2008年11月15日 星期六

嚴重急性呼吸道症候群 SARS (Part-10) image studies


上接: 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群 SARS Part-9

嚴重急性呼吸道症候群 SARS (Part-10)




Case 1 A 34-year-old presented with 3-day history of fever, chills and malaise

Fig. 1, on admission showed ill-defined air space opacification in periphery of right lower zone



Figure 2 - CXR 3 days later showed progression of air space opacification in right lower zone and a new finding of similar changes in left mid and lower zones after initial treatment


Figure 3 - CXR another 3 days showed marked resolution of the consolidative changes in both lungs after treatment

Case 2: A 46-year-old health care worker presented with 2-day history of fever, chills and myalgia

Figure 1 - CXR on admission was normal

Figure 2 - CXR after 3 days showed ill-defined consolidation in periphery of left lower zone

Figure 3 - CXR after another 4 days showed progressive multi-focal consolidation in mid and lower zones of both lungs


Case 3: 52-year-old symptomatic female from Virginia
Boca Raton, Florida, USA Courtesy of Dr. Michael E. Katz M D

Fig 1: 15 MARCH 2003 (On presentation to A&E)

Fig 2: 4 days after admission

Fig 3: Another day later

Case 4: SARS Chest X-Ray: (day 5 after onset of symptoms)  Multi-focal confluent areas of air-space opacities in both lungs

Case 5: 6-year-old girl presented with fever, running nose and cough. CXR on admission showed focal air-space consolidation in left upper zone.

Case 6: 24 year old symptomatic female. Frontal view shows vague para spinal opacity in the left lower zone. HRCT showed Consolidation in the posterior basal segment of the LLL

Case 7: 29 year old symptomatic female with normal radiographic appearance. HRCT showed the consolidation of the medial basal segment of the RLL.



Case 8: (day 3 after onset of symptoms)
Peripheral ill-defined consolidation in the lateral basal segment of left lower lobe

Case 9: (day 2 after onset of symptoms)
Peripheral ground-glass opacification in middle lobe

Case 10: (day 3 after onset of symptoms)
Ground-glass opacification in perihilar region of right upper lobe

Case 11: (day 3 after onset of symptoms)
Ill-defined consolidation with air-bronchogram in apical segment of right lower lobe

Case 12: (day 5 after onset of symptoms)
Multi-focal peripheral consolidation in posterior basal segments of both lower lobes and an area of ground-glass opacification in left lingular segment

Case 13: (day 5 after onset of symptoms)
Patchy, multi-focal, ground-glass opacification and consolidation in both upper lobes

Case 14: (day 4 after onset of symptoms)
Multiple confluent areas of consolidation in the middle lower and both lower lobes

7 則留言:

  1. 這些CXR, chest CT的描述, 跟平時我們寫的方式, 差很多, 有些英文我看不懂, 也不懂怎樣翻.

  2. 這些說明是給已經有根基的人看的,所以都是止於大致說明而已。

  3. 農曆年在1月底(最後一星期).
    問你喔, 如果我沒有買按摩器材幫您按摩, 反而是買可以觀賞保值的東西送您, 您會不會不高興?

  4. 我們是否返台,還是沒有確定。

  5. 不超過30元的東西, 連零食都很少耶.
    如果我現在買起來, 您明年初回來剛好.
    不過電子產品, 在國外有電壓問題!
    我沒辦法解決! (我一直很想買個按摩器材, 可以幫您抓抓龍! 讓您運動或是坐在電腦椅前面累了, 可以自動敲敲您的腰, 背部, 可是那些很重, 不好扛!).
    跟您說喔~30元以下的過年心意, 可是很難找的喔!
    您又不缺錢, 換物品太難了拉!
    我在等家裡門口的車子離開, 被別人的車子擋住了, 沒辦法出門加班寫功課, 真糟糕! 您先休息吧.
    其實我最希望的是可以直接用寄的, 不過很多人聽到的表情, 好像運費會比送的東西貴, 我也看不懂國外是否有買東西到府服務, 又加上我看不懂英文, 您住美國, 對我來說有點不方便呢ㄆ.

  6. 我講話美國式,很直接,也不會講價,說不想讓妳花錢,就是不要妳花錢。不要讓我不愉快。妳送我東西我不會高興,妳為什麼不能瞭解?

  7. 喔..
