2011年6月10日 星期五

台灣何時變成中國的一省了? 荒謬!! 可笑!!

台灣何時變成中國的一省了? 誰講的? 誰同意的?


還是做過校園間諜、會寫不合格的博士論文、講不清有沒有綠卡、用露蛋誘選票、到處欺騙台灣民眾的KMT份子,才會想到企圖附合中國野心,以這種國際騙局,使兩千三百萬民主國民成為專制中國的附屬品! 他們真的以為這種以秘密文件騙人的勾當,會哄得過美國、日本、英法德這種民主國家嗎? 難道中國大聲說台灣是它們的,台灣就成為中國的一省? 真不夠品!!


 世衛矮化台灣 歐洲議員范巴倫:荒謬


〔記者謝文華/台北報導〕本報昨披露廿名歐洲議會議員,聯名寄信給世界衛生組織(WHO)秘書長陳馮富珍,抗議世衛密件將台灣列為中國一省。歐洲議會友台小組副主席范巴倫(Hans van Baalen)昨接受本報訪問時表示,他人在台灣訪問,不清楚連署的事,但他支持這項連署案內容,無庸置疑!他另在接受中央社專訪時表示,對WHO函件將台灣視為中國的一省,感到「荒謬」,並允諾全力支持中華民國政府的主體性。

指陳馮富珍是中國公民 應該迴避



認為台灣若在墨西哥灣 早就獨立









美參議員致函世衛組織 抗議「中國省份」密件





美國俄亥俄州民主黨參議員布朗(Senator Sherrod Brown),於201162致函世界衛生組織幹事長 陳馮富珍 女士,就最近在台灣揭露的世衛內部密件,指示相關單位稱呼台灣為「中國的省分」乙事,表達抗議。













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l      US Senator sends letter to WHO protesting “ province of China ” memo


Expressing support for Taiwan ’s full membership


On June 2nd 2011, US Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) sent a letter to World Health Organization (WHO) director general Margaret Chan expressing concern about the internal memo which recently became public in Taiwan , in which the organization instructed its institutions to refer to Taiwan as “ province of China .”


In the letter, Senator Brown stated that by implying that Taiwan is a “ province of China ” the WHO “…is going beyond its mandate as the world global health authority and is in violation of US policy.”


Senator Brown added: “I am concerned that the WHO has unwittingly entered into dangerous political waters that are contrary to its mission and detrimental to its goals.  The WHO is not a political authority within the UN and should not act as such.”


The Ohio senator, who has long advocated Taiwan ’s full membership in all international organizations, including the United Nations and the WHO, concluded: “As a strong supporter of your organization I have always believed that the WHO is a universal organization and that it should therefore open its doors to all members of the world community, including Taiwan .”


FAPA President Bob Yang commented in a reaction: "Senator Brown is hitting the nail right on the head: the WHO internal memo is not in keeping with the basic principle of universality for which the WHO should stand.  It relegates Taiwan to a secondary status as a subsidiary of China , which is a violation of US policy as laid down in the Taiwan Relations Act.”


Dr. Yang added: “The memo has brought to light the fallacy of the approach by the Ma Ying-jeou administration in Taiwan to participation in international organizations.  In 2009, it presented its observership as a major “breakthrough”, but now we find out that it came at the cost of Taiwan ’s sovereignty as a free and democratic nation.”


Dr. Yang concluded: “We hope that both the WHO and the US government will from now on adhere to the basic principle of universality and support Taiwan ’s full membership in international organizations. Taiwan is a free and democratic nation and deserves to be treated like all other nations in the world.”

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