2007年12月16日 星期日

Lowest forms of creatures



"Lowest forms of creatures"

Friends:  To clarify myself, excluding the corrupt and cruel parts of it, I love Chinese culture. Putting politics aside, many Chinese I met in the past were very polite, civilized, and very likeable. I am very sympathetic to those poor Chinese laborers who worked so hard and yet their products are now rejected by the whole world as poisonous, dangerous, and unreliable. I feel sorry for them. I can read simplified Chinese quite well now. And I rather follow Chinese way of phonetic notation of Chinese characters using alphabets than the traditional way. (By that, CSC will be Zhang Chang-shee, TS will be Zhan Deh-sheng, TTT will be Guo Cheng-tong. They are more reasonable and understandable. But I like to add intonation after each character, Zhang Chang2-Shee3, Zhan Deh2-Shen4, Lein2 Yau2-dong etc. Intonation is a very important part in the pronunciation of Chinese language.)   


However, I do not regard China as my motherland just because there is a similarity in DNAs or because we speak the same language and love their culture. I rather identify myself with democratic countries that respect human rights. The way it is now, China is an enemy country to Taiwan, which I love. Any Chinese who claim their rights over Taiwan, without asking the opinion of Taiwanese will be my adversaries. Those who want to use force to take over Taiwan will be my enemy.


In democracy, one may say or do whatever one wishes, as long as that does not go beyond what is allowed by the law.  In this 21st Century, one may choose to exhibit any form of personality and behavior, but to live one’s life as an upright human being, one must show self-respect and act honorably. Not that every person’s life has to be irreproachable, but one has to be able to see one’s own errors or deficiencies. 


What I despise most in Taiwan are some politicians who are dishonest, who try to lie about their anti-democracy and anti-freedom actions in the past, those who have no shame, those who steal from Taiwanese and then flee to China, and those who belittle and insult Taiwan that has fed them for decades. Those are the people who are trying to raise all kinds of chaos in Taiwan now, using all sorts of dirty tricks, in order to regain their rule of Taiwan. They will try to hold on to some form of power by selling Taiwan to China against the will of Taiwanese.   I particularly loathe those who go to China, kowtowing to Chinese officials with subservient smiles, pretending that they themselves do not realize that they are surrendering unconditionally to Communist Chinese, which they fought against and called their names for so many years.  Those sycophants, toadies, bootlickers, flatterers, crawlers, creeps flock to China, cover-up their past official ROC titles and act as if they are winners unashamedly; all because they do not want to regard themselves as Taiwanese where they have lived for more than 50 years; some were born there!!! They think they are higher class than Taiwanese! They are not embarrassed to kneel to China, but ashamed to be recognized as Taiwanese! Several years ago, one Taiwan-born KMT member went to the tomb of 1911 revolutionaries in China with number one shameless KMT, L.Z., and wept, or wailed!! Gaaaash! How creepy can one be!! That gave me goose pimples all over every time I think of it! They are the most detestable worms on this earth, lowest form of creatures by any standard in the civilized world!!

Yes, China is a strong country now. But being strong militarily or economically is not the same as being respectable.  An authoritarian state can become a bully anytime and always is a menace to world peace. Those who sing or coo-coo as China expects you to and those who adore and pamper this ruffian country are moral supporters of this barbarian nation. Many feel nothing wrong to be a flatterer of a strong nation, calling themselves pragmatist, and start calling her Motherland, but count me out!   I am certainly not one of them!




