2012年3月31日 星期六

How does former ambassador to Taiwan criticize "one China, two districts" move?

A big step in the wrong direction

By Nat Bellocchi 白樂崎  / 

Sun, Apr 01, 2012 - Page 8

At the annual Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) forum held in Beijing on March 24, former KMT chairman Wu Poh-hsiung (吳伯雄) put forward the concept of “one country, two areas” as the basis for future cross-strait talks. This proposal appeared to come out of the clear blue sky, and has raised eyebrows in Taiwan and overseas.

The move caused commotion in Taiwan, with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Taiwan Solidarity Union criticizing it and promising to mobilize protests. What is different about it? Or is it in line with existing policy, as the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has claimed?

Let us examine the idea and its context, and see if it helps or hurts Taiwan’s international position.

First, we must note that the proposal was launched at the CCP-KMT forum, which has become an annual ritual between the two parties. This is not a good development for Taiwan, because the topic was raised in party-to-party discussions. Experience shows that the CCP-KMT forum is not the proper place for the development of cross-strait policy, because it does not involve legislative oversight, accountability or transparency, which are essential elements in a democracy.

Second, it looks suspiciously like the “one country, two systems” formula proposed by China, first for Hong Kong, and later also as a “model” for Taiwan. The new term is therefore a further step on the slippery slope toward the “one country, two systems” formulation. In view of the reluctance of Beijing to give the people of Hong Kong the freedom to choose their own leader and move toward full suffrage, one wonders if this is a wise move.

Third, defenders of the new terminology have argued that it moves the discussion between the two sides of the Strait forward, and that it adheres to the Republic of China (ROC) Constitution. The problem with this argument is that it strengthens Beijing’s hand and weakens Taiwan’s sovereignty by putting Taiwan on the same footing as Hong Kong and Macao, as an “area” that is part of the country called China.

To just about everyone around the world, China is synonymous with the People’s Republic of China. Few outside a small circle of diehard ROC supporters in Taipei still adhere to the argument that “one China” equals the ROC. This is simply not the present-day reality, and the sooner everyone says farewell to that anachronism, the better.

One must also wonder what implications “one country, two areas” would have for foreign policy and defense. An “area” generally does not have a foreign ministry to conduct foreign relations, or a military to defend its territory. Does Wu propose merging the foreign and defense ministries of Taiwan and China?

Wu’s ideas must thus be seen as a turn in the wrong direction, which could lead to instability and a downgrading of Taiwan’s international status.

If Taiwanese and their government want to strengthen Taiwan’s relations with the international community, they need to emphasize — not de-emphasize — Taiwan’s freedom, democracy and sovereignty. Making a complicated situation even more confusing by -inventing yet another fuzzy term does not help.

As I have argued before, moves such as this one and the so-called “1992 consensus” may bring the temporary false perception of a relaxation of tensions across the Strait, but in the longer term, they reduce Taiwan’s room for maneuver on the international stage, leading to increased tension down the road.

Most of all, what does this move actually gain for Taiwan?

If Taiwan really wants to move toward long-term stability, it needs to work on an internal consensus, a “Taiwan consensus,” on how Taiwanese, through a democratic mechanism, perceive their future. For long-term stability, Taiwan needs to strengthen its position as a key member of the regional economic framework among East Asian nations, and for long-term stability it is also essential to develop closer political ties with democratic neighbors such as Japan and the Philippines, as well as faraway friends such as the EU and the US.

Nat Bellocchi is a former chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan. The views expressed in this article are his own.

2012年3月29日 星期四


US lawmaker questions Chen treatment

By William Lowther / Staff Reporter in Washington

Fri, Apr 27, 2012 - Page 3

There is growing concern and anger in the US over the way that former Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) is reportedly being treated in prison.
Representative Edward Royce, a California Republican, has written to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) appealing for Chen to be granted medical parole.
Earlier this week, Human Rights Action Center founder Jack Healy published an opinion piece in the Huffington Post, saying the Taiwanese government was “engaging in willful medical neglect” of Chen.
Shortly before that, -California Representative Dan Lungren asked the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission to intervene on Chen’s behalf.
In his letter to Ma dated yesterday, Royce — a member of the US House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee and the Congressional Human Rights Caucus — cited “disturbing reports regarding the deterioration in the health and physical condition” of Chen.
He said that Chen is suffering from prostate cancer, acute coronary syndrome and significantly reduced blood flow to the heart.
Royce said that Chen is confined to a damp, undersized cell for nearly 24 hours a day under conditions that violate rules set for the treatment of prisoners by the UN.
“I therefore respectfully request that you grant former president Chen medical parole in order to receive adequate medical treatment and to ensure the protection of human rights and civil liberties for all,” he added.
Coen Blaauw, an official with the Washington-based Formosa Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), said: “There is a mounting chorus of indignation and anger in [US] Congress about the inhumane treatment of Chen. It is just terrible.”












Chen’s treatment ‘a tragedy’: US lawmaker

POLITICAL CRIMINALIZATION::Steve Chabot’s remarks came after FAPA wrote to US President Barack Obama asking for his help in getting Chen Shui-bian paroled

By William Lowther / Staff reporter in Washington

Fri, Mar 30, 2012 - Page 3

A member of the US Congress said on Wednesday that he considered the plight of former Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) to be a tragedy.
Addressing the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Representative Steve Chabot soundly condemned Chen’s treatment.
During a committee hearing into the threat of military and economic aggression from China, Chabot said: “I think the fact that the Taiwanese government has decided to move itself into the direction of the criminalization of politics is unfortunate.”
He added: “The previous president — president Chen Shui-bian — is still behind bars.”
“I think for an administration to come in and essentially jail the previous administration is a tragedy,” he said.
Chabot ended his statement — made during the question-and-answer period of the hearing — by saying that he thought the Ma administration should deal with Chen’s imprisonment “sooner rather than later.”
A Congressional staff member, who asked not to be quoted by name because he was not authorized to speak on this issue, said that he expected other members of the House to raise the Chen case.
He said sympathy for Chen was growing, following reports that he was in failing health and being held in a cell without a proper bed and without a table or chair.
The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) appealed directly to US President Barack Obama last week to help Chen get medical parole so that he could receive hospital treatment.
So far, the White House has not responded.
Chen is currently serving a 17-and-a-half year term on two concurrent sentences related to corruption charges.
The former president was recently diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome, significantly reduced blood flow and a prostate tumor.
He is only allowed 30 minutes of outdoor exercise each day.
FAPA official Coen Blaauw characterized Chabot’s remarks during the Congressional hearing as “dramatic.”
“Chabot has been a very strong supporter of Taiwan. He has met Chen several times,” Blaauw said.
“There is growing awareness and growing concern among members of the US Congress about Chen’s imprisonment,” he said.











2012年3月26日 星期一


溫家寶:中共最大危險是腐敗 【2012/3/26 20:35】

[KMT要率領台灣人投降,受治於腐敗的政權才是驚人新聞! 有人說台灣綠營的人要在520遊行抗議。


有幾位在咖啡廳座談,其中有一位KMT,平靜地說: "沒關係,撐幾天,他們就沒聲音了,也不會有人繼續關心。 你不看DPP越來越像KMT了嗎? 中國團來幾次,收入好一點,那些人管他自由不自由、民主不民主?! 為了面子,遊行一次、生一次氣,就夠了。 反正立法院是KMT控制的,硬要合併、投降,DPP又能怎樣? 哼! 遊行?  你們能遊五天嗎?  兩天都有問題!  要更強硬的衝突、表態嗎? 台灣人哪有人有這麼大的膽子,哈哈哈!!  勇氣? 哈哈哈! 笑死人了。 就算反對聲音大,繼續靜靜地進行一國兩區就是了啦,有誰會知道?! 議會的質詢有多大力量嘛。最終的決定權不是在於多數決嗎? 有689萬票,你怎麼否定她們是多數? 立法委員中KMT不是佔絕對多數嗎?  我們不是民主、少數服從多數嗎? 反正馬區長亡父的遺志有誰敢反對?! 一定會達成的啦!  我們不是炎黃子孫嗎? 和中國合併有甚麼不對?  經濟靠中國,你還能有其他路線可走?"


一位親綠營台灣人不甘受此侮辱,忿忿地反駁說: "你以為台灣沒有有骨氣的、有自尊心的人 嗎? 你以為那些六百萬投選蔡英文的人會讓台灣成為中國一區嗎? 現在已經是二十一世紀,還用 "炎黃子孫" 推銷民族主義,這還不是那些高官權貴用來鞏固政權、繼續貪汙自肥的手段?  KMT也是需要這種制度才能繼續貪汙嘛! 看她們的貪汙都是以億元算的? 你看美國如此強盛,就是因為自由、民主、和公平法治使他們肯努力發揮各個人的能力,和血統DNA有何關係?  你這種人寧願受中國統治,做他們奴才,真是無恥之極!  經濟靠中國,是因為完全沒有試圖向外擴展過嗎。這還不是馬桶刻意設計的路線。 真是王八蛋!"。 他越講越氣。


這位KMT,其實是代代土長的台灣人,有親戚在中國工作。看了他動怒,只好笑笑,心想,你就看嘛。DPP新潮流派的已經要接受九二共識了,你這個不識時勢的頑固份子。等著看看,民性能改嗎?  哼! 


這時第三位加入: "別生氣。好好討論。這種影響以後台灣子孫命運的事,能夠由我們這一代的人,只為了錢,替年輕人決定嗎? 這次如果決定台灣要成為中國一區,以後是絕對不可能退出的哦。 現在的年輕人是不願意失去自由、民主的吧?!  你不是為希望在台灣打拼的年輕人製造奴才命嗎? 我們能這麼自私、不為子孫設想嗎? 馬先生是為了實現亡父遺志,我們是為了甚麼?  世界潮流不都是自由民主化了嗎? 連阿拉伯國家都發生革命了"。


又有一人插嘴: "不過台灣人缺乏勇氣、不知恥的比例很高也是事實吧(他這麼講,向KMT眼睛很快瞄了一下)。不要說韓國,和泰國都比不上。頂多遊行一次,還可能有甚麼後續動作呢?"]






















◎ 張世賢


















民進黨民調 近八成民眾認為兩岸不同國











2012年3月24日 星期六

人到六十 須自知



2. 能活到九十歲,只有三十年;能活到八十歲,只有二十年。

3. 因為剩下的日子隨時可能病倒,你應留夠醫藥費保姆費;因為剩下的日子不多,你臨走時什麼都帶不走,你不必太節省。

4. 該花的錢要花,該享受的要享受,該捐助的要捐助;惟獨不能留這筆錢給兒孫,把他()慣成“寄生蟲”。

5. 不必對死後的事考慮太多,因為變成灰的你,對表揚與批評已無感覺。

6. 不必對兒女的事考慮太多,“兒孫自有兒孫福,休為兒孫做馬牛”。

7. ()養了孩子,讓他()自己照顧或用他()自己的錢雇保姆照顧,不要讓他()再剝奪父母(剩下不多)的健康、休息、娛樂、旅遊權。

8. 不要對兒女幻想太多,孝順的兒女有孝心,但工作太忙,幫不了你!

9. 不孝的兒女也許(在你活著時就搶奪)盼著你早死,好早日繼承你的財產。

10. 你的錢財,兒女認為給他們是天經地義;兒女的錢,卻不是你的錢,你想要卻十分困難。

11. 六十歲的你,再也不要用健康去換取身外之物,因為此時,你用金錢已未必能買到健康。

12. 錢掙到何時、何數(十萬,百萬,千萬……)才算夠?『良田萬頃,日食三升;大廈千間,夜眠八尺』,夠吃夠用就行了。

13. 我們要愉快地活著,雖然家家都有一本難唸的經,我們不需要和別人比名利地位、兒孫如何有出息…等等,而要比誰活得更愉快、健康、長壽!

14. 我們無力改變的事,就不必太操心,因為操心也無用,反而影響了自己的健康。

15. 幸福靠自己努力創造,快樂要千方百計去尋找,只要心境好,每天想愉快的事,做愉快的事,自己找樂趣,就能天天都過得高興。過一天,少一天;過一天,樂一天;樂一天,賺一天。

16. 精神好,病不倒;精神好,病能好;精神好,病早好。

17. 心情愉快,適當運動,常見陽光,食物多樣化,保證多種維生素和微量元素的合理(適度而不超量)吸收,盼能健康地再活二、三十年。

18. 能解決的事就不需要擔心,不能解決的事擔心也沒用;不要同傻瓜爭辯、否則別人會搞不清到底誰是傻瓜。

 19. 聖經說:死亡是眾人的結局,無人可以逃避。死後往何處去?乘今日還有時間,值得花點時間探索一番,不虧來世界這一趟!

 20. 最簡單的長壽秘訣.........…就是保持呼吸。千萬記得,不要斷氣!

2012年3月23日 星期五


[因為日治時,日本總督府內政部長後藤新平的評語,台灣人以"貪財、怕死、要面子" 留名於世。可是這麼無恥的台奸還是首聞!!! 

看了以下這些消息,腦筋清醒的人,不會感到毛骨悚然? 還是要默然接受? 目前看來,台灣已經走上民主自由的最後一里路,以後,不僅這一代,子子孫孫,都要受貪腐專制政權管治、做奴才,永無翻身之日。(這些台奸的命運當然是要好多了!)

改變這條可怕惡運的路線,只有不怕死,每一位還有自尊心的台灣人,挺身出來抗議,大喊: 不自由,毋寧死;沒有主權、沒有公平法治,毋寧死!]

("Give me liberty, or give me death--不自由,毋寧死" 這句名言是Patrick Henry 於 1775-3-23 在 Virginia Convention喊出來的。當時在場者,聽到這一句,群起大喊 "give me liberty or give me death",決議派軍隊加入獨立戰爭。)























◎ 蕭貫譽








◎ 黃培維




國民黨還在做著大中華的統一大夢,而忽略用心經營自己身處的台灣,當台灣人民正深陷物價高漲和雞豬牛的毒害風暴之中,這時候國民黨榮譽主席還前往中國高談「一國兩區」,正在痛苦當中的台灣人民只能說:「誰理你!」 (作者為政治大學政治研究所碩士生)

◎ 鄭凱文

中華人民共和國在國際間是一個強大國家,而中華民國在國際間是一個天大的笑柄。國際比賽例如奧運,中華人民共和國的選手向著「五星旗」敬禮「唱國歌」,台灣選手向著「中國台北(Chinese Taipei)」旗唱「升旗歌」,顯然我們是不同的國家,而代表國家的兩樣東西,我們表現出來的,似乎沒有國家的象徵。國際組織例如WTO,各國派出的官員,皆是代表自己國家,台灣派的是「台澎金馬個別關稅領域常任代表團」,代表的不知道是哪裡?顯而易見的是,絕對不是中華民國。

就算中華民國是國家好了,就算國際也認知我們是中華民國好了,請問中華人民共和國會使用中華民國的憲法嗎?請問中華人民共和國承認自己是 「大陸地區」 、台灣是 「中華民國自由地區」 嗎?以上我想全部是否定的。但如果我們是「中國合眾國」,可能兩邊的憲法就變成了「州憲法」,又要另外去制定一本「聯邦憲法」,請問讀者們在大笑嗎?沒錯!這就是唯一一個比較合理解釋「一國兩區」的笑話。


◎ 吳庭和





◎ 楊鎮榮













Obama asked to help get medical parole for Chen


Obama asked to help get medical parole for Chen

‘DEMEANING’:The Formosan Association for Public Affairs called Chen’s treatment an attempt by the Ma administration to humiliate the former president

By William Lowther / Staff Reporter in Washington

Sat, Mar 24, 2012 - Page 1

The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) has appealed to the White House to help ensure former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) receives the medical care he needs.

In a letter to US President Barack Obama, FAPA president Mark Kao (高龍榮) said that Chen desperately needed medical parole to receive hospital treatment.

Chen is currently serving 17-and-a-half years in prison on two concurrent sentences related to corruption charges.

The letter is FAPA’s latest move as it steps up a campaign to draw attention to what it called Chen’s deteriorating health and “demeaning” living conditions.

Earlier this week, FAPA began organizing US lawmakers to aid Chen.

In his letter to Obama, Kao said: “On behalf of our community we respectfully request that you strongly urge the government of Taiwan to grant former president Chen medical parole in order to receive adequate medical treatment in a timely manner.”

Kao said in a later interview: “We decided to appeal to Obama since we believe that he highly values human rights.”

“Such demeaning conditions as currently being endured by Chen are unprecedented in the treatment of a former head of state of a democratic country,” he said.

“The fact that Chen is held in a damp, undersized cell which he has to share with a cellmate is an obvious attempt by the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to humiliate him,” Kao said, adding that Chen was not allowed a bed, a chair or a desk and had to sit and write on the floor.

“It is not only demeaning to him as a person, but also undermines the quality of the democracy in our homeland. It is reminiscent of the ways the old Chinese emperors dealt with their predecessors,” he said.

“There is no place for this kind of treatment in our modern day and age,” he added.

Chen was recently hospitalized and diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome, significantly reduced blood flow and a prostate tumor.

It was also discovered that he had been receiving anti-anxiety medication for the past 14 months, allegedly without his knowledge or consent.

Chen’s doctors attribute his “degraded physical condition” to an inactive life style and long-term deprivation of sunlight.

The former president is only allowed 30 minutes of outdoor exercise a day.

Published on Taipei Times :



Infectious Disease Physician Lifestyle Report 2012

Survey fielded to 292,251 US physicians

• Total respondents: 29,025 US physicians across 25 specialty areas

• Fieldwork conducted by Medscape from 1/12/2012-1/27/2012

• Data collected via third-party online survey collection site

** Respondents were entered into a sweepstakes to win an Apple iPad 2 16GB
Wi-Fi Enabled Device awarded to 5 physicians.

How Happy Are Infectious Disease Specialists With Their Lives
Outside of Work?

According to a 2006 report from the Pew Research Center, 34% of Americans
say that they are "very happy," 50% "pretty happy," and 15%
"not too happy."
[1] Medscape asked US physicians how happy
they were with their lives outside of medicine and to rate their level of
happiness on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least happy and 5 being the
happiest. The average happiness score for all physicians who responded was
, which is on the cheerful side. Infectious disease scored 3.97 -- just
about the same as the physician average.

What Are Infectious Disease Specialists' Favorite Pastimes?

Infectious disease specialists rated their top 5 pastimes as reading, exercise/physical
activity, travel, cultural events, and food and wine. Surfing the Web came in a
distant sixth
; it was a favorite pastime of almost 23% of infectious
disease physicians
. A handful wrote in to say that they enjoyed playing
with their children. Some of the more interesting pastimes enjoyed by
infectious disease specialists were target shooting, interior design, and
amateur radio.

Where Do Infectious Disease Specialists Volunteer?

In the overall response to the Medscape survey, the
unhappiest physicians, according to self-rating, were those who didn't
volunteer, followed by those who tutored or did counseling
. Doing any
type of volunteer work was associated with a self-rated happiness score higher
than the overall average score of 3.96
. Of note, in a 2000 survey published
in Archives of Family Medicine, physicians who viewed benevolence as a guiding principle in their lives reported
greater professional satisfaction
.[2] In the Medscape
survey, almost three quarters of infectious disease specialists reported
participating in some form of volunteerism, whereas 27% rarely, if ever,
. In the write-in responses, a few infectious disease
specialists noted that they saw patients at the local free clinic or
participated in other pro bono medical work. Others were active in their
children's schools.

Where Do Most Infectious Disease Specialists Lean on the
Political Spectrum?

A May 2011 poll by Rasmussen Reports found that 29% of US
voters characterize themselves as both fiscal and social conservatives, and
only 10% said that they are liberal in both areas.[3] In the
Medscape poll, when asked about their political leanings, about 39% of
infectious disease specialists defined themselves as being both socially and
fiscally liberal -- a percentage almost double that of their peers and 4 times
higher than in the general US population. About 42% of infectious disease
specialists described themselves as fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
Moreover, about 56% reported that they were fiscal conservatives and 82% were
social liberals, making infectious disease specialists one of the most
left-leaning groups among their peers.

Where Do Infectious Disease Specialists Vacation?

With an average of 13 paid vacation days per year, Americans
do far worse than those in other developed countries (eg, Italy, 42; France,
37; Germany, 35; United Kingdom, 28; Canada, 26; Japan, 25).When they go on
vacation, according to a 2009 survey from the U.S. Travel Association, Americans
like to visit friends and relatives, go sightseeing or to beaches, visit
museums, and go to national or state parks.
[4] Infectious
disease specialists do better than most Americans in amount of vacation time,
but not as well as most physicians. Over 30% take 2 weeks of vacation or less,
and only 10% took more than 4 weeks, which was the lowest of all specialties. When

they do take vacations, favorite destinations by far involve foreign travel
(63%), followed by beaches (41%).
Then, 20% prefer road trips, cultural
trips, and staying at vacation homes, followed closely by camping and hiking. In
the write-in responses, some infectious disease specialists said that they
visit family. One commenter enjoys sailing trips, and another likes bicycling
through Europe.

What Percentage of Infectious Disease Specialists Are
Married? Single?

Among infectious disease specialists who responded to the
Medscape survey, around 80% were currently married, a rate slightly less than
that reported by all physicians. Infectious disease specialists reported an
average divorce and separation rate (5.6%) that was similar to all physicians
who responded (5.7%). The percentage of married infectious disease specialists
in this survey is far higher than the marriage rate in the general US
population. In fact, the current US
Census found a decrease in the percentage of married Americans over the past 40
years, from 72% in 1970 to just 48% in 2011.[5] This parallels a
recent Pew Research Center finding that only 51% of US adults are currently
[6] The report also found that the current
marriage rate for people younger than 30 years was only 20%. Of interest, in
the general Medscape survey, nearly one half of all physicians in that same
young age group reported being married.

Does an Infectious Disease Specialist's Marital Status
Affect Level of Happiness?

According to a Pew Research Center report, 43% of married
people reported that they were "very happy," compared with only 24%
of those who were unmarried
.[1] A study (albeit an older one) of
a large sample of medical and dental professionals and their spouses reported
that 85% were satisfied with their marriages and that high levels of marital
satisfaction were associated with high levels of work satisfaction, low levels
of work stress, and fewer psychiatric symptoms
.[7] When
happiness was examined according to marital status, the highest happiness
score (out of 5) was reported by infectious disease specialists who were living
with a partner, with highest scores among those who were remarried (4.53), then
those who were single but living with a domestic partner (4.38)
. In third
place were those in a first marriage (3.98). Infectious disease specialists who
were separated or single and living alone reported being less happy (3.50),
whereas those who were divorced rounded out the bottom (3.12).

How Do Infectious Disease Specialists Rate Their Own
Physical Health?

In our survey, physicians were asked to rate their physical
health on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being very healthy and 1 being in poor
health. The healthiest specialists by this self-rating were dermatologists,
plastic surgeons, endocrinologists, orthopaedists, and cardiologists. The 5
least healthy were general surgeons, psychiatrists, ob/gyns, pediatricians, and
critical care physicians.
Infectious disease specialists who responded to
the Medscape survey were fairly close to the middle of the pack among
physicians. When results were broken down by age group, however, infectious
disease specialists between 41 and 50 years of age rated themselves as
healthier than those in their 30s (4.21 vs 3.97) -- also higher than the
average physician in this age group (4.13).

How Many Infectious Disease Specialists Are Overweight?

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), in 2008 40% of
US men were overweight and 32% were obese.[8] As for physicians in
general, a 2004 study[9] found that 38% of male physicians were
overweight and 8% were obese
. The Medscape survey suggests an
improvement in the average physicians' weight, and infectious disease
specialists fared slightly better than their peers. Approximately 30.4% of
infectious disease specialists reported being overweight, in contrast to the
32.9% average of all physicians who responded to the survey. About 4.0% of
infectious disease specialists responded that they were obese, which was better
than the 5.6% average reported among all physician respondents. Of note,
physicians' own body weight may influence how they talk to their patients about
weight. A 2012 study in Obesity reported that physicians with a normal
body mass index were more likely to engage their obese patients in weight-loss
discussions than were overweight or obese physicians (30% vs 18%).[10]
In a Medscape discussion
on overweight physicians
, a primary care physician wrote, "We are all
fallible. Physicians need to address this directly when communicating with
their patients -- why they choose to remain fat or to smoke -- so they can be

How Often Do Infectious Disease Specialists Exercise?

According to the CDC, between 1999 and 2009 the percentage
of men aged 18 years or older who met the 2008 federal aerobic activity and
muscle-strengthening guidelines increased from 19% to 22%.[8] These
guidelines recommend moderate to vigorous aerobic activity performed in
episodes of at least 10 minutes, and preferably spread throughout the week.
Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities that are moderate or high
intensity and involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week.
According to the Medscape survey, the older they are, the more infectious
disease specialists exercise, which is a trend seen among all physicians.

Whether this higher rate among older physicians is a matter of free time or
consciousness of aging cannot be determined from this survey. Almost 70% of
infectious disease specialists in their 30s reported that they exercised once a
week or less. Those numbers were flipped, however, for older physicians: Among
infectious disease specialists aged 51-60 years, 60% reported exercising 2 or
more times a week, and 76% of those aged 61-70 years exercised at the same

What Types of Exercise Do Infectious Disease Specialists
Engage in Most?

Over 73% of infectious disease specialists and 71% of all
physicians engaged in aerobic activities as their primary form of exercise
Weight training came in a distant second, with about 22% choosing it as their
favorite physical activity. Seventeen percent of infectious disease
specialists enjoy yoga, tai chi, or other Eastern practices, which was a little
more than the 15% of all physicians who do so
. Among write-in responses,
some infectious disease specialists specified skateboarding, and others said
that they did Power 90 Extreme (P90X), a workout that emphasizes intense
periodic cross-training.

Do Infectious Disease Specialists Smoke?

Although the national quit rate has increased slightly over
the past few years, according to a 2011 Harris Interactive poll, 18% of Americans still smoke.[11]
Among nonsmokers, the physicians who answered our survey -- including
infectious disease specialists -- led the national pack: A little under 1% of infectious disease
specialists said that they smoked, and about 4.4% were ex-smokers.

How Often Do Infectious Disease Specialists Drink Alcohol?

As reported in a 2010 Gallup poll, 67% of US adults drink
alcohol, a rate that has been "remarkably stable" since this began to
be tracked in 1939
.[12] According to the Medscape survey,
infectious disease specialists were just a little above the national average
and their peers; about 69% reported that they drank, and about 31% did not
drink at all
. Over one half, however, reported having fewer than 1 drink
per day, and approximately 13% reported having 1-2 drinks per day. A little over
3% of infectious disease specialists responded that they consumed more than 2
drinks daily.

How Do Infectious Disease Specialists Gauge the State of
Their Personal Finances?

As of December 2011, a Gallup poll reported that 52.5% of
Americans considered themselves to be thriving, 43.7% were struggling, and 3.7%
were suffering
.[13] In contrast, our
Medscape survey indicates that many infectious disease specialists perceive
themselves as being on secure financial footing. Over 68% of infectious
disease specialists in practice said that they had adequate or more than
adequate savings for their age and stage of life
. All of those who were
retired also reported having adequate or more than adequate savings. It should
be noted, however, that this finding may reflect the small number of
respondents in this older age group.

Are Infectious Disease Specialists Religious/Spiritual?

According to a 2008
Pew report, 88% of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit.
In our Medscape poll, instead of asking about specific religious affiliations,
we wanted to know whether physicians have a spiritual belief, regardless of
active participation. Just under three quarters of infectious disease
specialists reported that they have religious or spiritual belief, and about
39% of them actively practice their faith. Infectious disease specialists were
slightly less religious than their peers, 83% of whom reported that they had
religious beliefs.
Of note, in our survey, men and women differed
little in terms of having or not having a belief system and actively or not
actively practicing
. In the Pew report, however, men were
significantly more likely than women to claim no religious affiliation: nearly
20% vs roughly 13%, respectively.

What Would Infectious Disease Specialists Do if They Were
Told They Had a Terminal Illness?

In a 2011 poll by National Journal and the Regence
Foundation,[15] 71% of the
general population felt that quality of life was more important than length of
life, 23% felt it was important to extend life with every intervention
, and only 6% didn't know or didn't answer the question. About
three quarters of infectious disease specialists chose palliative care and
quality of life over aggressive treatment in all age groups, with the exception
of those in their 40s. This group was more uncertain, and there was an increase
in those who would choose aggressive treatment. When the responses were
filtered by religious or spiritual belief, 9% of infectious disease
specialists with no beliefs wanted aggressive treatment. Nearly 17% of those
who actively practice their religion answered that they would choose to be
treated aggressively.

Do Infectious Disease Specialists Use Social Media?

Unlike other older physicians, those in infectious disease
were as likely to use social media as those in the youngest age groups in this
survey. In fact, infectious disease specialists in their 60s were heavier
users of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter than those in their 50s.

How Many US Infectious Disease Specialists Are Citizens, and
How Many Came From Other Countries?

Approximately 58% of the infectious disease specialists
who answered Medscape's questions about citizenship were born in the United
States, and about 10% came here as children
. About 32% came to the United
States as adults -- a proportion that is much lower than the rate of 26.3% for
physicians overall that the Migration Policy Institute reported in 2007. In
this report, Asia was the origin of
the greatest proportion of foreign-born physicians -- around 22% -- followed by
Europe/Canada/Oceania at about 16%. Africa contributed about 12%, and Latin
America 6%.

What Cars Do Infectious Disease Specialists Drive?

In 2011, the top 3 highest-selling cars in the United States
were made by non-US companies: Toyota, Nissan, and Honda, with Ford coming
in fourth
.[17] Infectious disease specialists who answered the
Medscape survey also listed foreign-made cars as their top choices: Honda
(19%), Toyota (15%), and Lexus and Mercedes-Benz (both with 8%). Audi came in
. US automaker Ford didn't show up until eighth place and was chosen
by only about 5% of infectious disease specialists.

What Are Infectious Disease Specialists' Favorite Nonmedical
Mobile Apps?

Author affiliation: Carol Peckham, Director of Editorial
Development, Medscape from WebMD

Disclosure: Carol Peckham has disclosed no relevant
financial relationships.

Author affiliation: Mindy Hung, Freelance writer

Disclosure: Mindy Hung has disclosed no relevant financial

2012年3月22日 星期四

Low Vitamin D Linked to High IgE, Need for Steroids in Asthma


Kate Johnson

March 22, 2012 (Orlando, Florida) — Low serum vitamin D levels in children with asthma are associated with higher immunoglobulin (Ig)E levels and poorer response to inhaled corticosteroids, according to a study reported here at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) 2012 Annual Meeting.

"Our study suggests that in children there is a window of opportunity to reverse allergic sensitization with vitamin D supplementation,"  said Elena Goleva, PhD, from the Department of Pediatrics at the National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado.

The study involved 103 people with asthma. Mean serum vitamin D levels were 22 ng/mL for children (n = 53) and 17 ng/mL for adults (n = 50); 47.6% of the cohort was deficient in vitamin D (serum levels below 20 ng/mL).

The researchers found an inverse relation between serum IgE levels and vitamin D in children (P = .006) but not in adults (P = .1693), and an inverse relation between inhaled corticosteroid dose and serum vitamin D levels in children but not adults.

Multivariate regression showed positive correlations between vitamin D levels and the expression of several genes indicative of steroid response — Cyp24a (cytochrome P450, family 24, subfamily a) in children (P = .0084) but not adults, and LL-37 in both children (P = .0006) and adults (P = .0067).

In vitro results also showed that the expression of Cyp24a correlated with the suppression of both interleukin-13 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by dexamethasone in children (P = .0094 and P = .05, respectively) but not in adults.

Vitamin D Supplementation Debated

"We suggest that supplementation with vitamin D should be done in patients with asthma, both adults and children, to lower steroid requirement and improve steroid response," said Dr. Goleva.

"They jumped to a lot of conclusions. It didn't seem that their data were that strong for making a recommendation as far as supplementation," said a meeting attendee, a researcher with a PhD in nutrition science who asked that her name not be used. "There's still a lot to learn about vitamin D. It is very potent. Modest supplementation might be fine, but some people are giving large doses and we don't know what effect that could have. It could have some negative effects."

Although he did not hear the presentation, Audreesh Banerjee, MD, from the airways biology initiative in the pulmonary, allergy, and critical care medicine division at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, said that if deficiency in vitamin D increases steroid requirements, there is a possibility that supplementation would decrease steroid needs.

"We've been looking for a long time for steroid-sparing agents. It's not clear that vitamin D would do that, but it could be one strategy, especially if you're really having to go up to high doses of steroids," he told Medscape Medical News.

However, Dr. Banerjee urged caution, because the story of vitamin D and asthma/allergy is still evolving. "Every good scientist and clinician is also a skeptic, so we've got to make sure we see the evidence."

Dr. Goleva and Dr. Banerjee have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) 2012 Annual Meeting: Abstract 483. Presented March 4, 2012.

2012年3月21日 星期三





  歲看智力、二十看學歷、三十看能力、四 十看經歷、五十看財力、六十看體力、七 十看病歷、八十看黃曆。



「現代的文明已走到了盡頭,迷幻的街景也終究成空,心靈在睡夢中覺醒,精神正尋求自己的出路。新儉樸運動,成了後現代的 新風尚。」




一位在王品廚房打工的五十幾歲洗碗婦女,每天賺四百元,下了班背著布袋,沿街撿鋁罐維生,為了撿路中央的一個鋁 罐,居然被卡車撞死,這給我很大的震憾。


大約在同時,我接觸到愛琳詹姆絲所寫的 《生活簡單就是享受》(Simplify
Your Life
時,著實給我自己的人生找到一個新方 向,原來生活可以如此簡單。



第三步換衣服,把名牌衣服收起來,現在身上穿的襯衫,三件一千元,一次買個21件; 以前領帶平均一條四千元,大概擁有50條, 現在4條一千元,一次買個30條, 這很符合「生活簡單就是享受」的原則- 大量採購,一次買足,就可節省頻跑商店的時間。



另外,要學著每天大笑一次,剛開始笑不出來,可以先假笑, 漸漸就會懂得去笑,笑開懷的感覺會互相感染,而且開會時最好脫掉西裝,「虎皮會有虎威」,脫掉那層虎皮後,物質上變 easy 似乎也帶動心靈的easy

以前我在乎別人怎麼看,也很喜歡影響別人的想法。如果有人來哭訴自己的感情遇到 什麼波折,我不僅當場給意見,還很雞婆地打電話問人家有沒有照著做。


同時,要懂得說不,要求的人太多,如果每一次都做,只是忙忙碌碌做別人的事,實在沒有意義。也許剛開始的「不」字,讓雙方都不太習慣,但久了,這就是我的風格,也不會有人覺得你冷漠無情。這 本書裡提到一個有趣方法: 麼事也不做。

也許一天發呆個三、四個鐘 頭,真的不錯,不是完全放空冥想,而是放下手邊的工作,走路也好,坐在位子上 也好,有時靈感就會莫名其妙的跑出來。



以前還是小公司時,我很憂心地坐在辦公室 裡,皺眉認真地想怎麼解決問題才好,同事總會問說:「老闆,你幹麼坐在位子上發呆?」

現在公司變大了,坐在位子上發呆,同事卻 說:「老闆,你好認真,想公司的未來 呀?」

生活簡單就是享受》一書裡總共介紹一百招 讓生活簡單,細數一下,我已經做了28招, 其中「保持旅行的習慣」,「每年度假一 次」是最徹底的執行。

度假一定帶著家 ,旅行隨時可走,我想每天我們上班下 班,做很規律的事情,如果現在要你回想一下 三月十日  
三月二十日 ,你做了什麼?

相信你什麼都記不起來,因為每天都一樣, 但如果那段時間是去衣索比亞旅行,你一 定會記得吧。----[電腦很方便,養成寫日記、留下digital
photo journal的習慣吧

同的環境,會產生不同的刺激,才會有不 同的方法去思考;旅 行,也是可以讓你找到自我的有效方法之 一。

不過,出國旅行千萬不要買禮物,因為不患寡,患不均,過去每每旅行回來的禮物,總有人被遺忘,或者不喜歡你送的禮 物,反而大傷感情。因此,現在我出國都簡便輕裝,絕不買禮物,也省卻煩惱買什麼送人的時間。


這本書的作者愛琳花了三年時間, 成功地簡化自己的生活,又回歸「享受生活」的世界,而我也整整花了兩年的時間去適應。

以前很喜歡跟人比來比去,不喜歡被打敗的感覺。記得一次在經建會開完會後,所有 企業主在門口一排的黑頭車等著接送,有老闆問到:「戴董,你的車那一部?」我只是笑笑回說,「我坐計程車啦!」現在,我領悟到:「我退出戰局了呀!」

不再為別人而活,不再在意別人的眼光, 就像書序引述老 子的話「自勝者強」但「知足者富」;克制我心狂野,才是真正的強者,回歸內在的純真,才是真正的富有。








2012年3月19日 星期一




































