2012年10月25日 星期四


Formosan Association for Public Affairs

552 7th Street. SE. Washington, DC 20003, USA

Support Democracy, Support Taiwan

For Immediate Release

Washington D C - October 24th 2012

Contact: (202) 547-3686

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown urges AIT Director Marut to visit former President Chen Shui-bian

WASHINGTON (October 24th 2012) -- In a letter dated October 23rd 2012, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) called upon the Taipei-based director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chris Marut to visit former President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan in jail or hospital.

The Senator writes: “As you know, former President Chen Shui-bian is suffering from severe depression and is under psychiatric treatment at a Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The recent report entitled ‘The Effects of Incarceration On the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan’ was drafted by a medical team [...] who visited the former President in their capacity as private citizens.”

The Senator concludes: “Recent media reports from Taiwan indicate that you have expressed a willingness to visit the former President. I ask that you review the report and visit the former president at the appropriate time.”

The cited report was drafted by a medical team led by former professor Joseph Lin, Ph.D., and professors Ken Yoneda, M.D. and Charles Whitcomb, M.D., of the University of California Davis Medical Center. It was presented on July 12 to Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and James McGovern (D-MA), co-chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission by Reps. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) and Dan Lungren (R-CA). The full report was also inserted in the Congressional Record.

In their report, the doctors express the hope that “by presenting this report to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission a hearing will be convened, and at the same time the Commission will strongly urge President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan to grant medical parole to his predecessor on humanitarian grounds.”

FAPA President Mark Kao, Ph.D. states: “In addition to the medical problems president Chen has been facing, there are now severe psychiatric problems. Chen even has a speech impediment that is likely caused by major depression. In any democracy this would be sufficient cause for an immediate medical parole on humanitarian grounds.”

Dr. Kao concludes: “Senator Brown is a friend of President Chen, whom he has met on multiple occasions in Taiwan over the past decade. It is touching to see a U.S. Senator, despite the hectic election season, reach out across the globe to a friend in need.”


俄亥俄州民主黨參議員布朗(Sherrod Brown)於十月二十三日致函設於台北的「美國在台協會」處長馬啟思,呼籲其前往台北監獄或榮總醫院探視陳前總統。



該報告係由前加州大學戴維斯分校教授林文約博士,及該校醫學中心的兩位教授日裔的米田謙(Ken Yoneda,音譯)醫師及查爾斯威康(Charles Whitcomb)醫師所組成的醫療團撰寫,並於七月十二日由紐澤西州民主黨眾議員安德魯斯(Robert Andrew)及加州共和黨眾議員朗格倫(Dan Lungren)聯手提交給「湯姆˙藍托斯人權委員會」共同主席維州共和黨眾議員沃爾夫(Frank Wolf)及麻州民主黨眾議員麥高文(James McGovern)。報告全文也被納入國會紀錄。




* * * * * * * * * * * * *

October 23, 2012

Christopher Marut
American Institute in Taiwan
No. 7, Lane 134
Hsin Yi Road Section 3 Taipei 106 Taiwan

Dear Mr. Marut:

Congratulations on becoming the Director of the American Institute of Taiwan. The Director is a vital link between the United States and Taiwan. As Taiwan continues to grow as a market-based, democratic society, America's relationship with Taiwan is now more important than ever.

Earlier this year, the people of Taiwan held national elections, another sign of the nation's successful transition to democratic self-governance. As advocates for human rights, freedom, democracy, and the rule of law around the world, it is critical that we continue to support Taiwan as it builds a society on the ideals of freedom we hold so dear.

As you know, former President Chen Shui-bian is suffering from severe depression and is under psychiatric treatment at a Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The recent report entitled The Effects of Incarceration On the Mental and Physical Health of Former President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan was drafted by a medical team led by former professor Joseph Lin, Ph.D., and professors of the University of California Davis Medical Center, Ken Yoneda, M.D. and Charles Whitcomb, M.D., who visited the former President in their capacity as private citizens.

Recent media reports from Taiwan indicate that you have expressed a willingness to visit the former President.

I ask that you review the report and visit the former president at the appropriate time.


Sherrod Brown
United States

