2011年6月9日 星期四


觀察迄今馬統的能力,一直覺得他怎會是哈佛的博士?  令人懷疑這學位是怎麼得來的? 果然是錯誤百出、被人評不及格、令人驚訝的 "博士論文" !!



馬英九'一路走來始終如騙' 哈佛史上最差勁的博士論文,真丟臉

by Michael Richardson

一位退休的教師,因為好奇台灣總統馬英九對釣魚台群島(Senkaku Islands)的見解,找了一份馬英九的哈佛大學法學院有關海底界線的博士論文來看。她所看到的並非是她原先所期待的,而是一份充滿了差錯,失誤,拼錯的字詞,漏寫的字,不當的註腳,和查不到的註腳的文件。

當這位堅定的教師和哈佛法學院接觸時,她甚至無法發現任何願意跟她談此事的人。最後,她才找到了馬英九的系上指導教授,他就是儘管裡面有許多的錯誤,還是批准該論文的人。退休的教授Detlev Vagts 駁斥:「這些都只是拼寫打字的錯誤」,他後來也告訴哈佛Crimson日報說:「錯字真的不是什麼問題。

然而,這些錯誤不僅已經超出了頻繁的間隔差錯和可笑的語法,它還包括找不到來源的註腳,這甚至已有剽竊的問題了。 Vagts並不在乎,他覺得馬英九有法律的基本概念就夠了。


「這個論文是由已故教授Louis Sohn和我自己共同監督的。基本上他負責監督管理海上邊界的海洋法方面的問題。我的責任則是有關開採近海石油資產的起草和執行協定的問題,我們對SJD 論文的批准都有很高的標準,而且我們都完全滿意馬英九有符合這些標準。我現在已經不記得當時牽涉的政治了,但我知道,我們堅持他要盡可能的客觀,因為他研究的是一個很敏感的國際問題。任何人都應該要記住,在1981年的時候中國大陸和其他島嶼之間的關係和現在非常不同。 [所有間距和語法的錯誤是來自Vagts 教授的]

撇開國際政治的部份,這位教師仍不服氣,並對哈佛大學的低標準感到不滿意。今年的一月,她又再次去函詢問Vagts ,這一次並引用哈佛大學自己的規定。





Retired schoolteacher gives Taiwan ruler Ma Ying-jeou a failing grade on his Harvard thesis

  • March 6th, 2009 2:47 pm ET

Michael Richardson

A page from Ma Ying-jeou's Harvard thesis with schoolteacher's commentary

A retired schoolteacher, curious about Republic of China in-exile President Ma Ying-jeou's views on the Senkaku Islands, looked up Ma's Harvard Law School doctoral thesis about seabed boundaries. What she found was something she wasn't expecting, a paper riddled with errors, mistakes, misspellings, missing words, improper footnoting, and footnotes that did not check out.

Red pencil in hand, the former schoolteacher graded Ma's thesis, something that apparently was not done in 1980 when it was submitted for academic credit. The teacher tallied over 1000 errors or violations of the freshman student writing guide issued by the university.

When the determined teacher approached Harvard Law School, she had trouble getting anyone to talk with her. Finally, she ended up with Ma's faculty advisor who had approved the paper despite the many mistakes. Retired Professor Detlev Vagts dismissed "all of the typos" later telling the Harvard Crimson that, "Typos don't really matter that much."

However, the mistakes went beyond the frequent spacing errors and grammatical goofs and included footnotes that do not check out raising a plagiarism concern. Vagts didn't care, Ma got the basic concepts of the law.

Not to be put off, the teacher pressed Vagts about Ma's many errors and got the following written response about Ma's paper, errors included.

"The thesis was jointly supervised by the late Professor Louis Sohn and myself.Basically he took responsibility for supervision with respect to issues of the law of the sea governing the setting of maritime boundaries. I took responsibility for issues concerning the drafting and enforcing of agreements relating to the exploitation of offshore oil assets Both of us had high standards for approval of an S.J.D. thesis and both of us were fully satisfied that Ma Ying Jeou met those standards. I have now no recollection of the politics involved but I know that we would have insisted on his being as objective as possible with respect to the rather sensitive international issues that played a role in his work. One needs to remember that relations between mainland and island China were very different in 1981." [Spacing and grammar errors are those of Professor Vagts]

International politics aside, the schoolteacher remains unconvinced and unimpressed with Harvard's low standards. In January, she again queried Vagts, this time citing Harvard's own rulebook.

"From your response I assumed you did not read his final copy….don't you think he cheated on you?"

The retired schoolteacher is still waiting for her answer from Harvard University.

Continue reading on Examiner.com Retired schoolteacher gives Taiwan ruler Ma Ying-jeou a failing grade on his Harvard thesis - Boston Progressive | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/progressive-in-boston/retired-schoolteacher-gives-taiwan-ruler-ma-ying-jeou-a-failing-grade-on-his-harvard-thesis#ixzz1OllKofuh



