2011年6月17日 星期五

High-sensitivity CRP 的高低和心臟病有關

hs-CRP: What Is Proven and Unproven?

Michael H. Davidson, MD

Posted: 05/19/2011




Meta-analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies in >80,000 Subjects Identifies Multiple Loci for C-Reactive Protein Levels

Dehghan A, Dupuis J, Barbalic M, et al
Circulation. 2011;123:731-738


A recent large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from 15 cohort studies comprising 66,185 subjects and a replication sample of 16,540 subjects identified 18 gene loci associated with C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. These 18 gene loci were mostly associated with immune response and metabolic regulatory pathways involved in the regulation of chronic inflammation.

The authors developed a genetic risk score that explains about 5% of the variation in CRP levels, showing that genetic factors are important in determining CRP levels. In comparison, body mass index, the main nongenetic determinant of CRP studied, was reported to explain 5%-15% of the variation in CRP levels.

However, neither the individual genes nor the combined genetic risk score showed consistent or genome-wide significant associations with risk for clinical coronary events.


A consensus is building that high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) is a great pathophysiologic integrator of factors associated with coronary heart disease (CHD). Indeed, there is no controversy regarding the fact that hs-CRP is a strong independent risk for CHD. The JUPITER trial[1] demonstrated that rosuvastatin treatment significantly reduced major cardiovascular events in men over age 50 and women over age 60 who had hs-CRP > 2.0 mg/dL with 1 additional CV risk factor but low LDL cholesterol (< 130 mg/dL).

The current trial, however, does not appear to implicate CRP as having a causal role in the atherosclerotic process. Rather, it seems to indicate that genetic predisposition to metabolic disorders such as diabetes or chronic inflammation is linked to both higher levels of CRP and higher rates of CHD. Therefore, the genetic factors that predispose the patient to a higher risk for cardiovascular disease are only manifested if environmental factors are triggered, such as weight gain leading to obesity.

More specifically, this study seems to indicate that levels of hs-CRP are determined by both genetic and environmental factors, and that it is this interaction, but not the individual components, that predict increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

Regardless of whether CRP plays a direct causal role in atherosclerotic disease, it is clearly a clinically useful biomarker. It satisfies each of the following stipulations put forth by the American Heart Association for a clinically useful risk marker[2]: (1) demonstrates consistent independence of effect in multiple prospective cohort studies; (2) demonstrates incremental information on utility beyond that of usual risk factors; (3) demonstrates that assessment leads to clinical impact on patient management and outcomes; and (4) is readily assessed with standardized assays.

One of the most appealing aspects of hs-CRP as a biomarker is that therapeutic approaches that lower hs-CRP also decrease cardiovascular events, and that the lower the hs-CRP on treatment, the lower the risk.[1] However, to become a target for therapy, there needs to be clinical trial evidence that lowering hs-CRP without affecting other causative factors, such as apo-B lipoproteins, is associated with a reduction in major atherosclerotic disease. These hypotheses are now being tested with anti-inflammatory agents that lower hs-CRP but do not beneficially modify the lipoprotein profile. These trials will hopefully answer the next important question: whether reducing inflammation independent of modifying the substrate of that inflammation results in improved patient outcomes.


8 則留言:

  1. 最近您在注意「病理」現象?可能又有「新作」出現嗎?

  2. 你如何知道我有 "新作"了?
    Polycythemia vera 會有 "皮膚癢" 的現象(40%的病人會發生)。這聽來似乎是小毛病,其實是對生活品質影響很大的問題。從自己的經驗,我相信這所謂 "皮膚癢"(pruritus)其實是 "刺癢" (paresthesia,pins-and-needles,嚴重時會痛,稱為dysesthesia)。一般病人不知道 "皮膚癢"和 "皮膚刺癢" 有差別,醫師也不會仔細問。 其實兩者有差異,發病機轉可能不一樣,要用不同類的藥控制。
    我得PV七年後,三年前出現這現象,服用止癢藥無效,對neuropathic pain 有效的gabapentin很少量就有效。以後的觀察發現,除了洗澡之後會發生 "刺癢" 之外(教科書都會寫到這點),吃巧克力、數小時後就發生;再過幾個月,吃花生以後也會發生!  今年以來不吃這些我最喜歡吃的東西也會出現刺癢,而且一早就開始,不服用 gabapentin,就全日刺養。
    差不多五天前,我突然發現最近全日的刺癢,可能是服用安眠藥 Stilnox (non-benzodiazepine) 的關係。因為這種安眠藥的作用,和刺激GABA有關,gabapentin 也和 GABA有關聯,目前開始試用多種安眠藥,觀察其效果;同時查閱相關資料,學習neurotransmitters。 不過這個會引起刺癢的藥,三年前服用時都不會有刺癢的現象。所以有可能,某些物質常服用,就會 induce paresthesia in polycythemia vera patients. 不過甚麼物質,常服用,就會引起刺癢,是夠值得探討的事。就是說,用我自己做試驗品,觀察。 巧克力、花生等食物內的含有誤很複雜,可是 Stilnox是很簡單的化合物,對這個 paresthesia in PV 問題的了解可能有幫助。
    幸而gabapentin 可以抑制刺癢,否則會生活很難受!!

  3. 上次看到您指出「Activated Protein C 對嚴重敗血症無療效」的文章及這篇文章、好像開始對「病理」「藥效」有興趣、才這樣猜測、了解歷史(基礎)、再論臨床、對您來說很正常!

  4. 各方面看,相信你學生時期成績很出色。
    我現在替陳美玲老師翻譯她出的電腦考試試題,不過她不寄新的考題來,我就沒事作。有一位學弟幾個月前向我邀稿,要發表在他主編的加州一雜誌上,他說是我以前寫過的 "達人的觀察力" 那一類的,可是幾個月來我都沒心情寫,月底到期,我是交不出卷了。要寫也得先有題目,先調查,

  5. 我們性格很接近? 大概被外面「評價」的也類似?
    所以「被推」為??長(義務兼出錢)、「被邀」稿! 哈!哈!不甘寂寞的人生?

  6. 起碼妒惡如仇的性格是完全一致。致終都想過有用的人生。
