2007年12月15日 星期六


許清曉 醫師 簡歷

(Clement C.S. Hsu, MD, FACP, FIDSA)


l        1963年﹕台灣大學醫學院醫科畢業﹐之後在台大附屬醫院內科接受住院醫師訓練一年

l        1965年﹕渡美。在Jersey City Medical Center , Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center , Boston City Hospital 等醫學中心受內科住院醫師訓練各一年。

l        19681972年在New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry Dr. Carroll M. Leevy之肝臟及營養科);Columbia Presbyterian Medical CenterInstitute of Cancer Research (Dr. Elliot F. Osserman之血液免疫學實驗室);紐約市Mt. Sinai Hospital小兒科(Dr. Kurt Hirschhorn之淋巴球免疫學實驗室兩年)等機構研究淋巴球免疫學﹕

l        1972-1990年﹕就職於美國芝加哥市Northwestern University醫學院內科部感染科﹐任Associate of Medicine, Assistant Professor, tenured Associate Professor of Medicine1978年開始兼任Columbus Hospital感染科主任

l        1990年返台,7月到200310月之間:擔任花蓮慈濟醫院任職醫務部主任,內科主治醫師;羅東博愛醫院感染控制科主任兼任實驗診斷科主任;衛生署花蓮醫院病理科主任兼院內感染控制委員會主任委員。

l        200310月起:高雄阮綜合醫院感染控制顧問醫師。 2007925

l        曾兼任:Institutional Review Board, Northwestern University Medical School (1974 - 1976)Infection Control Committee, Columbus Hospital, Chicago (1977 - 1990);花蓮慈濟護理專科學校教授(醫護英文術語學﹔臨床檢驗報告判讀);台灣東區感染管制聯誼會理事長(1993-1995);花蓮慈濟醫學院教授(微生物學﹐傳染病防治);高雄醫學大學內科臨床教授;「感染控制雜誌」(Infection Control Journal; NICJ)總編輯;衛生署院內感染控制諮詢委員;衛生署後天免疫缺乏徵候群諮詢委員;衛生署及醫療品質策進會,醫院評鑑委員;衛生署疾病管制局,苛難疫情調查小組委員;消防署生物化學恐怖活動反應小組委員。


l        學術論文主筆近三十篇﹐被引用500次以上

l        編著﹕「常用臨床檢驗手冊」﹐1995年第一版﹐1996年第二版﹐ 2004年第三版,332頁﹐(ISBN 957-616-411-7)﹐藝軒圖書出版社﹐台北。

l        許清曉編著:「傳染病防治手冊」。1999年第一版,856頁,(ISBN957-616-560-1)2002年第二版,917頁,(ISBN957-616-675-6),藝軒圖書出版社﹐台北。}

l        Fan BY, Hsu CCS, Huang SH, chief editors. Guidelines of Medical Record Writing. Revised edition, 2006, 208in Chinese{(范碧玉、許清曉、黃勝雄主編:『病歷書寫參考指引』20057 月初版; 208(ISBN 986-126-269-5),合記圖書出版社,台北。(局版台業字第0698號)}

許清曉編著: 「微生物學史開天闢地的醫學拓荒者」,20131月初版,20136月修訂版;初版357(ISBN 978-986-126-809-5),合記圖書出版社,台北。(局版台業字第0698號)

l        被選為美國感染症學會資深會員(院士)(Fellow of Infectious Diseases Society of America)及美國內科學院資深會員(院士)(Fellow of American College of Physicians)

l        膺得白血病`研究基金會(Leukemia Research Foundation)之醫學研究獎 (1974, 1975, 1977)

l        膺得芝加哥大都會區市民權評議會1976-1977年度「傑出新市民獎」

l        膺得西北大學之「教學﹑病患照顧﹑及醫學研究優秀獎狀」1983

l          中華民國行政院衛生署,三等「衛生獎章」,2002325

l          中華民國行政院衛生署疾病管制局,「防疫貢獻獎」,個人「研究發展類」。200274

l          感謝狀:中部辦公室主任楊漢泉、中部辦公室主任李龍騰、疾病管制局局長涂醒哲、疾病管制局局長蘇益仁。



[Number of citations in the Science Citation Index as of December, 1996]



1.        Hsu CCS, Cooperband SR: In vitro responses of lymphocytes from cancer-bearing patients to autochthonous tumor tissues. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1971;136:446-8            [16]

2.        Hsu CCS, Leevy CM: Inhibition of PHA-stimulated lymphocyte transformation by plasma from patients with advanced alcoholic cirrhosis. Clin Exp Immunol, 1971;8:749-60      [111-->116 by 2011-->127 by 2013]

3.        Hsu CCS, LoGerfo P: Correlation between serum alpha-globulin and plasma inhibitory effect of PHA-stimulated lymphocytes in colon cancer patients. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1972;139:575-8                                                   [53]

4.        LoGerfo P, Hsu CCS: Effect of halothane and cyclopropane anesthesia on the PHA-response of lymphocytes. J Surg Oncol, 1973;5:229-31                    

5.        Nicholis GL, Sabetghadam R, Hsu CCS: Cancer of the breast in a male with testicular atrophy secondary to mumps orchitis. JAMA, 1973;223:1032-3

6.        Hsu CCS, Waithe W, Hathaway P, Hirschhorn K: The effects of fetuin on lymphocytes: lymphocyte stimulating property. Clin Exp Immunol, 1973;15:427-34              [13]

7.        Klockars M, Azar HA, Hermida R, Isobe T, Hsu CCS, Ansari H, Osserman EF: The relationship of lysozyme to the nephropathy in chloro-leukemic rats and the effects of lysozyme loading on normal rat kidneys. Cancer Res, 1974;34:47-60

8.        Hsu CCS: Peripheral blood lymphocyte responses to phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen during pregnancy. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1974;146:771-5                       [50]

9.        Patterson R, Oh SH, Roberts M, Hsu CCS: Massive polyclonal hyperimmunoglobuinemia E, eosinophilia and increased IgE-bearing lymphocytes. Amer J Med, 1975;58:553-7

10.    Patterson R, Suszko IM, Hsu CCS, Roberts M, Oh SH: In vitro production of IgE by lymphocytes from a patient with hyperimmunoglobulinemia E, eosinophilia and increased lymphocytes carrying surface IgE. Clin Exp Immunol, 1975;20:165-72

11.    Hsu CCS, Marti GE, Schrek R, Williams RC Jr: Lymphocytes bearing B- and T-cell markers in patient with lymphosarcoma cell leukemia. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 1975;3:385-95  [75]

12.    Hsu CCS: Comparative effects of serum on lymphocyte responses to mitogenic stimulation. Internat Arch Allergy Appl Immunol,1976;50:14-26                               [6]

13.    Lin PS, Hsu CCS: Human leukemic T-cells with complement receptors. Clin Exp Immunol, 1976; 23:209-13

14.    Dadash-Zadeh M, Hsu CCS, Schwartz: T- and null cell proliferation in a patient with acute infectious lymphocytosis. J Pediat, 1976;88:520-1

15.    Hsu CCS, Floyd M: Lymphocyte stimulating and immunochemical properties of fetuin preparations. 24th Annual Colloquium, “Protides of the Biological Fluids”. Ed by Peeters H, Pergammon Press, Oxford, 1976;pp 295-302                                    [ 7]

16.    Hsu CCS, Chen Y, Patterson R: Peripheral blood B-lymphocyte abnormalities associated with hyperthyroidism of Graves’ disease. Clin Exp Immunol, 1976:26:431-40              [27]

17.    Hsu CCS, Marti GE, Mittal KK: Antisera against leukemia-associated antigens on human lymphocytes. Clin Exp Immunol, 1977;27:487-96                                 [9]

18.    Garcia JC, Chen Y, Hsu CCS: Lymphocyte surface markers in acute lymphoblastic leukemia of adults. Amer J Clin Path, 1977;68:543-6

19.    Hsu CCS, Morgan ER: Detection of B-lymphocyte B-cell-associated antigens on human leukemic lymphocytes. Masking of membrane antigens. Amer J Clin Path, 1978;70:741-8         [ 9]

20.    Hsu CCS: Circulating lymphocyte inhibitors in liver diseases and uremia. Concept of humoral immunoregulation and technical factors in inhibitor assays. Chapter 4 in “Naturally occurring biological immunosuppressive factors and their relationship to diseases” Neubeuer RH, ed., CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1979;pp 79-111                                         [2]

21.    Hsu CCS, Wu S J-Y, Celic L, Weaver JL, Solliday N: Increased proportion of active sheep erythrocyte-rosette-forming lymphocytes and plasma rosette enhancement in sarcoidosis. Amer Rev Resp Dis, 1979;119:383-9                                                 [7]

22.    Hsu CCS, Wu M-Y B, Rivera-Arcilla J: Inhibition of lymphocyte reactivity in vitro by autologous polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). Cell Immunol, 1979;48:288-95                      [23]

23.    Hsu CCS, Wu S J-Y, George S, Morgan ER: Assessment of shedding and re-expression of surface immunoglobulin (Ig) and Ia-like antigen Ia) on normal blood lymphocytes. Cell Immunol, 1980;52:154-62                                                             [5]

24.    Hsu CCS, Morgan ER: Indirect immunofluorescent assays for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell-associated antigen. Elimination of non-specific fluorescent stain on lymphoid cells. Amer J Clin Path, 1980;73:633-8                                                      [8]

25.    Morgan ER, Hsu CCS: Prognostic significance of the acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)-associated antigen in children with null-cell ALL. Amer J Pediat Haemat Oncol, 1980; 2:99-102

26.    Hsu CCS: Co-expression of multiple immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain classes on human leukemic B-lymphocytes (B-cells). Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 1981;18:101-7                  [ 4]

27.    Morgan ER, Hsu CCS: Relationship of a leukemia associated antigen to the presence of lymphoblasts in the peripheral blood in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood, 1981;57:879-82

28.    Teodorescu M, Hsu CCS, Bratescu & Nelson R, Kleinman R, Wen CMJ, Meyer EP, Pang EGM: The use of bacteria as markers of leukemic lymphocytes and for the isolation of natural killer cells. Modern Trends in Human Leukemia. Vol.4 (January) 1981

29.    Hsu CCS: Identification of immunoglobulin isotypes on human B-lymphocytes. Technical problem of the immunofluorescent method. Clin Immunol Newsletter, 1982;3:147-53           [1]

30.    Kalish SB, Goldsmith J, Green D, Hsu CCS, Phair JP: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in a patient with multiple risk factors. Arch Int Med, 1983;143:2310-1

31.    Kalish SB, Ostrow DG, Goldsmith J, Hsu CCS, Chmiel JS, Wallemark C-B, Phair JP: The spectrum of immunological abnormalities and clinical findings in homosexually active males. J Infect Dis, 1984;149:148-56

32.    Hsu CCS: Co-expression of multiple immunoglobulin isotypes on human B-lymphocytes. Immunol Communic, 1984;13:403-18                                                  [4]

33.    Hsu CCS, Morgan ER: enhancement of antigen expression on acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells by cell incubation. Chinese J Microbiol Immunol, 1985;18:1-9

34.    Hsu CCS, Kron MA: Clonorchiasis and praziquantel. Arch Int Med, (Editorial), 1985;145:1002-3

35.    Hsu CCS, Macaluso CP, Special L, Hubble RH: High rate of methicillin resistance among Staphylococcus aureus isolated from hospitalized nursing home patients. Arch Int Med, 1988;148:569-70                                    [48-->89 as of 2011-->97 by2013]

36.    Greenberger PA, Smith LJ, Hsu CCS, Roberto M, Liotta JL: Analysis of broncho-alveolar lavage in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: Divergent responses of antigen specific antibodiea and total IgE. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 198882:164-70

37.    Phair JP, Hsu CCS, Hsu YL: Aging and Infection. 1988 Research and the Aging Population. Wiley, Chichester. (Ciba Foundation Symposium 134) pp 143-54

38.    Hsu CCS, Ukleja B:  Clearance of Candida colonizing the urinary bladder by a 2-day amphotericin B irrigation. Infection 1990;18:280-2.                                [22-->31 by 2011]

39.    Hsu CCS, Hsu YL, Edelberg D, Grendon MT: Hospitalization of nursing home patients in the U.S.A. Causes and risk factors. J Natl Public Health Assoc, R.O.C. 1990;10:30-8

40.    Hsu CCS:  Serial survey of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage among residents in a nursing home.  Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol,  1991;12:416-21        [14-->49 as of 2011-->59 by2013]

41.    Hsu CCS, Hsu YL:  Components of hospital charges for acute care of nursing home patients in the U.S.A.  J Natl Public Health Assoc, R.O.C. 1991;10:104-13.

42.    Chen HD, Chiao K, Hsu YH, Hsu CCS, Huang TS:  Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma: Report of three cases in a family.  J Formos Med Assoc 1993;92:68-71.

43.    Hsu CCS:  Nosocomial infection control of human immunodeficiency virus. Cont Med Edu 1994;4:180-4.

44.    許清曉﹑傅鳳雪﹕病房牆上的嚙虫(Psocids in the hospital environment) 院內感染控制通訊。NICN 1992; 2(3):1-3

45.    許清曉:Sepsissepticemia之定義及其中文譯名(Definitions of “sepsis” and “septicemia”, and their Chinese translations)。院內感染控制通訊。NICN 199331﹞:7-8

46.    許清曉:「皮膚及軟組織感染」名稱的再思慮(Rethinking the term “skin and soft tissue infections”) 院內感染控制通訊。NICN 199333﹞:22 -3

47.    許清曉:院內感染控制通訊未來的發展方向(The future direction for NICN)。院內感染控制通訊 NICN 1993;3(3):39-40

48.    許清曉:院內感染管制作業的科學依據(The scientific basis of the nosocomial infection control operations)。院內感染控制通訊。NICN 1994 411 - 2

49.    許清曉:院內泌尿道感染(Nosocomial urinary tract infection) 院內感染控制通訊 NICN 19955101 - 6

50.    許清曉﹕兩岸院內感染管制學術交流紀實(Academic interaction of nosocomial infection control professionals between the Republic of China on Taiwan and the mainland China, the first visit.) 院內感染控制通訊 NICN 19955200-5

51.    許清曉﹕預防性抗微生物藥劑使用之建議 (Suggestions for the prophylactic surgical antibiotic usage)。院內感染控制雜誌 NICJ 1996679-85

52.    許清曉﹕抗微生物藥劑臨床使用的另一種教學法(A different approach in teaching the empiric use of antimicrobials )。院內感染控制雜誌 NICJ 19966306-14

53.    許清曉﹕大腸桿菌O-157感染症(Escherichia coli O-157 infection)NICJ 19977349-56

54.    許清曉﹕A guideline for antimicrobial usage in intensive care units. NICJ 1999; 9:142-50

55.    許清曉﹕A fatal new viral encephalitis epidemic in Malaysia. NICJ 1999; 9:176-81

56.    許清曉﹕Update on the epidemic of Nipah virus encephalitis in Malaysia. NICJ 1999; 9: 300-1

57.    許清曉﹕Promotion of nosocomial infection control operations in six former provincial hospitals in Taiwan. NICJ 2000; 10:45-61

58.    許清曉﹕炭疽病Anthrax. 疫情報導Epidemiology Bulletin, DOH, Taiwan 200016: 228-34

59.    許清曉﹕感染症的門診處理:口服抗生素的使用。Oral antibiotic usage in outpatient setting院內感染控制雜誌 NICJ 200111: 92-107

60.    許清曉,王立信,王任賢,楊祖光:Propriety of the Use of Antibiotics for Hospitalized Patients in Taiwan臺灣住院病患抗生素使用適當性及相關問題的調查結果。院內感染控制雜誌NICJ 200111273-88

61.    許清曉、謝國珍、莊意芬、劉勝芬、馬桂美、梁瓊芳、王妙娟、劉淑媛、林靜、簡麗暖、王曉慧、翁昭景、李宜秀:臺灣衛生署立醫院院內感染控制作業的集體推動及其檢討。Promotion of Nosocomial Infection Control Functions at 23 Department of Health Hospitals in Taiwan院內感染控制雜誌NICJ 200212137-44

62.    許清曉:生物及化學恐怖活動。Biological and chemical terrorism。疫情報導Epidemiology Bulletin, DOH, Taiwan 200218: 15-38

63.    許清曉:對SARS衝擊後醫療改革的期許及建議。感染控制雜誌ICJ 2003; 13: 243-6

64.    許清曉:台灣住院病患抗生素使用管制過渡所可能引起的嚴重後果及其補救辦法。感染控制雜誌ICJ 2003; 13: 209-20

65.    許清曉:感染症二十例教學案例評論(上)。感染控制雜誌ICJ 2004; 14: 21-30

66.    許清曉:感染症二十例教學案例評論(下)。感染控制雜誌ICJ 2004; 14: 92-98

67.    許清曉:抗生素的使用如何管制?感染控制雜誌ICJ 2005; 15:81-87

68.    許清曉:病歷寫作。一般醫學報導第六期,三到七版2005-10-15

69.    許清曉自傳。『生生不息』,蔡文城、劉峻谷編輯(ISBN957-8324-97-9),九州圖書,台北。2006年元月,7-27

70.    許清曉:病歷寫作要點與常見錯誤。病歷管理 2006, Vol. 6, No.1: 30-43

71.  許清曉:「假使我是你,、、」Dr. Arnold S. Relman對「告知病人,如何選擇」的建議。醫療品質雜誌 2008;2(2):110-111

72.  許清曉:病程記錄書寫的改進意見。醫療品質雜誌 2008;3 (May): p.100-105

73. 許清曉:Fever of unknown origin. 不明熱。內科學誌 2010 ; 21: 1-6

Letters-to Editor

1.        Hsu CCS, Fell A: Polymorphonuclear cells form E-rosettes. N Engl J Med, 1974;290:402-3                                                 [19]

2.        Hsu CCS,: T and B lymphocytes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. N Engl J Med, 1976;295:505                                                   [ 9]

3.        Hsu CCS: When is a null cell null? Reply to a letter to Editor. J Pediat, 1976;89:335-6

4.        Hsu CCS, Wu S J-Y: Potential pitfalls of identification of B-lymphocyte surface immunoglobulins by immunofluorescent technique. Clin Immunol Newsletter, 1982;3:128-9

5.        Hsu CCS, Chang R:  Two-day continuous bladder irrigation with amphotericin B. Clin Infect Dis (correspondence) 1995;20:1570-1.                       [3]


1.        Hsu CCS, Waithe W, Hathaway P, Hirschhorn K: The effects of fetuin on lymphocytes. Federation Proceedings, 30:465a,1971. Presented at FASEB meeting in Chicago, 1971

2.        Hsu CCS, Marti GE, Schrek R, Williams RC Jr: A human T-cell leukemia with B-cell characteristics. Federation Proceedings, 33:731A, 1974. Presented at FASEB meeting in Atlantic City, 1974

3.        Hsu CCS, Schwartz SD, Mittal KK, Marti GE: Antisera against human lymphocytic leukemia-associated antigens. Federation Proceedings, 35:623a, 1976. Presented at FASEB meeting in Anaheim, California, 1976

4.        Hsu CCS, Floyd M: B-lymphocyte stimulation by a fetuin preparation. 24th Colloquium - Protides of the biological fluids. Presented in Brugge, Belgium, 1976. (Co-chaired the session on fetal proteins).

5.        Hsu CCS, Wu M-Y B, Rivera-Arcilla J: Unstimulated 6-day culture of human blood lymphocytes. Federation Proceedings, 36:1308a, 1977

6.        Morgan ER, Hsu CCS: Prognostic implications of a leukemia associated antigen (ALLA) in children with null cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (nALLA). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, November, 1979

7.        Morgan ER, Hsu CCS: Determination of a leukemia associated antigen on peripheral blood (PB) samples in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALLA) : A sensitive assay for detection of leukemia cells. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Hematology, November, 1979

8.        Hsu CCS, Wu S J-Y, George S, Morgan, ER (introduced by R. Patterson): Assessment of lymphocyte membrane antigen turnover. Clin Res, 1980

9.        Hsu CCS, Hedger R, Nam KI, Kapadia N: Co-expression of multiple immunoglobulin isotypes on non-leukemic human B-lymphocytes. Presented at the Seventh International Conference. “Defined Immunofluorescence, Immunoenzyme Studies and Related Labeling Techniques” in Buffalo, NY, June 10, 1982

10.    Hsu CCS: Co-expression of multiple immunoglobulin isotypes on B-lymphocytes. Federation Proceedings, 42:687a, 1983. Presented at FASEB meeting in Chicago, April 12, 1983. Abstract #2313

11.    許清曉﹑許玉麗﹑Edelberg DGrendon MT: 美國芝加哥急症住院之養老院病人及其嚴重痴呆症之簡單臨床評估法。中華民國第四屆台灣東部地區學術討論會。1990825日於花蓮。(Hsu CCS, Hsu YL, Edelberg D, Grendon MT: A simple method for clinical evaluation of severe dementia for hospitalized nursing home patients in Chicago. Presented at 4th Medical Convention in Eastern Taiwan, R.O.C.)

12.    許清曉﹑林等義﹕Methicillin抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌(MSSA)在長期共同培養後對methicillin抗藥性菌種(MRSA)之抑制(Inhibition of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a long term co-culture with the methicillin-sensitive strain)1992年台灣區醫學會聯合學術演講會﹐院內感染學術研討會。1992117日於台北。

13.    Hsu CCS:  Natural course of MRSA nasal carriage in a nursing home.  Presented in the Third Annual Convention of Nosocomial Infection Control Society of R.O.C., December 9, 1995.

14.    許清曉﹕大腸桿菌O-157感染症。19971111日中華民國內科醫學會年會演講。(Hsu CCS: Escherichia coli O-157 infection. Presented at 1997 Annual Convention of the Society for Internal Medicine, R.O.C. on November 11, 1997 in Taipeiand in National Convention for Disease Control and Prevention, R.O.C. at Fey-Tsuey Wan, Taiwan, on May 21, 1998)

Monographs (四冊,請看學術成績一項)

1.        Hsu CCS: Handbook of Clinical Laboratory Tests. 1st edition, 1995; 2nd edition, 1996, 332 pages; third edition, 2004, 336 pages; in Chinese{ 許清曉編著:「常用臨床檢驗手冊」﹐1995年第一版﹐1996年第二版﹐332頁﹐(ISBN 957-616-411-7)2004年第三版 336(ISBN 957-616-797-3); 藝軒圖書出版社﹐台北。(新聞局出版事業登記証局版台業字第一六八七號)}

2.        Hsu CCS: Handbook of Communicable Disease Control. 1st edition, 1999; 856 pages in Chinese2nd edition, 2002; 917 pages, in Chinese{許清曉編著:「傳染病防治手冊」。1999年第一版,856頁,(ISBN957-616-560-1),藝軒圖書出版社﹐台北。(新聞局出版事業登記証局版台業字第一六八七號)}


