US lawmaker questions Chen treatmentBy William Lowther / Staff Reporter in WashingtonFri, Apr 27, 2012 - Page 3
Chen’s treatment ‘a tragedy’: US lawmaker
POLITICAL CRIMINALIZATION::Steve Chabot’s remarks came after FAPA wrote to US President Barack Obama asking for his help in getting Chen Shui-bian paroled
By William Lowther / Staff reporter in Washington
Fri, Mar 30, 2012 - Page 3
A member of the US Congress said on Wednesday that he considered the plight of former Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) to be a tragedy.Addressing the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Representative Steve Chabot soundly condemned Chen’s treatment.During a committee hearing into the threat of military and economic aggression from China, Chabot said: “I think the fact that the Taiwanese government has decided to move itself into the direction of the criminalization of politics is unfortunate.”He added: “The previous president — president Chen Shui-bian — is still behind bars.”“I think for an administration to come in and essentially jail the previous administration is a tragedy,” he said.Chabot ended his statement — made during the question-and-answer period of the hearing — by saying that he thought the Ma administration should deal with Chen’s imprisonment “sooner rather than later.”A Congressional staff member, who asked not to be quoted by name because he was not authorized to speak on this issue, said that he expected other members of the House to raise the Chen case.He said sympathy for Chen was growing, following reports that he was in failing health and being held in a cell without a proper bed and without a table or chair.The Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) appealed directly to US President Barack Obama last week to help Chen get medical parole so that he could receive hospital treatment.So far, the White House has not responded.Chen is currently serving a 17-and-a-half year term on two concurrent sentences related to corruption charges.The former president was recently diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome, significantly reduced blood flow and a prostate tumor.He is only allowed 30 minutes of outdoor exercise each day.FAPA official Coen Blaauw characterized Chabot’s remarks during the Congressional hearing as “dramatic.”“Chabot has been a very strong supporter of Taiwan. He has met Chen several times,” Blaauw said.“There is growing awareness and growing concern among members of the US Congress about Chen’s imprisonment,” he said.
譚慎格:馬執行討好中國政策 〔駐美特派員曹郁芬/華府二十八日報導〕美國眾議院外委會今天就中國的軍事與經濟威脅舉行聽證會,國際評估和戰略中心資深研究員譚慎格指出,台灣總統馬英九正在執行一個討好中國的政策,基本上馬政府同意台灣是中國的一部分,讓台灣正逐步進入中國的安全框架下,脫離亞洲的民主行列,未來台灣與中國可能會聯手對抗美日,因為台灣有很好的潛艦基地可以被中國用來對付日本,他認為馬政府目前只有中國政策,沒有美國政策。 台灣逐步進入中國框架 夏波議員詢問這個現象是否能逆轉,譚慎格說不是不能逆轉,但從布希到歐巴馬政府,讓台灣人認為走向獨立的政策得不到美國支持,以致台灣沒有選擇,民眾不願選出一個會挑戰中國的政府。 美中經濟及安全審查委員會委員伍爾澤說,他同意譚慎格的分析,但認為馬政府的政策不是沒有民意的支持。傳統基金會研究員成斌則表示,兩岸關係的未來應由台灣人民決定,但美國對台政策需要更有一致性並堅持到底。 今天應邀作證的包括伍爾澤、譚慎格及成斌、麻省理工學院政治系副教授傅泰林。 針對台灣空防,伍爾澤表示,美國同意台灣F-16A/B型戰機升級固然有幫助,但不足以應付台灣防禦所需。他並批評美國的軍事協助只有零星的項目,而不願幫助台灣進行主要的防禦建構調整。 回答議員提問時,研究中國軍事的成斌說,F-16A/B型戰機升級案,無法替代未來廿年台灣將老化的空防戰力,升級後的戰機未來能升空執行任務的時間會減少,即使中國沒有任何動作,台灣空防能力仍將逐年下降。 成斌並指出,北京在太空和網路兩個重要科技領域展示足以挑戰美國的能力,讓美國明白介入要付出代價,同時對東京、首爾和台灣的壓力加大,讓這些國家懷疑美國介入的有效性,質疑的時間愈長,將來在危機時要求美軍前來救援就更為遲疑。他也批評歐巴馬政府要重返亞洲的說法並沒有足夠的資源跟進。 |