2012年6月8日 星期五

Bin Laden: Don't mess with China!!! 連賓拉登都畏懼中國!!

Bin Laden said: China is the world's only country we absolutely cannot mess with

Bin Laden said: China is the world's only country we
absolutely cannot mess with

The reason is this: al-Qaeda terrorists had made 8 attacks
on the Chinese with the following results:

人在炸北京西直門立體交通橋 時,在橋上迷了路;
One person was to explode a bomb in Beijing Xizhimen (the
main northwest gate of Beijing) but he lost his way in the
three-dimensional traffic bridge;

人在上海坐公車自殺炸彈時,擠 了兩小時沒擠上車;!
One person in Shanghai was to take a bus to explode a
suicide bomb in the bus, but it was so crowded he could not get into a bus for two hours;

One person was to bomb a supermarket in Wuhan , but found
that the bomb remote control was stolen;

人在炸成都政府大樓時,在門口 被保安當作疆獨份子逮捕、狂揍、逼供;
One person wanted to bomb government buildings in Chengdu ,
but was stopped at the door by the security staff and arrested as an East
Turkistan separatist, and was beaten and interrogated;

人成功地在河北炸礦,死傷數百 人,潛回基地組織後,半年都沒見任何到有关新聞報導, 遂被組織以" 報戰果罪" 處決了(這個最可憐!);
One person succeeded in bombing a Hebei mine, with hundreds
of people dead and wounded, and then returned to the al-Qaeda center, but
even after six months, failed to see any news reports on the success of
the bombing
he was considered by the organization to claim a false victory and was executed (this is the most pathetic!);

人曾經嘗試炸廣州,結果剛一出 火車站,炸藥包就給飛車黨搶了;
One person had tried to bomb Guangzhou , but as he came off
the train, a motorcycle robber (flying car robber) snatched his bag
(containing the bomb) from him;

人剛到西安就失聯,後來在醫院 找到人,但卻是在昏迷當中,醫生說他不但吃到 心食品,還喝到假酒,可能會成 為植物人;One person who arrived in Xi'an lost contact, and was
later found at the hospital in a state of coma.
Doctors said it was the result of him eating not only "black-hearted" food products, but he also drank fake alcohol, and would possibly turn into a "vegetable" (vegetative state);

來,賓拉登改派一名女恐怖分子 去炸海南島,結果竟然被騙去賣淫!
Later, bin Laden tried to send a female terrorist to blow up Hainan Island ,
but she was cheated into prostitution!

後,賓拉登不得不說:記得!! 中國是全球唯一絕對不能惹的國家!
Finally, bin Laden have to say: Remember! ! China is the
world's only country we absolutely cannot mess with!

