾經被前任韓國總統從日本綁票到韓國去的那位) 的墨寶,我經教練捐款給他,他間接送我的。

  3. 糟糕了我們今天貼在blog的照片都看不到了..
    PS: ㄜ~昨天您的點閱率, 可能有一大部分是我喔, 因為阿yahoo是5分鐘算一次人數, 而我看了很多文章, 看一篇的速度又比較慢, 可是我相信一定還有很多人看您的blog..
    寫寫美國新知也很棒阿~或是寫您去哪間博物館, 拍拍您去的地方給我們看阿~

  4. 我也猜測昨天前天的點閱率突然增加是妳看的局結果。有一個人連續看兩小時,就算是二十四人點閱了! 
    我會把妳的progress note, summary note 修繕,妳儘管抄給我。這種工作對我的腦筋很好,防止退化的太快。 妳會查閱各種字典、努力改善自己的工作品質,是很令我佩服,很難得!!  我會盡力幫忙!  不過可能會花一天修繕,妳會第二天收到。
    退休後這種工作最好。  網路真是澈底的改變了生活!!

  5. 教授請問這句話什麼意思呢?"退休後這種工作最好。  網路真是澈底的改變了生活!!"
    我有在想如果我學的差不多了, 會把我整理起來的簡易版DiMAP, 再傳給教授您看..
    看看這樣是不是可以幫助給更多非醫學院本科的學生, 來學習寫DiMAP..
    其實DiMAP對於一 各醫學院的學生在學習的過程應該是有很大幫助的吧~
    謝謝教授您的指導, 辛苦您囉~
    PS: 請問教授您這兩各時段的密語留言是給我的嗎?  (清曉於2008/06/30 05:47 ,  和清曉於2008/06/30 05:55 回應)
    因為這各密語回應給您自己了, 所以我看不到內容,  可否再寄一次給我, thank you very much.


  6. nbsp;        光子留

  7. 對了!我那兩段是我給妳修繕的病程記錄和週末摘要,只能給我自己看啊! 哈!哈!

  8. 教授~感謝您的指導..
    還有~請小心木馬or 病毒信..
    因為我有裝yahoo 及時通..
    我如果會回信的應該會是用word 或是文字文件檔~.
    謝謝您~ 芳薇留
