2012年2月29日 星期三



阿扁這八年的政績, 換成馬英九一輩子也無法達成
作者: 飆股狩獵者 / 發表日期: 2008/9/14
















推展台灣新知識運動,強化台灣主體意識;主張台灣要正名,台灣母親的名字,是我們最美麗、最有力的名字、也是參加聯合國等國際組織最好的名字;高達 77.3%的民眾贊成以台


積極平反二二八事件;推動正名工作,2006.3.24卸下總統府介壽館牌銜,改掛總統府;2006.9.6中正機場更名為台灣桃園機場; 2007.2.12中國石油更名為台灣中油;

2007.2.12中華郵政更名為台灣郵政;2007.3.3中國造船更名為台灣國際造船公司; 2007.5.19中正紀念堂更名為台灣民主紀念館。

















阿扁這八年的政績, 換成馬英九一輩子也無法達成!!!

資料來源: 鯨魚網站 2012-02-25


2012年2月28日 星期二

《林保華專欄》新加坡狗論闖禍 香港憂心二二八










2012年2月27日 星期一



◎ 黃招榮


New York Times 的報導:二二八事件與日本、中國共產黨無關。且 New York Times
的記者曾目睹軍人強暴婦女。二二八發生時,紐西蘭人艾倫‧詹姆士‧謝克頓(Allan J






◎ 洪世才






◎ 楊彥騏








◎ 賴佑哲




還有,楊逸舟的《二二八民變》以行政院一九六○年下令註銷十二萬有籍無人的戶籍,當做二二八罹難人數的一個參考數據。這些數字,比起今日利比亞、埃及和敘利亞都是有過之而無不及,「大屠殺」三個字絕不為過!人民對涉案的中國國民黨政權,理應比照那些中東專制政權辦理。 (作者為旅美台僑)


死亡人數成謎 張炎憲:當時政府最該負責







救命恩人 228槍下亡 蕭萬長感懷潘木枝醫師









◎ 雲程



終戰伊始,為了報復、賠償,也為了解除日本帝國主義再起,GHQ在一九四五年十一月十五日決定實施「中間賠償計劃」(interim reparation plan)︱︱以實物賠償為原則,允許戰勝國在維持日本人民最低生活標準的前提下,立即沒收日本與海外占領區物資與金融資產、拆卸工業設施,做為日本支付占領費用、充當賠償,以重建戰勝國經濟。



一個大哉問:一九四五年十二月六日占領南韓的美國軍政府雖透過「第三十三號指令」,沒收了日本公私財產,卻於一九四八年九月十一日依「美韓間財政與財產相關協定」第五條轉讓給大韓民國而同為日本外地的台灣,其公私日產(當年幣值高達十九億美元以上,折合今日約近七千億新台幣),卻被蔣介石占領當局私納為國民黨產,至今仍被恣意花用左右選舉結果這不是沒收敵產,也非中間賠償,而是「海牙第四公約」第四十七條所嚴禁的劫掠(Pillage is formally forbidden)。


They are about the pillage: the 228 Incident & KMT properties

1947, the year that 228 Incident occurred, was by all means the "hostile occupation period" of the Allies, which extended from the end of war to the entering into force of the treaty of peace, according to the US Military Codes as well as laws of war.

Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (CKS) and his subordinate General Chen Yi, the Administrator of Taiwan, were the proxy occupation authority by the Supreme Command of Allied Powers / General Head Quarter (SCAP/GHQ).  Taiwanese, who spoke Japanese then, were subjects of Japanese Empire.  In this regard, suppression or even massacre of civilians was just a part of war, even if the war had ended.  To many servicepersons, it was nothing odd in the hostile occupation.  No wonder the victorious Chinese Nationalist authority has been reluctant to apologize to Taiwanese victims in the 228 Incident.  A high-ranking general Hau still denies the massive deaths and the sufferings of the Incident 65 years later, and even two decades' democratization could not alter his biased view on who is the victor.

The pillage of CKS proxy occupation after the end of war, in fact, has prolonged the 228 sufferings.

For revenge, reparation, paying for the occupation expenses and neutralizing Japanese capacity to restart the war, SCAP/GHQ drafted an "Interim Reparation Plan" on November 15, 1945, which allowed the UN allies to confiscate Japanese financial assets and to dissemble their industrial facilities, either public or private, in Japan and its overseas territories under occupation.  The nationalist government of China set up a reparation committee to deal with it.  They claimed the reparation of31.3 billion US dollars damages on Japan, in addition to some 6 billion Yen loss to Taiwan; and three-fourths of 380 million US dollars Japanese assets in China were claimed to have derived from China during the invasion.[1]  As the shares among the UN allies in the Plans were never confirmed, the allies could not wait to split up the massive assets.  The CKS authority was no exception.

To counter the ever-growing communists and as a consequence of the Reverse Course in 1947, the Plan was terminated in 1948 under the strong protest of China and the Philippines.  The reparation was finalized in Article 14 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, in which Japan renounced all their private and public assets to the occupation authority and local government as reparation.  However, many UN allies kept claiming reparation on Japan.

A big question remains: Taiwan and Korea were two similar foreign territories to Japanese Empire before the War.  The US military government in South Korean issued Directive No. 33 to confiscate all Japanese assets on December 6, 1945, and transferred them to South Korean government on September 11, 1948 according to Article 5 of the Agreement referring to Finances and Assets between the US and South Korea.  According to the case of South Korea, the vast Japanese fortunes should have been transferred to the Taiwanese legitimate government, not proxy occupation authority.  Quite the opposite, CKS confiscated some 1.9 billion US dollars Japanese assets in Taiwan, which was equivalent to some 700 billion NT dollars today[2], and laundered them into the pocket of Kuomintang (KMT), the Chinese Nationalist Party which stayed loyal to CKS personally.  They have been used as a partisan weapon to defeat KMT's political rivals and have thus kept KMT in power with or without the election.  The laundering that occurred around 1947, the year that KMT committed the 228 slaughter, was neither a legitimate confiscation under the laws of war, nor an interim reparation.  In fact, it was against Article 47 of "the Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land," or known as "The IV Hague Convention of 1907," which stipulates "Pillage is formally forbidden."

The 228 Incident, the vast KMT assets, Taiwan's undecided status, and even the Shanghai Communiqué on February 28, 1972, which has exactly the 40th anniversary today, are all episodes of WWII aftermath.  We should study and integrate all the relevant issues and master the SFPT system before we claim our legitimate rights and correct these injustices.    revised on 20120229



◎ 盧孝治










Antibiotics May Not Be Needed for
Acute Rhinosinusitis CME

Clinical Context

Sinusitis accounts for approximately
1 in 5 antibiotic prescriptions in the United States, according to the authors
of the current study. This finding is somewhat surprising considering that
antibiotics have demonstrated mixed results in clinical trials of patients with
acute rhinosinusitis. Although objective findings such as radiographic imaging
appear to be improved with antibiotics, antibiotics appear to have a minimal
effect on clinical symptoms, in part because of rates of spontaneous
improvement of rhinosinusitis, which approach 70%.

The current study by Garbutt and
colleagues further examines the efficacy of antibiotics for acute
rhinosinusitis in a randomized trial based in primary care offices.

Study Synopsis and Perspective

Most symptoms of acute sinusitis
resolve just as quickly without antibiotics as they do with antibiotics,
according to results of a new study
in the February 15 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Jane M. Garbutt, MBChB, from the
Division of General Medical Sciences at Washington University School of
Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and colleagues conducted a randomized
controlled trial in which they compared quality of life improvement in patients
given a 10-day course of amoxicillin vs patients given a placebo.

"Considering the public health
threat posed by increasing antibiotic resistance, strong evidence of symptom
relief is needed to justify prescribing of antibiotics for this usually
self-limiting disease," the authors write.

Rhinosinusitis vs Common Cold

The study included 166 adult
patients from 10 primary care offices in St. Louis, Missouri. Patients were
eligible for the study if they met the diagnostic criteria for acute bacterial
rhinosinusitis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and if they
rated their symptoms moderate, severe, or very severe.

Patients also had to have a history
of maxillary pain or tenderness in the face or teeth, purulent nasal discharge,
and rhinosinusitis symptoms for between 7 and 28 days that were neither
improving nor worsening, or rhinosinusitis symptoms for 7 days or fewer that
first improved and then worsened.

"A lot of the other studies are
including people who just have a cold, instead of a real bacterial sinus
infection. They used a more rigorous definition here that corresponds to
guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American
College of Physicians,
" said Richard M. Rosenfeld, MD, MPH, professor and
chairman of otolaryngology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New
York, in a telephone interview with Medscape Medical News. Dr. Rosenfeld
was not involved with the study.

"The added twist on this study
is they focused on quality of life," said Dr. Rosenfeld.

Study Medications

Patients assigned to the treatment
group (n = 85) received amoxicillin 1500 mg/day in 3 divided doses for 10 days.
Patients assigned to the control group (n = 81) received a placebo.

All study participants were given a
5- to 7-day supply of symptomatic treatments
, unless their physician felt the
treatments were contraindicated. The treatments provided were acetaminophen 500
mg every 6 hours as needed for pain or fever; guaifenesin 600 mg every 12 hours
as needed to thin secretions; dextromethorphan hydrobromide 10 mg/5 mL and
guaifenesin 100 mg/5 mL every 4 to 6 hours as needed for cough;
pseudoephedrine-sustained action 120 mg every 12 hours as needed for nasal
congestion; and 0.65% saline spray, 2 puffs per nostril as needed.

The researchers assessed the effect
of treatment on disease-specific quality of life at day 3 as the primary
outcome. They used the modified Sinonasal Outcome Test-16 (SNOT-16) to measure
severity and frequency of 16 sinus-related symptoms over the prior few days.
Items assessed by the SNOT-16 tool included physical symptoms like runny nose,
cough, and ear fullness, as well as quality-of-life factors including
difficulty sleeping, trouble concentrating, and reduced productivity.

Both study groups reported high use
of symptomatic treatments (92%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 88% - 96%).

Quality-of-Life Improvement

The mean change in SNOT-16 scores
for quality of life was similar in both groups at day 3 (treatment group: 0.59
[95% CI, 0.47 to 0.71]; control group: 0.54 [95% CI, 0.41 to 0.67], P =
.69; mean difference between groups, 0.03 [95% CI, −0.12 to 0.19]).

The mean improvement in
quality-of-life scores was similar for both groups at day 10 as well (mean
difference between groups, 0.01 [95% CI, −0.13 to 0.15]). The mean improvement
in quality-of-life scores differed between the groups at day 7, with more
improvement reported by the amoxicillin group (mean difference between groups,
0.19 [95% CI, 0.024 to 0.35]).

Symptom improvement was not
significantly different between the 2 groups at day 3 (37% for the amoxicillin
group vs 34% for the control group; P = .67) or at day 10
(78% for the
amoxicillin group vs 80% for the control group; P = .71). More patients
in the amoxicillin group reported symptom improvement at day 7
(74% for
amoxicillin group vs 56% for control group
, P =.02; number needed to
treat = 6 [95% CI, 3 to 34]).

"In this study, retrospective
assessment of change in sinus symptoms suggested that antibiotic treatment may
provide more rapid resolution of symptoms for some patients by day 7. However,
when improvement was assessed as the difference in SNOT-16 scores, the
statistically significant benefit at day 7 was too small to represent any
clinically important change
," the authors write.

Resistant Organisms?

Dr. Rosenfeld suggested that the
lack of an antibiotic effect may have been a result of antibiotic-resistant organisms.
He pointed out that amoxicillin is a very common first-line antibiotic for
treating bacterial infections. Two of the 3 main bacteria that cause sinus
infections — Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis
can be resistant to penicillin- and amoxicillin-type drugs. Streptococcus
can also be resistant
, he explained.

"In the discussion section [the
authors] provide some data that in their community the resistance levels of Streptococcus
to amoxicillin are low. They don't mention anything about
resistance to the other bacteria," Dr. Rosenfeld said.

"[If you] have a sinusitis
caused by one of the penicillin- or amoxicillin-resistant germs, clearly you're
not going to see a benefit of treating with amoxicillin; that's basically the
same as giving a placebo," he added.

If the investigators had used an
antibiotic like amoxicillin clavulanate, which covers a broader spectrum of
bacteria, they may have seen a bigger benefit.
"Whether we can extrapolate
this study outside of the St. Louis area or to other antibiotics is very
unclear, and they may have missed the benefit of using a broader spectrum of
antibiotic," he explained.

"Do I think they missed a
dramatic benefit? No, but they may have missed some smaller benefit of using other
" said Dr. Rosenfeld.

"Evidence from this study
suggests that treatment with amoxicillin for 10 days offers little clinical
benefit for most patients with clinically diagnosed uncomplicated acute
rhinosinusitis," the authors write. "It is important to note that
patients with symptoms indicative of serious complications were excluded from
this trial and likely need a different management strategy
," they

One of the study coauthors, Jay F.
Piccirillo, MD, reports that he has grants pending with the National
Institutesof Health, the Department of Defense, and the Federal Emergency
Management Agency; has received honoraria from Emory University and New York
University for invited speaker positions for grand rounds; has received royalties
for the Sinonasal Outcome Test; and is chair of data and safety monitoring
boards for Apnex Medical and the National Institutes of Health, National
Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. No other author
reported potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Rosenfeld has disclosed no
relevant financial relationships.

JAMA. 2012;307:685-692.

Study Highlights

  • The study was conducted in 10
    primary care offices in Missouri. Patients eligible for study
    participation were between the 18 and 70 years old and had no history of
    recent exposure to antibiotics or medical history that would predispose
    them to complicated rhinosinusitis.

  • Cases of rhinosinusitis in the
    study were supposed to reflect moderate to severe illness. All
    participants had at least 7 days of facial pain and purulent nasal
    drainage, or less than 7 days of symptoms with significant worsening after
    initial improvement.

  • Participants were randomly
    assigned to receive amoxicillin 500 mg 3 times daily or matching placebo
    for 10 days.

  • All participants also received
    5- to 7-day supplies of multiple medications for symptomatic relief.

  • The primary study outcome was
    disease-specific quality of life at day 3 of treatment. This treatment
    point was chosen given the high rate of spontaneous resolution of
    rhinosinusitis. A validated instrument was used to measure the primary
    study outcome.

  • Other study outcomes included
    disease-specific quality of life at days 7 and 10 of treatment, patient
    symptoms, patient satisfaction with treatment, rates of relapse and
    recurrence of rhinosinusitis, and adverse events associated with study

  • 166 participants underwent
    randomization, and baseline data were similar in comparing the amoxicillin
    group vs the placebo group. The median age of participants was 32 years,
    and 64% were women. The mean duration of rhinosinusitis symptoms exceeded
    11 days, and more than 90% of participants had tried symptomatic treatment
    before coming to the clinician's office.

  • Nearly 90% of participants
    completed the study treatment in both randomly assigned groups, and 92% of
    participants used the supplied medications to relieve symptoms during the
    treatment period.

  • Disease-related quality of life
    was similar in comparing the amoxicillin group vs the placebo group at 3
    days and at 10 days. There was a small benefit for amoxicillin in this
    outcome at day 7, but the study authors state that this difference is of
    questionable clinical significance.

  • Similarly, there was no
    difference between groups in symptom improvement at days 3 and 10. 74% of
    participants receiving amoxicillin reported symptom relief at day 7 vs 56%
    of the placebo group (P = .02).

  • Subgroup analysis based on
    treatment completion and the duration of symptoms corroborated the main
    study findings.

  • Patient satisfaction with
    treatment and rates of relapse or recurrence of rhinosinusitis were also
    similar between the groups, as was the rate of absence from work.

  • Rates of adverse events were
    also similar in the amoxicillin group and the placebo group.

  • The only factor associated with
    a higher rate of treatment success at day 7 with amoxicillin vs placebo
    was nasal obstruction.

Clinical Implications

  • Although antibiotic
    prescription rates for acute rhinosinusitis are high in the United States,
    antibiotics are more associated with improvement in measurements such as
    sinus radiographic results compared with patient symptoms. Acute
    rhinosinusitis has a high rate of spontaneous improvement.

  • The current study by Garbutt
    and colleagues demonstrates that amoxicillin offered limited clinical
    benefit vs placebo among adults with acute rhinosinusitis.


2012年2月26日 星期日

醫師如何終結生命? 不驚慌,過有品質的最後一刻

Why Doctors Die Differently

Careers in medicine have taught them the limits of treatment and the need to plan for the end


Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. It was diagnosed as pancreatic cancer by one of the best surgeons in the country, who had developed a procedure that could triple a patient's five-year-survival odds—from 5% to 15%—albeit with a poor quality of life.

Arthur Giron

What's unusual about doctors is not how much treatment they get compared with most Americans, but how little.

Charlie, 68 years old, was uninterested. He went home the next day, closed his practice and never set foot in a hospital again. He focused on spending time with his family. Several months later, he died at home. He got no chemotherapy, radiation or surgical treatment. Medicare didn't spend much on him.

It's not something that we like to talk about, but doctors die, too. What's unusual about them is not how much treatment they get compared with most Americans, but how little. They know exactly what is going to happen, they know the choices, and they generally have access to any sort of medical care that they could want. But they tend to go serenely and gently.

Doctors don't want to die any more than anyone else does. But they usually have talked about the limits of modern medicine with their families. They want to make sure that, when the time comes, no heroic measures are taken. During their last moments, they know, for instance, that they don't want someone breaking their ribs by performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (which is what happens when CPR is done right).

In a 2003 article, Joseph J. Gallo and others looked at what physicians want when it comes to end-of-life decisions. In a survey of 765 doctors, they found that 64% had created an advanced directive—specifying what steps should and should not be taken to save their lives should they become incapacitated. That compares to only about 20% for the general public. (As one might expect, older doctors are more likely than younger doctors to have made "arrangements," as shown in a study by Paula Lester and others.)

Why such a large gap between the decisions of doctors and patients? The case of CPR is instructive. A study by Susan Diem and others of how CPR is portrayed on TV found that it was successful in 75% of the cases and that 67% of the TV patients went home. In reality, a 2010 study of more than 95,000 cases of CPR found that only 8% of patients survived for more than one month. Of these, only about 3% could lead a mostly normal life.

Unlike previous eras, when doctors simply did what they thought was best, our system is now based on what patients choose. Physicians really try to honor their patients' wishes, but when patients ask "What would you do?," we often avoid answering. We don't want to impose our views on the vulnerable.

The result is that more people receive futile "lifesaving" care, and fewer people die at home than did, say, 60 years ago. Nursing professor Karen Kehl, in an article called "Moving Toward Peace: An Analysis of the Concept of a Good Death," ranked the attributes of a graceful death, among them: being comfortable and in control, having a sense of closure, making the most of relationships and having family involved in care. Hospitals today provide few of these qualities.

Written directives can give patients far more control over how their lives end. But while most of us accept that taxes are inescapable, death is a much harder pill to swallow, which keeps the vast majority of Americans from making proper arrangements.

It doesn't have to be that way. Several years ago, at age 60, my older cousin Torch (born at home by the light of a flashlight, or torch) had a seizure. It turned out to be the result of lung cancer that had gone to his brain. We learned that with aggressive treatment, including three to five hospital visits a week for chemotherapy, he would live perhaps four months.

Torch was no doctor, but he knew that he wanted a life of quality, not just quantity. Ultimately, he decided against any treatment and simply took pills for brain swelling. He moved in with me.

We spent the next eight months having fun together like we hadn't had in decades. We went to Disneyland, his first time, and we hung out at home. Torch was a sports nut, and he was very happy to watch sports and eat my cooking. He had no serious pain, and he remained high-spirited.

One day, he didn't wake up. He spent the next three days in a coma-like sleep and then died. The cost of his medical care for those eight months, for the one drug he was taking, was about $20.

As for me, my doctor has my choices on record. They were easy to make, as they are for most physicians. There will be no heroics, and I will go gentle into that good night. Like my mentor Charlie. Like my cousin Torch. Like so many of my fellow doctors.

—Dr. Murray is retired clinical assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Southern California. Adapted from an article originally published on Zocalo Public Square.

2012年2月25日 星期六



◎ 賴佑哲






焦點評論/人數非焦點? 馬也錯了

[馬先生連這種基本觀念都出錯,可見其無能的程度。其實他的能力,從他的畢業論文錯誤上千,就可看出一端。看不出的人,自認是台灣人,還會投選如此明顯傾中的馬/KMT繼續執政的選民,應該反省! 不過,是太遲了吧。


投錯一次票,卻留得千古恨! 終於見證了民主國被專制國和平併吞的世界史上最荒唐的第一次,原來是如此演變而成。]

焦點評論/人數非焦點? 馬也錯了








◎ 陳頂新












殺人滅屍 好大膽子







228座談 學者批郝柏村不敢面對歷史
















其實在二次大戰後,也曾經出現「大屠殺否認者(Holocaust deniers)」,認為不可能存在六百萬猶太人被屠殺的事實,試圖為納粹德國平反;也曾有一位德籍「希特勒迷」出書,書中形容希特勒個性高雅、平和。在德國聯邦法院的見解下,猶太公民有權要求受迫害的歷史獲得正視,所以依據德國刑法第一百三十條及一百八十九條規定,這類煽惑對特定族群之憎恨、鼓吹或否認納粹犯行、詆毀死者名譽的行為,被認為是仇恨性言論,最重可處五年以下有期徒刑。面對相同的屠殺事件、相同的鼓吹強人迫害以及否認歷史悲劇的言論,台灣的做法是什麼?郝爺爺的語重心長,究竟反映了什麼樣的問題?















把民進黨給廢了吧 !!

◎ 鄧蔚偉



































2012年2月24日 星期五







February 24, 2012

The Evolution of a Point Guard


The most captivating strand of the Jeremy Lin mystique is that he came from
nowhere, emerging overnight to become a star, after being underestimated and
overlooked, disregarded by college coaches, ignored in the N.B.A. draft and waived
twice in two weeks.

narrative is well-established, factual in its broadest strokes and altogether
flawed, or at least woefully incomplete.

Lin’s rise did not begin, as the world perceived it, with a 25-point explosion
at Madison Square Garden on Feb. 4. It began with lonely 9 a.m. workouts in
downtown Oakland in the fall of 2010; with shooting drills last summer on a
backyard court in Burlingame, Calif.; and with muscle-building sessions at a
Menlo Park fitness center.

It began
with a reworked jump shot, a thicker frame, stronger legs, a sharper view of
the court — enhancements that came gradually, subtly, through study and
practice and hundreds of hours spent with assistant coaches, trainers and
shooting instructors over 18 months.

simply, the Jeremy Lin who revived the Knicks,
stunned the N.B.A. and charmed the world — the one who is averaging 22.4 points
and 8.8 assists as a starter — is not the Jeremy Lin who went undrafted out of
Harvard in June 2010. He is not even the same Jeremy Lin who was cut by the
Golden State Warriors on Dec. 9.

the mystique and the mania lies a more basic story — of perseverance, hard work
and self-belief.

“He’s in
a miracle moment, where everything has come together,” said Keith Smart, the
Sacramento Kings coach, who was Lin’s coach with the Warriors last season.

Smart can
hardly recognize his former pupil these days. Nor can Eric Musselman, who coached
Lin in the N.B.A. Development League for 20 games. Nor can Lamar Reddicks, a
former Harvard assistant coach, who fondly remembers a freshman-year Lin as
“the weakest guy on the team.”

“I look
at him on TV now,” Reddicks said, “and I’m like, I can’t imagine that he’s this

scouts saw in the spring of 2010 was a smart passer with a flawed jump shot and
a thin frame, who might not have the strength and athleticism to defend, create
his own shot or finish at the rim in the N.B.A. The evolution began from there.


earned a free-agent contract with the Warriors after a strong showing in the
2010 summer league, where he surprisingly outplayed John Wall, the No. 1 pick
in the draft.

then an assistant under Don Nelson, noticed something in Lin’s first pickup
game against the Warriors’ young stars, Stephen Curry and Monta Ellis.

getting to the paint,” Smart recalled. “You say, ‘Man, that’s a unique skill.’
Now he needs to pass the ball, as opposed to trying to get to the rim all the

Smart noticed something else. Lin was the first player at the Warriors’
training center every day, eating breakfast by 8:30 a.m. “Then, all of sudden,
you’d hear a ball bouncing on the floor,” Smart said. Practice typically began
at noon.

assistant, Stephen Silas, began working daily with Lin, and provided him with a
catalog of tapes showing elite point guards in the pick-and-roll: how they got
into the lane, how they kept the defender on their hip, how they drew in the
opposing big man to free up their pick-and-roll partner. Phoenix’s Steve Nash
figured prominently. Silas and Lin worked on drills to give Lin other options,
like a floater in the lane.

Then Lin
would get into a game and try to use what he had learned. But he would
overpenetrate and miss the open man.

wasn’t there yet,” Smart said.

As for
his perimeter game, Smart said, “Jeremy couldn’t shoot at all.”

Lin had a
habit then of pulling the ball behind his head and tucking his feet up under
him — “like he was springing up off a trampoline,” Smart said.

Lin kept arriving early, leaving late, devouring film and working studiously
with Silas and later Lloyd Pierce. But what Lin really needed was game
repetition. The Warriors sent him to Reno, their D-League affiliate, on three
occasions. That is where the lessons started to take hold.

Stages of

In Lin’s
first D-League tour, the focus was primarily on developing his pick-and-roll

“He had
no problems scoring for himself,” Musselman said. “It was more seeing the
opposite side of the floor, and using the whole floor, instead of just the side
the pick-and-roll was on. And he kept getting better and better at that.”

yet to harness his aggression, Lin got called for a lot of offensive fouls.
Still, Musselman saw something special immediately, a quality that foretold
possible greatness.

thought he was one of the best dribble-drive guys I ever coached, up there with
Gilbert Arenas,” Musselman said. “Things you can’t teach.”

By Lin’s second
tour, they were working on how to take a blow on the drive and still get off
the shot. Musselman also introduced a middle pick-and-roll — one used
frequently by Chris Paul in New Orleans — set just beyond halfcourt, in
transition, to give the guard maximum room to drive.

“That was
the point when we knew that he was a special player,” Musselman said. “Because
the more wide open the floor was, the better he became.”

They also
worked on how to read and attack defensive double-teams. On traps, Lin learned
how to draw the opposing big man out and set him up before exploding past him.

By Lin’s
third D-League tour, he had also smoothed out his jumper and become more
confident in his 3-point shot, which Musselman said was “probably the most
dramatic change.”

In 20
games, Lin averaged 18 points and 4.4 assists, while shooting .477 percent from
the field and .389 from 3-point range. Throughout the experience, Lin urged
Musselman to treat him like all of the other D-League players, and to push him
just as hard.

noticed something else, too. As an N.B.A. player on assignment, Lin got
first-class plane tickets. “He gave them to teammates,” Musselman said.

Lin’s rookie season ended, the Warriors saw a player who might grow into a
backup role behind Curry. They could not have foreseen the changes to come
between July and December.

the Ghost

Scheppler has coached in Bay Area high schools for 34 years. He first saw Lin
as a scrawny eighth-grader. But even then, “he had the ability to see the
floor, make the right decision, make the correct angle pass. And that is just
not done at 13, 14 years old.”

summer, Lin sought out Scheppler to help him with his 3-point shot. It was
improving, but Lin was still shooting too high and throwing the ball — a
“flying weapon,” Scheppler called it.

mostly in Scheppler’s backyard in Burlingame, Lin learned to begin his shot on
the way up and release it at his peak. They also worked on a variety of in-game
situations: the catch-and-shoot, off-the-dribble shots, and hesitation moves to
create space.

perfectionist tendencies came out in a 3-point-shooting drill called “beat the
ghost,” in which Lin earned 1 point for every shot he made at the arc and the
“ghost” earned 3 points for every shot Lin missed.

On one
occasion, Lin made 17 3-pointers but lost 21-17, then kicked the ball in anger,
Scheppler recalled with a chuckle. He refused to stop until he beat the ghost.
It took 14 games. When Scheppler tallied up all of the scores for the day, Lin
had converted 71 percent of his shots from the arc. “That’s the beauty of
Jeremy Lin,” Scheppler said. “It’s not about moral victories. It’s ‘I have to win.’

Yet an
outside shot would not be enough. Lin needed to be able to consistently convert
shots in the lane. And to do that, he needed to withstand the contact.

Scheppler’s advice, Lin sought out Phil Wagner, a physician and trainer who
owns Sparta Performance Science in Menlo Park. Wagner saw a player with
enviable athleticism, but who lacked the explosiveness of an elite N.B.A.

basketball players can create force very quickly,” Wagner said, referring to a
player jumping off the floor. “Jeremy couldn’t.”

compared Lin to a stretched-out rubber band — flexible, but lacking that
snap-back quality. The goal was to make him “stiffer,” through a training
program of heavy weights and low repetition, in conjunction with a high-protein
diet. With the added muscle, Lin pushed his weight to 212 pounds from 200,
while increasing his vertical leap by 3.5 inches, Wagner said. The result is
evident every time Lin barrels into the lane this season.

biggest thing I see is when he gets intro traffic, he’s able to maintain his
direction and his balance, because he’s stronger,” Wagner said, adding, “He’s a
physical guard. That’s where I see his hard work and the program he did with us
paying off.”

added: “Before, he was a motorcycle: he was maneuverable, but very off-balance.
Now he’s like a Porsche: he’s fast, but he’s stable.”

for the Warriors, they hardly had a chance to assess Lin’s off-season
transformation. The N.B.A. lockout prevented them from working with him until camps
opened in early December. He was on the court for maybe 90 minutes before the
Warriors cut him in a move to clear payroll room to chase a free-agent center.

It All Together

Knicks picked up Lin on Dec. 27, after training camps had ended, and after the
Houston Rockets cut him, also for payroll reasons. The coaches were impressed
with his solid 6-foot-3 frame and his athleticism. He instantly ranked among
their top players in agility tests.

But the
coaching staff had seen little of Lin since the spring of 2010, when they put
him through a predraft workout. Because of the compressed schedule, practices
were few. Lin was fourth on the point-guard depth chart.

the same traits Lin showed in Golden State quickly emerged. He was the first to
arrive every day, and the last to leave. He sought and devoured game tapes.
When he requested his own clips, Lin asked to see his turnovers and missed
jumpers, not his assists.

In side
sessions with the assistant Kenny Atkinson, Lin kept working on his jump shot
and his decision making in pick-and-roll situations. The coaches instantly
recognized his ability to blow past defenders, but without much regard for what
he would do once he beat them. So they worked on footwork, judgment and subtle
movements to freeze a defender.

The work
continued, quietly and without much notice, for five weeks, until Feb. 4, when
20 months of lessons coalesced into one eye-opening performance, and then a
string of them.

“He has a
tremendous capacity for processing information,” Smart said. “When you talk to
him, he’s looking you in the eye and he’s analyzing the information. He’s
putting them in the folder in his mind. Now he’s opening the folder and pulling
the things that he needs.”

Now Lin
is an entrenched starter for a quality team, with a jump shot that warrants
respect and a passing touch on par with the league’s best. But the education
continues. Teams are forcing Lin to go left, to his weaker hand. They are
flustering him with multiple defenders. On Thursday, the Miami Heat held Lin to
just 8 points and 3 assists, the worst performance of his otherwise-magical

The box
score shows failure. To Lin, it reads like a teachable moment.

“I’m sure in the next couple weeks, someone’s
going to figure out how to slow him down and stop him,” Reddicks said before
the loss to the Heat.
“It’s a chess match. He’s going to figure out how to beat that. That,
to me, is a kind of a testament of who he is.”